998 resultados para Dichtefunktionaltheorie, CPMD, Elektronenstruktur, theoretische Chemie
A one-dimensional multi-component reactive fluid transport algorithm, 1DREACT (Steefel, 1993) was used to investigate different fluid-rock interaction systems. A major short coming of mass transport calculations which include mineral reactions is that solid solutions occurring in many minerals are not treated adequately. Since many thermodynamic models of solid solutions are highly non-linear, this can seriously impact on the stability and efficiency of the solution algorithms used. Phase petrology community saw itself faced with a similar predicament 10 years ago. To improve performance and reliability, phase equilibrium calculations have been using pseudo compounds. The same approach is used here in the first, using the complex plagioclase solid solution as an example. Thermodynamic properties of a varying number of intermediate plagioclase phases were calculated using ideal molecular, Al-avoidance, and non-ideal mixing models. These different mixing models can easily be incorporated into the simulations without modification of the transport code. Simulation results show that as few as nine intermediate compositions are sufficient to characterize the diffusional profile between albite and anorthite. Hence this approach is very efficient, and can be used with little effort. A subsequent chapter reports the results of reactive fluid transport modeling designed to constrain the hydrothermal alteration of Paleoproterozoic sediments of the Southern Lake Superior region. Field observations reveal that quartz-pyrophyllite (or kaolinite) bearing assemblages have been transformed into muscovite-pyrophyllite-diaspore bearing assemblages due to action of fluids migrating along permeable flow channels. Fluid-rock interaction modeling with an initial qtz-prl assemblage and a K-rich fluid simulates the formation of observed mineralogical transformation. The bulk composition of the system evolves from an SiO2-rich one to an Al2O3+K2O-rich one. Simulations show that the fluid flow was up-temperature (e.g. recharge) and that fluid was K-rich. Pseudo compound approach to include solid solutions in reactive transport models was tested in modeling hydrothermal alteration of Icelandic basalts. Solid solutions of chlorites, amphiboles and plagioclase were included as the secondary mineral phases. Saline and fresh water compositions of geothermal fluids were used to investigate the effect of salinity on alteration. Fluid-rock interaction simulations produce the observed mineral transformations. They show that roughly the same alteration minerals are formed due to reactions with both types of fluid which is in agreement with the field observations. A final application is directed towards the remediation of nitrate rich groundwaters. Removal of excess nitrate from groundwater by pyrite oxidation was modeled using the reactive fluid transport algorithm. Model results show that, when a pyrite-bearing, permeable zone is placed in the flow path, nitrate concentration in infiltrating water can be significantly lowered, in agreement with proposals from the literature. This is due to nitrogen reduction. Several simulations investigate the efficiency of systems with different mineral reactive surface areas, reactive barrier zone widths, and flow rates to identify the optimum setup.
Im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar zwischen Taunuskamm und Limburger Becken wurden 242 Erosionsschluchten, so genannte Runsen kartiert. Die vorgefundenen geomorphologischen Formen sind zum Teil mehr als 15 Meter tief, kerben- oder kastenförmig. Einige führen ein zeitweise oder ständig fließendes Gerinne. Die Untersuchung acht verschiedener Einzelbeispiele mit geomorphologischen, bodenkundlichen und kulturhistorischen Methoden ergab, dass die Erosionsschluchten in geschichtlicher Zeit entstanden sind. Damit wurden die Ergebnisse von BORK 1988, 1985, BORK et al. 1998, BAUER 1995, 1993, SEMMEL 1963, HEMPEL 1954, 1954 und HARD 1970 weitgehend bestätigt. Die Runsen an der Aar und ihrer Nebenbäche sind das Ergebnis exzessiver Erosionsprozesse, die in Folge einer erheblichen Übernutzung der Landschaft durch Köhlerei, Eisenerzverhüttung und Landwirtschaft hauptsächlich im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert ausgelöst wurden. Dabei kommt der seit 1656 betriebenen Michelbacher Hütte als landesherrliches Eisenwerk eine besondere Rolle zu. Ein weiterer Einfluss geht auf die spezifische Geofaktorenkonstellation im Untertaunus zurück. Die dort verbreiteten stark tonig verwitterten Schiefer und erodierten Parabraunerden fördern den Oberflächenabfluss, der während zeitweise auftretender Starkregenereignisse an den Hängen zum Einreißen von Erosionsschluchten führen kann . Zur Untersuchung des Phänomens wurden sowohl geomorphologische und bodenkundliche als auch historisch-kulturlandschaftgenetische Methoden herangezogen. Neben der bodenkundlichen Beprobung zahlreicher Aufschlüsse wurden auch Analysen mittels der Radiokarbonmethode, Schwermineralanalysen, Kohlholzspektren historischer Meilerplätze und die Auswertung von Archivunterlagen als Methoden herangezogen. Als grundlegendes Ergebnis liefert die vorliegende Arbeit einen umfassenden Abriss der Nutzungsgeschichte im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar von vorgeschichtlicher Zeit bis zum heutigen Tage. Zudem werden die naturräumlichen Einflussfaktoren, die die Entstehung von Erosionsschluchten erst ermöglichen, auf umfassende Weise dargestellt. Zwei Exkurse behandeln die Bedeutung der spätmittelalterlichen Landwehr bei Hennethal, die während der Geländearbeiten entdeckt wurde sowie die Entstehung und zeitliche Einordnung der Auelehme im Aartal.
