882 resultados para Dificuldade intelectual e desenvolvimental


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This study aimed to establish the developmental profile of executives components in typical child development. This is a correlational cross-sectional study of predominantly quantitative. The instruments for data collection are the subtests included in the NEPSY-II Attention and Executive Functioning domain. Eighty children between 5 and 8 years of age, of both genders, students from public and private schools in the city of Natal were evaluated. The sample was divided into six-month intervals for subsequent analysis of strategies and types of errors. Analysis of variance (univariate and multivariate) and Tukey and Games-Howell post hoc tests were conducted to verify the effect of age on test performance. Subsequent correlations indicate the strength and direction of the relationship between variables. Were identified two peaks of development in the six-month interval adopted for the skills of selective attention and inhibitory control. The results indicate that there’s no significant influence of sex and type of school on the performance of the sample. The performance of preschool children (5 and 6 years) was lower than the other subgroups in most tests. Highlights the role of autoregulation discourse among preschool children during activities of greater executive demand and the abstraction resource as a resolution strategy between the older. Were identified similar development trajectories among selective attention abilities and inhibitory control. In general, there is a decrease in the number of mistakes and increase of success with the age progression. Future longitudinal research can extend the age range encompassed in this study, investigating the developmental course of executive abilities.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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This research aimed to know and analyze the pedagogical practices that have been developed in the teaching and learning of students with Intellectual Disability (DI), enrolled at common class of elementary school I. The study was conducted in a public school at Natal/RN, involving two students with DI, a multipurpose teacher, a teaching assistant, a teacher of arts and educational coordinator. As for methodological choice, we chose to develop a qualitative study, undertaking a case study. As tools for the construction of the data we use: semi-structured interviews, participant observation, field diary and document analysis. Data analysis reveals that the institution in which the research was undertaken gradually implementing changes in order to develop an inclusive practice, consistent with its assumptions. Regarding the practices developed in the teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities, it was possible to realize the fulfillment of certain adjustments in relation to the objectives, activities and some content, involving the use of resources and varied strategies. With regard to educational activities, we found that these had different levels of complexity, covering both basic goals as more complex objectives. From the observations, we realize that the Assistant Professor of mediations during varied activities as challenging tool in intellectual processes. We note, too, a dynamic classroom in which disabled students were under the guidance of Assistant Professor, and other students with all-round teacher who had a fairly traditional teaching methodology. It created thus an isolation situation, since there was no proposition practices to be developed with all students, and interaction among classmates, generally quite restricted. Although were highlighted developments in the social and academic learning of the surveyed students, the teachers said they did not feel prepared to work freight inclusion. The study reveals the need for teachers reviewing some actions undertaken, in order to develop more democratic pedagogical practices of education, stimulating the interactions between students, by proposing challenging activities that promote the formation and concepts. In addition, it points to the need of the education system invest and encourage the qualification of teachers with regard to education in an inclusive perspective, through actions that promote lifelong learning. It needs to be developed on the teacher a reflective attitude, resulting in a view that due diligence must be entered in practice inherent in teaching in order to use to enhance their educational experience.


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This research aimed to know and analyze the pedagogical practices that have been developed in the teaching and learning of students with Intellectual Disability (DI), enrolled at common class of elementary school I. The study was conducted in a public school at Natal/RN, involving two students with DI, a multipurpose teacher, a teaching assistant, a teacher of arts and educational coordinator. As for methodological choice, we chose to develop a qualitative study, undertaking a case study. As tools for the construction of the data we use: semi-structured interviews, participant observation, field diary and document analysis. Data analysis reveals that the institution in which the research was undertaken gradually implementing changes in order to develop an inclusive practice, consistent with its assumptions. Regarding the practices developed in the teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities, it was possible to realize the fulfillment of certain adjustments in relation to the objectives, activities and some content, involving the use of resources and varied strategies. With regard to educational activities, we found that these had different levels of complexity, covering both basic goals as more complex objectives. From the observations, we realize that the Assistant Professor of mediations during varied activities as challenging tool in intellectual processes. We note, too, a dynamic classroom in which disabled students were under the guidance of Assistant Professor, and other students with all-round teacher who had a fairly traditional teaching methodology. It created thus an isolation situation, since there was no proposition practices to be developed with all students, and interaction among classmates, generally quite restricted. Although were highlighted developments in the social and academic learning of the surveyed students, the teachers said they did not feel prepared to work freight inclusion. The study reveals the need for teachers reviewing some actions undertaken, in order to develop more democratic pedagogical practices of education, stimulating the interactions between students, by proposing challenging activities that promote the formation and concepts. In addition, it points to the need of the education system invest and encourage the qualification of teachers with regard to education in an inclusive perspective, through actions that promote lifelong learning. It needs to be developed on the teacher a reflective attitude, resulting in a view that due diligence must be entered in practice inherent in teaching in order to use to enhance their educational experience.


