847 resultados para Energias renováveis


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One of the main problems related to the use of diesel as fuel is the presence of sulfur (S) which causes environmental pollution and corrosion of engines. In order to minimize the consequences of the release of this pollutant, Brazilian law established maximum sulfur content that diesel fuel may have. To meet these requirements, diesel with a maximum sulfur concentration equal to 10 mg/kg (S10) has been widely marketed in the country. However, the reduction of sulfur can lead to changes in the physicochemical properties of the fuel, which are essential for the performance of road vehicles. This work aims to identify the main changes in the physicochemical properties of diesel fuel and how they are related to reduction of sulfur content. Samples of diesel types S10, S500 and S1800 were tested according with the methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The fuels were also characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and subjected to physical distillation (ASTM D86) and simulated distillation gas chromatography (ASTM D2887). The results showed that the reduction of sulfur turned the fuel lighter and fluid, allowing a greater applicability to low temperature environments and safer for transportation and storage. Through the simulated distillation data was observed that decreasing sulfur content resulted in higher initial boiling point temperatures and the decreasing of the boiling temperature of the medium and heavy fractions. Thermogravimetric analysis showed a loss event mass attributed to volatilization or distillation of light and medium hydrocarbons. Based on these data, the kinetic behavior of the samples was investigated and it was observed that the activation energies (Ea) did not show significant changes throughout conversion. Considering the average of these energies, the S1800 had the highest Ea during the conversion and the S10 the lowest values


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This work aimed to promote the synthesis, characterization and propose a plausible molecular structure for coordination compounds involving furosemide (4-Chloro-2-(2- furylmethylamino)-5-sulfamoyl-benzoic acid) with the metal ions Ni+2, Zn+2 and Co+2. The compounds were obtained in methanoic medium by evaporation of the solvent after the synthesis procedure. For characterization of coordination compounds determining the levels of metals by EDTA complexometry, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), solubility of compounds in various solvents, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis were made (DTA), determination of the carbon , hydrogen and nitrogen (CHN). The results of infrared spectroscopy in the region suggest that the organic ligand is coordinated in a bidentate fashion to the metal ions, the metal center interactions to occur by the coordination of the nitrogen atom of the amino group and the oxygen atom of the carboxylic acid of the structure of furosemide. With the results of the levels of metal, elemental analysis (CHN) and thermal analysis has been possible to propose the structure of the ligand. The values of the molar conductivity of the complex in acetonitrile behavior suggest the non acetonitrile electrolyte solution. With the solubility tests it was found that the compounds have high solubility in methanol and acetonitrile, as are partially insoluble in water. From the results of thermal analysis (TG, DSC, DTA), it was possible to obtain the thermal behavior of the compounds as stages of dehydration, thermal stability, decomposition and the energies involved.


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The currently main development model on global society is driven by an economic rationality that endangers the environment and social justice. More and more, attention to this way of production and consumption is increasing, boosting research for sustainable development, with an environmental rationality that can harmonize nature preservation and welfare of all socioeconomic classes. One of the efforts on this sense is changing the sources supplying the energy demand, replacing fossil fuels for renewable and cleaner sources, such as biofuels. Carthamus tinctorius (safflower) is an oilseed crop with potential for biodiesel production, with good oil yield and chemical profile, allied to good adaptation to climates such like the northeastern semiarid lands of Brazil. With public policies fomentation, the use of this species may be an interesting alternative for family farming. In farming in general, the use of pesticides to prevent and combat diseases and plagues is common, which is not a sustainable practice. Thus, there are researched alternative, less dangerous substances. In this study, it was aimed to assess if neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extract (20% m/v) and Bordeaux mixture (copper sulfate) have effects on safflower. It was also aimed to verify acceptance of farmers on safflower crop in Apodi, a municipality in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, in view of it being localized in the aimed region for this crop cultivation. Besides that, understanding that the farmers’ knowledge and inclination to adopt the crop is fundamental for the introduction of this species and socioeconomic growth due to its exploration. In addition, a booklet with basic information on safflower was produced. In the field experiment, the fungicides were pulverized on plants cultivated in field experimental plots, with collection of leaf samples for analysis on anatomy, cuticle, and epicuticular wax morphology, the protective layer that interfaces with the surrounding ambient. In Apodi, forty-five farmers from Potiguar Cooperative of Apiculture and Sustainable Rural Development (COOPAPI) underwent semi-structured interviews, which also addressed their assessment on currently cultivated crops and perception of pesticide uses and sustainable alternatives. After comparing using analysis of variance, it was found that there was no difference between treatments in the experiment, as well as no anatomical or morphological modifications. Safflower acceptation among farmers was wide, with 84% of interviewees believing in a perspective of good incomes. The current scenario, comprised of low crop diversity, fragile in face of droughts and plagues, can partially explain this opinion. The booklet was effective in catching people attention for the species potential. There was wide acknowledgement on the importance of alternative pesticides, justified by health security. Based on the assessed parameter in the results of this research, the treatments here utilized may be recommended as fungicides for safflower. Given the crop susceptibility to fungi in heavy rainy period, it is advised that its potential introduction on the region shall be focused on semiarid areas.