In this study, conditions of deposition and stratigraphical architecture of Neogene (Tortonian, 11-6,7Ma) sediments of southern central Crete were analysed. In order to improve resolution of paleoclimatic data, new methods were applied to quantify environmental parameters and to increase the chronostratigraphic resolution in shallow water sediments. A relationship between paleoenvironmental change observed on Crete and global processes was established and a depositional model was developed. Based on a detailed analysis of the distribution of non geniculate coralline red algae, index values for water temperature and water depth were established and tested with the distribution patterns of benthic foraminifera and symbiont-bearing corals. Calcite shelled bivalves were sampled from the Algarve coast (southern Portugal) and central Crete and then 87Sr/86Sr was measured. A high resolution chronostratigraphy was developed based on the correlation between fluctuations in Sr ratios in the measured sections and in a late Miocene global seawater Sr isotope reference curve. Applying this method, a time frame was established to compare paleoenvironmental data from southern central Crete with global information on climate change reflected in oxygen isotope data. The comparison between paleotemperature data based on red algae and global oxygen isotope data showed that the employed index values reflect global change in temperature. Data indicate a warm interval during earliest Tortonian, a second short warm interval between 10 and 9,5Ma, a longer climatic optimum between 9 and 8Ma and an interval of increasing temperatures in the latest Tortonian. The distribution of coral reefs and carpets shows that during the warm intervals, the depositional environment became tropical while temperate climates prevailed during the cold interval. Since relative tectonic movements after initial half-graben formation in the early Tortonian were low in southern central Crete, sedimentary successions strongly respond to global sea-level fluctuation. A characteristic sedimentary succession formed during a 3rd order sea-level cycle: It comprises mixed siliciclastic-limestone deposited during sea-level fall and lowstand, homogenous red algal deposits formed during sea-level rise and coral carpets formed during late rise and highstand. Individual beds in the succession reflect glacioeustatic fluctuations that are most prominent in the mixed siliciclastic-limestone interval. These results confirm the fact that sedimentary successions deposited at the critical threshold between temperate and tropical environments develop characteristic changes in depositional systems and biotic associations that can be used to assemble paleoclimatic datasets.
We have elaborated a multistep strategy to synthesize ABAB-type tetraureas. There are overall nine steps but they involve very simple chemistry. The sequence starts with a 1,3-dialkylation and this is the step in which a difference between distal phenolic units is introduced. The selective ipso-nitration in the next step is based on the difference in reactivity between free phenolic units and alkylated ones. The direct reaction of tetraamino calixarene with tolylisocyanate appears not to be an appropriate method to synthesize 1,3-ditolylurea calixarenes but can be used to get tetraureas of ABBB- and AABB-types in two steps with yields of about 60%. A complete regioselective dimerization was obtained with mono-loop derivatives in which two adjacent urea residues are covalently connected. As predicted/expected the loop prevents the formation of one regioisomer, and only the dimer in which the open-chain residue slips through the loop is formed. To synthesize mono-loop tetraureas 1,2-diBoc protected tetraamino calixarene was acylated with activated di-urethanes under high dilution conditions. Di-loop compounds were synthesized by two different ways. In the reaction of tetraamine and di-urethanes the yield is about 30-40%. The second method is based on the metathesis reaction within a suitable heterodimer. For this strategy, tetraurea derivatives with residues which have terminal double bonds were prepared. The exclusive formation of the heterodimer with tetratosylurea as template is the key point in this strategy. Metathesis followed by hydrogenation give exceptionally good yields (> 80%) of the loop compounds. All the NMR data for di-loop compounds confirm that the loops prevent the interaction of the urea residues which are connected and thus, as expected, the di-loop derivatives do not form homodimers. The heterodimer between di-loop compounds and tetratolylurea (open-chain tetraureas) was the only species observed for a 1:1 mixture in benzene or chloroform. The rational synthesis of bis-[2]catenanes was a consequence of the selective formation of one regioisomer of mono-loop derivatives and the exclusive formation of heterodimers by di-loop derivatives. The formation of interlocking-ring in the synthesis of bis-[2]catenanes is an additional evidence that one open-chain residue slips through the loop in mono- or di-loop derivatives. Exceptionally good yields in the synthesis of bis-[2]catenanes are due to the high preorganization in the dimer which undergoes the metathesis. This preorganization decreases the number of the wrong connections and favors the new connections to be formed. Although the procedure for working up the reaction mixture should be still improved, these results are promising. A C2-symmetrical bis-[2]catenane was successfully resolved by column chromatography using a chiral stationary phase. Thus it should be possible to separate a larger amount to obtain pure enantiomers for further studies.
