1000 resultados para Detection of dsRNA


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A homogenous detection of pathogen (Giardia lamblia cysts) based on the catalytic growth of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) has been studied. In this study, centrifugal filters were employed as tools to concentrate and separate the pathogen cells, and moreover amplify the detection signal. The catalytic growth of gold nanoparticles was verified to be positively related to gold seeds concentration. On this basis, homogenous detection of the pathogenic bacteria in liquid phase was established by means of conjugating antibody to gold seeds. Under the given experimental condition, detection limit of G. lamblia cysts was determined as low as 1.088 × 103 cells ml-1. The additional nonspecific binding tests were also conducted to verify the detection specificity. This sensing platform has been proved to be a sensitive, reliable and simple method for large-scale pathogen detection, and provide valuable insight for the development of gold nanocrystals based colorimetric biosensors.


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A surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based inhibition assay method using a polyclonal anti-mouse IgM arrayed Cryptosporidium sensor chip was developed for the real-time detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. The Cryptosporidium sensor chip was fabricated by subsequent immobilization of streptavidin and polyclonal anti-mouse IgM (secondary antibody) onto heterogeneous self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The assay consisted of the immunoreaction step between monoclonal anti-C. parvum oocyst (primary antibody) and oocysts, followed by the binding step of the unbound primary antibody onto the secondary antibody surface. It enhanced not only the immunoreaction yield of the oocysts by batch reaction but also the accessibility of analytes to the chip surface by antibody–antibody interaction. Furthermore, the use of optimum concentration of the primary antibody maximized its binding response on the chip. An inversely linear calibration curve for the oocyst concentration versus SPR signal was obtained in the range of 1×106–1×102 oocysts ml-1. The oocyst detection was also successfully achieved in natural water systems. These results indicate that the SPR-based inhibition assay using the Cryptosporidium sensor chip has high application potential for the real-time analysis of C. parvum oocyst in laboratory and field water monitoring.


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Herein, we present the use of a single gold nanorod sensor for detection of diseases on an antibody-functionalized surface, based on antibody–antigen interaction and the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) ?max shifts of the resonant Rayleigh light scattering spectra. By replacing the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), a tightly packed self-assembled monolayer of HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)6OCH2COOH(OEG6) has been successfully formed on the gold nanorod surface prior to the LSPR sensing, leading to the successful fabrication of individual gold nanorod immunosensors. Using prostate specific antigen (PSA) as a protein biomarker, the lowest concentration experimentally detected was as low as 111 aM, corresponding to a 2.79 nm LSPR ?max shift. These results indicate that the detection platform is very sensitive and outperforms detection limits of commercial tests for PSA so far. Correlatively, its detection limit can be equally compared to the assays based on DNA biobarcodes. This study shows that a gold nanorod has been used as a single nanobiosensor to detect antigens for the first time; and the detection method based on the resonant Rayleigh scattering spectrum of individual gold nanorods enables a simple, label-free detection with ultrahigh sensitivity.


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In this paper, a coupling of fluorophore-DNA barcode and bead-based immunoassay for detecting avian influenza virus (AIV) with PCR-like sensitivity is reported. The assay is based on the use of sandwich immunoassay and fluorophore-tagged oligonucleotides as representative barcodes. The detection involves the sandwiching of the target AIV between magnetic immunoprobes and barcode-carrying immunoprobes. Because each barcode-carrying immunoprobe is functionalized with a multitude of fluorophore-DNA barcode strands, many DNA barcodes are released for each positive binding event resulting in amplification of the signal. Using an inactivated H16N3 AIV as a model, a linear response over five orders of magnitude was obtained, and the sensitivity of the detection was comparable to conventional RT-PCR. Moreover, the entire detection required less than 2 hr. The results indicate that the method has great potential as an alternative for surveillance of epidemic outbreaks caused by AIV, other viruses and microorganisms.


