987 resultados para Estuarine


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This work was focused on a multi-purpose estuarine environment (river Sado estuary, SW Portugal) around which a number of activities (e.g., fishing, farming, heavy industry, tourism and recreational activities) coexist with urban centres with a total of about 200 000 inhabitants. Based on previous knowledge of the hazardous chemicals within the ecosystem and their potential toxicity to benthic species, this project intended to evaluate the impact of estuarine contaminants on the human and ecosystem health. An integrative methodology based on epidemiological, analytical and biological data and comprising several lines of evidence, namely, human contamination pathways, human health effects, consumption of local produce, estuarine sediments, wells and soils contamination, effects on commercial benthic organisms, and genotoxic potential of sediments, was used. The epidemiological survey confirmed the occurrence of direct and indirect (through food chain) exposure of the local population to estuarine contaminants. Furthermore, the complex mixture of contaminants (e.g., metals, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) trapped in the estuary sediments was toxic to human liver cells exposed in vitro, causing cell death, oxidative stress and genotoxic effects that might constitute a risk factor for the development of chronic-degenerative diseases, on the long term. Finally, the integration of data from several endpoints indicated that the estuary is moderately impacted by toxicants that affect also the aquatic biota. Nevertheless, the human health risk can only be correctly assessed through a biomonitoring study including the quantification of contaminants (or metabolites) in biological fluids as well as biomarkers of early biological effects (e.g., biochemical, genetic and omics-based endpoints) and genetic susceptibility in the target population. Data should be supported by a detailed survey to assess the impact of the contaminated seafood and local farm products consumption on human health and, particularly, on metabolic diseases or cancer development.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Correlation between facies associations (marine, estuarine and distal fluviatile environments) and disconformities, observed between Foz da Fonte (SW of Setúbal Peninsula) and Santa Iria da Azóia (NE of Lisbon) are presented. The precise definition of the marine-continental facies relationships improved very much the chronology of the depositional sequence boundaries. Tectonic and eustatic controls are discussed on the basis of subsidence rates variation.


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The interest for environmental fate assessment of chiral pharmaceuticals is increasing and enantioselective analytical methods are mandatory. This study presents an enantioselective analytical method for the quantification of seven pairs of enantiomers of pharmaceuticals and a pair of a metabolite. The selected chiral pharmaceuticals belong to three different therapeutic classes, namely selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine, fluoxetine and its metabolite norfluoxetine), beta-blockers (alprenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, propranolol) and a beta2-adrenergic agonist (salbutamol). The analytical method was based on solid phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with a triple quadrupole analyser. Briefly, Oasis® MCX cartridges were used to preconcentrate 250 mL of water samples and the reconstituted extracts were analysed with a Chirobiotic™ V under reversed mode. The effluent of a laboratory-scale aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactor (AGS-SBR) was used to validate the method. Linearity (r2 > 0.99), selectivity and sensitivity were achieved in the range of 20–400 ng L−1 for all enantiomers, except for norfluoxetine enantiomers which range covered 30–400 ng L−1. The method detection limits were between 0.65 and 11.5 ng L−1 and the method quantification limits were between 1.98 and 19.7 ng L−1. The identity of all enantiomers was confirmed using two MS/MS transitions and its ion ratios, according to European Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. This method was successfully applied to evaluate effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in Portugal. Venlafaxine and fluoxetine were quantified as non-racemic mixtures (enantiomeric fraction ≠ 0.5). The enantioselective validated method was able to monitor chiral pharmaceuticals in WWTP effluents and has potential to assess the enantioselective biodegradation in bioreactors. Further application in environmental matrices as surface and estuarine waters can be exploited.