A series of new columnar discotic liquid crystalline materials based on the superphenalene (C96) core has been synthesized by oxidative cyclodehydrogenation with iron(III) chloride of suitable three-dimensional oligophenylene precursors. These compounds were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarized optical microscopy (POM) and wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), and showed highly ordered supramolecular arrays and mesophase behavior over a broad temperature range. Good solubility, through the introduction of long alkyl chains, and the fact that these new superphenalene derivatives were found to be liquid crystalline at room temperature enabled the formation of highly ordered films (using the zone-casting technique), a requirement for application in organic electronic devices. The one-dimensional, intracolumnar charge carrier mobilities of superphenalene derivatives were determined using the pulse-radiolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity technique (PR-TRMC). Electrical properties of different C96-C12 architectures on mica surfaces were examined by using Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM). Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (C42) derivatives substituted at the periphery with six branched alkyl ether chains were also synthesized. It was found that the introduction of ether groups within the side chains enhances the affinity of the discotic molecules towards polar surfaces, resulting in homeotropic self-assembly (as shown by POM and 2D-WAXS) when the compounds are processed from the isotropic state between two surfaces. A new, insoluble, superphenalene building block bearing six reactive sites was prepared, and was further used for the preparation of dendronized superphenalenes with bulky dendritic substituents around the core. UV/Vis and fluorescence experiments suggest reduced π-π stacking of the superphenalene cores as a result of steric hindrance between the peripheral dendritic units. A new family of graphitic molecules with partial ”zig-zag” periphery has been established. The incorporation of ”zig-zag” edges was shown to have a strong influence on the electronic properties of the new molecules (as studied by solution and solid-state UV/Vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy), leading to a significant bathochromic shift with respect to the parent PAHs (C42 and C96). The reactivity of the additional double bonds was examined. The attachment of long alkyl chains to a ”zig-zag” superphenalene core afforded a new, processable, liquid crystalline material.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit beschreibt Untersuchungen über die zellulären Mechanismen, die zur Bildung dieser DNA-Schäden führen, sowie über die biologischen Auswirkungen dieser Schäden. Die Untersuchungen zu Uracil in der DNA wurden in ung-knockout-MEFs und Mäusen durchgeführt, die es erlauben, die Konsequenzen eines Ausfalls der wichtigsten Reparaturglykosylase für Uracil zu beleuchten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine deutliche Akkumulation von Uracil in den ung-/--Mausfibroblasten im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. In frisch isolierten Leber- und Milzzellen der Mäuse konnte dieser genotypspezifische Unterschied, wenn auch weniger ausgeprägt, ebenso beobachtet werden, nicht jedoch in reifen Spermien. Dieser gewebespezifische Unterschied und die quantitativ stärker ausgeprägte Akkumulation in ung-/--Mausfibroblasten im Vergleich zu den Mäusegeweben gab Anlass zur Vermutung, dass die Proliferation der Zellen für den Haupteintrag an Uracil in die DNA verantwortlich ist. Erstmals konnte in Versuche mit konfluenten (nicht mehr proliferierenden) ung-/--Mausfibroblasten gezeigt werden, dass nicht die spontane hydrolytische Desaminierung von Cytosin, sondern der Fehleinbau von dUMP während der DNA-Replikation die Hauptquelle für Uracil in der DNA von Säugerzellen darstellt. Da der Uracilmetabolismus ein wichtiges Target in der Chemotherapie ist, lag es nahe, das zur Verfügung stehende ung-knockout-Modell der MEFs zur Untersuchung mit Fluorpyrimidinen, die als Zytostatika verwendet werden, einzusetzen. Da bisher die Ursachen der beobachteten Apoptose der Tumorzellen und aller anderen metabolisch hochaktiven Zellen eines behandelten Organismus noch nicht vollständig verstanden ist, wurden diese Zellen mit verschiedenen Fluorpyrimidinen behandelt, die als Thymidylatsynthasehemmer die de novo Synthese von Thymidin unterbinden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ung-/- Mausfibroblasten, im Gegensatz zu ung+/+ Mausfibroblasten, verstärkt Uracil in der DNA akkumulieren. Obwohl die ung+/+ Mausfibroblasten keine erhöhten Uracil-Spiegel in der DNA aufwiesen, zeigten sie bei Inkubation mit einem der beiden Thymidylatsynthasehemmern, 5-Fluoruracil (5-FU), die gleiche Sensitivität in einem nachfolgenden Proliferationsversuch wie die ung-/- Mausfibroblasten. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass weder Reparatur noch Einbau von Uracil in die DNA für die beobachtete Toxizität dieser Zytostatika notwendig sind. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung des DNA-schädigenden Potenzials endogener ROS, die aus dem Fremdstoffmetabolismus stammen. Dazu wurden V79-Zellen verwendet, die mit dem humanen Enzym Cytochrom 2E1 (CYP2E1) transfiziert wurden (V79 CYP2E1) sowie Zellen, die ebenfalls durch Transfektion das humane Enzym Cytochromreduktase (auch Oxidoreduktase genannt) überexprimieren (V79 hOR). Beide Enzyme sind zusammen an der Hydroxylierung von Fremdstoffen beteiligt, bei der die Reduktion von molekularem Sauerstoff durch Übertragung von zwei Elektronen notwendig ist. Wird anstatt zweier Elektronen in Folge nur eines auf den Sauerstoff übertragen, so führt dieser von der Substratoxygenierung enkoppelte Vorgang zur Bildung von Superoxid. Daher galt es zu klären, ob das so erzeugte Superoxid und daraus gebildete ROS in der Lage sind, die DNA zu schädigen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Überexpression von CYP2E1 nicht zu einem erhöhten basalen Gleichgewichtsspiegel oxidativer DNA-Schäden führt und die Metabolisierung von Ethanol durch dieses Enzym ebenfalls keine DNA-Modifikationen verursacht. Die Überexpression der Cytochromreduktase hingegen führte gegenüber dem Wildtyp zu einem erhöhten basalen Gleichgewichtsspiegel oxidativer Basenmodifikationen nach Depletion von Glutathion, einem wichtigen zellulären Antioxidans. Im Mikrokerntest, der gentoxische Ereignisse wie Chromosomenbrüche in Zellen aufzeigt, zeigte sich schon ohne Glutathion-Depletion eine doppelt so hohe Mikrokernrate im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. In weiteren Versuchen wurden die V79-hOR-Zellen mit dem chinoiden Redoxcycler Durochinon inkubiert, um zu untersuchen, ob das vermutlich durch die Reduktase vermittelte Redoxcycling über Generierung von ROS in der Lage ist, einen oxidativen DNA-Schaden und Toxizität zu verursachen. Hier zeigte sich, dass die Überexpression der Reduktase Voraussetzung für Toxizität und den beobachteten DNA-Schaden ist. Die Wildtyp-Zellen zeigten weder einen DNA-Schaden noch Zytotoxizität, auch eine zusätzliche Glutathion-Depletion änderte nichts an dem Befund. Die V79-hOR-Zellen hingegen reagierten auf die Inkubation mit Durochinon mit einer konzentrationsabhängigen Zunahme der Einzelstrangbrüche und oxidativen Basenmodifikationen, wobei sich der DNA-Schaden durch vorherige Glutathion-Depletion verdoppeln ließ.
