981 resultados para Extended techniques


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Metallic glasses have typically been treated as a “one size fits all” type of material. Every alloy is considered to have high strength, high hardness, large elastic limits, corrosion resistance, etc. However, similar to traditional crystalline materials, properties are strongly dependent upon the constituent elements, how it was processed, and the conditions under which it will be used. An important distinction which can be made is between metallic glasses and their composites. Charpy impact toughness measurements are performed to determine the effect processing and microstructure have on bulk metallic glass matrix composites (BMGMCs). Samples are suction cast, machined from commercial plates, and semi-solidly forged (SSF). The SSF specimens have been found to have the highest impact toughness due to the coarsening of the dendrites, which occurs during the semi-solid processing stages. Ductile to brittle transition (DTBT) temperatures are measured for a BMGMC. While at room temperature the BMGMC is highly toughened compared to a fully glassy alloy, it undergoes a DTBT by 250 K. At this point, its impact toughness mirrors that of the constituent glassy matrix. In the following chapter, BMGMCs are shown to have the capability of being capacitively welded to form single, monolithic structures. Shear measurements are performed across welded samples, and, at sufficient weld energies, are found to retain the strength of the parent alloy. Cross-sections are inspected via SEM and no visible crystallization of the matrix occurs.

Next, metallic glasses and BMGMCs are formed into sheets and eggbox structures are tested in hypervelocity impacts. Metallic glasses are ideal candidates for protection against micrometeorite orbital debris due to their high hardness and relatively low density. A flat single layer, flat BMG is compared to a BMGMC eggbox and the latter creates a more diffuse projectile cloud after penetration. A three tiered eggbox structure is also tested by firing a 3.17 mm aluminum sphere at 2.7 km/s at it. The projectile penetrates the first two layers, but is successfully contained by the third.

A large series of metallic glass alloys are created and their wear loss is measured in a pin on disk test. Wear is found to vary dramatically among different metallic glasses, with some considerably outperforming the current state-of-the-art crystalline material (most notably Cu₄₃Zr₄₃Al₇Be₇). Others, on the other hand, suffered extensive wear loss. Commercially available Vitreloy 1 lost nearly three times as much mass in wear as alloy prepared in a laboratory setting. No conclusive correlations can be found between any set of mechanical properties (hardness, density, elastic, bulk, or shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio, frictional force, and run in time) and wear loss. Heat treatments are performed on Vitreloy 1 and Cu₄₃Zr₄₃Al₇Be₇. Anneals near the glass transition temperature are found to increase hardness slightly, but decrease wear loss significantly. Crystallization of both alloys leads to dramatic increases in wear resistance. Finally, wear tests under vacuum are performed on the two alloys above. Vitreloy 1 experiences a dramatic decrease in wear loss, while Cu₄₃Zr₄₃Al₇Be₇ has a moderate increase. Meanwhile, gears are fabricated through three techniques: electrical discharge machining of 1 cm by 3 mm cylinders, semisolid forging, and copper mold suction casting. Initial testing finds the pin on disk test to be an accurate predictor of wear performance in gears.

The final chapter explores an exciting technique in the field of additive manufacturing. Laser engineered net shaping (LENS) is a method whereby small amounts of metallic powders are melted by a laser such that shapes and designs can be built layer by layer into a final part. The technique is extended to mixing different powders during melting, so that compositional gradients can be created across a manufactured part. Two compositional gradients are fabricated and characterized. Ti 6Al¬ 4V to pure vanadium was chosen for its combination of high strength and light weight on one end, and high melting point on the other. It was inspected by cross-sectional x-ray diffraction, and only the anticipated phases were present. 304L stainless steel to Invar 36 was created in both pillar and as a radial gradient. It combines strength and weldability along with a zero coefficient of thermal expansion material. Only the austenite phase is found to be present via x-ray diffraction. Coefficient of thermal expansion is measured for four compositions, and it is found to be tunable depending on composition.