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A sandwich immunoassay for PSA/ACT complex detection based on gold nanoparticle aggregation using two probes was developed. The functionalized colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) showed highly stable not only in the presence of high ionic strength but also in a wide pH range. The functionalized AuNPs were tagged with PSA/ACT complex monoclonal antibody and goat PSA polyclonal antibody and served as the probes to induce aggregation of the colloidal particles. As a result, PSA/ACT complex was detected at concentrations as low as 1 ng/ml. This is the first time that a new aggregation sandwich-immunoassay technique using two gold probes has been used, and the results are generally applicable to other LSPR-based immunoassays.


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Prostate specific antigen-a1-antichymotrypsin was detected by a double-enhancement strategy involving the exploitation of both colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and precipitation of an insoluble product formed by HRP biocatalyzed oxidation. The AuNPs were synthesized and conjugated with horse-radish peroxidase-PSA polyclonal antibody by physisorption. Using the protein-colloid for SPR-based detection of the PSA/ACT complex showed their enhancement as being consistent with other previous studies with regard to AuNPs enhancement, while the enzyme precipitation using DAB substrate was applied for the first time and greatly amplified the signal. The limit of detection was found at as low as 0.027 ng/ml of the PSA/ACT complex (or 300 fM), which is much higher than that of previous reports. This study indicates another way to enhance SPR measurement, and it is generally applicable to other SPR-based immunoassays.


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A mechanism of dual enlargement of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) comprising two steps is described. In the first step, the AuNPs are enlarged by depositing Au atoms on their crystalline faces. In this process, the particles are not only enlarged but they are also observed to multiply: new Au nuclei are formed by the budding and division of the enlarged particles. In the second step, a silver enhancement is subsequently performed by the deposition of silver atoms on the enlarged and newly formed AuNPs to generate bimetallic Au@Ag core-shell structures. The dual nanocatalysis greatly enhances the electron density of the nanostructures, leading to a stronger intensity for colorimetric discrimination as well as better sensitivity for quantitative measurement. Based on this, a simple scanometric assay for the on-slide detection of the food-born pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is developed. After capturing the target bacteria, gold-tagged immunoprobes are added to create a signal on a solid substrate. The signal is then amplified by the dual enlargement process, resulting in a strong color intensity that can easily be recognized by the unaided eye, or measured by an inexpensive flatbed scanner. In this paper, dual nanocatalysis is reported for the first time. It provides a valuable mechanistic insight into the development of a simple and cost-effective detection format.


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Quantitative detection of specific viral DNA has become a pressing issue for the earlier clinical diagnosis of viral infectious diseases. Therefore, in this paper, we report a simple, sensitive, and inexpensive quantitative approach for DNA detection based on the autocatalytic Au deposition of gold nanoprobes via the surface reduction of AuCl4- to Au0 on their surface in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). On this basis, signal enhancements in the absorbance intensity and kinetic behavior of gold enlargement in the aqueous phase have been well investigated and explained for the selection of analytical parameters. To achieve high sensitivity, magnetic particles conjugated with capture probes (PMPs) were employed for the collection of gold nanoprobes. After denaturated by ion a pH 11 solution, the amplified signals of gold nanoprobes, which is proportional to the concentration of the target DNA, could easily be confirmed by a UV-vis scanning spectrophotometer. Limit of detection could be obtained as low as 1.0 fM by this simple method.


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Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) is one of the leading causes of bacterial food-borne disease worldwide. The presence of Campylobacter in chicken feces poses a high risk for contamination of chicken meat and for Campylobacter infections in human. Detection of this bacterium in chicken fecal specimens before slaughter is therefore vital to prevent disease transmission. By combining two techniques – immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), this study developed a reliable and specific method for rapid detection of C. jejuni in chicken fecal samples. The specificity of the assay was assured by two selection steps: 1) Dynabeads®M-270 Amine microbeads (2.8 µm in diameter) coated with C. jejuni monoclonal antibodies were used as the primary selection to isolate bacteria from fecal samples. 2) A PCR assay amplifying the Hippuricase gene was performed as the specific selection to accurately confirm the presence of C. jejuni. Without pre-enrichment, this method was able to detect approximately 10 CFU of C. jejuni in 1 µl of spiked feces within 3 h.