Es ist bekannt, dass die Überexpression eines einzigen Onkogens im Tumorgewebe einen maligneren Phänotyp zur Folge haben kann. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die Rezeptortyrosinkinase HER-2. Besonders in Mamma- und Ovarialkarzinomen tritt häufig eine HER-2 Überexpression auf, die mit einer schlechteren Prognose für die Patientinnen einhergeht. Die HER-2 blockierende Therapie mit Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) konnte zu einer signifikanten Verbesserung der Überlebenszeit bei Patientinnen mit metastasierendem Mammakarzinom führen. Es ist deshalb von großem Interesse herauszufinden, ob ein Tumor durch gezielte Blockade eines bestimmten Onkogens sein tumorigenes Potential verlieren kann, und dadurch das Tumorwachstum zumindest zeitweise unterbunden wird. Die Frage ist also, ob ein Tumor reversibel sein kann, wenn die Expression seiner Onkogene blockiert wird. Frühere Arbeiten meiner Arbeitsgruppe haben gezeigt, dass Tumore, die konditional humanes HER-2 exprimierten, nach Ausschalten von HER-2 tatsächlich in Remission gingen, d.h. reversibel waren. Tumorgrößenabhängig konnte sogar eine vollständige Tumorremission beobachtet werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll nun helfen, die beobachtete Remission nach Ausschalten von HER-2 besser verstehen zu können. Von Interesse sind dabei vor allem die molekularen Mechanismen, die in dem Tumor nach Ausschalten der HER-2 Expression ablaufen. Die konditionale Expression von HER-2 wurde mit Hilfe des TET-OFF Systems in NIH3T3 Mausfibroblasten erreicht. Mit dieser Technik wurde ein Maustumormodell etabliert, das ermöglichte, die Veränderungen in den Tumoren nach Ausschalten von HER-2 zu untersuchen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wurde dabei auf zwei der durch HER-2 vermittelten Signalwege gerichtet, den Ras-MAP Kinase Signalweg und die Aktivierung von Akt über die Phosphoinositol-3 Kinase. Beide wurden nach Ausschalten der HER-2 Expression deaktiviert. Um herausfinden zu können, welcher der beiden Wege eine wichtigere Rolle bei der Tumorremission spielt, wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei weitere Maustumormodelle zur konditionalen Expression von humanem H-Ras bzw. einer Form des humanen c-Raf-1 (BXB-Raf1) etabliert. Die Modelle funktionierten auf dieselbe Weise wie das HER-2 Maustumormodell und es wurden auch dieselben Faktoren untersucht. Ras und Raf sind Mitglieder des Ras-MAP Kinase Signalweges. Raf ist aber im Gegensatz zu HER-2 und Ras nicht in der Lage, Akt zu aktivieren. Durch Vergleich der Ergebnisse der drei Maustumormodelle war es deshalb möglich zu differenzieren, ob Einflüsse auf die Tumorentwicklung über denn Ras-MAP Kinase oder den PI3K/Akt Signalweg vermittelt wurden. Auch Ausschalten von H-Ras oder BXB-Raf1 führte zu einer raschen Tumorremission. Damit wurde erneut die Frage nach der Reversibilität eines Tumors beantwortet. Ob die Remission auf einer Induktion von Apoptose beruhte, konnte nicht endgültig geklärt werden, da es zwar nach Ausschalten von HER-2 zu einer Erhöhung der Apoptoserate kam, nicht jedoch nach Ausschalten von H-Ras oder BXB-Raf1. Aufgrund der vorhandenen Ergebnisse wird vermutet, dass es zu einer Störung des Gleichgewichtes zwischen proliferationsfördernden und apoptotischen Faktoren nach Ausschalten der Onkogene kam. Die in den Tumoren vorhandene Spontanapoptose könnte dann ausreichen, den Prozess der Tumorremission auszulösen. Die Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass ERK bzw. der Ras-MAP Kinase Signalweg die bedeutendere Rolle bei der Tumorremission spielte. Zum einen wurde dies belegt durch die Beobachtung, dass die Tumorverläufe von HER-2 und BXB-Raf1 nahezu identisch waren. Zum anderen kam es in allen drei Modellen zu einer Dephosphorylierung von ERK, die der Tumorremission vorausging. Akt schien dagegen keine Rolle zu spielen, da das Ausschalten der HER-2, H-Ras oder BXB-Raf1 Expression zu keiner einheitlichen Veränderung des Posphorylierungsgrades von Akt führte. Demnach ist die Blockade des Ras-MAP Kinase Signalweges, der hauptsächlich proliferationsfördernde Eigenschaften besitzt, wichtiger für die Tumorremission als die Blockade des PI3K/Akt Signalweges, der hauptsächlich anti-apoptotische Eigenschaften vermittelt.
