977 resultados para Domestic animals
The method of E.V. Borutski was used for determining the production of chironomids, that is, the dynamics of the number and biomass of the larvae were analysed, their death, a calculation of emergence and the number of deposited egg layings was carried out. In addition to the method of Borutski, the authors also calculated the seasonal dynamics of the number of larvae of the younger age stages in the microbenthos.
A great deal has been written on the part which birds play in the dispersal of freshwater fauna. This article summarises literature on the dispersal of aquatic animals by birds and aquatic insects.
The study of metallothioneins (MTs) has greatly improved our understanding of body burdens, metal storage and detoxification in aquatic organisms subjected to contamination by the toxic heavy metals, Cd, Cu, Hg and Zn. These studies have shown that in certain organisms MT status can be used to assess impact of these metals at the cellular level and, whilst validation is currently limited to a few examples, this stress response may be linked to higher levels of organisation, thus indicating its potential for environmental quality assessment. Molluscs, such as Mytilus spp., and several commonly occurring teleost species, are the most promising of the indicator species tested. Natural variability of MT levels caused by the organism's size, condition, age, position in the sexual cycle, temperature and various stressors, can lead to difficulties in interpretation of field data as a definitive response-indicator of metal contamination unless a critical appraisal of these variables is available. From laboratory and field studies these data are almost complete for teleost fish. Whilst for molluscs much of this information is lacking, when suitable controls are utilised and MT measurements are combined with observations of metal partitioning, current studies indicate that they are nevertheless a powerful tool in the interpretation of impact, and may prove useful in water quality assessment.
A biota marinha está exposta a uma elevada quantidade de substâncias tóxicas que podem causar graves problemas ao ambiente. As esponjas (Porifera) e os mexilhões (Mollusca) por serem sésseis e filtradores são utilizados como bioindicadores de poluição. A experimentação com aquários permite a realização de ensaios controlados, acompanhamento da resposta a diversos poluentes, concentrações e tempo de exposição. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: I). avaliar a imunocompetência através da expressão de proteínas do sistema imune Fator Inflamatório de Enxerto AIF -1 e pP38 por teste de ELISA (do inglês, Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay) em esponjas expostas a poluentes, II) acompanhar a expressão das proteínas AIF-1 e pP38 nas cinco espécies de esponjas marinhas: Aplysina fulva (Pallas, 1766), Chondrilla aff. nucula Schimidt, 1862, Dysidea robusta Vilanova e Muricy 2001, Polymastia janeirensis (Boury-Esnault, 1973) e Hymeniacidon heliophila (Parker, 1910) após exposição a lipopolisacarídeo (LPS) de E. Coli III) avaliar a expressão das proteínas AIF-1 e pP38 nas espécies C. aff. nucula e P. janeirensis após exposição a dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) IV) avaliar a mortalidade de mexilhões quando expostos ao dispersante Triton X-100 e esgoto doméstico in natura. Os resultados indicam que as esponjas A. fulva, C. aff. nucula, D. robusta e P. janeirensis expostas a 20 μg/mL de LPS por 30 minutos, uma, três, 24 e 48 horas apresentaram aumento de expressão da proteína AIF-1 em relação ao controle, com diferentes tempos de resposta para cada espécie. A esponja H. heliophila exposta a 30 μg/mL de LPS apresentou diferença significativa na expressão de AIF-1 em relação ao controle na exposição por 30 min, uma, quatro, 24 e 48 horas. Contudo, não houve diferença significativa na expressão de outra proteína, a quinase pP38, nesses ensaios. As esponjas C. aff. nucula e P. janeirensis foram expostas a 0,25 mg/L de dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) por 24 e 48 horas. C. aff. nucula apresentou aumento da expressão de AIF -1 quando comparada ao controle em 24 e 48 horas, mas para P. janeirensis não houve diferença significativa. Os mexilhões Perna perna foram expostos a poluentes de duas maneiras a detergente Triton X-100 0,10 g/L por três, seis, 12 e 18 horas que induziu diferença significativa na mortalidade em seis, 12 e 18 horas em comparação com o controle e a a esgoto doméstico in natura diluído na proporção de 1:50 não houve mortalidade no tratamento ou no controle. A variação da expressão da proteína AIF-1 observada nas cinco espécies de esponjas marinhas confirma a utilização dessa proteína como eficiente biomarcador de estresse. Os mexilhões foram bons bioindicadores da poluição por detergente.
Revisión bibliográfica de la situación actual del Deporte Escolar para tener una visión real, deportiva y educacional del mismo dentro de la disciplina del ciclismo en esas edades; proponiendo un modelo de gestión deportiva orientado a las escuelas en general y a las de ciclismo en particular del modelo educativo del Deporte.
