895 resultados para Descriptive statistics


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Background: Currently, under half of the adolescents reach recommended daily levels of physical activity (PA). It is known that higher levels of PA lead to higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and therefore, a health-related CRF criterion value could contribute to identify the target population for primary cardiovascular disease prevention. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the relation between PA levels and CRF factors in healthy adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional exploratory study with healthy adolescents aged 12-18 years old was conducted. Socio-demographic and body composition data were collected using a questionnaire. PA level was scored with the Physical Activity Index (PAI) and CRF assessment included lung function (LF) measured with spirometry and exercise tolerance measured with Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT). According to PAI scores the sample was divided in two groups: 1 (sedentary, low and moderately active); 2 (vigorously active (VA)). Descriptive statistics were applied to characterise the sample. Independent sample t-tests assessed differences between groups and simple logistic regressions identified the predictors of being VA. Results: The study included 115 adolescents (14.63±1.70 years old; 56.52% female). Adolescents presented a normal body mass index=21.19±3.14 Kg.m-2) and LF (forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)=105.58±12.73% of the predicted). Significant differences were found between groups in height (G1–163.44±8.01; G2–167±8.65; p=0.024), LF (FEV1/ forced vital capacity (FVC); G1–97.58±10.66; G2–94.04±8.04; p=0.049), ISWT distance (G1– 1089.81±214.04; G2–1173.60±191.86; p=0.038); heart rate (HR) at rest (G1– 84.61±13.68; G2–79.23±13.81; p=0.038), HR at the end of the best ISWT (G1– 124.71±37.57; G2–133.54±33.61; p=0.041) and percentage of the maximal HR achieved during ISWT (G1–63.09±19.03; G2–67.53±17.08; p=0.043). Simple logistic regressions showed that height (OR–1.054; 95%CI 1.006-1.104), ISWT distance (OR–1.002; 95%CI 1.000-1.004) and HR at rest (OR–0.971; 95%CI 0.945-0.999) were predictors of being VA. Conclusions: Results suggest that more physically active adolescents have a better CRF profile. The findings suggest that PA is important to adolescents’ health status and it should be encouraged since childhood. Clinical practice will benefit from the use of PAI, ISWT and HR findings, allowing physiotherapists to use it for prescribing exercise.


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As escolas portuguesas do ensino não superior estão dotadas com infraestruturas e equipamentos que permitem trazer o mundo para dentro da sala de aula, tornando o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem mais rico e motivador para os alunos. A adoção institucional de uma plataforma que segue os princípios da web social, o SAPO Campus (SC), definida pela abertura, partilha, integração, inovação e personalização, pode ser catalisadora de processos de mudança e inovação. O presente estudo teve como finalidade acompanhar o processo de adoção do SC em cinco escolas, bem como analisar o impacto no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem e a forma como os alunos e professores se relacionam com esta tecnologia. As escolas envolvidas foram divididas em dois grupos: o primeiro grupo, constituído por três escolas onde o acompanhamento teve uma natureza mais interventiva e presente, enquanto que no segundo grupo, composto por duas escolas, foram apenas observadas as dinâmicas que se desenvolveram no processo de adoção e utilização do SC. No presente estudo, que se assume como um estudo longitudinal de multicasos, foram aplicadas técnicas de tratamento de dados como a estatística descritiva, a análise de conteúdo e a Social Network Analysis (SNA), com o objetivo de, através de uma triangulação permanente, proceder a uma análise dos impactos observados pela utilização do SC. Estes impactos podem ser situados em três níveis diferentes: relativos à instituição, aos professores e aos alunos. Ao nível da adoção institucional de uma tecnologia, verificou-se que essa adoção passa uma mensagem a toda a organização e que, no caso do SC, apela à participação coletiva num ambiente aberto onde as hierarquias se dissipam. Verificou-se ainda que deve implicar o envolvimento dos alunos em atividades significativas e a adoção de estratégias dinâmicas, preferencialmente integradas num projeto mobilizador. A adoção do SC foi ainda catalisadora de dinâmicas que provocaram mudanças nos padrões de consumo e de produção de conteúdos bem como de uma atitude diferente perante o papel da web social no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. As conclusões apontam ainda no sentido da identificação de um conjunto de fatores, observados no estudo, que tiveram impacto no processo de adoção como o papel das lideranças, a importância da formação de professores, a cultura das escolas, a integração num projeto pedagógico e, a um nível mais primário, as questões do acesso à tecnologia. Algumas comunidades construídas à volta do SAPO Campus, envolvendo professores, alunos e a comunidade, evoluíram no sentido da autossustentação, num percurso de reflexão sobre as práticas pedagógicas e partilha de experiências.