The Eifel volcanism is part of the Central European Volcanic Province (CEVP) and is located in the Rhenish Massif, close to the Rhine and Leine Grabens. The Quaternary Eifel volcanism appears to be related to a mantle plume activity. However, the causes of the Tertiary Hocheifel volcanism remain debated. We present geochronological, geochemical and isotope data to assess the geotectonic settings of the Tertiary Eifel volcanism. Based on 40Ar/39Ar dating, we were able to identify two periods in the Hocheifel activity: from 43.6 to 39.0 Ma and from 37.5 to 35.0 Ma. We also show that the pre-rifting volcanism in the northernmost Upper Rhine Graben (59 to 47 Ma) closely precede the Hocheifel volcanic activity. In addition, the volcanism propagates from south to north within the older phase of the Hocheifel activity. At the time of Hocheifel volcanism, the tectonic activity in the Hocheifel was controlled by stress field conditions identical to those of the Upper Rhine Graben. Therefore, magma generation in the Hocheifel appears to be caused by decompression due to Middle to Late Eocene extension. Our geochemical data indicate that the Hocheifel magmas were produced by partial melting of a garnet peridotite at 75-90 km depth. We also show that crustal contamination is minor although the magmas erupted through a relatively thick continental lithosphere. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions suggest that the source of the Hocheifel magmas is a mixing between depleted FOZO or HIMU-like material and enriched EM2-like material. The Tertiary Hocheifel and the Quaternary Eifel lavas appear to have a common enriched end-member. However, the other sources are likely to be distinct. In addition, the Hocheifel lavas share a depleted component with the other Tertiary CEVP lavas. Although the Tertiary Hocheifel and the Quaternary Eifel lavas appear to originate from different sources, the potential involvement of a FOZO-like component would indicate the contribution of deep mantle material. Thus, on the basis of the geochemical and isotope data, we cannot rule out the involvement of plume-type material in the Hocheifel magmas. The Ko’olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP) has been initiated in order to evaluate the long-term evolution of Ko’olau volcano and obtain information about the Hawaiian mantle plume. High precision Pb triple spike data, as well as Sr and Nd isotope data on KSDP lavas and Honolulu Volcanics (HVS) reveal compositional source variations during Ko’olau growth. Pb isotopic compositions indicate that, at least, three Pb end-members are present in Ko’olau lavas. Changes in the contributions of each component are recorded in the Pb, Sr and Nd isotopes stratigraphy. The radiogenic component is present, at variable proportion, in all three stages of Ko’olau growth. It shows affinities with the least radiogenic “Kea-lo8” lavas present in Mauna Kea. The first unradiogenic component was present in the main-shield stage of Ko’olau growth but its contribution decreased with time. It has EM1 type characteristics and corresponds to the “Ko’olau” component of Hawaiian mantle plume. The second unradiogenic end-member, so far only sampled by Honololu lavas, has isotopic characteristics similar to those of a depleted mantle. However, they are different from those of the recent Pacific lithosphere (EPR MORB) indicating that the HVS are not derived from MORB-related source. We suggest, instead, that the HVS result from melting of a plume material. Thus the evolution of a single Hawaiian volcano records the geochemical and isotopic changes within the Hawaiian plume.
In the present study, thin functional conducting polyaniline (PANI) films, either doped or undoped, patterned or unpatterned, were prepared by different approaches. The properties of the obtained PANI films were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with several other techniques, such as SPR, QCM, SPFS, diffraction, etc. The sensing applications (especially biosensing applications) of the prepared PANI films were explored. Firstly, the pure PANI films were prepared by the electropolymerisation method and their doping/dedoping properties in acidic conditions were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with SPR and QCM. Dielectric constants of PANI at different oxidation states were obtained quantitatively. The results obtained here laid a good foundation for the following investigations of PANI films in neutral pH conditions. Next, PANI multilayer films doped by a variety of materials were prepared by the layer-by-layer method in order to explore their biosensing applications, because of the loss of redox activity of pure PANI in neutral pH conditions. The dopants used include not only the traditionally used linear polyelectrolytes, but also, for the first tim, some other novel materials, like modified gold nanoparticles or modified carbon nanotubes. Our results showed that all the used dopants could form stable multilayer films with PANI. All the obtained PANI multilayer films showed good redox activity in a neutral pH environment, which makes them feasible for bioassays. We found that all the prepared PANI multilayer films can electrocatalyze the oxidation of NADH in neutral conditions at a low potential, although their catalytic efficiencies are different. Among them, PANI/carbon nanotube system showed the highest catalytic efficiency toward the oxidation of NADH, which makes it a good candidate as a NADH sensor. Besides, because some of the prepared PANI multilayer systems were end-terminated with –COOH groups (like PANI/Au nanoparticles system), which can be utilized to easily link biomolecules for biosensing applications. Here, we demonstrated, for the first time, to use the prepared PANI multilayer films for the DNA hybridisation detection. The detection event was monitored either by direct electrochemical method, or by enzyme-amplified electrochemical method, or by surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence spectroscopic method. All the methods can effectively differentiate non-complementary DNA from the complementary ones, even at the single-base mismatch level. It should also be noted that, our success in fabricating PANI multilayer films with modified Au nanoparticles or carbon nanotubes also offered another novel method for incorporating such novel materials into (conducting) polymers. Because of the unique electrochemical and optical properties of each component of the obtained PANI multilayer films, they should also find potential applications in many other fields such as microelectronics, or for electrochromic and photovoltaic devices. Finally, patterned PANI films were fabricated by the combination of several patterning techniques, such as the combination of electrocopolymerization with micromolding in capillaries (EP-MIMIC), the combination of microcontact printing with the layer-by-layer technique (µCP-LBL), and the polystyrene (PS) template induced electropolymerisation method. Using the obtained stripe-shaped PANI/PSS film, a redox-switchable polymer grating based on the surface-plasmon-enhanced mode was constructed and its application in the field of biosensing was explored. It was found that the diffraction efficiency (DE) of the grating was very sensitive to the applied potential (i.e. redox state of the film) as well as the pH environment of the dielectric medium. Moreover, the DE could also be effectively tuned by an electrocatalytic event, such as the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH by the grating film. By using PS colloidal crystal assemblies as templates, well-ordered 3D interconnected macroporous PANI arrays (PANI inverse opals) were fabricated via electropolymerisation method. The quality of the obtained inverse opals was much higher than those reported by chemical synthesis method. By electrochemical method, the structures of the prepared inverse opals can be easily controlled. To explore the possible biosensing applications of PANI inverse opals, efforts were also done toward the fabrication of PANI composite inverse opals. By selecting proper dopants, high quality inverse opals of PANI composites were fabricated for the first time. And the obtained opaline films remained redox-active in neutral pH conditions, pointing to their possible applications for electrobioassays.