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This thesis reports on a method to improve in vitro diagnostic assays that detect immune response, with specific application to HIV-1. The inherent polyclonal diversity of the humoral immune response was addressed by using sequential in situ click chemistry to develop a cocktail of peptide-based capture agents, the components of which were raised against different, representative anti-HIV antibodies that bind to a conserved epitope of the HIV-1 envelope protein gp41. The cocktail was used to detect anti-HIV-1 antibodies from a panel of sera collected from HIV-positive patients, with improved signal-to-noise ratio relative to the gold standard commercial recombinant protein antigen. The capture agents were stable when stored as a powder for two months at temperatures close to 60°C.


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To obtain accurate information from a structural tool it is necessary to have an understanding of the physical principles which govern the interaction between the probe and the sample under investigation. In this thesis a detailed study of the physical basis for Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy is presented. A single scattering formalism of EXAFS is introduced which allows a rigorous treatment of the central atom potential. A final state interaction formalism of EXAFS is also discussed. Multiple scattering processes are shown to be significant for systems of certain geometries. The standard single scattering EXAFS analysis produces erroneous results if the data contain a large multiple scattering contribution. The effect of thermal vibrations on such multiple scattering paths is also discussed. From symmetry considerations it is shown that only certain normal modes contribute to the Debye-Waller factor for a particular scattering path. Furthermore, changes in the scattering angles induced by thermal vibrations produces additional EXAFS components called modification factors. These factors are shown to be small for most systems.

A study of the physical basis for the determination of structural information from EXAFS data is also presented. An objective method of determining the background absorption and the threshold energy is discussed and involves Gaussian functions. In addition, a scheme to determine the nature of the scattering atom in EXAFS experiments is introduced. This scheme is based on the fact that the phase intercept is a measure of the type of scattering atom. A method to determine bond distances is also discussed and does not require the use of model compounds or calculated phase shifts. The physical basis for this method is the absence of a linear term in the scattering phases. Therefore, it is possible to separate these phases from the linear term containing the distance information in the total phase.


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An instrument, the Caltech High Energy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HEIST), has been developed to measure isotopic abundances of cosmic ray nuclei in the charge range 3 ≤ Z ≤ 28 and the energy range between 30 and 800 MeV/nuc by employing an energy loss -- residual energy technique. Measurements of particle trajectories and energy losses are made using a multiwire proportional counter hodoscope and a stack of CsI(TI) crystal scintillators, respectively. A detailed analysis has been made of the mass resolution capabilities of this instrument.

Landau fluctuations set a fundamental limit on the attainable mass resolution, which for this instrument ranges between ~.07 AMU for z~3 and ~.2 AMU for z~2b. Contributions to the mass resolution due to uncertainties in measuring the path-length and energy losses of the detected particles are shown to degrade the overall mass resolution to between ~.1 AMU (z~3) and ~.3 AMU (z~2b).

A formalism, based on the leaky box model of cosmic ray propagation, is developed for obtaining isotopic abundance ratios at the cosmic ray sources from abundances measured in local interstellar space for elements having three or more stable isotopes, one of which is believed to be absent at the cosmic ray sources. This purely secondary isotope is used as a tracer of secondary production during propagation. This technique is illustrated for the isotopes of the elements O, Ne, S, Ar and Ca.

The uncertainties in the derived source ratios due to errors in fragmentation and total inelastic cross sections, in observed spectral shapes, and in measured abundances are evaluated. It is shown that the dominant sources of uncertainty are uncorrelated errors in the fragmentation cross sections and statistical uncertainties in measuring local interstellar abundances.

These results are applied to estimate the extent to which uncertainties must be reduced in order to distinguish between cosmic ray production in a solar-like environment and in various environments with greater neutron enrichments.


