999 resultados para Dictatorship of the proletariat.
Crop rotation can play a valuable role in managing plant parasitic nematodes, depending on the availability of profitable non-host or poor host crops. Alternatively, non-host cover crops or green manures can be used in succession to summer cash Crops for this Purpose. The aim of the current study was to evaluate, under greenhouse conditions, the host status of commercial hybrids and cultivars of grain and silage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) for Meloidogyne javanica, and to assess the effect of sorghum on nematode population in comparison with pearl millet (poor host for M. javanica), showy crotalaria and sunn hemp (both non-hosts). Based on two experiments, it was stated that, as a rule, grain sorghum is a poor host for M. javanica, but silage sorghum is a good host. Silage sorghum `BRS 601` was an exception. In other experiments, grain sorghum, pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum `BN 2`), showy crotalaria (Crotolaria spectabilis `Comum`) and sunn hemp (C. juncea `IAC-KR-1`) reduced M. javanica population level, while silage sorghum increased the nematode density.
In order to further address the known interaction between ethylene and components of the oxidative system, we have used the ethylene-insensitive Never ripe (Nr) tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) mutant, which blocks ethylene responses. The mutant was compared to the control Micro-Tom (MT) cultivar subjected to two stressful situations: 100 mM NaCl and 0.5 mM CdCl(2). Leaf chlorophyll, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities in roots, leaves and fruits, and Na and Cd accumulation in tissues were determined. Although we verified a similar growth pattern and Na and Cd accumulation for MT and Nr, the mutant exhibited reduced leaf chlorophyll degradation following stress. In roots and leaves, the patterns of catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activity as well as malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) production under the stressful conditions tested were very similar between MT and Nr mutant. However, Nr fruits showed increased H(2)O(2) production, reduced and enhanced APX activity in NaCl and CdCl(2), respectively, and enhanced GPOX in NaCl. Moreover, through non-denaturing PAGE, a similar reduction of SOD I band intensity in both, control MT and Nr mutant, treated with NaCl was observed. In leaves and fruits, a similar SOD activity pattern was observed for all periods, genotypes and treatments. Overall the results indicate that the ethylene signaling associated with NR receptor can modulate the biochemical pathways of oxidative stress in a tissue dependent manner, and that this signaling may be different following Na and Cd exposure. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant responses of three bacteria (SD1. KD and K9) isolated from soil previously treated with the herbicides metolachlor and acetochlor. By 165 rRNA gene sequencing, we determined that SD1 is phylogenetically related to Enterobacter asburiae, while KD and K9 have divergent genomes that more closely resemble that of Enterobacter amnigenus. Decreased levels of lipid peroxidation were observed in SD1 and KD following treatment with 34 mM metolachlor or 62 mM acetochlor, respectively, indicating that both bacteria were able to adapt to an increase in ROS production. In the presence of 34 mM metolachlor or 62 mM acetochlor, all bacterial isolates exhibited increases in total catalase (CAT) activity (81% for SDI, 53% for KD and 59% for K9), whereas total SOD activity (assessed based on the profile and intensity of the bands) was slightly reduced when the bacteria were exposed to high concentrations of the herbicides (340 mM metolachlor or 620 mM acetochlor). This effect was due to a specific reduction in SOD IV (K9 and KD isolates) by 45% and 90%, respectively, and SOD V (SD1 isolate) isoenzymes by 60%. The most striking result was obtained in the SD1 isolate, where two novel isoenzymes of glutathione reductase (GR) that responded specifically to metolachlor were identified. In addition, acetochlor was shown to induce the expression of a new 57 kDa protein band in the K9 and KD isolates. The bacteria isolated from the herbicide-contaminated soil exhibited an efficient antioxidant system response at herbicide concentrations of up to 34 mM metolachlor or 62 mM acetochlor. These data suggest a mechanism for tolerance that may include the control of an imbalance in ROS production versus scavenging. The data suggest that specific isoenzymes of CAT and GR could be involved in this herbicide tolerance mechanism. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Moniliophthora perniciosa is a hemibiotrophic fungus that causes witches` broom disease (WBD) in cacao. Marked dimorphism characterizes this fungus, showing a monokaryotic or biotrophic phase that causes disease symptoms and a later dikaryotic or saprotrophic phase. A combined strategy of DNA microarray, expressed sequence tag, and real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analyses was employed to analyze differences between these two fungal stages in vitro. In all, 1,131 putative genes were hybridized with cDNA from different phases, resulting in 189 differentially expressed genes, and 4,595 reads were clusterized, producing 1,534 unigenes. The analysis of these genes, which represent approximately 21% of the total genes, indicates that the biotrophic-like phase undergoes carbon and nitrogen catabollite repression that correlates to the expression of phytopathogenicity genes. Moreover, downregulation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and the presence of a putative ngr1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae could help explain its lower growth rate. In contrast, the saprotrophic mycelium expresses genes related to the metabolism of hexoses, ammonia, and oxidative phosphorylation, which could explain its faster growth. Antifungal toxins were upregulated and could prevent the colonization by competing fungi. This work significantly contributes to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of WBD and, to our knowledge, is the first to analyze differential gene expression of the different phases of a hemibiotrophic fungus.