The production, segregation and migration of melt and aqueous fluids (henceforth called liquid) plays an important role for the transport of mass and energy within the mantle and the crust of the Earth. Many properties of large-scale liquid migration processes such as the permeability of a rock matrix or the initial segregation of newly formed liquid from the host-rock depends on the grain-scale distribution and behaviour of liquid. Although the general mechanisms of liquid distribution at the grain-scale are well understood, the influence of possibly important modifying processes such as static recrystallization, deformation, and chemical disequilibrium on the liquid distribution is not well constrained. For this thesis analogue experiments were used that allowed to investigate the interplay of these different mechanisms in-situ. In high-temperature environments where melts are produced, the grain-scale distribution in “equilibrium” is fully determined by the liquid fraction and the ratio between the solid-solid and the solid-liquid surface energy. The latter is commonly expressed as the dihedral or wetting angle between two grains and the liquid phase (Chapter 2). The interplay of this “equilibrium” liquid distribution with ongoing surface energy driven recrystallization is investigated in Chapter 4 and 5 with experiments using norcamphor plus ethanol liquid. Ethanol in contact with norcamphor forms a wetting angle of about 25°, which is similar to reported angles of rock-forming minerals in contact with silicate melt. The experiments in Chapter 4 show that previously reported disequilibrium features such as trapped liquid lenses, fully-wetted grain boundaries, and large liquid pockets can be explained by the interplay of the liquid with ongoing recrystallization. Closer inspection of dihedral angles in Chapter 5 reveals that the wetting angles are themselves modified by grain coarsening. Ongoing recrystallization constantly moves liquid-filled triple junctions, thereby altering the wetting angles dynamically as a function of the triple junction velocity. A polycrystalline aggregate will therefore always display a range of equilibrium and dynamic wetting angles at raised temperature, rather than a single wetting angle as previously thought. For the deformation experiments partially molten KNO3–LiNO3 experiments were used in addition to norcamphor–ethanol experiments (Chapter 6). Three deformation regimes were observed. At a high bulk liquid fraction >10 vol.% the aggregate deformed by compaction and granular flow. At a “moderate” liquid fraction, the aggregate deformed mainly by grain boundary sliding (GBS) that was localized into conjugate shear zones. At a low liquid fraction, the grains of the aggregate formed a supporting framework that deformed internally by crystal plastic deformation or diffusion creep. Liquid segregation was most efficient during framework deformation, while GBS lead to slow liquid segregation or even liquid dispersion in the deforming areas.
The challenge of the present work was to synthesize and to characterize new classes of N-containing polymers via palladium-catalyzed aryl amination. This work was inspired by a desire to combine the properties of high-performance polymers such as PEKs with those of N-containing conductive polymers such as polyaniline (PANI), poly(aromatic amides) (PAAs), and the ready synthesis of N-containing simple aromatic compound by the Buchwald-Hartwig reaction. Careful investigation of a model reaction was carried out to provide insights into the formation of side products which will have a negative effect upon the molecular weight or upon the materials properties of the desired polymers in the polycondensation reaction. In this thesis, five new different polymer classes namely, poly(imino ketone)s (PIKs), poly(imino acridine)s (PIAcs), poly(imino azobenzene)s (PIAzos), poly(imino fluorenone)s (PIFOs), and poly(imino carbazole)s (PICs) were synthesized and fully characterized by means of 1H-NMR, elemental analysis, UV, FT-IR, X-ray, GPC, TGA, DSC, DMA, and dielectric spectroscopy. To optimize the polycondensation process, the influence of the concentration, temperature, ligands and the reactivity of the halogen containing monomers were investigated. A temperature of 100-165 °C and a concentration of 30-36 % were found to be optimal for the palladium-catalyzed polycondensation to produce polymer with high molecular weight (Mn = 85 900, Mw = 474 500, DP = 126). Four different ligands were used successfully in the Pd-catalyzed process, of which the Pd/BINAP system was found to be the most effective catalyst, producing the highest yield and highest molecular weight polymers. It was found that the reactivity decreases strongly with increasing electronegativity of the halogen atoms, for example better yields, and higher molecular weights were obtained by using dibromo compounds than dichloro compounds while difluoro compounds were totally unreactive. Polymer analogous transformations, such as the protonation reaction of the ring nitrogens in PIAcs, or of the azobenzene groups of PIAzos, the photo and thermal cis-trans-isomerization of PIAzos, and of poly(imino alcohol)s were also studied. The values of the dielectric constants of PIKs at 1 MHz were in the range 2.71-3.08. These low values of the dielectric constant are lower than that of "H Film", a polyimide Kapton film which is one of the most preferred high-performance dielectrics in microelectronic applications having a dielectric constant of 3.5. In addition to the low values of the dielectric constants, PIKs have lower and glass transition temperatures (Tgs) than arimides such as Kapton which may make them more easily processable. Cyclic voltammetry showed that PICs exhibited low oxidation and reduction potentials and their values were shifted to low values with increasing degree of polymerization i.e. with increasing of the carbazole content in backbone of PICs (PIC-7, 0.44, 0.33 V, DP= 37, PIC-5, 0.63, 0.46, DP= 16, respectively).
