849 resultados para Drivers of resilience


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O contexto atual das organizações é permeado por pressões, crises e incertezas, características da era da globalização, que requer capacidade humana para adaptações. O enfrentamento constante às situações instáveis necessita, em qualquer nível relacional, do que se tem nomeado resiliência. Atualmente, o uso deste termo vem se expandindo devido à sua aplicabilidade no estudo da capacidade humana de resistir à situação de intensa pressão. O termo resiliência foi desenvol vido a partir de estudos de população em estado de risco e vulnerabilidade, e atualmente tem pautado algumas discussões no campo organizacional. Com base neste conceito, objetiva -se, neste trabalho, estudar a resiliência em gestores de pessoas, em uma organização de grande porte com fins lucrativos, da área de Serviços em São Paulo, a partir da aplicação do Questionário do Índice de Resiliência: Adultos - Reivich-Shatté/Barbosa (2006). A metodologia de pesquisa adotada é de cunho exploratório e descritivo. O instrumento utilizado propiciou mensurar os sete fatores constitutivos da resiliência no comportamento humano, sendo eles: administração das emoções, controle de impulsos, otimismo com a vida, aná lise do ambiente, empatia, auto-eficácia e alcançar as pessoas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que é possível estudar a resiliência em gestores de pessoas, a partir da utilização do instrumento proposto. Este trabalho permitiu também associar os fatores que constituem a resiliência a algumas competências essenciais necessárias para o gestor de pessoas realizar adequadamente suas atividades, sem negligenciar os aspectos de liderança associados à sua atuação.(AU)


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O contexto atual das organizações é permeado por pressões, crises e incertezas, características da era da globalização, que requer capacidade humana para adaptações. O enfrentamento constante às situações instáveis necessita, em qualquer nível relacional, do que se tem nomeado resiliência. Atualmente, o uso deste termo vem se expandindo devido à sua aplicabilidade no estudo da capacidade humana de resistir à situação de intensa pressão. O termo resiliência foi desenvol vido a partir de estudos de população em estado de risco e vulnerabilidade, e atualmente tem pautado algumas discussões no campo organizacional. Com base neste conceito, objetiva -se, neste trabalho, estudar a resiliência em gestores de pessoas, em uma organização de grande porte com fins lucrativos, da área de Serviços em São Paulo, a partir da aplicação do Questionário do Índice de Resiliência: Adultos - Reivich-Shatté/Barbosa (2006). A metodologia de pesquisa adotada é de cunho exploratório e descritivo. O instrumento utilizado propiciou mensurar os sete fatores constitutivos da resiliência no comportamento humano, sendo eles: administração das emoções, controle de impulsos, otimismo com a vida, aná lise do ambiente, empatia, auto-eficácia e alcançar as pessoas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que é possível estudar a resiliência em gestores de pessoas, a partir da utilização do instrumento proposto. Este trabalho permitiu também associar os fatores que constituem a resiliência a algumas competências essenciais necessárias para o gestor de pessoas realizar adequadamente suas atividades, sem negligenciar os aspectos de liderança associados à sua atuação.(AU)


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A intensificação da globalização tem afetado diretamente organizações e pessoas, não é diferente quando se trata das instituições de ensino superior. Desta forma, a internacionalização do ensino superior vem se intensificando e os impulsionadores destes esforços vêm se tornado cada vez mais fortes nos últimos anos. Diante das demandas que surgem neste contexto de intensa globalização, esforços realizados em resposta a este fenômeno são empreendidos, mas muitas vezes sem o alcance dos resultados esperados. O propósito deste estudo é adaptar e propor o Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como ferramenta de auxílio ao processo de gestão da internacionalização do ensino superior às universidades públicas brasileiras. O estudo se justifica pela compreensão de que organizações precisam monitorar seus processos e resultados. Devem se esforçar para conhecer seus pontos fracos e fortes, bem como as possibilidades de correção de desvios e maximização de resultados, assim contribuindo para o alcance de seus objetivos, entende-se que uma ferramenta voltada ao auxílio das atividades relacionadas a internacionalização do ensino superior pode contribuir diretamente para a melhoria do processo. A metodologia adotada para a condução do estudo foi o estudo de caso, desenvolvido em cinco instituições públicas de ensino superior brasileiras de melhor reputação internacional, em acordo com cinco rankings internacionais. A análise dos resultados proporcionou a identificação de seis perspectivas a serem utilizadas no BSC proposto: 1. Perspectiva da mudança organizacional; 2. Perspectiva dos recursos materiais, financeiros e estruturais; 3. Perspectiva do desenvolvimento de pessoas; 4. Perspectiva da inovação curricular; 5. Perspectiva da mobilidade acadêmica e 6. Perspectiva dos stakeholders. A partir da definição destas perspectivas, apresentou-se o mapa estratégico a ser utilizado pelas universidades.