The weed, known commonly as vassourinha de botao (buttonweed), is present in several crops in northern and north-eastern Brazil. Its occurrence is common in sugarcane and soybean crops in the states of Goias, Tocantins, and Maranhao. However, there is no published information in the literature about its taxonomic classification. Thus, this research aimed to classify taxonomically this species in order to develop a classification key based on the morphological characteristics among varieties of Borreria densiflora DC., as well as to illustrate it and provide a palynological basis to classify this species as a new variety For the classification process, data from the literature, morphological characteristics, and palynological evidence were considered. In this article, we describe a new variety, B. densiflora DC. var. latifolia E.L. Cabral & Martins. The new variety possesses a terrestrial habitat and it is a simple perennial weed species. These results show the importance of an accurate identification, as well as an understanding of the evolutionary changes inherent to weeds (like intraspecific variability), breeding system, genetic potential, and ecological studies. Those factors are essential to the beginning of a long-term weed management strategy.
Transgenic Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. cv. Hamlin plants expressing the hrpN gene were obtained by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Towns) Conn-mediated transformation. hrpN encodes a harpin protein, which elicits the hypersensitive response and systemic acquired resistance in plants. The gene construct consisted of gst1, a pathogen-inducible promoter, a signal peptide for protein secretion to the apoplast, the selection genes nptI1 or aacC1 and the Nos terminator. The function of gst1 in citrus was evaluated in transgenic C. sinensis cv. Valencia harboring the reporter gene uidA (gus) driven by this promoter. Histochemical analysis for gus revealed that gst1 is activated in citrus leaves by both wounding and inoculation with Xanthomonas axonopodis Starr and Garces pv. citri (Hasse) Vauterin et al. Genetic transformation was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization in eight cv. Hamlin acclimatized plants. RT-PCR confirmed hrpN gene expression in seven cv. Hamlin transgenic lines before pathogen inoculation. Some hrpN transgenic lines showed severe leaf curling and abnormal growth. Six hrpN transgenic lines were propagated and evaluated for susceptibility to X axonopodis pv. citri. RT-PCR confirmed gene expression in all six hrpN transgenic lines after pathogen inoculation. Several of the hrpN transgenic lines showed reduction in susceptibility to citrus canker as compared with non-transgenic plants. One hrpN transgenic line exhibited normal vegetative development and displayed very high resistance to the pathogen, estimated as up to 79% reduction in disease severity. This is the first report of genetic transformation of citrus using a pathogen-inducible promoter and the hrpN gene. Further evaluations of the transgenic plants under field conditions are planned. Nevertheless, the evidence to date suggests that the hrpN gene reduces the susceptibility of citrus plants to the canker disease. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium dose effect in the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) nutrition and production. The aim of the study was to evaluate the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) nutritional state and its components of growth in function of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium dose by fertilization. The experimental outlining was entirely made casually in factorial scheme 3(3) + 1, being 3 factors (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - NPK), 3 doses and in evidence (without fertilization), with 3 repetitions. The experimental milt was constituted by two tubes of 2,8 cm diameter and 12,3 cm high with a graft box (Hipobioto) of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) in each tube. The doses used were constituted by doses of N (460; 920 e 18,10 mg dm(-3)), P (50; 100 e 200 mg dm(-3)) and K (395; 790 e 1580 mg dm(-3)). The fertilization with N and K was carried out by fertirrigations and the P added to the substract of Pinus rind and vermiculite before the seeding. when the plants were 133 days after the germination they were subdivided in radicular system and air part for the determinations of the dry matter mass, height, foliar area, stem diameter and contents of nutrients. The N, K and P doses of 920 mg dm(-3), 790 mg dm(-3), 100 mg dm(-3), respectively, were enough for the suitable development of the graft box of lemon tree (of the family Rutaceae) in tubes.
