937 resultados para Extremidades inferiores


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O desenvolvimento do esporte paraolímpico nacional e internacional tem estimulado maior participação das pessoas com deficiência em praticar atividades desportivas, exigindo dos atletas incrementos na intensidade e freqüência nos treinamentos e competições, o que impulsiona, ainda mais, os índices de lesões esportivas traumato-ortopédicas. Objetivamos neste estudo descritivo analisar as lesões traumato-ortopédicas mais frequentes nos atletas paraolímpicos, sua localização nos segmentos corporais, correlacionando-as com as modalidades esportivas praticadas pelos integrantes das Seleções Brasileiras Paraolímpicas. O presente estudo foi realizado com 82 atletas paraolímpicos da Seleção Brasileira de Atletismo, Halterofilismo, Natação e Tênis de mesa, de ambos os sexos, com deficiências motoras, visual e intelectual, participantes dos Campeonatos Mundiais, no ano de 2002, sendo os mesmos selecionados de forma não probabilística intencional os quais atenderam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos para o estudo. Para a avaliação clínica das lesões traumato-ortopédicas foram utilizados como instrumentos de medida o Prontuário do Departamento Médico do Comitê Paraolímpico Brasileiro (técnica da observação através da história clinica esportiva do atleta / anamnese e exame físico), entrevistas com os atletas e exames complementares das lesões traumato-ortopédicas quando necessárias. Os resultados do estudo com os atletas paraolímpicos revelaram prevalência de lesões no atletismo (MMII = 64,9%, coluna = 19,3% e MMSS = 15,8%); halterofilismo (coluna = 54,5%, MMSS = 36,4% e MMII = 9,1%); natação (MMSS = 44,4%, coluna = 38,9 e MMII = 16,7%) e tênis de mesa (MMSS = 56%, coluna36% e MMII = 8%), com predomínios das lesões músculotendineas em todos os esportes pesquisados. Os resultados apresentados nos permitem concluir que em todos os esportes pesquisados os atletas paraolímpicos apresentaram um predomínio das lesões músculo-tendíneas, tendo como localização no atletismo, lesões nos membros inferiores, no halterofilismo na coluna vertebral e membros superiores, na natação e no tênis de mesa, nos membros superiores e coluna vertebral


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho, a sobrevivência e a efetividade de reversão de larvas de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L.) alimentadas com rações contendo níveis crescentes de inclusão de farinha de vísceras de aves (FVA). Utilizou-se 500 larvas de tilápia do Nilo com dois dias de idade, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições, sendo a unidade experimental constituída por um aquário de 30 L com 20 larvas. Foram elaboradas cinco rações com cinco níveis de inclusão de FVA ( 0; 20; 40, 60% e 60% mais lisina sintética). Foram elaboradas rações isocalóricas, isocálcicas, isofosfóricas e isoprotéicas, com 60mg de a-metiltestosterona/kg, 38,6% de proteína digestível e 3.700 kcal de energia digestível/kg, de modo que a ração com inclusão de lisina foi isoaminoacídica para lisina em relação à ração sem a inclusão de FVA. O arraçoamento foi realizado quatro vezes ao dia, ad libitum. Ao final, foram avaliadas as médias de peso final (PF), comprimento total (CT), sobrevivência (SO) e efetividade de reversão (ER). Foi observado aumento linear no PF e CT com o aumento da inclusão da FVA na ração, enquanto, para SO, a ração sem FVA foi inferior às demais. As rações sem inclusão de FVA e com 20% de inclusão de lisina proporcionaram PF e CT médios inferiores e somente a ração sem FVA foi inferior para SO. Conclui-se que a FVA pode ser utilizada em rações para a tilápia do Nilo durante a reversão sexual.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Dermatomycoses are fungal infections that attack the skin, hair and nails, in addition to the mucosal and cutaneous-mucosal zones. Objective: Observe the frequency of dermatomycoses, identify etiological agents and establish an association between the results and sex. Age, collection site, time and lesion location. Methods: Between February, 2002 and December, 2004, samples were collected from patients at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital in Natal, Brazil, by lesion scraping and hair removal, following 70% alcohol disinfection, and submitted to direct and culture examination. Results: Of the 817 lesions collected, 325 (39.8%) were fungus positive, with the hair collection site yielding the highest number of positive results (65.8%) and the scalp and hair representing the most frequent lesion sites (65.9%). Negative results occurred mainly in the lower limbs (78.6%). Of the species identified, 55.9% were yeasts, 41.6% dermatophytes and 2.5% Fusarium spp. Non-albicans Candida was the most isolated yeast (43.3%), mainly in females (61.7%) over the age of 40 years (56.4%). T. rubrum was the most isolated dermatophyte (67.9%),notably in males (59.2%) in the 0-20 age group (44.7%). With respect to collection site, 73.9% of the dermatophytes were present in the skin and 61.1% of the yeasts in the nails. When assessing the collection site, the inguinocrural regional was 22.6% positive for dermatophytes, and the nails and hands, 41.8% for yeasts. Conclusions: The results obtained verified that: most of the positive lesions were found in the hair, whereas skin and nail lesions yielded more negative results; T. rubrum was the most isolated dermatophyte and non-albicans candida the most commonly found yeast; positivity was greater in males in the 0-20 year age group at the skin site and in the inguinocrural region, while yeasts were more frequent in females in the over-40 age group at the nail sites