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Los medios online representan actualmente una gran apuesta para la publicidad. Desde la planificación de medios publicitarios, los nuevos medios ofrecen otros caminos para llegar al público, pero añaden mayor complejidad. La capacidad comunicativa de los medios online y el mayor consumo de esos medios por parte de la población abre el debate de la necesidad de replantear el enfoque de la planificación de medios, digamos, tradicional, cuya estructura y procesos de trabajo se desarrollaron cuando los medios eran offline. Así, este artículo proporciona una panorámica general de la influencia de los nuevos medios en la planificación. Para ello, en primer lugar, describe el escenario actual, analizando la penetración y las inversiones publicitarias en Internet. Además, expone los principales soportes online según su proximidad a la concepción de la planificación de medios offline. En segundo lugar, aborda los retos actuales en la medición de los nuevos medios como síntoma del impulso del cambio de modelo. Finalmente, el artículo termina exponiendo algunas tendencias que se presentan como motores de cambio. Sin embargo, tras este análisis se advierte que tales aspectos no modificarían la esencia de la planificación de medios, por lo que cabe cuestionarse si se puede hablar de crisis, o si los nuevos medios están mostrando la necesidad de que la investigación y planificación se comprometa con este nuevo escenario.


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La resiliencia es un término que surge de la física en relación con la resistencia de los materiales así como con la capacidad de recuperación de los mismos al ser sometidos a diferentes presiones y fuerzas. En la actualidad consideramos que el concepto de resiliencia sigue siendo un constructo ambiguo, que necesita una mayor clarificación, sobre todo, en cuestiones referidas a su configuración teórica. Para poder llevarlo a la práctica en condiciones óptimas, necesitamos contar con un modelo que permita mejorar los resultados de las poblaciones vulnerables y de la población general en relación con la salud. En este trabajo se pretende profundizar en la configuración de la resiliencia psicosocial, estudiando las variables que empíricamente se relacionan con ella, con el objetivo de aproximarnos a una construcción más clara que permita su aplicabilidad en futuras investigaciones en el ámbito de la salud.


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Since 2007, a series of acute crises have threatened the very existence of the euro area. The financial crisis which spilled into the currency union in 2007 was followed by an unexpectedly strong downturn of the real economy. As of 2010, the euro area was confronted with a severe sovereign debt and banking crisis. Despite these troublesome developments, the euro area has proven to have a considerable degree of resilience. In each phase, governance weaknesses were revealed – and national governments together with the EU institutions have designed an impressive series of policy responses in crisis management and institutional innovation. The euro area today is completed by a banking union with a Single Supervisory and a Single Resolution Mechanism. National budgetary and economic policies are more closely overseen and coordinated. With the European Stability Mechanism, the euro area now has a permanent tool in place to manage sovereign liquidity crises and instabilities in the banking sector. Most importantly, the euro area's only true federal institution, the European Central Bank (ECB), has become its most effective crisis manager: with the announcement of its Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme, the ECB finally managed to calm the self fulfilling crisis in 2012. Meanwhile, the announcement of credit easing and quasi-quantitative easing in September 2014 is a move towards reducing financial fragmentation and countering deflation. The euro area in 2014 is hence a lot different from the one in 2007. And yet, further challenges need to be overcome. Prevailing stagnation, fragmentation and problems of legitimacy require a rethink of policies and further governance reform.