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Since the first offshore Lake Erie well was drilled in 1941, the Grimsby and Thorold formations of the Cataract Group have been economically important to the oil and gas industry of Ontario. The Cataract Group provides a significant amount of Ontario's gas production primarily from wells located on Lake Erie. The Grimsby - Thorold formations are the result of nearshore estuarine processes influenced by tides on a prograding shelf and are composed of subtidal channel complexes, discrete tidal channels, mud flats and non-marine deposits. Deposition was related to a regressive - transgressive cycle associated with eustatic sea level changes caused by the melting and resurgence of continental glaciation centred in Africa in the Late Ordovician/Early Silurian. Grimsby deposition began during a regression with the deposition of subtidal channel complexes incised into the marine deposits of the Cabot Head Formation. The presence of mud drapes and mud couplets suggest that these deposits were influenced by tides. These deposits dominate the lower half of the Grimsby. Deposition continued with a change from these subtidal channel complexes to laterally migrating, discrete, shallow tidal channels and mud flats. These were in turn overlain by the non-marine deposits of the Thorold Formation. Grimsby - Thorold deposition ended with a major transgression replacing siliciclastic deposition with primarily carbonate deposition. Sediment was sourced from the east and southeast and associated with a continuation of the Taconic Orogeny into the Early Silurian. The fluvial head of the estuary prograded from a shoreline that was located in western New York and western Pennsylvania running NNE-SSW and then turning NW-SE and paralleling the present day Lake Erie shoreline. iii The facies attributed to the Grimsby - Thorold formations can be ascribed to the three zones within the tripartite zonation suggested by Dalrymple et ale (1992) for estuaries, that is, a marine-dominated facies, a mixed energy facies, and a facies that is dominated by fluvial processes. Also, sediments within the Grimsby - Thorold are commonly fining upwards sequences which are common in estuarine settings whereas deltaic deposits are normally composed of coarsening upwards sequences in a vertical wedge shape with coarser material near the head. The only coarsening observed was in the Thorold Formation and attributed to non-marine deposition by palynological evidence. The presence of a lag deposit at the base of the sediments of the Grimsby Thorold formations suggests that they were incised into the Cabot Head Formation. Further, the thickness of Early Silurian sediments located between the top of the Queenston Formation, where Early Silurian sedimentation began, to the top of the Reynales - Irondequoit formation are constant whether the Grimsby - Thorold formations are present or not. Also, cross-sections using a sand body located in the Cabot Head Formation for correlation further imply that the Grimsby Formation has been incised into the previous deposits of the Cabot Head.


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The lower Silurian Whirlpool Sandstone is composed of two main units: a fluvial unit and an estuarine to transitional marine unit. The lowermost unit is made up of sandy braided fluvial deposits, in shallow valleys, that flowed towards the northwest. The fluvial channels are largely filled by cross-bedded, well sorted, quartzose sands, with little ripple crosslaminated or overbank shales. Erosionally overlying this lower unit are brackish water to marine deposits. In the east, this unit consists of estuarine channels and tidal flat deposits. The channels consist of fluvial sands at the base, changing upwards into brackish and tidally influenced channelized sandstones and shales. The estuarine channels flowed to the southwest. Westwards, the unit contains backbarrier facies with extensive washover deposits. Separating the backbarrier facies from shoreface sandstone facies to the west, are barrier island sands represented by barrier-foreshore facies. The barrier islands are dissected by tidal inlets characterized by fining upward abandonment sequences. Inlet deposits are also present west of the barrier island, abandoned by transgression on the shoreface. The sandy marine deposits are replaced to the west by carbonates of the Manitoulin Limestone. During the latest Ordovician, a hiatus in crustal loading during the Taconic Orogeny led to erosional offloading and crustal rebound, the eroded material distributed towards the west, northwest and north as the terrestrial deposits of the fluvial Whirlpool. The "anti-peripheral bulge" of the rebound interfered with the peripheral bulge of the Michigan Basin, nulling the Algonquin Arch, and allowing the detritus of the fluvial Whirlpool to spread onto the Algonquin Arch. The Taconic Orogeny resumed in the earliest Silurian with crustal loading to the south and southeast, and causing tilting of the surface slope in subsurface Lake Erie towards the ii southwest. Lowstand terrestrial deposits were scoured into the new slope. The new crustal loading also reactivated the peripheral bulge of the Appalachian Basin, allowing it to interact with the bulge of the Michigan Basin, raising the Algonquin Arch. The crustal loading depressed the Appalachian basin and allowed transgression to occur. The renewed Algonquin Arch allowed the early Silurian transgression to proceed up two slopes, one to the east and one to the west. The transgression to the east entered the lowstand valleys and created the estuarine Whirlpool. The rising arch caused progradation of the Manitoulin carbonates upon shoreface facies of the Whirlpool Sandstone and upon offshore facies of the Cabot Head Formation. Further crustal loading caused basin subsidence and rapid transgression, abandoning the Whirlpool estuary in an offshore setting.