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The main aim of this study was to compare the procedure for dehydration of Gracilaria birdiae prepared handmade and laboratory, collected in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. The sample was collected in the Rio do Fogo beach in march 2009. The sample collected followed by two processing, the first the material prepared in laboratory was air-dried at 50°C for 24 hours in air-flow oven. The second the handmade sample was air-dried on the sun during three days. The extract was prepared in three different solvents: ethanol, hydroethanol and water, resulting in ethanol, hidroethanol and aqueous extracts from handmade and laboratory sample. In according with results only the ethanol extract was fractionated yielding the fractions hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions. The different process to obtain Gracilaria birdiae resulted in the samples with different shades. The soluble solids content was higher in the laboratory sample. The chemical composition the both samples were characterized by presenting a considerable amounts of carbohydrates, with amior percentage protein and ash, respectively, in the handmade and laboratory sample. In two samples showed a low content of lipids and the lipid profile showed a higher proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids, with the absence polyunsaturated handmade sample. The phytochemical screening by chemical reactions showed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and saponins the laboratory sample, presenting a greater diversity of bioactive compounds. Through of the analysis by thin layer chromatography was possible to identify the phytosterols β-sitosterol and stigmasterol the both samples, also suggest the presence of β-carotene and chlorophyll α the laboratory sample. The levels of total phenolics and flavonoids were more significant in the ethanol extract of the laboratory sample. The in vitro lethality showed that extracts of the laboratory sample and handmade from 125 to 500 μg/ mL, respectively, were highly lethal. In the evaluation of antioxidant capacity by the system β-carotene/ácido linoleic method and by DPPH radical scavernging assay, the ethanol extract from the laboratory process showed significantly greater activity than the other extracts, being and the first and second methods, respectively, lower and equivalent to the synthetic antioxidant BHT. The handmade ethanol extract has not demonstrated skill in deactivating free radicals, but showed activity in inhibiting lipid peroxidation, although the values were significantly lower than the laboratory sample. We conclude that the dehydration process in the laboratory is the most efficient technique to maintenance of the chemical composition present in the seaweed, providing beneficial properties such as antioxidant capacity. We emphasize that this property can be explored with the objective of adding commercial value to the final product, which will promote the expansion of production of this seaweed in the community of Rio do Fogo


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The presence of cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs intended for supply to the population can create public health problems for many species could produce potentially toxic compounds and these are not eliminated in the conventional procedures used in water treatment plants. So even in amounts less than the maximum allowable limit imposed by MS, cyanotoxins can be present in drinking water distributed to the population, creating a chronic exposure. There is little information about the long-term effects of oral exposure to cyanotoxins. This work aimed to show the exposure orally (v.o) of animals to a crude extract of cyanobacteria containing cyanotoxins to evaluate the reproductive performance of pregnant rats and their offspring and fertility of male rats. The presence of microcystins (MCs) in samples collected during the flowering processes in freshwater reservoirs in the Rio Grande do Norte, was analyzed by enzyme immunoassay and its variants have been identified and quantified by chromatographic methods. It was observed that by administration v.o. cyanobacterial extract containing MCs (40, 100 or 250 ng of MCs / kg / day) did not cause systemic toxicity in adult rats or effect on reproductive performance of male and female rats treated. It was also not observed any changes in skeletal study in the offspring of pregnant rats treated with the extract above. Because the solutions used contained MCs in a concentration equal to or greater than the tolerable daily intake for MCs, the results suggest, therefore, that the development of this work contributed to better assess public health risk as the oral exposure to cyanotoxins, increasing thus the credibility of the maximum allowable limit (LMP) of MCs in drinking water distributed to the population of several countries that use the LMP established by WHO in its legislation