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In general equilibrium models the reference scenario is important, as the evaluation of the alternative policies modelled is based on their deviation from the reference scenario. The reference scenario relates to the development of an economic outlook for each region and sector of the model. This means that assumptions are made about the main drivers of growth, e.g. population growth and technical progress. This report provides the main assumptions used for the development of the reference scenario in the MEDPRO project. The report also provides a brief country and sectoral overview for each of the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries covered by the MEDPRO project.


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This paper provides a conceptual framework for the estimation of the farm labour and other factor-derived demand and output supply systems. In order to analyse the drivers of labour demand in agriculture and account for the impact of policies on those decisions, it is necessary to acknowledge the interaction between the different factor markets. For this purpose, we present a review of the theoretical background to primal and dual representations of production and some empirical literature that has made use of derived demand systems. The main focus of the empirical work is to study the effect of market distortions in one market, through inefficient pricing, on the demand for other inputs. Therefore, own-price and cross-price elasticities of demand become key variables in the analysis. The dual cost function is selected as the most appropriate approach, where input prices are assumed to be exogenous. A commonly employed specification – and one that is particularly convenient due to its flexible form – is the translog cost function. The analysis consists of estimating the system of cost-share equations, in order to obtain the derived demand functions for inputs. Thus, the elasticities of factor substitution can be used to examine the complementarity/substitutability between inputs.


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This paper explores the relationship between social capital and happiness both in Europe as a whole, as well as in its four main geographical macro-regions – North, South, East and West – separately. We test the hypothesis of whether social capital, in its three-fold definition established by Coleman (1988) – trust, social interaction, and norms and sanctions – influences individual happiness across European countries and regions. The concept of social capital is further enriched by incorporating Putnam- (1993) and Olson- (1982) type variables on associational activity. Using ordinal logistic regression analysis on data for 48,583 individuals from 25 European countries, we reach three main findings. First, social capital matters for happiness across the three dimensions considered. Second, the main drivers of the effects of social capital on happiness appear to be informal social interaction and general social, as well as institutional trust. And third, there are significant differences in how social capital interacts with happiness across different areas of Europe, with the connection being at is weakest in the Nordic countries.


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While the initial Commission Communication on Wider Europe (March 2003) did not include Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan in the forthcoming policy for the EU’s new neighbourhood, the Southern Caucasus region has now gained considerable attention in the framework of the ENP and beyond, not least because of security considerations. The ENP undoubtedly represents a step forward in the EU’s policy towards Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, yet its implementation highlights major differences between the three countries and important weaknesses in all three of them. The Eastern Partnership addresses some of these weaknesses and it also significantly strengthens the EU’s offer to South Caucasus countries, which is now fully in line with the perspectives proposed to the Western NIS. The paper highlights five main conclusions and recommendations: • Political, economic, social and diplomatic developments in the South Caucasus in the 2000's highlight both diverging trends and the persistence of tensions between the three countries. They also have different aspirations vis-à-vis the EU and different records in ENP implementation. The EU should therefore mainly rely upon an individual approach towards each country. • While bilateral relations should form the basis of the EU's approach, most of the challenges faced by Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan are not confined to national borders and require regional solutions. This applies primarily, but not exclusively, to the unresolved conflicts. The EU should promote targeted regional cooperation including, inter alia, confidence-building measures to address indirectly the protracted conflicts and measures supporting drivers of change, which play a critical role in the confidence-building process; • Under the ENP, especially since the opening of negotiations for association agreements and with the perspective of DCFTA, trade-related issues, market and regulatory reform have become prominent in the EU's relations with all three Caucasus countries. At the same time, the priorities identified when the ENP was launched, i.e. good governance and the rule of law, still correspond to major challenges in the South Caucasus. The EU should more clearly prioritise good governance and the rule of law as the basis of both the ENP and successful reforms; • In all partner countries (but even more so in the South Caucasus), ENP implementation has been adversely affected by poor administrative capacities and weak institutional coordination. The EU should increasingly focus on institutional reform/capacity building in its support to partner countries and ensure that the link between the ENP and domestic reform processes is strengthened; • In the South Caucasus the EU has recently concentrated on a few assistance tools such as budget support, Twinning and TAIEX. While these instruments undoubtedly bring an added value, they should be better combined with tools allowing for greater flexibility and targeting non-governmental actors, e.g. EIDHR/NSA.


