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Nitric oxide (NO) is a chemical messenger generated by the activity of the nitric oxide synthases (NOS). The NOS/NO system appears to be involved in oocyte maturation, but there are few studies on gene expression and protein activity in oocytes of cattle. The present study aimed to investigate gene expression and protein activity of NOS in immature and in vitro matured oocytes of cattle. The influence of pre-maturation culture with butyrolactone I in NOS gene expression was also assessed. The following experiments were performed: (1) detection of the endothelial (eNOS) and inducible (iNOS) isoforms in the ovary by immunohistochemistry; (2) detection of eNOS and iNOS in the oocytes before and after in vitro maturation (W) by immunofluorescence; (3) eNOS and iNOS mRNA and protein in immature and in vitro matured oocytes, with or without pre-maturation, by real time PCR and Western blotting, respectively; and (4) NOS activity in immature and in vitro matured oocytes by NADPH-diaphorase. eNOS and iNOS were detected in oocytes within all follicle categories (primary, secondary and tertiary), and other compartments of the ovary and in the cytoplasm of immature and in vitro matured oocytes. Amount of mRNA for both isoforms decreased after IVM but was maintained after pre-maturation culture. The NOS protein was detected in immature (pre-mature or not) and was still detected in similar amount after pre-maturation and maturation for both isoforms. NOS activity was detected only in part of the immature oocytes. In conclusion, isoforms of NOS (eNOS and iNOS) are present in oocytes of cattle from early folliculogenesis up to maturation; in vitro maturation influences amount of mRNA and NOS activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Oocyte developmental competence depends on maternal stores that support development throughout a transcriptionally silent period during early embryogenesis. Previous attempts to investigate transcripts associated with oocyte competence have relied on prospective models, which are mostly based on morphological. criteria. Using a retrospective model, we quantitatively compared mRNA among oocytes with different embryo development competence. A cytoplasm biopsy was removed from in vitro matured oocytes to perform comparative analysis of amounts of global polyadenylated (polyA) mRNA and housekeeping gene transcripts. After parthenogenetic activation of biopsied oocytes, presumptive zygotes were cultured individually in vitro and oocytes were classified according to embryo development: (i) blocked before the 8-cell stage; (ii) blocked between the 8-cell and morulae stages; or (iii) developed to the blastocyst stage. Sham-manipulated controls confirmed that biopsies did not alter development outcome. Total polyA mRNA amounts correlate with oocyte diameter but not with the ability to develop to the 8-cell and blastocyst stages. The last was also confirmed by relative quantification of GAPDH, H2A and Hprt1 transcripts. In conclusion, we describe a novel retrospective model to identify putative markers of development competence in single oocytes and demonstrate that global mRNA amounts at the metaphase II stage do not correlate with embryo development in vitro.
Although cloning of mammals has been achieved successfully, the percentage of live offspring is very low because of reduced fetal size and fewer implantation sites. Recent studies have attributed such pathological conditions to abnormal reprogramming of the donor cell used for cloning. The inability of the oocyte to fully restore the differentiated status of a somatic cell to its pluripotent and undifferentiated state is normally evidenced by aberrant DNA methylation patterns established throughout the genome during development to blastocyst. These aberrant methylation patterns are associated with abnormal expression of imprinted genes, which among other genes are essential for normal embryo development and gestation. We hypothesized that embryo loss and low implantation rates in cattle derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are caused by abnormal epigenetic reprogramming of imprinted genes. To verify our hypothesis, we analyzed the parental expression and the differentially methylated domain (DMD) methylation status of the H19 gene. Using a parental-specific analysis, we confirmed for the first time that H19 biallelic expression is tightly associated with a severe demethylation of the paternal H19 DMD in SCNT embryos, suggesting that these epigenetic anomalies to the H19 locus could be directly responsible for the reduced size and low implantation rates of cloned embryos in cattle.
