950 resultados para Deslinde de costas
El presente proyecto se redacta con el objetivo de estudiar las posibles alternativas de construcción de un parque eólico offshore frente a las costas del término municipal de Guardamar del Segura, en la provincia de Alicante, y concluir, después de una valoración detallada y desde el punto de vista de distintos criterios, con la solución óptima. En él se realiza además una descripción de las obras e instalaciones necesarias para llevar a cabo la construcción del parque eólico offshore de Guardamar del Segura. Tienen un carácter de estudio previo y comparativo de alternativas; pues en él se evaluarán las distintas soluciones viables para el diseño del parque offshore en el citado emplazamiento. Por lo tanto, otro de sus objetivos es ser un soporte técnico para la obtención de la autorización administrativa y la aprobación del proyecto de construcción y la puesta en marcha del parque eólico offshore de Guardamar del Segura.
El presente proyecto tiene por objeto la realización de las actuaciones necesarias para la modificación de la configuración del sistema de defensa de Playa Velilla. Consiste en la construcción de un espigón de planta quebrada y la aportación de arenas de relleno en la misma zona, para la regeneración de la playa. También se contempla la realización de un paseo marítimo en el término municipal afectado.
Esta metodología se ha desarrollado en el marco de un proyecto que es el objeto del Convenio Específico de Colaboración entre el Instituto Geográfico Nacional y la Escuela de Topografía de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid relativo a la investigación, desarrollo, formación y difusión de conocimientos en el campo de las tecnologías de la información geográfica (TIG) para la investigación y desarrollo de la tecnología y metodología adecuada para la optimización de la información de la Base de Datos de Líneas Límite de la Dirección General del Instituto Geográfico Nacional. El fin fundamental del mismo es desarrollar una metodología para mejorar la precisión de la Base de Datos de Líneas Límite que tiene el Instituto Geográfico Nacional. La exigencia actual de calidad y seguridad en la descripción geométrica de las líneas límite obliga a optimizar dicha descripción mediante la aplicación de nuevas tecnologías no existentes en el momento del levantamiento, y al diseño de metodologías adecuadas que, minimizando los tiempos y costes de ejecución, consideren asimismo los distintos agentes que participan en España en la definición de las líneas límite. Para desarrollar dicha metodología será necesario en primer lugar digitalizar la información de los cuadernos de campo y las actas de deslinde existentes en el Instituto Geográfico Nacional, para que sea un trabajo abordable desde las tecnologías actuales; posteriormente, volcar la información referente a las líneas límite sobre ortofotografías a escala 1:5.000, a partir de los datos de los cuadernos de campo digitalizados. Se propondrá un nuevo sistema de gestión, tratamiento y almacenamiento de las líneas límite, con información sobre su linaje (origen de datos, precisión), así como el formato de salida de las propias líneas límite. Para controlar la calidad de la metodología propuesta, se deberá validar la misma mediante un estudio teórico de lamedida de rendimientos y precisiones y su verificación mediante toma de datos en campo. Particularmente, se llevará a cabo dicha validación en un conjunto de 140 líneas límite de 36 municipios de la provincia de Ávila y Segovia (los comprendidos en las hojas 556 y 457 del Mapa Topográfico Nacional 1:50.000). Una vez contrastada la metodología y efectuados los oportunos procesos de refinamiento, se redactarán las conclusiones de todo el proyecto, que englobarán las recomendaciones de trabajo y las precisiones resultantes, los rendimientos de los diferentes procesos y los costes que se generen mediante el empleo de la nueva metodología. ABSTARCT: This paper introduces the development of a methodology for the optimisation of the municipal boundaries database of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional. This project has arisen as part of a collaboration agreement between the Instituto Geográfico Nacional and the Escuela de Topografía of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid which seeks to promote research, development and training in Geographic Information Technologies. Current quality requirements demand the use of new technologies to improve the accuracy of the geometrical description of municipal boundaries. These technologies didn’t exist when the municipal boundaries were first drawn up. Besides, it is convenient to design an appropriate methodology that minimises both costs and time employed. The two main steps in the process are: first, the conversion of all the available data (fixing boundary minutes and field survey notebooks) into digital format in order to make possible their integration in a CAD system; and second, the display and visual overlay of these digital data over an 1:5000 orthophotography of the study area, to identify the boundary monuments. A new system will be proposed to manage, process and storage municipal boundaries information, including its lineage; an output format for these data will be designed as well. In addition, a quality control will be designed to audit this scheme using Data Analysis and Statistical Inference techniques. Moreover, GPS technology will be used to get some boundary monuments co-ordinates to check the results of the proposed methodology. The complete scheme will be tested in a study area corresponding to Ávila and Segovia provinces comprising 140 boundary segments from 36 municipalities.