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Eco-innovation has been identified as one of the key drivers of change that need to be harnessed for a sustainable future. Given the complexity of eco-innovation as a concept, there are various challenges to measuring its progress. This paper briefly explores the evolution of the concept of eco-innovation and emphasises its role in the EU 2020 strategy. It then provides an overview of the different measurement approaches and challenges associated with identifying and using indicators for measuring progress in eco-innovation. Within this context, the paper describes the added value and key features of the www.measuring-progress.eu web tool, which aims to improve the way in which policy-makers and others involved in the policy process can access, understand and use indicators for green economy and eco-innovation. The web tool was developed on the basis of a systematic overview by the NETGREEN research team of the large and fragmented body of work in the field of green economy indicators. The paper concludes with a number of messages for policy-makers in the field of the green economy.


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Access to the single market is one of the core benefits of the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union. A vote to leave the EU would trigger difficult negotiations on continued access to that market. However, the single market is not static. One of the drivers of change is the necessary reforms to strengthen the euro. Such reforms would not only affect the euro’s fiscal and political governance. They would also have an impact on the single market, in particular in the areas of banking, capital markets and labour markets. This is bound to affect the UK, whether it remains in the EU or not.


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Although the recycling of municipal wastewater can play an important role in water supply security and ecosystem protection, the percentage of wastewater recycled is generally low and strikingly variable. Previous research has employed detailed case studies to examine the factors that contribute to recycling success but usually lacks a comparative perspective across cases. In this study, 25 water utilities in New South Wales, Australia, were compared using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). This research method applies binary logic and set theory to identify the minimal combinations of conditions that are necessary and/or sufficient for an outcome to occur within the set of cases analyzed. The influence of six factors (rainfall, population density, coastal or inland location, proximity to users; cost recovery and revenue for water supply services) was examined for two outcomes, agricultural use and "heavy" (i.e., commercial/municipal/industrial) use. Each outcome was explained by two different pathways, illustrating that different combinations of conditions are associated with the same outcome. Generally, while economic factors are crucial for heavy use, factors relating to water stress and geographical proximity matter most for agricultural reuse. These results suggest that policies to promote wastewater reuse may be most effective if they target uses that are most feasible for utilities and correspond to the local context. This work also makes a methodological contribution through illustrating the potential utility of fsQCA for understanding the complex drivers of performance in water recycling.


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High-latitude ecosystems store large amounts of carbon (C); however, the C storage of these ecosystems is under threat from both climate warming and increased levels of herbivory. In this study we examined the combined role of herbivores and climate warming as. drivers of CO2 fluxes in two typical high-latitude habitats (mesic heath and wet meadow). We hypothesized that both herbivory and climate warming would reduce the C sink strength of Arctic tundra through their combined effects on plant biomass and gross ecosystem photosynthesis and on decomposition rates and the abiotic environment. To test this hypothesis we employed experimental warming (via International Tundra Experiment [ITEX] chambers) and grazing (via captive Barnacle Geese) in a three-year factorial field experiment. Ecosystem CO2 fluxes (net ecosystem exchange of CO2, ecosystem respiration, and gross ecosystem photosynthesis) were measured in all treatments at varying intensity over the three growing seasons to capture the impact of the treatments on a range of temporal scales (diurnal, seasonal, and interannual). Grazing and warming treatments had markedly different effects on CO2 fluxes in the two tundra habitats. Grazing caused a strong reduction in CO2 assimilation in the wet meadow, while warming reduced CO2 efflux from the mesic heath. Treatment effects on net ecosystem exchange largely derived from the modification of gross ecosystem photosynthesis rather than ecosystem respiration. In this study we have demonstrated that on the habitat scale, grazing by geese is a strong driver of net ecosystem exchange of CO2, with the potential to reduce the CO2 sink strength of Arctic ecosystems. Our results highlight that the large reduction in plant biomass due to goose grazing in the Arctic noted in several studies can alter the C balance of wet tundra ecosystems. We conclude that herbivory will modulate direct climate warming responses of Arctic tundra with implications for the ecosystem C balance; however, the magnitude and direction of the response will be habitat-specific.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06