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In Brazil, special education public is a challenge to all teachers, especially to Physical Education ones. Among others, it encompasses students with disabilities, students with intellectual giftedness, and students with pervasive developmental disorder. Besides posing challenges, the inclusion process causes worry and generates debates on problems that impede the full partaking of such pupils in schooling practices related to physical education. This thesis presents a research that focused on these matters by means of co-working involving the researcher and the Physical Education teacher in regular classrooms following co-teaching perspective. The starting point of the research is the following question: what contributions co-working involving Physical Education teacher and researcher may provide to people with disabilities and to Physical Education teacher in regular schools attended by students who are the special education’s target? The research aimed at discussing and analyzing the development of such co-working activity involving the researcher and Physical Education teacher. It followed co-teaching perspective and was put into practice in a public school in Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais. Participant qualitative approach, which recognizes relations between social sciences and intervention in social reality, was the methodological choice to develop the research in three phases: 1) making the research; 2) intervening in social reality; 3) assessing/diagnosing it. Strategies to gather data included semi structured interview, questionnaire, participant observation, and group interview. Data come, above all, from oral accounts as well as from the work by the group of participants of the research, which means, researcher, Physical Education teacher who works at regular schools and three teachers who deal with AEE (Atendimento Educacional Especial), a special educational teaching program. The concept of inclusion is discussed accordingly to authors such as Miranda (2001), Mantoan (2001), Duarte and Santos (2003), Mittler (2003), Rodrigues (2006), and Bueno (2008). The conception of co-working is developed in the light of studies by Capellini (2004) and Mendes (2009), among others. Results point out not only initial conditions of anguish, doubts and hardships, but also a will to debate difficulties Physical Education teachers face in their daily pedagogical activities at school. Likewise, results showed that teachers who took part in the research are interested in continuing their training in connection with co-teaching as strategy to teach physical education at inclusive schools.


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El conocimiento acerca de la relación dieta-salud y el enorme impacto que su difusión provoca sobre la opinión pública constituye uno de los elementos que más está condicionando el interés por llevar a cabo una correcta alimentación, sobre todo en los países desarrollados. Desde hace unos años se ha empezado a considerar la importancia que tiene un estado nutricional óptimo para el mantenimiento de la salud y para la prevención de la enfermedad. Estos dos aspectos junto con los cambios socioeconómicos que han tenido lugar y que influyen en las formas de alimentarnos, han potenciado el uso de los productos llamados “complementos alimenticios”. Dichos productos son considerados como un recurso accesorio que permite fácilmente mejorar el estado nutricional o fisiológico, y están destinados a quienes deseen completar de forma puntual su alimentación para contrarrestar una deficiencia o satisfacer una necesidad específica. Los complementos alimenticios se utilizan con la idea de alcanzar un buen estado de salud, además de protegerse frente a las posibles agresiones al organismo. La población asocia éstos a la idea de “tratamiento natural” sin efectos adversos. Sin embargo, recientes estudios muestran cómo la ingesta de determinados complementos alimenticios, a base de multivitaminas y minerales (ácido fólico, vitamina E, vitamina A, betacaroteno, hierro, cobre,…), podrían producir efectos negativos para la salud, puesto que el exceso de nutrientes puede ser dañino. La frontera entre un medicamento y un complemento alimenticio, no está siempre clara (a menudo poseen los mismos componentes y en las mismas formas de dosificación), y según establece la legislación, estará en función de sus ingredientes, de la proporción de éstos presentes en el preparado, de la indicación que se le asigne y de los efectos que pudiera tener para la salud de las personas, ejerciendo un efecto fisiológico para los complementos alimenticios, y famacológico para los medicamentos...