Sign.: [ ]4, [calderón-3 calderones]4,[4 calderones]2, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Nnnn4
El objeto el presente Proyecto es definir la alternativa seleccionada para la construcción de un nuevo Puerto Deportivo en la Bahía de Pasajes, que proporcione una solución a la demanda de amarres recreativos existente. Además, se resolverá la situación de degradación ambiental existente en su emplazamiento, debida tanto a la intensa actividad industrial desarrollada durante más de 100 años, como a su alta densidad demográfica y el consiguiente volumen de tráfico rodado.
In this article we research the design of detached breakwaters, a type of coastal defence work designed to combat erosion on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. Our aim is to formulate a functional and environmental (nonstructural) method of design that defines the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater as a function of the desired effect on the coast whilst meeting social demands and preserving or improving the quality of the littoral environment. We aim to make this method generally applicable by considering relations between variables of different natures (climatic, geomorphologic, and geometric) influencing the changes experienced on the coast after the detached breakwater has been built. We carried out the study of the relations between the different variables on the data from 19 actual, existing detached breakwaters on the Spanish Mediterranean coastline, and we followed a methodology based on the implementation of nondimensional monomials and on a search for relations of dependency between them. Finally, we discussed the results obtained and came up with a proposal for a design method that uses some of the graphic relations found between the variables studied and that achieves the main objective. For example, a case of a detached breakwater’s geometric presizing is solved as a practical demonstration of how the method is applied. La investigación que se presenta en este artículo aborda el diseño de los diques exentos, por constituir estos un tipo de obras de defensa costera con el que poder luchar de una forma estable y sostenible contra muchos de los problemas de erosión que existen en las playas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la formulación de un método de diseño funcional y ambiental (no estructural) que permita definir las características fundamentales de un dique exento en función del efecto que se quiera inducir en la costa, satisfaciendo las demandas sociales y preservando o mejorando la calidad del medio ambiente litoral. Además, se busca la aplicabilidad general del método mediante la consideración de relaciones entre variables de distinta naturaleza (climáticas, geomorfológicas y geométricas) que tienen influencia en los cambios que se experimentan en la costa tras la construcción del dique exento. El estudio de las relaciones entre las distintas variables se realiza sobre los datos de una base de diecinueve diques exentos reales, existentes en el litoral mediterráneo español, y sigue una metodología basada en el planteamiento de monomios adimensionales y en la búsqueda de relaciones de dependencia entre ellos. Finalmente, la discusión de los resultados obtenidos conduce a la propuesta de un método de diseño que utiliza algunas de las relaciones graficas encontradas entre las variables estudiadas y con el que se consigue el objetivo principal anteriormente expuesto. Para demostrar la aplicación práctica del método se resuelve un caso de predimensionamiento geométrico de un dique exento a modo de ejemplo.
Storm evolution is fundamental for analysing the damage progression of the different failure modes and establishing suitable protocols for maintaining and optimally sizing structures. However, this aspect has hardly been studied and practically the whole of the studies dealing with the subject adopt the Equivalent triangle storm. As against this approach, two new ones are proposed. The first is the Equivalent Triangle Magnitude Storm model (ETMS), whose base, the triangular storm duration, D, is established such that its magnitude (area describing the storm history above the reference threshold level which sets the storm condition),HT, equals the real storm magnitude. The other is the Equivalent Triangle Number of Waves Storm (ETNWS), where the base is referred in terms of the real storm's number of waves,Nz. Three approaches are used for estimating the mean period, Tm, associated to each of the sea states defining the storm evolution, which is necessary to determine the full energy flux withstood by the structure in the course of the extreme event. Two are based on the Jonswap spectrum representativity and the other uses the bivariate Gumbel copula (Hs, Tm), resulting from adjusting the storm peaks. The representativity of the approaches proposed and those defined in specialised literature are analysed by comparing the main armour layer's progressive loss of hydraulic stability caused by real storms and that relating to theoretical ones. An empirical maximum energy flux model is used for this purpose. The agreement between the empirical and theoretical results demonstrates that the representativity of the different approaches depends on the storm characteristics and point towards a need to investigate other geometrical shapes to characterise the storm evolution associated with sea states heavily influenced by swell wave components.
The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness of a ship used as a detached floating breakwater for coastal protection and forming salients of sand or tombolos. Floating breakwaters have been extensively used as port or coastal protection structures and display advantages in terms of construction and ecology, amongst others. However, the greatest problem these structures present is the limited range of wave heights and periods for which they are really effective. Furthermore, ships may be considered as floating structures which, used as breakwaters, would keep the advantages of floating breakwaters and would increase their range of applicability. The possibility of using ships at the conclusion of their useful life for this purpose would also involve greater economic and environmental advantages. Tests were carried out to assess the ship’s effectiveness as a detached floating breakwater using a scaled down physical model to determine the vessel’s transmission coefficient (Kt) as to regular waves with significant periods of 5 sec to 12 sec and significant wave heights of 1.5 m to 4 m at depths from 20 m to 35 m. The ship proves effective for waves up to 4 m significant height and significant periods up to 9 sec. Hanson and Kraus and Pilarzyk’s analytical models, which take transmission coefficients into account, were used to analyse the shore’s response to the breakwater protection. The results obtained show that salients form for waves with periods between 6 sec and 9 sec. It is also concluded that the depths tested are far different from the more usual shallow water involved in constructing detached breakwaters and the shore’s response is therefore scarce.