Objectives: Asynchrony between nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation, and possibly damage to the oocyte meiotic spindle, limits the application of in vitro maturation (IVM) in assisted reproduction. Several studies have suggested that Prematuration with meiosis blockers may improve oocyte quality after IVM, favoring early embryogenesis. Thus, we investigated the effect of Prematuration with the nuclear maturation inhibitor butyrolactone I (BLI) on the meiotic spindle and chromosomal configuration of bovine oocytes. Study design: Immature oocytes obtained from cows slaughtered in a slaughterhouse (n = 840) were divided into the following groups: (1) control (n = 325), submitted only to IVM in TCM199 for 24 h; (2) BLI 18 h (n = 208) submitted to meiotic blockage with 100 mu M BLI for 24 h (Prematuration) and then induction of IVM in TCM199 for 18 h; and (3) BLI 24 h (n = 307), pre-matured with 100 mu m BLI for 24 h followed by 24 h of IVM in TCM199. The oocytes were then fixed, stained by immunofluorescence for morphological visualization of both microtubules and chromatin, and evaluated. Results: Meiotic arrest occurred in 90.2% of the oocytes cultured with BLI. Maturation rates were similar for all groups (80.3%, 73.6% and 82.7% for the control, BLI 18 h and BLI 24 h groups, respectively). We observed 81.3% normal oocytes in metaphase II in the control group, and 80.0% and 81.2% in the BLI 18 h and BLI 24 h groups, respectively. The incidence of meiotic anomalies did not differ between groups (18.7%, 20.0% and 18.8% for the control, BLI 18 h and BLI 24 h, respectively). Conclusion: Prematuration with butyrolactone I reversibly arrests meiosis without damaging the meiotic spindle or the chromosome distribution of bovine oocytes after in vitro maturation. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has had an enormous impact on our understanding of biology and remains a unique tool for multiplying valuable laboratory and domestic animals. However, the complexity of the procedure and its poor efficiency are factors that limit a wider application of SCNT. In this context, oocyte meiotic arrest is an important option to make SCNT more flexible and increase the number of cloned embryos produced. Herein, we show that the use of butyrolactone I in association with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to arrest the meiotic division for 24 h prior to in vitro maturation provides bovine (Bos indicus) oocytes capable of supporting development of blastocysts and full-term cloned calves at least as efficiently as nonarrested oocytes. Furthermore, the procedure resulted in cloned blastocysts with an 1.5- and twofold increase of POU5F1 and IFNT2 expression, respectively, which are well-known markers of embryonic viability. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number was diminished by prematuration in immature oocytes (718,585 +/- 34,775 vs. 595,579 +/- 31,922, respectively, control and treated groups) but was unchanged in mature oocytes (522,179 +/- 45,617 vs. 498,771 +/- 33,231) and blastocysts (816,627 +/- 40,235 vs. 765,332 +/- 51,104). To our knowledge, this is the first report of cloned offspring born to prematured oocytes, indicating that meiotic arrest could have significant implications for laboratories working with SCNT and in vitro embryo production.
This paper describes a proteome analysis and changes in endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) contents during seed development of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. Megagametophytes and embryonic axis tissues exhibited a similar ABA variation pattern during seed development, reaching maximum values at the pre-cotyledonary stage. The embryonic axis protein content increased until the cotyledonary stage with following stabilization at mature seed. The two-dimensional electrophoresis at the torpedo developmental stage showed approximately 230 polypeptides against 340 in the mature stage. Peptide mass fingerprinting analyses identified three polypeptides, corresponding to an AtSAC4, a late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) and a storage protein, respectively.