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O objetivo desse trabalho é descrever os enrolamento das extremidades do limbo foliar, sinais externos de intoxicação e as alterações aos 7 dias após a aplicação do produto. As histológicas nas folhas de híbridos de milho alterações anatômicas observadas restringiramsubmetidos à aplicação de nicosulfuron. se às células componentes do sistema Verificou-se que os híbridos tratados dérmico. apresentaram descoloração da parte basal das lâminas das folhas centrais, enrugamento e enrolamento das extremidades do limbo foliar, aos 7 dias após a aplicação do produto. As alterações anatômicas observadas restringiramse às células componentes do sistema dérmico.


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A estimativa do diâmetro de lesões de cancro cítrico é uma das principais técnicas usadas na avaliação da interação entre isolados x genótipos, na avaliação da resistência varietal e no estudo de aspectos epidemiológicos. No entanto, inexistem informações a respeito do tamanho da amostra para uma adequada quantificação da doença, considerando o diâmetro de lesões. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação do número de amostras para mensurar o diâmetro médio de lesões de cancro cítrico. Foram considerados como fontes de variação três genótipos do hospedeiro, dois métodos de inoculação de Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri e dois avaliadores. As avaliações dos diâmetros foram realizadas considerando ou não o halo amarelo ao redor do tecido necrosado, quando presente. Estimativas do diâmetro de lesões com erros na média inferiores a 3% são impraticáveis em razão do tamanho excessivo da amostra (mais que quarenta lesões/planta). Menores erros na média ocorreram nas estimativas considerando somente o tecido necrosado. Estimativas precisas do diâmetro de lesões, com erros na média inferiores a 10%, podem ser obtidas com tamanhos de amostras entre cinco e quinze lesões/planta, independentemente do genótipo e da idade das lesões.


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A produção de 'Niagara Rosada' na entressafra, embora sendo uma excelente opção para os viticultores de Jales-SP, é problemática devido à dificuldade de emissão e desenvolvimento das brotações após a poda, realizada nos meses de ocorrência de temperaturas inferiores a 10ºC, o que tem causado pequenas produções e desestímulo entre os viticultores. Visando a solucionar este problema, foram conduzidos seis experimentos nos anos de 2001 e 2002, cujo objetivo foi verificar o efeito do ethephon aplicado antes da poda sobre o número de cachos, a produção e a qualidade da uva. Foram testadas as doses 0; 3; 6 e 9L.ha-1 de ethephon aplicado via foliar. Concluiu-se que o uso de ethephon proporcionou aumento do número de cachos e da produtividade de 'Niagara Rosada', especialmente quando da ocorrência de condições climáticas desfavoráveis e com satisfatório grau de enfolhamento. A utilização de ethephon na dose de 9L.ha-1 proporcionou aumento da produtividade da uva 'Niagara Rosada' na entressafra.


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O estudo da distribuição espacial de pragas é fundamental para elaboração de planos de amostragem que possam propiciar maior adoção do manejo integrado de pragas. Para Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B em feijoeiro Phaseolus vulgaris L., foram conduzidos ensaios de campo em uma área de 10.000 m², dividida em 100 parcelas iguais de 10 x 10 m, nas épocas de semeadura das águas e da seca. As amostragens foram realizadas semanalmente, em 10 plantas por parcela. Coletou-se um folíolo por planta e avaliou-se a presença-ausência de ninfas da mosca-branca na página abaxial. Para adultos, observou-se visualmente a presença-ausência da praga nas plantas. em todas as amostragens obtiveram-se valores menores que a unidade para a relação variância/média, indicando disposição regular da mosca-branca no campo, confirmada pelos valores significativos da estatística ½d½, do teste de afastamento da aleatoriedade, assim como pelos valores inferiores à unidade do índice de Morisita. A distribuição binomial positiva foi o modelo mais adequado para representar a distribuição espacial da B. tabaci biótipo B na cultura do feijão.