Estimating the abundance of cetaceans from aerial survey data requires careful attention to survey design and analysis. Once an aerial observer perceives a marine mammal or group of marine mammals, he or she has only a few seconds to identify and enumerate the individuals sighted, as well as to determine the distance to the sighting and record this information. In line-transect survey analyses, it is assumed that the observer has correctly identified and enumerated the group or individual. We describe methods used to test this assumption and how survey data should be adjusted to account for observer errors. Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were censused during aerial surveys in the summer of 1997 in Southeast Alaska (9844 km survey effort), in the summer of 1998 in the Gulf of Alaska (10,127 km), and in the summer of 1999 in the Bering Sea (7849 km). Sightings of harbor porpoise during a beluga whale (Phocoena phocoena) survey in 1998 (1355 km) provided data on harbor porpoise abundance in Cook Inlet for the Gulf of Alaska stock. Sightings by primary observers at side windows were compared to an independent observer at a belly window to estimate the probability of misidentification, underestimation of group size, and the probability that porpoise on the surface at the trackline were missed (perception bias, g(0)). There were 129, 96, and 201 sightings of harbor porpoises in the three stock areas, respectively. Both g(0) and effective strip width (the realized width of the survey track) depended on survey year, and g(0) also depended on the visibility reported by observers. Harbor porpoise abundance in 1997–99 was estimated at 11,146 animals for the Southeast Alaska stock, 31,046 animals for the Gulf of Alaska stock, and 48,515 animals for the Bering Sea stock.
To estimate postrelease survival of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) caught incidentally in regular commercial pelagic longline fishing operations targeting swordfish and tunas, short-duration popup satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on captured animals for periods of 5−43 days. Twenty (71.4%) of 28 tags transmitted data at the preprogrammed time, including one tag that separated from the fish shortly after release and was omitted from subsequent analyses. Transmitted data from 17 of 19 tags were consistent with survival of those animals for the duration of the tag deployment. Postrelease survival estimates ranged from 63.0% (assuming all nontransmitting tags were evidence of mortality) to 89.5% (excluding nontransmitting tags from the analysis). These results indicate that white marlin can survive the trauma resulting from interaction with pelagic longline gear, and indicate that current domestic and international management measures requiring the release of live white marlin from this fishery will reduce fishing mortality on the Atlantic-wide stock.
The need to estimate percentages and/or numbers occurs frequently during practical research work; accurate but rapid estimates can be useful when planning research programmes. Charts are provided that may be used as a visual aid to estimating numbers of animals/plants in a specific situation, for example, the number of fish fry in a subsample from a hatchery tank, or the percentage composition of a sample such as the percentage algal cover in a pond.
Billfish movements relative to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas management areas, as well as U.S. domestic data collection areas within the western North Atlantic basin, were investigated with mark-recapture data from 769 blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, 961 white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus, and 1,801 sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus. Linear displacement between release and recapture locations ranged from zero (all species) to 15,744 km (mean 575, median 119, SE 44) for blue marlin, 6,523 km (mean 719, median 216, SE 33) for white marlin, and 3,845 km (mean 294, median 98, SE 13) for sailfish. In total, 2,824 (80.0%) billfish were recaptured in the same management area of release. Days at liberty ranged from zero (all species) to 4,591 (mean 619, median 409, SE 24) for blue marlin, 5,488 (mean 692, median 448, SE 22) for white marlin, and 6,568 (mean 404, median 320, SE 11) for sailfish. The proportions (per species) of visits were highest in the Caribbean area for blue marlin and white marlin, and the Florida East Coast area for sailfish. Blue marlin and sailfish were nearly identical when comparing the percent of individuals vs. the number of areas visited. Overall, white marlin visited more areas than either blue marlin or sailfish. Seasonality was evident for all species, with overall results generally reflecting the efforts of the catch and release recreational fishing sector, particularly in the western North Atlantic. This information may be practical in reducing the uncertainties in billfish stock assessments and may offer valuable insight into management consideration of time-area closure regulations to reduce bycatch mortality of Atlantic billfishes.
Transfers and introductions of marine species have occurred and are occurring on a worldwide basis, largely in response to perceived needs of expanding aquaculture industries. Greatest interest is in salmon (cage rearing and ocean ranching), shrimp, and bivalve mollusks, although other organisms are being considered. Such movements of animals carry an associated risk of moving pathogens into areas where they did not occur previously, possibly resulting in infections in native species. Many case histories of the effects of introduced pathogens and parasites now exist-enough to suggest that national and international action is necessary. Viral pathogens of shrimp and salmon, as well as protozoan parasites of mollusks and nematode parasites of eels, have entered complex "transfer networks" developed by humans, and have been transported globally with their hosts in several well-documented instances. Examining the records of transfers and introductions of marine species, incomplete as they are, permits the statement of emerging principles-foremost of which is that severe disease outbreaks can result from inadequately controlled or uncontrolled movements of marine animals.