(In vitro Propagation of Heliconia bihai L. from Zygotic Embryos). The internal morphology of embryos from immature and mature fruits of Hcliconia bihai (L.) L. cv. Lobster Claw Two was examined. Embryos were inoculated into MS media (full MS and 1/2 MS) and GA(1) (0.2.5 and 5 mg L(-1)) with either sucrose or glucose. These plantlets were then replicated and transferred to MS medium (full MS or 1/2 MS) with 0 or 2.5 mg L(-1) BAP and their multiplication was evaluated 30 and 45 days after inoculation. The genetic variability of the multiplied plants was estimated using isoenzyme analyses. The internal morphology of the mature embryos revealed their tissues to be in more advanced stages of differentiation than immature embryos. In the conversion phase, 85% of the inoculated embryos developed into plants in the 1/2 MS medium with sucrose, in contrast to only 41% of the embryos that were cultivated with glucose. In the multiplication phase, plants cultivated in 1/2 MS medium with 2.5 mg L(-1) BAP demonstrated more buds. Isoenzyme analyses showed pattern changes in terms of the color intensity and the migration of some of the bands. These results may be associated with differences in the ages of the mother plants and of the plantlets obtained in vitro.
Acca sellowiana (Berg.) Burr. is a native Myrtaceae from southern Brazil and Uruguay, now the subject of a domestication and breeding program. Biotechnological tools have been used to assist in this program. The establishment of a reliable protocol of somatic embryogenesis has been pursued, with a view to capturing and fixing genetic gains. The rationale behind this work relies on the fact that deepening comprehension of the general metabolism of zygotic embryogenesis may certainly improve the protocol for somatic embryogenesis. Thus, in the present work we studied the accumulation of protein, total sugars, starch, amino acids, polyamines (PAs), IAA and ABA, in different stages of A. sellowiana zygotic embryogenesis. Starch is the predominant storage compound during zygotic embryo development. Increased synthesis of amino acids in the cotyledonary stage, mainly of asparagine, was observed throughout development. Total free PAs showed increased synthesis, whereas total conjugated PAs were mainly observed in the early developmental stages. IAA decreased and ABA increased with the progression from early to late embryogenesis. Besides providing basic information on the morphophysiological and biochemical changes of zygotic embryogenesis, the results here obtained may provide adequate strategies towards the modulation of somatic embryogenesis in this species as well as in other woody angiosperms.
The objective of the present work was to induce somatic embryogenesis from zygotic embryos of Passiflora cincinnata Masters. Zygotic embryos formed calli on media with different concentrations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 4.5 mu M benzyladenine (BA) after 30 days of in vitro culture. A concentration of 18.1 mu M 2,4-D resulted in the largest number of somatic embryos. Embryogenic calli were yellowish and friable, forming whitish proembryogenic masses. Morphologically, embryogenic cells were small and had large nuclei and dense cytoplasm, whereas non-embryogenic cells were elongated, with small nuclei and less dense cytoplasm. Calli cultured under white light on basal Murashige and Skoog`s medium with activated charcoal produced embryos in all developmental stages. There were differences among the treatments, with some leading to the production of calli with embryos and some only to callus formation. Some abnormalities were associated with somatic embryos, including fused axes, fused cotyledons and polycotyledonary embryos. Production of secondary somatic embryos occurred in the first cycle of primary embryo development. Secondary embryos differentiated from the surface of the protodermal layer of primary embryos with intense cell proliferation, successive mitotic divisions in the initial phase of embryoid development, and a vascular system formed with no connection to the parental tissue. This secondary embryogenic system of P. cincinnata is characterized by intense proliferation and maintenance of embryogenic competence after successive subcultures. This reproducible protocol opens new prospects for massive propagation and is an alternative to the current organogenesis-based transformation protocol.
(Structural aspects of the zygotic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret (Myrtaceae)). Acca sellowiana has anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate ovules. The outer and inner integuments are double-layered except in the micropyle, where they are composed of more layers; the micropyle is zig-zag shaped. The egg apparatus lies at the micropylar pole, and the zynergids present a conspicuous filiform apparatus. The antipodal cells are present in the chalazal region, persisting before the occurrence of double fertilization. The zygote is visible 21 days after pollination; nuclear endosperm is already present. The first mitotic division of the zygote occurs at 24(th) day. The globular, cordiform and torpedo embryo stages can be seen at 30, 45 and 60 days after pollination, respectively. The mature embryo characterized by the presence of a well-developed hypocotyl-radicular axis with two fleshy and folded cotyledons was observed 120 days after pollination. Endosperm is absent in the seeds, and the embryo has spiral form, characteristic of Myrtinae. The zygotic embryology studies of A. sellowiana indicate that this species has embryological characteristics which are in agreement with those reported for Myrtaceae (Myrteae, Myrtinae), and also broaden the knowledge about the sexual reproduction of this native species, whose commercial cultivation has been growing.