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Este estudo visou a determinar os valores eritroleucométricos e quantificar as subpopulações linfocitárias no sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU) e no sangue jugular de eqüinos neonatos. Foi realizada a colheita de SCU e do sangue jugular de 20 potros ao nascimento. As amostras foram submetidas às determinações dos valores eritroleucométricos e à quantificação de subpopulações de linfócitos-T, pela técnica citofluorométrica. Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas (P<0,05) entre os valores médios de tais parâmetros, entre o sangue jugular de neonatos e o SCU eqüino. O valor total para neutrófilos segmentados, no SCU e na jugular dos neonatos, foi inferior ao reportado para eqüinos ao nascimento. As contagens de linfócitos CD5+ e CD4+ no SCU e jugular de neonatos eqüinos foram inferiores àquelas admitidas para o sangue periférico de eqüinos adultos, indicando um componente imunológico imaturo. No entanto, a contagem de linfócitos CD8+ foi semelhante à descrita em sangue periférico de eqüinos adultos. A proporção CD4:CD8 obtida nesse ensaio, tanto para o SCU (2,64±0,91), como no sangue jugular de eqüinos neonatos (2,41±0,81), demonstrou uma dominância das células T CD4+ sobre os linfócitos T CD8+.


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The independence of the United States and the revolutions that emerged in Europe in the eighteenth century led to the birth of the written constitution, with a mission to limit the power of the State and to ensure fundamental rights to citizens. Thus, the Constitution has become the norm and ultimate founding of the State. Because of this superiority felt the need to protect her, emerging from that constitutional jurisdiction, taking control of constitutionality of provisions his main instrument. In Brazil, the constitutionality control began with the Constitution of 1891, when "imported" the American model, which is named after incidental diffuse model of judicial review. Indeed, allowed that any judge or court could declare the unconstitutionality of the law or normative act in a concrete case. However, the Brazilian Constituent did not bring the U.S. Institute of stare decisis, by which the precedents of higher courts eventually link the below. Because of this lack, each tribunal Brazilian freely decide about the constitutionality of a rule, so that the decision took effect only between the parties to the dispute. This prompted the emergence of conflicting decisions between judicantes organs, which ultimately undermine legal certainty and the image of the judiciary. As a solution to the problem, was incorporated from the 1934 Constitution to rule that the Senate would suspend the law declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. With the introduction of abstract control of constitutionality, since 1965, the Supreme Court went on to also have the power to declare the invalidity of the provision unconstitutional, effectively against all without the need for the participation of the Senate. However, it remained the view that in case the Supreme Court declared the unconstitutionality of the fuzzy control law by the Senate would continue with the competence to suspend the law unconstitutional, thus the decision of the Praetorium Exalted restricted parties. The 1988 Constitution strengthened the abstract control expanding legitimized the Declaratory Action of Unconstitutionality and creating new mechanisms of abstract control. Adding to this, the Constitutional Amendment. No. 45/2004 brought the requirement of general repercussion and created the Office of Binding Precedent, both to be applied by the Supreme Court judgments in individual cases, thus causing an approximation between the control abstract and concrete constitutional. Saw themselves so that the Supreme Court, to be the guardian of the Constitution, its action should be directed to the trial of issues of public interest. In this new reality, it becomes more necessary the participation of the Senate to the law declared unconstitutional in fuzzy control by the Supreme Court can reach everyone, because such an interpretation has become obsolete. So, to adapt it to this reality, such a rule must be read in the sense that the Senate give publicity to the law declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, since mutated constitutional


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In northeastern Brazil, Octopus insularis is the most commercially important cephalopod species and its capture has been performed for several years by the lobster fishermen in the region. In order to obtain information about the reproductive biology, 1108 specimens were collected between November 2009 and September 2011 in the landings and fish markets of Rio do Fogo (RN). For each specimen the mantle length (CM) and total fresh weight (PT) were recorded. Gonads of 264 males and 295 females were examined macroscopically and histologically to assess sexual maturation and determine reproductive indices. Four reproductive stages were determined for males (immature, maturing, mature and post-mature) and females (immature, early maturing, late maturing and mature). The average of eggs recorded in the female s gonads was 93.820 and 39 was the average of spermatophores found in male Needham s complex. Spermathecae with sperm were found in females with 69 mm CM (immature). Males and females become sexually mature at 64.41 and 98.50 mm of CM, respectively. The weight at sexual maturity was 270 g for males and 630 g for females. The values of the size and weight at sexual maturity found in this study show that males mature at smaller sizes than females. For both sexes the maturation peaks occurred in February and November 2010 and also in September 2011. The periods of maximum reproductive activity lasted about 3 months and it seems to occur every 7 10 months. Only one spent female (stage V) was found and the number of mature females was low. Presumably, mature females migrate to deep waters with complex habitat to protect the offspring, indicating that fishery by snorkeling with maximum depth of 15 meters is not reaches this part of the stock. Finally, it is noticeable the importance of the establishment of management strategies for the exploitation of O. insularis different of the ones used for O. vulgaris, once the species have distinct biological features