A finite-strain study in the Gran Paradiso massif of the Italian Western Alps has been carried out to elucidate whether ductile strain shows a relationship to nappe contacts and to shed light on the nature of the subhorizontal foliation typical of the gneiss nappes in the Alps. The Rf/_ and Fry methods used on feldspar porphyroclasts from 143 augengneiss and 11 conglomerate samples of the Gran Paradiso unit (upper tectonic unit of the Gran Paradiso massif), as well as, 9 augengneiss (Erfaulet granite) and 3 quartzite conglomerate samples from the underlying Erfaulet unit (lower unit of the Gran Paradiso massif), and 1 sample from mica schist. Microstructures and thermobarometric data show that feldspar ductility at temperatures >~450°C occurred only during high-pressure metamorphism, when the rocks were underplated beneath the overriding Adriatic plate. Therefore, the finite-strain data can be related to high-pressure metamorphism in the Alpine subduction zone. The augen gneiss was heterogeneously deformed and axial ratios of the strain ellipse in XZ sections range from 2.1 to 69.8. The long axes of the finite-strain ellipsoids trend W/WNW and the short axes are subvertical associated with a subhorizontal foliation. The strain magnitudes do not increase towards the nappe contacts. Geochemical work shows that the accumulation of finite strain was not associated with any significant volume strain. Hence, the data indicate flattening strain type in the Gran Paradiso unit and constrictional strain type in the Erfaulet unit and prove deviations from simple shear. In addition, electron microprobe work was undertaken to determine if the analysed fabrics formed during high-P metamorphism. The chemistry of phengites in the studied samples suggests that deformation and final structural juxtaposition of the Gran Paradiso unit against the Erfaulet took place during high-pressure metamorphism. On the other hand, nappe stacking occurred early during subduction probably by brittle imbrication and that ductile strain was superimposed on and modified the nappe structure during high-pressure underplating in the Alpine subduction zone. The accumulation of ductile strain during underplating was not by simple shear and involved a component of vertical shortening, which caused the subhorizontal foliation in the Gran Paradiso massif. It is concluded that this foliation formed during thrusting of the nappes onto each other suggesting that nappe stacking was associated with vertical shortening. The primary evidence for this interpretation is an attenuated metamorphic section with high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Gran Paradiso unit juxtaposed against the Erfaulet unit. Therefore, the exhumation during high-pressure metamorphism in the Alpine subduction zone involved a component of vertical shortening, which is responsible for the subhorizontal foliation within the nappes.
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Tauglichkeit von Hybridmaterialien auf der Basis von Zinkphosphathydrat-Zementen zum Einsatz als korrosionshemmende anorganische Pigmente oder zur prothetischen und konservierenden Knochen- und Zahntherapie wird weltweit empirisch seit den neunziger Jahren intensiv erforscht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zuerst Referenzproben, d.h. alpha-und beta-Hopeite (Abk. a-,b-ZPT) dank eines hydrothermalen Kristallisationsverfahrens in wässerigem Milieu bei 20°C und 90°C hergestellt. Die Kristallstruktur beider Polymorphe des Zinkphosphattetrahydrats Zn3(PO4)2 4 H2O wurde komplett bestimmt. Einkristall-strukturanalyse zeigt, daß der Hauptunterschied zwischen der alpha-und beta-Form des Zinkphosphattetrahydrats in zwei verschiedenen Anordnungen der Wasserstoffbrücken liegt. Die entsprechenden drei- und zweidimensionalen Anordnungen der Wasserstoffbrücken der a-und b-ZPT induzieren jeweils unterschiedliches thermisches Verhalten beim Aufwärmen. Während die alpha-Form ihr Kristallwasser in zwei definierten Stufen verliert, erzeugt die beta-Form instabile Dehydratationsprodukt. Dieses entspricht zwei unabhängigen, aber nebeneinander ablaufenden Dehydratationsmechanismen: (i) bei niedrigen Heizraten einen zweidimensionalen Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) Mechanismus auf der (011) Ebene, der einerseits bevorzugt an Kristallkanten stattfindet und anderseits von existierenden Kristalldefekten auf Oberflächen gesteuert wird; (ii) bei hohen Heizraten einem zweidimensionalen Diffusionsmechanismus (D2), der zuerst auf der (101) Ebene und dann auf der (110) Ebene erfolgt. Durch die Betrachtung der ZPT Dehydratation als irreversibele heterogene Festkörperstufenreaktion wurde dank eines „ähnlichen Endprodukt“-Protokolls das Dehydratationsphasendiagramm aufgestellt. Es beschreibt die möglichen Zusammenhänge zwischen den verschiedenen Hydratationszuständen und weist auf die Existenz eines Übergangszustandes um 170°C (d.h. Reaktion b-ZPT a-ZPT) hin. Daneben wurde auch ein gezieltes chemisches Ätzverfahren mit verdünnten H3PO4- und NH3 Lösungen angewendet, um die ersten Stufe des Herauslösens von Zinkphosphat genau zu untersuchen. Allerdings zeigen alpha- und beta-Hopeite charakteristische hexagonale und kubische Ätzgruben, die sich unter kristallographischer Kontrolle verbreitern. Eine zuverlässige Beschreibung der Oberfächenchemie und Topologie konnte nur durch AFM und FFM Experimente erfolgen. Gleichzeitig konnte in dieser Weise die Oberflächendefektdichte und-verteilung und die Volumenauflösungsrate von a-ZPT und b-ZPT bestimmt werden. Auf einem zweiten Weg wurde eine innovative Strategie zur Herstellung von basischen Zinkphosphatpigmenten erster und zweiter Generation (d.h. NaZnPO4 1H2O und Na2ZnPO4(OH) 2H2O) mit dem Einsatz von einerseits oberflächenmodifizierten Polystyrolatices (z.B. produziert durch ein Miniemulsionspolymerisationsverfahren) und