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The reservoirs are water sources built along the fluvial basins, between rivers and dams made by concrete or earth. In Brazil they are built for different purposes, standing out the generation of energy (hydroelectric power station), flowing regulation, water reserves and flooding control, therefore they have played and still play an important role in the modern society.In the Northeastern semiarid region, they are typically used to supply cities and as a source of food.In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the large reservoirs are intended for the same purpose.The cities settled in the riverbanks, or which have river channels crossing them, face flooding related problems. In the city of Macaíba-RN, flooding occurred systematically during the rainy season, causing great inconvenience to the local population.As product of the collective claim Tabatinga Reservoir in Jundiaí river was built, upstream of the city. Facing this background, this thesis aimed to assess the sócio-environmental quality of this reservoir.To achieve this goal, methodologies pointed to assess water quality along with the aplication of a questionnaire were used aimed to verify the quality of water and to know the perception of the residents from urban and rural área settled near to the reservoir was performed. The results showed the existence of conflicts of residents of rural communities and the presence of the reservoir, while for the city's population, the reservoir is considered not only the right solution to solve flooding in urban areas, but also as economic source for the rural population. Considering the water source assessment, this study concluded that the Tabatinga Reservoir is unfit for human use, due to the presence of metals of toxicological significance with the potential to elicit damage to the genetic material of individuals that use water from this reservoir, leading to cause serious risks to health population.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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A typical electrical power system is characterized by centr alization of power gene- ration. However, with the restructuring of the electric sys tem, this topology is changing with the insertion of generators in parallel with the distri bution system (distributed gene- ration) that provides several benefits to be located near to e nergy consumers. Therefore, the integration of distributed generators, especially fro m renewable sources in the Brazi- lian system has been common every year. However, this new sys tem topology may result in new challenges in the field of the power system control, ope ration, and protection. One of the main problems related to the distributed generati on is the islanding formation, witch can result in safety risk to the people and to the power g rid. Among the several islanding protection techniques, passive techniques have low implementation cost and simplicity, requiring only voltage and current measuremen ts to detect system problems. This paper proposes a protection system based on the wavelet transform with overcur- rent and under/overvoltage functions as well as infomation of fault-induced transients in order to provide a fast detection and identification of fault s in the system. The propo- sed protection scheme was evaluated through simulation and experimental studies, with performance similar to the overcurrent and under/overvolt age conventional methods, but with the additional detection of the exact moment of the fault.