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Introdução: no Brasil, a violência contra a mulher foi reconhecida somente com a Convenção Belém do Pará, em 1995. A partir daí, inúmeras medidas para prevenção e combate foram instituídas, entre elas a criação das Delegacias Especializadas de Atendimento às Mulheres (DEAM) e a Lei Maria da Penha. No entanto, muitas mulheres ainda são vitimadas, na maioria das vezes dentro do próprio lar. Objetivos: delinear o perfil das mulheres vítimas de violência; identificar as formas de violência registradas na DEAM da cidade do Rio Grande/RS; identificar os motivos que levam à prática da violência e descrever os atos violentos perpetrados, por parceiro íntimo, às mulheres que registraram ocorrência na DEAM. Metodologia: estudo documental, quanti e qualitativo, de natureza exploratória, descritiva e delineamento transversal. Fizeram parte do estudo todas as ocorrências cujas vítimas eram mulheres com 18 anos ou mais. O espaço temporal adotado estendeu-se de agosto de 2009, quando foi implantada a delegacia, a dezembro de 2011. Os dados foram coletados entre outubro de 2011 e março de 2012. Para a coleta, foi elaborado e aprovado, após testagem, um instrumento contendo informações acerca do agressor, da vítima, bem como do tipo de violência praticada. Os dados foram digitados em planilhas do tipo Excel. A análise quantitativa foi efetuada por meio de estatística descritiva e do software estatístico SPSS versão 17.0. Para o estudo qualitativo utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Esse projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa na Área da Saúde, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande sob Parecer no 137/2011. Resultados: estão descritos em dois artigos. Analisaram-se 902 ocorrências policiais evidenciando-se que a maioria das vitimas eram mulheres brancas, jovens, com baixa escolaridade. Ainda foi possível identificar que o Centro da cidade ocupou a segunda posição como local de moradia das vítimas, desmitificando a idéia de que a violência predomina na periferia. A violência física prevaleceu nos registros notificados, seguida do descumprimento de ordem judicial. Além disso, encontrou-se a reincidência de denúncias, o que pode estar atrelado à morosidade judicial. Observou-se também, que existem diversos motivos desencadeadores da violência, no entanto todos eles apresentam como pano de fundo as questões associadas ao gênero. A simultaneidade da violência bem como a extensão aos filhos, família e sociedade retratam a gravidade do fenômeno e a necessidade de se rever a resolutividade das medidas protetivas e das penas atribuídas aos agressores. Conclusões: este estudo expôs, parcialmente, a situação da violência contra a mulher no município, pois se sabe que existem muitos casos velados que não chegam a ser notificados. Entretanto, evidenciou-se o predomínio da violência física cometida por parceiro íntimo repercutindo em graves consequências à vida das vítimas. Assim, julga-se ímpar a implementação de uma rede efetiva de apoio a essas mulheres bem como a atuação de equipe multidisciplinar capacitada, coesa e sensível ao problema, incluindo os profissionais da saúde, que precisam, ainda, estar ciente da obrigatoriedade da notificação compulsória, fundamental para a formulação de novas políticas públicas de combate e prevenção a esse fenômeno.


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La planificación curricular (PC) constituye una de las actividades y competencias más importantes de los docentes en los distintos niveles de la educación escolar en general. Por esta razón en el trabajo de maestría que presentamos nos proponemos reflexionar con los participantes sobre los aportes que puede hacer el Análisis Didáctico Matemático (ADM) en general, y el Análisis Didáctico Fenomenológico (ADF) en particular, al desarrollo de los procesos de PC y de formación profesional relativa a la PC por parte de los docentes de matemáticas de EBP. Para esto nos enmarcamos en la propuesta teórica de los organizadores del currículo (Rico, 1998; Castro, 2001; Rico y Segovia, 2001; Bedoya, 2002) y sobre el ADF (Freudenthal, 1983; Puig, 1997). Desde el punto de vista metodológico se trabajó mediante estrategias de investigación y sistematización de experiencias educativas, que articulan en el diseño procesos de investigación acción y estudio de casos. Se llevaron a cabo talleres de formación docente en los que se propuso la planificación de una unidad didáctica (UD) sobre el CME (Conocimiento Matemático Escolar) de estadística descriptiva para grado quinto, a fin de analizarlas a la luz de las nociones conceptuales y concepciones de los maestros sobre el proceso de PC.


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This study uses longitudinal data of undergraduate students from five public land-grant universities to better understand undergraduate students’ persistence in and switching of majors, with particular attention given to women’s participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Specifically, the study examines patterns of behavior of women and minorities in relation to initial choice of college major and major field persistence, as well as what majors students switched to upon changing majors. Factors that impact major field persistence are also examined, as well as how switching majors affects students’ time-to-degree. Using a broad definition of STEM, data from nearly 17,000 undergraduate students was analyzed with descriptive statistics, cross tabulations, and binary logistic regressions. The results highlight women’s high levels of participation and success in the sciences, challenging common notions of underrepresentation in the STEM fields. The study calls for researchers to use a comprehensive definition of STEM and broad measurements of persistence when investigating students’ participation in the STEM fields.