Background: Dentists of Lar Sao Francisco observed during dental treatment that children with cerebral palsy (CP) had increased heart rate (HR) and lower production of saliva. Despite the high prevalence of CP found in the literature (2.08-3.6/1000 individuals), little is known about the electrocardiographic (ECG) characteristics, especially HR, of individuals with CP. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the hypothesis that individuals with CP have a higher HR and to define other ECG characteristics of this population. Methods: Ninety children with CP underwent clinical examination and 12-lead rest ECG. Electrocardiographic data on rhythm, HR, PR interval, QRS duration, P/QRS/T axis, and QT, QTc and T(peak-end) intervals (minimum, mean, maximum, and dispersion) were measured and analyzed then compared with data from a control group with 35 normal children. Fisher and Mann-Whitney U tests were used, respectively, to compare categorical and continuous data. Results: Groups cerebral palsy and control did not significantly differ in age (9 +/- 3 x 9 +/- 4 years) and male gender (65% x 49%). Children with CP had a higher HR (104.0 +/- 20.6 x 84.2 +/- 13.3 beats per minute; P < .0001), shorter PR interval (128.8 +/- 15.0 x 138.1 +/- 15.1 milliseconds; P = .0018), shorter QRS duration (77.4 +/- 8.6 x 82.0 +/- 8.7 milliseconds; P = .0180), QRS axis (46.0 degrees +/- 26.3 degrees x 59.7 degrees +/- 24.8 degrees; P = .0024) and T-wave axis (34.3 degrees +/- 28.9 degrees x 42.9 degrees +/- 17.1 degrees; P = .034) more horizontally positioned, and greater mean QTc (418.1 +/- 18.4 x 408.5 +/- 19.4 milliseconds; P = .0110). All the electrocardiogram variables were within the reference range for the age group including those with significant differences. Conclusion: Children with CP showed increased HR and other abnormal ECG findings in the setting of this investigation. Further studies are needed to explain our findings and to correlate the increased HR with situations such as dehydration, stress, and autonomic nervous disorders. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background, aim, and scope The retention of potentially toxic metals in highly weathered soils can follow different pathways that variably affect their mobility and availability in the soil-water-plant system. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of pH, nature of electrolyte, and ionic strength of the solution on nickel (Ni) adsorption by two acric Oxisols and a less weathered Alfisol. Materials and methods The effect of pH on Ni adsorption was evaluated in surface and subsurface samples from a clayey textured Anionic `Rhodic` Acrudox ( RA), a sandy-clayey textured Anionic `Xantic` Acrudox (XA), and a heavy clayey textured Rhodic Kandiudalf (RK). All soil samples were equilibrated with the same concentration of Ni solution (5.0 mg L(-1)) and two electrolyte solutions (CaCl(2) or NaCl) with different ionic strengths (IS) (1.0, 0.1 and 0.01 mol L(-1)). The pH of each sample set varied from 3 to 10 in order to obtain sorption envelopes. Results and discussion Ni adsorption increased as the pH increased, reaching its maximum of nearly pH 6. The adsorption was highest in Alfisol, followed by RA and XA. Competition between Ni(2+) and Ca(2+) was higher than that between Ni(2+) and Na(+) in all soil samples, as shown by the higher percentage of Ni adsorption at pH 5. At pH values below the intersection point of the three ionic strength curves (zero point of salt effect), Ni adsorption was generally higher in the more concentrated solution (highest IS), probably due to the neutralization of positive charges of soil colloids by Cl(-) ions and consequent adsorption of Ni(2+). Above this point, Ni adsorption was higher in the more diluted solution (lowest ionic strength), due to the higher negative potential at the colloid surfaces and the lower ionic competition for exchange sites in soil colloids. Conclusions The effect of ionic strength was lower in the Oxisols than in the Alfisol. The main mechanism that controlled Ni adsorption in the soils was the ionic exchange, since the adsorption of ionic species varied according to the variation of pH values. The ionic competition revealed the importance of electrolyte composition and ionic strength on Ni adsorption in soils from the humid tropics. Recommendations and perspectives The presence of NaCl or CaCl(2) in different ionic strengths affects the availability of heavy metals in contaminated soils. Therefore, the study of heavy metal dynamics in highly weathered soils must consider this behavior, especially in soils with large amounts of acric components.