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Currently, there is a great search for materials derived from renewable sources. The vegetable fibers as reinforcement for polymer matrixes, has been used as an alternative to replace synthetic fibres, being biodegradable and of low cost. The present work aims to develop a composite material with epoxy resin reinforced with curauá fibre with the addition of alumina trihydrate (aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3) as a flame retardant, which was used in proportions of 10 %, 20% and 30% of the total volume of the composite. The curauá fibers have gone through a cleaning process with an alkaline bath of sodium hydroxide (NaOH ), parallelized by hand and cut carding according to the default length . They were molded composites with fibers 30cm. Composites were molded in a Lossy Mold with unidirectional fibres in the proportion of 20% of the total volume of the composite. The composites were prepared in the Chemical Processing Laboratory of the Textile Engineering Department at UFRN. To measure the performance of the material, tests for the resistance to traction and flexion were carried out. with samples that were later analyzed in the Electronic Microscopy Apparatus (SEM ). The composites showed good mechanical properties by the addition of flame retardant and in some cases, leaving the composite more vulnerable to breakage. These mechanical results were analyzed by chi-square statistical test at the 5% significance level to check for possible differences between the composite groups. Flammability testing was conducted based on the standard Underwriters Laboratory 94 and the material showed a satisfactory result taking their average burn rate (mm / min) decreasing with increasing addition of the flame retardant composite.


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This thesis was performed in four chapters, at the theoretical level, focused mainly on electronic density. In the first chapter, we have applied an undergraduate minicourse of Diels-Alder reaction in Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. By using computational chemistry tools students could build the knowledge by themselves and they could associate important aspects of physical-chemistry with Organic Chemistry. In the second chapter, we studied a new type of chemical bond between a pair of identical or similar hydrogen atoms that are close to electrical neutrality, known as hydrogen-hydrogen (H-H) bond. In this study performed with complexed alkanes, provides new and important information about their stability involving this type of interaction. We show that the H-H bond playing a secondary role in the stability of branched alkanes in comparison with linear or less branched isomers. In the third chapter, we study the electronic structure and the stability of tetrahedrane, substituted tetrahedranes and silicon and germanium parents, it was evaluated the substituent effect on the carbon cage in the tetrahedrane derivatives and the results indicate that stronger electron withdrawing groups (EWG) makes the tetrahedrane cage slightly unstable while slight EWG causes a greater instability in the tetrahedrane cage. We showed that the sigma aromaticity EWG and electron donating groups (EDG) results in decrease and increase, respectively, of NICS and D3BIA aromaticity indices. In addition, another factor can be utilized to explain the stability of tetra-tert-butyltetrahedrane as well as HH bond. GVB and ADMP were also used to explain the stability effect of the substituents bonded to the carbon of the tetrahedrane cage. In the fourth chapter, we performed a theoretical investigation of the inhibitory effect of the drug abiraterone (ABE), used in the prostate cancer treatment as CYP17 inhibitor, comparing the interaction energies and electron density of the ABE with the natural substrate, pregnenolone (PREG). Molecular dynamics and docking were used to obtain the CYP1ABE and CYP17-PREG complexes. From molecular dynamics was obtained that the ABE has higher diffusion trend water CYP17 binding site compared to the PREG. With the ONIOM (B3LYP:AMBER) method, we find that the interaction electronic energy of ABE is 21.38 kcal mol-1 more stable than PREG. The results obtained by QTAIM indicate that such stability is due a higher electronic density of interactions between ABE and CYP17


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With the emergence of new technologies, has grown the need to use new materials, and this has intensified research on the collection and use of materials from renewable sources, is to reduce production costs and / or environmental impact. In this context, it was found that the sheath coconut straw, can be utilized as raw material for the production of a eco-composite that can be used as a thermal and acoustic insulator. After selected from the coconut sheaths were subjected to treatment with aqueous 2 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The composite study was produced with the sheath and coconut natural latex, with coconut sheath percentage in the proportions 15%, 25% and 35% of the total compound volume. Physical, thermal and acoustic properties of the composites were analyzed in order to obtain data on the use of viability as thermoacoustic insulation. The CP15 composites, CP25 and CP35 showed thermal conductivity 0.188 W/m.K, 0.155 W/m.K and 0.150 W/m.K, respectively. It can be applied as thermal insulation in hot systems to 200 ° C. The CP35 composite was more efficient as a thermal and acoustic insulation, providing 20% noise reduction, 31% and 34% for frequencies of 1 kHz, 2 kHz and 4 kHz, respectively. The analyzes were based on ABNT, ASTM, UL. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the eco-composite produced the hem of coconut can be used as thermal and acoustic insulation. Thus, it gives a more noble end to this material, which most often is burned or disposed of improperly in the environment.