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In this paper, we report a coupling of fluorophore-DNA barcode and bead-based
immunoassay for the detection of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV), a potential pandemic threat for human health and enormous economic losses. The detection strategy is based on the use of sandwich immunoassay and fluorophore-tagged oligonucleotides as representatively fluorescent barcodes. Despite its simplicity the assay has sensitivity comparable to RT-PCR amplification, and possesses a great potential as a rapid and sensitive on-chip detection format.


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A proof-of-concept study was reported on analysis of antigen-antibody recognition based on resonant Rayleigh scattering response of single Au nanoparticles on a microimaging chamber. As benefited by a traditional dark-field microscope and a spectrograph, tiny 30 nm Au nanoparticles were effectively used as nanosensors to monitor changes in refractive index induced by every single binding of the adsorbates. The individual Au nanoparticles were observed with very high signal-to-noise ratio, and a LSPR ?max shift of about 2.5 nm accounting for the detection of PSA antigen with concentration as low as 0.1 pg ml-1 was recorded. This resulted in the successful demonstration of a non-labelling detection system for proteins as well as thousands of different chemical or biological species with possibility of miniaturization and multiplexing scheme.


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The zero-length crosslinker EDC has been widely used to make amide bonds between carboxylic acid and amine groups for bioconjugation because no residues remain in the crosslinked protein. During the conjugation process, EDC activates the carboxyl groups (negatively charged) and forms an unstable amine-reactive intermediate (positively charged). However, the process turns to be a problematic issue if it is applied to modify carboxyl-functionalized and –stabilized Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) due to the fact that the negatively repulsive forces which help to stabilize the AuNPs were disrupted leading to the colloid aggregation. Therefore, to modify the negatively carboxyl-terminated AuNPs while their stability can be maintained yet, we assume that functionalization of the AuNPs using 02 kinds of negatively charged groups which one serves as a linking agent, and the other one plays a role of negative charge maintainer could overcome the impediment.

In this study, the colloidal gold nanoparticles were synthesized by Turkevitch’s method, and then their surface was rationally functionalized with different molar ratios of HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)6OCH2COOH and HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)3OH (OEG6-COOH/OEG3-OH) by self assembling technique. As a result, the most appropriate molar ratio was found to be 1:10, and the AuNP aggregation was prevented not only in the activation process by EDC but also in the present of high concentration of NaCl as well as over in a wide pH range. This is the first time that extremely stable OEG derivatives-functionalized Au nanoparticles for protein bioconjugation using EDC chemistry is reported, and the results open the door for covalent bioconjugation of AuNPs in biological applications.


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The presence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxins in seafood is a severe and growing threat to human health. In order to minimize the risks of human exposure, the maximum content of these toxins in seafood has been limited by legal regulations worldwide. The regulated limits are established in equivalents of the main representatives of the groups: saxitoxin (STX), okadaic acid (OA) and domoic acid (DA), for PSP, DSP and ASP, respectively. In this study a multi-detection method to screen shellfish samples for the presence of these toxins simultaneously was developed. Multiplexing was achieved using a solid-phase microsphere assay coupled to flow-fluorimetry detection, based on the Luminex xMap technology. The multi-detection method consists of three simultaneous competition immunoassays. Free toxins in solution compete with STX, OA or DA immobilized on the surface of three different classes of microspheres for binding to specific monoclonal antibodies. The IC50 obtained in buffer was similar in single- and multi-detection: 5.6 ± 1.1 ng/mL for STX, 1.1 ± 0.03 ng/mL for OA and 1.9 ± 0.1 ng/mL for DA. The sample preparation protocol was optimized for the simultaneous extraction of STX, OA and DA with a mixture of methanol and acetate buffer. The three immunoassays performed well with mussel and scallop matrixes displaying adequate dynamic ranges and recovery rates (around 90 % for STX, 80 % for OA and 100 % for DA). This microsphere-based multi-detection immunoassay provides an easy and rapid screening method capable of detecting simultaneously in the same sample three regulated groups of marine toxins.