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Ce projet de recherche a comme objectif général de déterminer l’identité culturelle des occupants amérindiens qui se sont établis sur le site Rioux (DaEi-19), île Verte, au cours du Sylvicole supérieur tardif. Plusieurs groupes culturels sont reconnus pour avoir transité dans la région de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent pendant cette période, dont les Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, les Malécites, les Mi’kmaq et les Innus (Montagnais). Il est depuis longtemps accepté que les Stadaconiens se rendaient régulièrement dans l’estuaire et le golfe pour y exploiter les ressources marines et y faire la guerre. L’influence de ce groupe sur les Algonquiens de la région, et vice versa, fait encore l’objet de débats. L’identité culturelle des Amérindiens qui ont occupé les sites à caractère iroquoïde dans l’estuaire est toujours une question délicate, puisque les nombreux échanges ont pu, de part et d’autre, transformer la culture matérielle des différents groupes. La méthodologie préconisée pour répondre à la question de l’identité culturelle est une approche holistique dans laquelle nous avons mis à contribution une foule d’informations provenant de diverses sources archéologiques et ethnohistoriques. Ce projet nous a permis de proposer que de petits groupes iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent se soient arrêtés au site Rioux pour y exploiter intensivement les ressources de la mer au cours du Sylvicole supérieur tardif. Bien que la recherche n’ait pas permis d’établir la présence d’un groupe algonquien sur place, l’influence algonquienne se fait toutefois sentir dans les matières premières utilisées sur le site. Ceci laisse croire que les Iroquoiens du site Rioux, et de la Côte-Sud en général, n’étaient pas intrusifs à la région et qu’ils participaient à un important réseau d’échange avec les Algonquiens des provinces maritimes. Notre projet de recherche nous a aussi permis de constater les limites de notre méthodologie et de critiquer l’approche archéologique classique basée essentiellement sur l’identification stylistique, la typologie et l’identification macroscopique.


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La recherche porte sur les patrons de distribution longitudinale (amont-aval) et transversale (rive nord - rive sud) des communautés de crustacés planctoniques qui ont été analysés le long du fleuve Saint-Laurent entre le lac Saint-François et la zone de transition estuarienne, à deux hydropériodes en mai (crue) et en août (étiage). Les données zooplanctoniques et environnementales ont été récoltées à 52 stations réparties sur 16 transects transversaux en 2006. Au chapitre 1, nous présentons les principaux modèles écosystémiques en rivière, une synthèse des facteurs influençant le zooplancton en rivières et les objectifs et hypothèses de recherche. Au chapitre 2, nous décrivons la structure des communautés de zooplancton dans trois zones biogéographiques du fleuve et 6 habitats longitudinaux, ainsi que les relations entre la structure du zooplancton et la distribution spatiale des masses d’eau et les variables environnementales. Au chapitre 3, nous réalisons une partition de la variation des variables spatiales AEM (basées sur la distribution des masses d’eau) et des variables environnementales pour évaluer quelle part de la variation du zooplancton est expliquée par les processus hydrologiques (variables AEM) et les conditions locales (facteurs environnementaux). Le gradient salinité-conductivité relié à la discontinuité fleuve-estuaire a déterminé la distribution à grande échelle du zooplancton. Dans les zones fluviales, la distribution du zooplancton est davantage influencée par la distribution des masses d’eau que par les facteurs environnementaux locaux. La distribution des masses d’eau explique une plus grande partie de la variation dans la distribution du zooplancton en août qu’en mai.