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With the emergence of new technologies, has grown the need to use new materials, and this has intensified research on the collection and use of materials from renewable sources, is to reduce production costs and / or environmental impact. In this context, it was found that the sheath coconut straw, can be utilized as raw material for the production of a eco-composite that can be used as a thermal and acoustic insulator. After selected from the coconut sheaths were subjected to treatment with aqueous 2 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The composite study was produced with the sheath and coconut natural latex, with coconut sheath percentage in the proportions 15%, 25% and 35% of the total compound volume. Physical, thermal and acoustic properties of the composites were analyzed in order to obtain data on the use of viability as thermoacoustic insulation. The CP15 composites, CP25 and CP35 showed thermal conductivity 0.188 W/m.K, 0.155 W/m.K and 0.150 W/m.K, respectively. It can be applied as thermal insulation in hot systems to 200 ° C. The CP35 composite was more efficient as a thermal and acoustic insulation, providing 20% noise reduction, 31% and 34% for frequencies of 1 kHz, 2 kHz and 4 kHz, respectively. The analyzes were based on ABNT, ASTM, UL. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the eco-composite produced the hem of coconut can be used as thermal and acoustic insulation. Thus, it gives a more noble end to this material, which most often is burned or disposed of improperly in the environment.


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Smart Grids are a new trend of electric power distribution, the future of current systems. These networks are continually being introduced in order to improve the reliability of systems, providing alternatives to energy supply and cost savings. Faced with increasing electric power grids complexity, the energy demand and the introduction of alternative sources to energy generation, all components of system require a fully integration in order to achieve high reliability and availability levels (dependability). The systematization of a Smart Grid from the Fault Tree formalism enable the quantitative evaluation of dependability of a specific scenario. In this work, a methodology for dependability evaluation of Smart Grids is proposed. A study of case is described in order to validate the proposal. With the use of this methodology, it is possible to estimate during the early design phase the reliability, availability of Smart Grid beyond to identify the critical points from the failure and repair distributions of components.


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The constant search for sustainable alternatives has earned great effort of researchers in research and obtaining new materials, encouraging the rise of eco-friendly productive development and providing simple and practical solutions to economic profitability. In this sense, the use of materials derived from natural renewable sources, vegetables, has great potential applicability to sustainable development. As alternative materials plant fibers can be applied to production of a range of composite materials easing the use of materials derived from non-renewable this thesis were sisal mats used for achieving a composite matrix having as one orthophthalic polyester resin. The webs were subjected to surface treatment in boiling water for 15 minutes. The webs of sisal fibers used were, respectively, 5%, 10% and 15% of the composite weight. The composite was obtained and characterized mechanically and thermally to the chosen formulations. several plates of the composite to obtain the body of evidence for the characterization tests complying with the relevant rules were made. The obtained composites showed strength tensile and bending lower than the array, so it can be used where are required low load requests. The most significant result of the composite studied given to the impact energy absorption, far superior to the matrix used. Other properties were highlighted in oil absorption, and density. It proved the feasibility of obtaining the composite for the three formulations studied C5, C10 and C15 being the most feasible to C10. To demonstrate the feasibility of using composite were made a wall clock, a bench, a chair and a shelf, low mechanical stress structures. It was concluded that the sisal rugs exercised the load function in the composite.


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The constant search for sustainable alternatives has earned great effort of researchers in research and obtaining new materials, encouraging the rise of eco-friendly productive development and providing simple and practical solutions to economic profitability. In this sense, the use of materials derived from natural renewable sources, vegetables, has great potential applicability to sustainable development. As alternative materials plant fibers can be applied to production of a range of composite materials easing the use of materials derived from non-renewable this thesis were sisal mats used for achieving a composite matrix having as one orthophthalic polyester resin. The webs were subjected to surface treatment in boiling water for 15 minutes. The webs of sisal fibers used were, respectively, 5%, 10% and 15% of the composite weight. The composite was obtained and characterized mechanically and thermally to the chosen formulations. several plates of the composite to obtain the body of evidence for the characterization tests complying with the relevant rules were made. The obtained composites showed strength tensile and bending lower than the array, so it can be used where are required low load requests. The most significant result of the composite studied given to the impact energy absorption, far superior to the matrix used. Other properties were highlighted in oil absorption, and density. It proved the feasibility of obtaining the composite for the three formulations studied C5, C10 and C15 being the most feasible to C10. To demonstrate the feasibility of using composite were made a wall clock, a bench, a chair and a shelf, low mechanical stress structures. It was concluded that the sisal rugs exercised the load function in the composite.