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Baseado na convicção de que trabalhar é gerir fruto das pesquisas com a perspectiva da Ergologia , procura-se nesta tese pensar gestão como um conceito ampliado, algo que todos os humanos operam ao trabalhar, e não somente como uma função exclusiva de administradores, no sentido restrito do termo (referido apenas aos chefes, diretores, etc.). Tendo como campo empírico o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e investigando-se as proposições de alguns dos principais autores sobre o tema da Gestão e Planejamento em Saúde, verificou-se que uma exaustiva busca vem sendo empreendida por diversos agentes do campo da Saúde e por pesquisadores para aproximarem-se, compreenderem e desenvolverem melhor as habilidades, os conhecimentos, as competências e os dispositivos que permitiriam uma gestão mais eficiente do SUS e, mais especificamente, no âmbito de uma Unidade de Saúde Pública no Brasil. Estiveram em análise as práticas de gestão desenvolvidas em um Centro Municipal de Saúde do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), no qual o autor da tese, além das atividades de pesquisa, exercia a função de diretor geral. A tese teve como objetivo principal analisar, do ponto de vista da atividade, a dimensão gestionária do trabalho na Unidade de Saúde citada, a fim de discutir a viabilidade naquele local e, possivelmente em outras Unidades de Saúde do exercício de uma ergogestão, isto é, uma gestão com base nos princípios propostos pela Ergologia quando o ponto de vista da atividade tem cidadania no meio de trabalho. O referencial teórico constituiu-se de algumas abordagens clínicas do trabalho (Ergonomia da Atividade, Psicopatologia do Trabalho, Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e Clínica da Atividade, esta última em menor proporção) com elementos das contribuições do educador brasileiro Paulo Freire, do psicanalista inglês Donald Winnicott e do biólogo chileno Humberto Maturana, todas colocadas em sinergia dialética sob a orientação da perspectiva ergológica. No curso da investigação foram utilizados métodos e técnicas pertinentes a este quadro e que objetivaram possibilitar a aproximação e o diálogo com os protagonistas da atividade na Unidade de Saúde em análise. Destacam-se as influências da pesquisa-intervenção e da pesquisa etnográfica, sendo o principal dispositivo técnico utilizado aquele denominado Encontros sobre o Trabalho. A pesquisa empreendida, conjuntamente com a experiência concreta de gerenciamento (como diretor geral), permitiu concluir que o esforço de implantação da modalidade que se denomina ergogestão, privilegiando o ponto de vista da atividade, pôde colaborar para promover transformações positivas no cotidiano da Unidade posta em análise. Contudo, sua aceitação por um maior número de atores e seu desenvolvimento dependem do atendimento de algumas necessidades, apontadas pelo coletivo de trabalho como entraves a superar. Os achados aqui presentes podem contribuir para a construção de um patrimônio de informações acerca da Unidade. A partir desse patrimônio outras experiências de gerenciamento podem vir a se desenvolver, obtendo-se assim, cada vez maior êxito na gestão do processo de trabalho e na melhoria das condições do atendimento oferecido aos usuários.


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With continuing advances in CMOS technology, feature sizes of modern Silicon chip-sets have gone down drastically over the past decade. In addition to desktops and laptop processors, a vast majority of these chips are also being deployed in mobile communication devices like smart-phones and tablets, where multiple radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) must be integrated into one device to cater to a wide variety of applications such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, wireless charging, etc. While a small feature size enables higher integration levels leading to billions of transistors co-existing on a single chip, it also makes these Silicon ICs more susceptible to variations. A part of these variations can be attributed to the manufacturing process itself, particularly due to the stringent dimensional tolerances associated with the lithographic steps in modern processes. Additionally, RF or millimeter-wave communication chip-sets are subject to another type of variation caused by dynamic changes in the operating environment. Another bottleneck in the development of high performance RF/mm-wave Silicon ICs is the lack of accurate analog/high-frequency models in nanometer CMOS processes. This can be primarily attributed to the fact that most cutting edge processes are geared towards digital system implementation and as such there is little model-to-hardware correlation at RF frequencies.