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Toxoplasma gondii, un protozoaire très répandu dans le monde, peut infecter de nombreuses espèces homéothermes incluant les mammifères et les oiseaux qui développent alors une toxoplasmose. L’impact de la toxoplasmose en termes de santé publique est majeur, particulièrement chez les personnes immunodéprimées et les foetus. Les niveaux d’infection humaine dans certaines régions de l’Arctique Canadien sont parmi les plus élevés au monde et ce, malgré l’absence de félidés qui sont les seuls hôtes capables d’excréter T. gondii. Plusieurs études ont suggéré la consommation de viande crue de mammifères marins et notamment de phoques comme source d’infection des Inuits. Notre travail de recherche visait à comprendre les mécanismes de dispersion de T. gondii dans les écosystèmes aquatiques menant à la contamination du milieu marin de l’Arctique par des oocystes, et à évaluer l’importance de cette voie de dispersion dans l’infection des phoques et conséquemment dans celle des Inuits. Notre hypothèse était que les oocystes de T. gondii, excrétés durant l’hiver par des félidés dans le Subarctique et transportés par les rivières pendant la fonte printanière, contaminaient les estuaires de l’Arctique Canadien. Dans un premier temps, une étude transversale de séroprévalence chez les phoques de l’Arctique Canadien a montré que ces populations étaient infectées par T. gondii et pouvaient ainsi a priori constituer une source d’infection pour les Inuit. Des variations spatio-temporelles de la séroprévalence étaient observées suggérant un lien potentiel avec des variations dans la contamination environnementale par les oocystes. Un schéma conceptuel explicitant les mécanismes de transport et de devenir des oocystes de T. gondii, du phénomène de la fonte de la neige jusqu’à l’exposition des organismes marins, a été proposé dans le chapitre suivant. Des interactions entre les différents mécanismes identifiés, qui agissent sur des échelles spatio-temporelles variées, devraient favoriser l’apparition de concentrations relativement élevées aux estuaires permettant ainsi l’exposition et potentiellement l’infection de phoques. Pour évaluer la contamination environnementale par les oocystes excrétés par la population de lynx du bassin versant de l’Arctique Canadien (les seuls félidés majoritairement distribués dans ce vaste territoire), nous avons mené une étude sérologique de type transversale dans cette population. Cette étude a permis de montrer que des lynx étaient infectés par T. gondii et a également suggéré que la dynamique des cycles de populations lynx-lièvres pouvait être un processus important dans la transmission de T. gondii. Finalement, la modélisation du transport hydrique des oocystes a indiqué que les concentrations hypothétiques d’oocystes dans l’eau de la fonte pourraient être suffisantes pour permettre l’exposition au niveau des estuaires de bivalves filtreurs, qui sont des proies pour les phoques et donc potentiellement des sources infectieuses pour ces derniers. Dans des écosystèmes nordiques en pleine mutation, la compréhension des mécanismes de transmission d’agents pathogènes d’origine hydrique comme T. gondii est plus que nécessaire, notamment dans le but de protéger les populations fragilisées de ces régions.


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The present work attempts to trace the variation in the physical and chemical behavior of ilmenite, since its release from country rocks and subsequent transportation to the coast through the progressive weathering environments of laterite, sedimentary rocks, rivers and estuarine systems. Since the hinterland of the study area consists of crystalline and sedimentary rocks and their weathered forms (laterites), the contribution of each lithological system to the beach placer is attempted. The results of the study show that the most magnetic fraction contains more content of altered phases than the relatively unweathered fractions. The fractions separated above 0.35A define a high grade of ilmenite ore enriched in Ti content. The lattice volume generally decreases with alteration. The magnetic studies revels that the Chavara ilmenite are found to be made up to low magnetic crops with about 46% of the bulk ilmenite constituted by fractions separated at above 0.35A. In the Manavalakurichi ilmenite on the other hand, around 91% of the beach ilmenite is made of fractions separated at or below 0.3A


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The study revealed stress and localized impact of industrial waste on the biota, predominance of stress tolerant species and low diversity in the vicinity of the effluent discharge point. These studies on impact of environmental parameters on the distribution of macrobenthos thus indicate the quantum of endurance warranted by the infauna to tide over the wide range of environmental stress. Low diversity and lower number of benthic fauna near discharge site can be attributed to the stress caused by cumulative toxic effects of effluents. The results of the physico-chemical parameters highlight the effects of pollution. The results of the study indicated the changes due to the large-scale movements of the estuarine water under the influence of tide, monsoon and land runoff coupled with its heterogenous nature owing to the effluent discharge from the industries


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Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Faculty of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Department of Chemical Oceanography,Cochin University of Science and Technology