The extreme runup is a key parameter for a shore risk analysis in which the accurate and quantitative estimation of the upper limit reached by waves is essential. Runup can be better approximated by splitting the setup and swash semi-amplitude contributions. In an experimental study recording setup becomes difficult due to infragravity motions within the surf zone, hence, it would be desirable to measure the setup with available methodologies and devices. In this research, an analysis is made of evaluated the convenience of direct estimation setup as the medium level in the swash zone for experimental runup analysis through a physical model. A physical mobile bed model was setup in a wave flume at the Laboratory for Maritime Experimentation of CEDEX. The wave flume is 36 metres long, 6.5 metres wide and 1.3 metres high. The physical model was designed to cover a reasonable range of parameters, three different slopes (1/50, 1/30 and 1/20), two sand grain sizes (D50 = 0.12 mm and 0.70 mm) and a range for the Iribarren number in deep water (ξ0) from 0.1 to 0.6. Best formulations were chosen for estimating a theoretical setup in the physical model application. Once theoretical setup had been obtained, a comparison was made with an estimation of the setup directly as a medium level of the oscillation in swash usually considered in extreme runup analyses. A good correlation was noted between both theoretical and time-averaging setup and a relation is proposed. Extreme runup is analysed through the sum of setup and semi-amplitude of swash. An equation is proposed that could be applied in strong foreshore slope-dependent reflective beaches.
El presente proyecto se basa en la rehabilitación y recuperación litoral de un entorno de condiciones formidables, situado en el Concejo de Navia (Asturias), en la desembocadura de la Ría de Navia. Con ello, se va a desarrollar una zona muy castigada por su olvido y que tiene un alto valor ecológico.
En el presente trabajo se analiza el cajón Apolonio como diseño conceptual para controlar la reflexión en monolitos de gravedad sometidos a esfuerzos dinámicos de oleaje.
The research that is summarized in this article, resultant of diverse studies realized in the CEDEX, has for object a comparative analysis of methods of overtopping rates developed by different authors. For that, the summary was realized first and the analysis of the existing formulations to estimate the rate of overtopping on rubble mound and vertical breakwaters. Later, there was carried out the contrast of the above mentioned formulations by the results obtained in a serie of hydraulic model tests of the Hydraulic Research Laboratory (the Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain).
Storm evolution is fundamental for analysing the damage progression of the different failure modes and establishing suitable protocols for maintaining and optimally sizing structures. However, this aspect has hardly been studied and practically the whole of the studies dealing with the subject adopt the Equivalent triangle storm. As against this approach, two new ones are proposed. The first is the Equivalent Triangle Magnitude Storm model (ETMS), whose base, the triangular storm duration, D, is established such that its magnitude (area describing the storm history above the reference threshold level which sets the storm condition),HT, equals the real storm magnitude. The other is the Equivalent Triangle Number of Waves Storm (ETNWS), where the base is referred in terms of the real storm's number of waves,Nz. Three approaches are used for estimating the mean period, Tm, associated to each of the sea states defining the storm evolution, which is necessary to determine the full energy flux withstood by the structure in the course of the extreme event. Two are based on the Jonswap spectrum representativity and the other uses the bivariate Gumbel copula (Hs, Tm), resulting from adjusting the storm peaks. The representativity of the approaches proposed and those defined in specialised literature are analysed by comparing the main armour layer's progressive loss of hydraulic stability caused by real storms and that relating to theoretical ones. An empirical maximum energy flux model is used for this purpose. The agreement between the empirical and theoretical results demonstrates that the representativity of the different approaches depends on the storm characteristics and point towards a need to investigate other geometrical shapes to characterise the storm evolution associated with sea states heavily influenced by swell wave components.
The research that is summarized in this article, resultant of diverse studies realized in the CEDEX, has for object a comparative analysis of methods of overtopping rates developed by different authors. For that, the summary was realized first and the analysis of the existing formulations to estimate the rate of overtopping on rubble mound and vertical breakwaters. Later, there was carried out the contrast of the above mentioned formulations by the results obtained in two hydraulic model tests of the Hydraulic Research Laboratory (Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain).
La presente investigación se basa en el análisis de los diferentes criterios empleados hasta la fecha para el dimensionamiento de las protecciones frente a la socavación presentes en parques eólicos marinos monopilotados. A través de la revisión que se realizó sobre las recomendaciones de diseño existentes se detectó una gran carencia de criterios basados en parámetros característicos del oleaje. En este sentido, considerando la importancia que las acciones del oleaje tienen tanto en el desarrollo del fenómeno de la socavación alrededor de las cimentaciones, como en su propio diseño, se propone el empleo de un nuevo criterio basado en variables caracteristicas del oleaje, y la clasificación de dichas estructuras de acuerdo a la propuesta que Van der Meer realizó en su tesis (Van der Meer, 1988).