In this work, supercritical technology was used to obtain extracts from Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil) with CO(2) and the cosolvent H(2)O at 1, 10, and 20% (w/w). The raw material was obtained from hydroponic cultivation. The extract`s global yield isotherms, chemical compositions, antioxidant activity, and cost of manufacturing were determined. The extraction assays were done for pressures of 10 to 30 MPa at 303 to 323 K. The identification of the compounds present in the extracts was made by GC-MS and ESI-MS. The antioxidant activity of extracts was determined using the coupled reaction of beta-carotene and linolenic acid. At 1% of cosolvent, the largest global yield was obtained at 10 MPa and 303 K (2%, dry basis-d.b.); at 10% of cosolvent the largest global yield was obtained at 10 and 15 MPa (11%, d.b.), and at 20% of cosolvent the largest global yield was detected at 30 MPa and 303 K (24%, d.b.). The main components identified in the extracts were eugenol, germacrene-D, epi-alpha-cadinol, malic acid, tartaric acid, ramnose, caffeic acid, quinic acid, kaempferol, caffeoylquinic acid, and kaempferol 3-O-glucoside. Sweet basil extracts exhibited high antioxidant activity compared to beta-carotene. Three types of SFE extracts from sweet basil were produced, for which the estimated cost of manufacturing (class 5 type) varied from US$ 47.96 to US$ 1,049.58 per kilogram of dry extract.
Hydrochemical processes involved in the development of hydromorphic Podzols are a major concern for the upper Amazon Basin because of the extent of the areas affected by such processes and the large amounts of organic carbon and associated metals exported to the rivers. The dynamics and chemical composition of ground and surface waters were studied along an Acrisol-Podzol sequence lying in an open depression of a plateau. Water levels were monitored along the sequence over a period of 2 years by means of piezometers. Water was sampled in zero-tension lysimeters for groundwater and for surface water in the drainage network of the depression. The pH and concentrations of organic carbon and major elements (Si, Fe and Al) were determined. The contrasted changes reported for concentrations of Si, organic carbon and metals (Fe, Al) mainly reflect the dynamics of the groundwater and the weathering conditions that prevail in the soils. Iron is released by the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides, mostly in the Bg horizons of the upslope Acrisols. It moves laterally under the control of hydraulic gradients and migrates through the iron-depleted Podzols where it is exported to the river network. Aluminium is released from the dissolution of Al-bearing minerals (gibbsite and kaolinite) at the margin of the podzolic area but is immobilized as organo-Al complexes in spodic horizons. In downslope positions, the quick recharge of the groundwater and large release of organic compounds lead to acidification and a loss of metals (mainly Al), previously stored in the Podzols.
This study unveils histological features of the intestinal tract of juvenile striped catfish Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus, 1776) in three size classes (weight, standard length): I - 36.84 +/- 10.19 g, 14.52 +/- 1.54 cm; II - 59.03 +/- 11.47 g, 17.17 +/- 1.06 cm; III - 89.72 +/- 18.70 g, 20.79 +/- 1.55 cm, respectively. Histological organization of the juvenile speckled catfish intestine bears features common to the carnivorous fish, but the organ presents some convolutions that indicate a certain degree of dietary flexibility, a surprising trend, common only to omnivorous Siluriforms. The architecture of the mucosa of the speckled catfish intestine indicates that the species concentrates digestion and absorption of nutrients in the medium intestine, a common feature among carnivorous Teleosts.