Comparative analysis of zygotic and somatic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana showed higher amounts of sucrose, fructose, raffinose, and myo-inositol in zygotic embryos at different developmental stages than in corresponding somatic ones. These differences were mostly constant. In general, glucose levels were significantly lower than the other soluble carbohydrates analyzed, showing minor variation in each embryo stage. Despite the presence of sucrose in the culture medium, its levels conspicuously diminished in somatic embryos compared with the zygotic ones. Raffinose enhanced parallel to embryo development, regardless of its zygotic or somatic origin. Analysis of the soluble carbohydrate composition of mature zygotic cotyledon used as explant pointed out fructose, glucose, myo-inositol, sucrose, and raffinose as the most important. Similar composition was also found in the corresponding somatic cotyledon. Total soluble carbohydrates varied inversely, decreasing in zygotic embryos and increasing in somatic embryos until the 24th d, at which time they increased rapidly about sixfold in zygotic embryos until the 27th d, a period coinciding with the zygotic proembryos formation. Such condition seems to reflect directly the variation of endogenous sucrose level, mainly because glucose and fructose diminished continuously during this time period. This means that, in terms of soluble sugars, zygotic embryo formation occurred under a situation represented by high sucrose amounts, simultaneously with low fructose and glucose levels, while in contrast, somatic embryo formation took place under an endogenous sugar status characterized by a substantial fructose enhancement. Starch levels increased continuously in zygotic embryos and decreased in somatic ones, the reverse to what was found in fructose variation. Starch accumulation was significantly higher in somatic torpedo and cotyledonary embryos than in the corresponding zygotic ones.
The avian circadian system is composed of the retina, the mammalian homolog region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SNC), and the pineal gland. The retina, itself, displays many rhythmic physiological events, such as movements of photoreceptor cells, opsin expression, retinal reisomerization, and melatonin and dopamine production and secretion. Altogether, these rhythmic events are coordinated to predict environmental changes in light conditions during the day, optimizing retina function. The authors investigated the expression pattern of the melanopsin genes Opn4x and Opn4m, the clock genes Clock and Per2, and the genes for the key enzymes N-Acetyltransferase and Tyrosine Hidroxylase in chicken embryo dispersed retinal cells. Primary cultures of chicken retina from 8-day-old embryos were kept in constant dark (DD), in 12-h light/12-h dark (12L:12D), in 12L:12D followed by DD, or in DD in the absence or presence of 100 mu M glutamate for 12 h. Total RNA was extracted throughout a 24-h span, every 3 h starting at zeitgeber time 0 (ZT0) of the 6th day, and submitted to reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) followed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) for mRNA quantification. The data showed no rhythmic pattern of transcription for any gene in cells kept in DD. However under a light-dark cycle, Clock, Per2, Opn4m, N-Acetyltransferase, and Tyrosine Hydroxylase exhibited rhythmic patterns of transcription. In DD, 100 mu M glutamate was able to induce rhythmic expression of Clock, strongly inhibited the expression of Tyrosine Hydroxylase, and, only at some ZTs, of Opn4x and Opn4m. The neurotransmitter had no effect on Per2 and N-Acetyltransferase transcription. The authors confirmed the expression of the protein OPN4x by immunocytochemistry. These results suggest that chicken embryonic retinal cells contain a functional circadian clock, whose synchronization requires light-dark cycle or glutamate stimuli. (Author correspondence: amdlcast@ib.usp.br).