anderseits von Dendrimeren auf der Basis von Polyamidoamid (PAMAM) beschritten. Die erhaltene Zeolithstruktur (ZPO) hat in Abhängigkeit von steigendem Natrium und Wassergehalt unterschiedliche kontrollierte Morphologie: hexagonal, würfelförmig, herzförmig, sechsarmige Sterne, lanzettenförmige Dendrite, usw. Zur quantitativen Evaluierung des Polymereinbaus in der Kristallstruktur wurden carboxylierte fluoreszenzmarkierte Latices eingesetzt. Es zeigt sich, daß Polymeradditive nicht nur das Wachstum bis zu 8 µm.min-1 reduzierten. Trotzdem scheint es auch als starker Nukleationsbeschleuniger zu wirken. Dank der Koordinationschemie (d.h. Bildung eines sechszentrigen Komplexes L-COO-Zn-PO4*H2O mit Ligandenaustausch) konnten zwei einfache Mechanismen zur Wirkung von Latexpartikeln bei der ZPO Kristallisation aufgezeigt werden: (i) ein Intrakorona- und (ii) ein Extrakorona-Keimbildungsmechanismus. Weiterhin wurde die Effizienz eines Kurzzeit- und Langzeitkorrosionschutzes durch maßgeschneiderte ZPO/ZPT Pigmente und kontrollierte Freisetzung von Phosphationen in zwei Näherungen des Auslösungsgleichgewichts abgeschätzt: (i) durch eine Auswaschungs-methode (thermodynamischer Prozess) und (ii) durch eine pH-Impulsmethode (kinetischer Prozess. Besonders deutlich wird der Ausflösungs-Fällungsmechanismus (d.h. der Metamorphismus). Die wesentliche Rolle den Natriumionen bei der Korrosionshemmung wird durch ein passendes zusammensetzungsabhängiges Auflösungsmodell (ZAAM) beschrieben, das mit dem Befund des Salzsprühteste und der Feuchtigkeitskammertests konsistent ist. Schließlich zeigt diese Arbeit das herausragende Potential funktionalisierter Latices (Polymer) bei der kontrollierten Mineralisation zur Herstellung maßgeschneiderter Zinkphosphat Materialien. Solche Hybridmaterialien werden dringend in der Entwicklung umweltfreundlicher Korrosionsschutzpigmente sowie in der Dentalmedizin benötigt.
Stilbenoid dendrimers with stilbene in the periphery and stilbene in periphery as well as core were synthesized by convergent approach except 2nd generation dendrimer with stilbene in the periphery as well as in core (D-5). All dendrimers were characterized by standard techniques such as 1H NMR, 13C NMR, MS and IR spectroscopy. The MALDI-TOF technique proved to be very helpful in the identification of the 2nd generation dendrimer (D-5) with a mass of 3231 a.m.u. The dendrimers were designed in such a way that an intramolecular photochemical CC bond formation was favored. As two stilbene units of the same molecule were close enough so they preferred an intramolecular cyclic process except for zero generation dendrimers. Apart from the cycloaddition, some E/Z isomerization and oligomer formation was also observed on irradiation. These processes were observed by 1H NMR and MALDI-TOF MS. The photochemical behavior was also studied by UV absorption spectroscopy. Irradiating by monochromatic light led to an initial E/Z isomerization and by prolonged irradiation, an irreversible cyclic structure was formed. The choice of the wavelength of incident light is very important as irradiation at 320 nm leads to a reversible E/Z isomerization and a non-reversible cyclobutane formation, but irradiation at 340 nm favors the one-way process E Z. The [2+2] cycloaddition of molecule Tm2De was also studied by irradiating thin films on a quartz surface. An AFM image was taken before irradiation, after 3 sec irradiation and after long irradiation (1 hour). AFM studies show that a short irradiation leads to a cyclic structure as formation of hills of about 20-30 nm on the surface. A prolonged irradiation leads to a CC cross linking which can be monitored on AFM images as disappearance of hills. The roughness goes back to an almost smooth surface. These results prove a very complex material transport, which accompanies the reaction in the surface region.
The influence of shear fields on water-based systems was investigated within this thesis. The non-linear rheological behaviour of spherical and rod-like particles was examined with Fourier-Transform rheology under LAOS conditions. As a model system for spherical particles two different kinds of polystyrene dispersions, with a solid content higher than 0.3 each, were synthesised within this work. Due to the differences in polydispersity and Debye-length, differences were also found in the rheology. In the FT-rheology both kinds of dispersions showed a similar rise in the intensities of the magnitudes of the odd higher harmonics, which were predicted by a model. The in some cases additionally appearing second harmonics were not predicted. A novel method to analyse the time domain signal was developed, that splits the time domain signal up in four characteristic functions. Those characteristic functions correspond to rheological phenomena. In some cases the intensities of the Fourier components can interfere negatively. FD-virus particles were used as a rod-like model system, which already shows a highly non-linear behaviour at concentrations below 1. % wt. Predictions for the dependence of the higher harmonics from the strain amplitude described the non-linear behaviour well at large, but no so good at small strain amplitudes. Additionally the trends of the rheological behaviour could be described by a theory for rod-like particles. An existing rheo-optical set-up was enhanced by reducing the background birefringence by a factor of 20 and by increasing the time resolution by a factor of 24. Additionally a combination of FT-rheology and rheo-optics was achieved. The influence of a constant shear field on the crystallisation process of zinc oxide in the presence of a polymer was examined. The crystallites showed a reduction in length by a factor of 2. The directed addition of polymers in combination with a defined shear field can be an easy way for a defined change of the form of crystallites.