The objective of this study was to determine if the effects of inoculation with Lactobacillus buchneri 40788 were detectable when applied to whole-plant corn stored in farm silos. Corn silage was randomly sampled from farms in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, and was untreated (n = 15) or treated with an inoculant (n = 16) containing L. buchneri 40788 alone or this organism combined with Pediococcus pentosaceus during May and June 2007. Corn silage that was removed from the silo face during the morning feeding was sampled, vacuum-packed, and heat sealed in polyethylene bags and shipped immediately to the University of Delaware for analyses. Silage samples were analyzed for dry matter (DM), nutrient composition, fermentation end-products, aerobic stability, and microbial populations. The population of L. buchneri in silages was determined using a real-time quantitative PCR method. Aerobic stability was measured as the time after exposure to air that it took for a 2 degrees C increase above an ambient temperature. The DM and concentrations of lactic and acetic acids were 35.6 and 34.5, 4.17 and 4.85, and 2.24 and 2.41%, respectively, for untreated and inoculated silages and were not different between treatments. The concentration of 1,2-propanediol was greater in inoculated silages (1.26 vs. 0.29%). Numbers of lactic acid bacteria determined on selective agar were not different between treatments. However, the numbers of L. buchneri based on measurements using real-time quantitative PCR analysis were greater and averaged 6.46 log cfu-equivalents/g compared with 4.89 log cfu-equivalent for inoculated silages. There were fewer yeasts and aerobic stability was greater in inoculated silages (4.75 log cfu/g and 74 h of stability) than in untreated silages (5.55 log cfu/g and 46 h of stability). This study supports the effectiveness of L. buchneri 40788 on dairy farms.
Feed is responsible for about 70% of broilers production costs, leading to an increasing number of studies on alternative dietary products that benefit bird performance and lower production costs. Since the 1950s, antimicrobial additives are the most frequently used performance enhancers in animal production and their positive results are observed even in high-challenge conditions. Since the 1990s, due to the ban of the use of some antibiotics as growth promoters and the growing trend of the public to consume natural products, plant extracts have been researched as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters. The first study that evaluated the antibacterial activities of plant extracts was carried out in 1881; however, they started to be used as flavor enhancers only during the next decades. With the emergence of antibiotics in the 1950s, the use of plant extracts as antimicrobial agents almost disappeared. There are several studies in literature assessing the use of plant extracts, individually or in combination, as antimicrobials, antioxidants, or digestibility enhancers in animal feeds. Research results on the factors affecting their action, such as plant variety, harvest time, processing, extraction, as well as the technology employed to manufacture the commercial product and dietary inclusion levels show controversial results, warranting the need of further research and standardization for the effective use of plant extracts as performance enhancers, when added to animal feeds. This article aims at presenting plant extracts as alternatives to antibiotics, explaining their main modes of action as performance enhancers in broiler production.
Frozen samples of mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) with skin were irradiated with gamma radiation doses of 0.0 kGy (control) and 3 kGy at 2 different radiation dose rates: 0.32 kGy/h (3 kGy) and 4.04 kGy/h (3 kGy). Batches of irradiated and control samples were evaluated during 11 d of refrigerated (2 +/- 1 degrees C) storage for the following parameters: total psychrotrophic bacteria count, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), evaluation of objective color (L*, a*, and b*) and a sensory evaluation (irradiated odor, oxidized odor, pink and brown colors). No statistical difference (P > 0.05) was found amongst the TBARS values obtained for the MDCM samples irradiated with dose rates of 0.32 and 4.04 kGy/h. There was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the psychrotrophic bacterial count as from the 7th day of refrigerated storage, for the MDCM samples irradiated at the dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h. With respect to the attribute of oxidized odor, the samples irradiated with a dose rate of 0.32 kGy/h showed a stronger intensity and were significantly different (P < 0.05) from the sample irradiated with a dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h on days 0 and 2 of refrigerated storage. Irradiation with a dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h (3 kGy) was shown to be the best condition for the processing of MDCM according to the evaluation of all the variables, under the conditions of this study. Practical Application The results obtained for the application of different dose rates of ionizing radiation to mechanically deboned chicken meat will provide the food industry with information concerning the definition of the best processing conditions to maximize the sensory and food quality.