All these issues have significantly degraded yield of high performance mm-wave and RF CMOS systems which often require multiple trial-and-error based Silicon validations, thereby incurring additional production costs. This dissertation proposes a low overhead technique which attempts to counter the detrimental effects of these variations, thereby improving both performance and yield of chips post fabrication in a systematic way. The key idea behind this approach is to dynamically sense the performance of the system, identify when a problem has occurred, and then actuate it back to its desired performance level through an intelligent on-chip optimization algorithm. We term this technique as self-healing drawing inspiration from nature's own way of healing the body against adverse environmental effects. To effectively demonstrate the efficacy of self-healing in CMOS systems, several representative examples are designed, fabricated, and measured against a variety of operating conditions.

We demonstrate a high-power mm-wave segmented power mixer array based transmitter architecture that is capable of generating high-speed and non-constant envelope modulations at higher efficiencies compared to existing conventional designs. We then incorporate several sensors and actuators into the design and demonstrate closed-loop healing against a wide variety of non-ideal operating conditions. We also demonstrate fully-integrated self-healing in the context of another mm-wave power amplifier, where measurements were performed across several chips, showing significant improvements in performance as well as reduced variability in the presence of process variations and load impedance mismatch, as well as catastrophic transistor failure. Finally, on the receiver side, a closed-loop self-healing phase synthesis scheme is demonstrated in conjunction with a wide-band voltage controlled oscillator to generate phase shifter local oscillator (LO) signals for a phased array receiver. The system is shown to heal against non-idealities in the LO signal generation and distribution, significantly reducing phase errors across a wide range of frequencies.


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Semiconductor technology scaling has enabled drastic growth in the computational capacity of integrated circuits (ICs). This constant growth drives an increasing demand for high bandwidth communication between ICs. Electrical channel bandwidth has not been able to keep up with this demand, making I/O link design more challenging. Interconnects which employ optical channels have negligible frequency dependent loss and provide a potential solution to this I/O bandwidth problem. Apart from the type of channel, efficient high-speed communication also relies on generation and distribution of multi-phase, high-speed, and high-quality clock signals. In the multi-gigahertz frequency range, conventional clocking techniques have encountered several design challenges in terms of power consumption, skew and jitter. Injection-locking is a promising technique to address these design challenges for gigahertz clocking. However, its small locking range has been a major contributor in preventing its ubiquitous acceptance.

In the first part of this dissertation we describe a wideband injection locking scheme in an LC oscillator. Phase locked loop (PLL) and injection locking elements are combined symbiotically to achieve wide locking range while retaining the simplicity of the latter. This method does not require a phase frequency detector or a loop filter to achieve phase lock. A mathematical analysis of the system is presented and the expression for new locking range is derived. A locking range of 13.4 GHz–17.2 GHz (25%) and an average jitter tracking bandwidth of up to 400 MHz are measured in a high-Q LC oscillator. This architecture is used to generate quadrature phases from a single clock without any frequency division. It also provides high frequency jitter filtering while retaining the low frequency correlated jitter essential for forwarded clock receivers.

To improve the locking range of an injection locked ring oscillator; QLL (Quadrature locked loop) is introduced. The inherent dynamics of injection locked quadrature ring oscillator are used to improve its locking range from 5% (7-7.4GHz) to 90% (4-11GHz). The QLL is used to generate accurate clock phases for a four channel optical receiver using a forwarded clock at quarter-rate. The QLL drives an injection locked oscillator (ILO) at each channel without any repeaters for local quadrature clock generation. Each local ILO has deskew capability for phase alignment. The optical-receiver uses the inherent frequency to voltage conversion provided by the QLL to dynamically body bias its devices. A wide locking range of the QLL helps to achieve a reliable data-rate of 16-32Gb/s and adaptive body biasing aids in maintaining an ultra-low power consumption of 153pJ/bit.

From the optical receiver we move on to discussing a non-linear equalization technique for a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) based optical transmitter, to enable low-power, high-speed optical transmission. A non-linear time domain optical model of the VCSEL is built and evaluated for accuracy. The modelling shows that, while conventional FIR-based pre-emphasis works well for LTI electrical channels, it is not optimum for the non-linear optical frequency response of the VCSEL. Based on the simulations of the model an optimum equalization methodology is derived. The equalization technique is used to achieve a data-rate of 20Gb/s with power efficiency of 0.77pJ/bit.