Type XVIII collagen is a component of basement membranes, and expressed prominently in the eye, blood vessels, liver, and the central nervous system. Homozygous mutations in COL18A1 lead to Knobloch Syndrome, characterized by ocular defects and occipital encephalocele. However, relatively little has been described on the role of type XVIII collagen in development, and nothing is known about the regulation of its tissue-specific expression pattern. We have used zebrafish transgenesis to identify and characterize cis-regulatory sequences controlling expression of the human gene. Candidate enhancers were selected from non-coding sequence associated with COL18A1 based on sequence conservation among mammals. Although these displayed no overt conservation with orthologous zebrafish sequences, four regions nonetheless acted as tissue-specific transcriptional enhancers in the zebrafish embryo, and together recapitulated the major aspects of col18a1 expression. Additional post-hoc computational analysis on positive enhancer sequences revealed alignments between mammalian and teleost sequences, which we hypothesize predict the corresponding zebrafish enhancers; for one of these, we demonstrate functional overlap with the orthologous human enhancer sequence. Our results provide important insight into the biological function and regulation of COL18A1, and point to additional sequences that may contribute to complex diseases involving COL18A1. More generally, we show that combining functional data with targeted analyses for phylogenetic conservation can reveal conserved cis-regulatory elements in the large number of cases where computational alignment alone falls short. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The first studies concerning the embryonic development of harvestmen started in the late 19th century, and focused mostly on holarctic species, and only three species of the suborder Laniatores (the largest, among the four suborders considered presently) were studied. Moreover, the last studies on embryology of harvestmen were made during the late 1970s. This study focused on the embryonic development of Ampheres leucopheus (Gonyleptidae, Caelopyginae) and Iporangaia pustulosa (Gonyleptidae, Progonyleptoidellinae). The embryonic development was followed in the field, by taking daily photographs of different eggs during about 2 months. When laid, eggs of A. leucopheus and I pustulosa have approximately 1.13 and 1.30 mm in diameter, respectively, and the second is embedded in a large amount of mucus. The eggs grow, mainly due to water absorption at the beginning of the process, and they reach a diameter of about 1.35 and 1.59 mm, respectively, close to hatching. It took, respectively, 29-56 days and 35-66 days from egg laying to hatching. For the description of the embryonic development, we use photographs from the field, SEM micrographs, and histological analysis. This allowed us, for instance, to document the progression of structures and pigmentation directly from live embryos in the field, and to record microstructures, such as the presence of perforations in the cuticle of the embryo in the place where eyes are developing. Yet, contrary to what was expected in the literature, we record an egg tooth in one of the studied laniatoreans. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol) 314B:489-502, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background and Aims Plant growth regulators play an important role in seed germination. However, much of the current knowledge about their function during seed germination was obtained using orthodox seeds as model systems, and there is a paucity of information about the role of plant growth regulators during germination of recalcitrant seeds. In the present work, two endangered woody species with recalcitrant seeds, Araucaria angustifolia (Gymnosperm) and Ocotea odorifera (Angiosperm), native to the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil, were used to study the mobilization of polyamines (PAs), indole-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) during seed germination. Methods Data were sampled from embryos of O. odorifera and embryos and megagametophytes of A. angustifolia throughout the germination process. Biochemical analyses were carried out in HPLC. Key Results During seed germination, an increase in the (Spd + Spm) : Put ratio was recorded in embryos in both species. An increase in IAA and PA levels was also observed during seed germination in both embryos, while ABA levels showed a decrease in O. odorifera and an increase in A. angustifolia embryos throughout the period studied. Conclusions The (Spd + Spm) : Put ratio could be used as a marker for germination completion. The increase in IAA levels, prior to germination, could be associated with variations in PA content. The ABA mobilization observed in the embryos could represent a greater resistance to this hormone in recalcitrant seeds, in comparison to orthodox seeds, opening a new perspective for studies on the effects of this regulator in recalcitrant seeds. The gymnosperm seed, though without a connective tissue between megagametophyte and embryo, seems to be able to maintain communication between the tissues, based on the likely transport of plant growth regulators.