978 resultados para Erebus (Ship)


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An extensive set of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD)/lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP) data obtained within the northwestern Weddell Sea in August 1997 characterizes the dense water outflow from the Weddell Sea and overflow into the Scotia Sea. Along the outer rim of the Weddell Gyre, there is a stream of relatively low salinity, high oxygen Weddell Sea Deep Water (defined as water between 0° and ?0.7°C), constituting a more ventilated form of this water mass than that found farther within the gyre. Its enhanced ventilation is due to injection of relatively low salinity shelf water found near the northern extreme of Antarctic Peninsula's Weddell Sea shelf, shelf water too buoyant to descend to the deep-sea floor. The more ventilated form of Weddell Sea Deep Water flows northward along the eastern side of the South Orkney Plateau, passing into the Scotia Sea rather than continuing along an eastward path in the northern Weddell Sea. Weddell Sea Bottom Water also exhibits two forms: a low-salinity, better oxygenated component confined to the outer rim of the Weddell Gyre, and a more saline, less oxygenated component observed farther into the gyre. The more saline Weddell Sea Bottom Water is derived from the southwestern Weddell Sea, where high-salinity shelf water is abundant. The less saline Weddell Sea Bottom Water, like the more ventilated Weddell Sea Deep Water, is derived from lower-salinity shelf water at a point farther north along the Antarctic Peninsula. Transports of Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water masses crossing 44°W estimated from one LADCP survey are 25 ? 10**6 and 5 ? 10**6 m**3/s, respectively. The low-salinity, better ventilated forms of Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water flowing along the outer rim of the Weddell Gyre have the position and depth range that would lead to overflow of the topographic confines of the Weddell Basin, whereas the more saline forms may be forced to recirculate within the Weddell Gyre.


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Durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX la Patagonia austral argentina permaneció aislada y despoblada; recién en la segunda mitad, autoridades, científicos y pioneros empezaron a ocuparse de ella. A través de este trabajo iremos viendo distintas visiones y experiencias de algunos exploradores y pioneros, tomando como hilo conductor la isla Pavón -negocio de Luis Piedra Buena- y la zona cercana del río Santa Cruz. Esta región era, en esos momentos, la única parte del territorio con algunos habitantes. La factoría de la isla Pavón adquiere no sólo importancia económica, sino particularmente política, frente al desarrollo que va cobrando Punta Arenas y a los deseos del expansionismo chileno. Por esta razón nos detendremos, en un primer momento, en el nacimiento y los años iniciales de este enclave chileno, para comprender la trascendencia que se le debe dar al establecimiento de Piedra Buena, punto hacia donde se dirigía todo explorador y barco argentino y única barrera que existió durante mucho tiempo para defensa de nuestra soberanía.


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Data on relative contents of principal diatom groups in suspended matter collected by a separator on the way of the ship and in bottom sediments from different areas of the Indian Ocean are presented in the paper.


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Durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX la Patagonia austral argentina permaneció aislada y despoblada; recién en la segunda mitad, autoridades, científicos y pioneros empezaron a ocuparse de ella. A través de este trabajo iremos viendo distintas visiones y experiencias de algunos exploradores y pioneros, tomando como hilo conductor la isla Pavón -negocio de Luis Piedra Buena- y la zona cercana del río Santa Cruz. Esta región era, en esos momentos, la única parte del territorio con algunos habitantes. La factoría de la isla Pavón adquiere no sólo importancia económica, sino particularmente política, frente al desarrollo que va cobrando Punta Arenas y a los deseos del expansionismo chileno. Por esta razón nos detendremos, en un primer momento, en el nacimiento y los años iniciales de este enclave chileno, para comprender la trascendencia que se le debe dar al establecimiento de Piedra Buena, punto hacia donde se dirigía todo explorador y barco argentino y única barrera que existió durante mucho tiempo para defensa de nuestra soberanía.


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Total organic carbon (TOC) was analyzed on four transects along 140°W in 1992 using a high temperature combustion/discrete injection (HTC/DI) analyzer. For two of the transects, the analyses were conducted on-board ship. Mixed-layer concentrations of organic carbon varied from about 80 µM C at either end of the transect (12°N and 12°S) to about 60 µM C at the equator. Total organic carbon concentrations decreased rapidly below the mixed-layer to about 38-40 µM C at 1000 m across the transect. Little variation was observed below this depth; deep water concentrations below 2000 m were virtually monotonic at about 36 µM C. Repeat measurements made on subsequent cruises consistently found the same concentrations at 1000 m or deeper, but substantial variations were observed in the mixed-layer and the upper water column above 400 m depth. Linear mixing models of total organic carbon versus sigmaT exhibited zones of organic carbon formation and consumption. TOC was found to be inversely correlated with apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) in the region between the mixed-layer and the oxygen minimum. In the mixed-layer, TOC concentrations varied seasonally. Part of the variations in TOC at the equator was driven by changes in the upwelling rate in response to variations in physical forcing related to an El Niño and to the passage of tropical instability waves. TOC export fluxes, calculated from simple box models, averaged 8±4 mmol C/m**2/day at the equator and also varied seasonally. These export fluxes account for 50-75% of the total carbon deficit and are consistent with other estimates and model predictions.