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Vivimos un momento histórico de cambio en lo que se refiere al paradigma de la discapacidad. Desde la aprobación de la Convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, en 2006, la inclusión de las personas con diversidad funcional cognitiva en la sociedad no es tanto una cuestión de apoyo social, cuanto una cuestión de derechos. Las personas con discapacidad intelectual han estado apartadas de la comunidad, habitando centros especiales donde viven en situación de exclusión social. En estos contextos específicos, sus derechos se ven vulnerados y no gozan de la igualdad de oportunidades que merecen como ciudadanos. Los servicios tradicionales están transformándose a demanda de los movimientos sociales y de las propias personas con diversidad funcional, abriendo paso a otro tipo de entidades: las organizaciones puente. Este tipo de organizaciones emergentes cumplen la función de ofrecer apoyo personalizado a los ciudadanos con diversidad funcional cognitiva para que logren planes de vida buena dentro de la comunidad. A su vez, los servicios comunitarios están trasformándose para ser cada vez más accesibles a una ciudadanía diversa. En el ámbito del arte se ha producido un giro hacia lo social. Los nuevos conceptos de inclusión cultural, museología social, Patrimonio accesible y prácticas artísticas colaborativas han impulsado la aparición de proyectos de arte y de educación que trabajan en el contexto de la discapacidad. Además, en los últimos diez años en museos y centros de arte se han creado programas dirigidos a públicos con diversidad funcional, cuya meta es hacer la cultura más accesible. Esto ha permitido una presencia mayor de personas con discapacidad intelectual en las instituciones culturales. Sin embargo, al estar específicamente orientados a las personas con diversidad funcional, el tipo de participación que ofrece genera nuevas burbujas excluyentes dentro de los centros de arte. Conscientes de esta situación, los departamentos de educación de los museos están buscando nuevas estrategias para apoyar la inclusión real de las personas con diversidad funcional en la sociedad. En el arte contemporáneo, el interés por lo participativo y/o colaborativo favorece que muchos creadores actuales encaren su trabajo transversalmente, es decir, como la intersección de sus propios intereses con las necesidades de los contextos comunitarios. El compromiso social y el activismo son los rasgos esenciales del nuevo arte colaborativo. El presente proyecto de investigación, desarrollado en el contexto de la discapacidad intelectual, se sitúa dentro de este tipo de prácticas...


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O presente trabalho de investigação designado “Prática Profissional do Assistente Social no contexto da Incapacidade Intelectual” tem como objetivo conhecer os procedimentos de intervenção dos Assistentes Sociais no âmbito da Incapacidade Intelectual. Realizado um aprofundamento teórico e conceptual sobre a Incapacidade Intelectual, sobre a resposta social para a Incapacidade Intelectual (Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais e Lar Residencial) sobre a prática do Assistente Social no âmbito da Incapacidade Intelectual. Encetámos uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo descritivo que se socorreu da entrevista estruturada para recolher dados junto de três Assistentes Sociais de duas instituições da zona centro do país no ano lectivo de 2014/2015. A análise de conteúdo aos dados levantados permite-nos concluir que o Serviço Social é uma profissão de intervenção, onde o Assistente Social desempenha as funções de mediador de facilitador de capacitador entre as famílias e os clientes, aconselhando-os e possibilitando-lhe o diálogo a outros serviços. Os dados revelaram, ainda, que o Assistente Social desenvolve o seu trabalho com a família, com os clientes, com a equipa técnica e ainda com a comunidade, corroborando os resultados dos estudos de Carvalho (2013), Silva (2012) e Gomes (2010). Considerando a pertinência do trabalho do Assistente Social no contexto da Incapacidade Intelectual e a escassez de estudos nacionais sobre esta temática, este trabalho assume-se como o primeiro contributo científico facilitador da construção de um olhar crítico e reflexivo para futuros debates.


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La cuestión de la "dependencia intelectual" es una de las preocupaciones más antiguas y sistemáticas del pensamiento latinoamericano. En este trabajo observamos cuáles han sido los cambios recientes en las formas de producción intelectual y su circulación que atraviesan los espacios nacionales, segmentando los procesos de consagración. Argumentamos que la colonialidad intelectual no describe la actual situación de nuestros campos académicos, más bien caracterizados por la convivencia conflictiva de la autonomía y la heteronomía. La dependencia académica, sin embargo, existe, pero es necesario observarla y analizarla como "situación concreta" llevando a fondo el enfoque relacional de la tradición histórico-estructural latinoamericana. En esta línea, primero analizamos el itinerario latinoamericano del debate sobre la dependencia intelectual, para luego proponer una definición operativa de dependencia académica. Finalmente, desarrollamos nuestra propuesta analítica para observar la producción de conocimientos en la periferia a partir de la articulación del concepto de "campo" y de "circuito".