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It seeks to find an alternative to the current tantalum electrolytic capacitors in the market due to its high cost. Niobium is a potential replacement for be lighter and cheaper than tantalum. They belong to the same table group periodically and thus exhibit several physical and chemical properties similar. Niobium is used in many technologically important applications, and Brazil has the largest reserves, around 96%. These electrolytic capacitors have high specific capacitance, so they can store high energy in small volumes compared to other types of capacitors. This is the main attraction of this type of capacitor because is growing demand in the production of capacitors with capacitance specifies increasingly high, this because of the miniaturization of various devices such as GPS devices, televisions, computers, phones and many others. The production route of the capacitor was made by powder metallurgy. The initial niobium poder was first characterized by XRD, SEM and laser particle size to then be sieved into particle size 400mesh. The powder was then compacted at pressure of 150MPa and sintered at 1400, 1450 and 1500°C using two sintering time 30 and 60min. Sintering is an important part of the process as it affects properties as porosity and surface cleaning of the samples, which greatly affected the quality of the capacitor. After sintering the samples were underwent a process of anodic oxidation (anodizing), which created a thin film of niobium pentoxide over the whole surface of the sample, this film is the dielectric capacitor. The anodizing process variables influenced a lot in film formation and consequently the capacitor. The samples were characterized by electrical measurements of capacitance, loss factor and ESR (equivalent series resistance). The sintering has affected the porosity and in turn the specific area of the samples. The capacitor area is directly related to the capacitance, that is, the higher the specific area is the capacitance. Higher sintering temperatures decrease the surface area but eliminate as many impurities. The best results were obtained at a temperature of 1400°C with 60 minutes. The most interesting results were compared with the specific capacitance and ESR for all samples.


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It seeks to find an alternative to the current tantalum electrolytic capacitors in the market due to its high cost. Niobium is a potential replacement for be lighter and cheaper than tantalum. They belong to the same table group periodically and thus exhibit several physical and chemical properties similar. Niobium is used in many technologically important applications, and Brazil has the largest reserves, around 96%. These electrolytic capacitors have high specific capacitance, so they can store high energy in small volumes compared to other types of capacitors. This is the main attraction of this type of capacitor because is growing demand in the production of capacitors with capacitance specifies increasingly high, this because of the miniaturization of various devices such as GPS devices, televisions, computers, phones and many others. The production route of the capacitor was made by powder metallurgy. The initial niobium poder was first characterized by XRD, SEM and laser particle size to then be sieved into particle size 400mesh. The powder was then compacted at pressure of 150MPa and sintered at 1400, 1450 and 1500°C using two sintering time 30 and 60min. Sintering is an important part of the process as it affects properties as porosity and surface cleaning of the samples, which greatly affected the quality of the capacitor. After sintering the samples were underwent a process of anodic oxidation (anodizing), which created a thin film of niobium pentoxide over the whole surface of the sample, this film is the dielectric capacitor. The anodizing process variables influenced a lot in film formation and consequently the capacitor. The samples were characterized by electrical measurements of capacitance, loss factor and ESR (equivalent series resistance). The sintering has affected the porosity and in turn the specific area of the samples. The capacitor area is directly related to the capacitance, that is, the higher the specific area is the capacitance. Higher sintering temperatures decrease the surface area but eliminate as many impurities. The best results were obtained at a temperature of 1400°C with 60 minutes. The most interesting results were compared with the specific capacitance and ESR for all samples.