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By law, Title I schools employ teachers who are both competent in their subject knowledge and State certified. In addition, Title I teachers receive ongoing professional development in technology integration and are equipped with the latest innovative resources to integrate technology in the classroom. The aim is higher academic achievement and the effective use of technology in the classroom. The investment to implement technology in this large urban school district to improve student achievement has continued to increase. In order to infuse current and emerging technology throughout the curriculum, this school district needs to know where teachers have, and have not, integrated technology. Yet the level of how technology is integrated in Title I schools is unknown. This study used the Digital-Age Survey Levels of Teaching Innovation (LoTi) to assess 508 Title I teachers’ technology integration levels using three major initiatives purchased by Title I— the iPads program, the Chromebook initiative, and the interactive whiteboards program. The study used a quantitative approach. Descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and statistical correlations were used to examine the relationship between the level of technology integration and the following dependent variables: personal computer use (PCU), current instructional practices (CIP), and levels of teaching innovation (LoTi). With this information, budgetary decisions and professional development can be tailored to the meet the technology implementation needs of this district. The result of this study determined a significant relationship between the level of teaching innovation, personal computer use, and current instructional practices with teachers who teach with iPad, Chromebook, and/or interactive whiteboard. There was an increase in LoTi, PCU, and CIP scores with increasing years of experience of Title I teachers. There was also a significant relationship between teachers with 20 years or more teaching experience and their LoTi score.


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Spelling is an important literacy skill, and learning to spell is an important component of learning to write. Learners with strong spelling skills also exhibit greater reading, vocabulary, and orthographic knowledge than those with poor spelling skills (Ehri & Rosenthal, 2007; Ehri & Wilce, 1987; Rankin, Bruning, Timme, & Katkanant, 1993). English, being a deep orthography, has inconsistent sound-to-letter correspondences (Seymour, 2005; Ziegler & Goswami, 2005). This poses a great challenge for learners in gaining spelling fluency and accuracy. The purpose of the present study is to examine cross-linguistic transfer of English vowel spellings in Spanish-speaking adult ESL learners. The research participants were 129 Spanish-speaking adult ESL learners and 104 native English-speaking GED students enrolled in a community college located in the South Atlantic region of the United States. The adult ESL participants were in classes at three different levels of English proficiency: advanced, intermediate, and beginning. An experimental English spelling test was administered to both the native English-speaking and ESL participants. In addition, the adult ESL participants took the standardized spelling tests to rank their spelling skills in both English and Spanish. The data were analyzed using robust regression and Poisson regression procedures, Mann-Whitney test, and descriptive statistics. The study found that both Spanish spelling skills and English proficiency are strong predictors of English spelling skills. Spanish spelling is also a strong predictor of level of L1-influenced transfer. More proficient Spanish spellers made significantly fewer L1-influenced spelling errors than less proficient Spanish spellers. L1-influenced transfer of spelling knowledge from Spanish to English likely occurred in three vowel targets (/ɑɪ/ spelled as ae, ai, or ay, /ɑʊ/ spelled as au, and /eɪ/ spelled as e). The ESL participants and the native English-speaking participants produced highly similar error patterns of English vowel spellings when the errors did not indicate L1-influenced transfer, which implies that the two groups might follow similar trajectories of developing English spelling skills. The findings may help guide future researchers or practitioners to modify and develop instructional spelling intervention to meet the needs of adult ESL learners and help them gain English spelling competence.


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Background: It has been estimated that 10,000 patient injuries occur in the US annually due to confusion involving drug names. An unexplored source of patient misunderstandings may be medication salt forms. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess patient knowledge and comprehension regarding the salt forms of medications as a potential source of medication errors. Methods: A 12 item questionnaire which assessed patient knowledge of medication names on prescription labels was administered to a convenience sample of patients presenting to a family practice clinic. Descriptive statistics were calculated and multivariate analyses were performed. Results: There were 308 responses. Overall, 41% of patients agreed they find their medication names confusing. Participants correctly answered to salt form questions between 12.1% and 56.9% of the time. Taking more prescription medications and higher education level were positively associated with providing more correct answers to 3 medication salt form knowledge questions, while age was negatively associated. Conclusions: Patient misconceptions about medication salt forms are common. These findings support recommendations to standardize the inclusion or exclusion of salt forms. Increasing patient education is another possible approach to reducing confusion.


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This study was undertaken in Napoleon gulf, Lake Victoria Uganda from July – December 2009. It was conducted in four landing sites; Bukaya (0.41103N, 33.19133E), Bugungu (0.40216N, 33.2028E), Busana (0.39062N, 33.25228E) and Kikondo (0.3995N, 33.21848E) all from Buikwe district (Formerly part of Mukono district). The main aim was to determine the effect of both hook size and bait type on the catch rate (mean weight) and size composition of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) (LINNE) fishery in the Napoleon Gulf, Lake Victoria. The main hook sizes investigated during the experiment were 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 that were dominantly used in harvesting Nile perch in Napoleon Gulf, Lake Victoria. In this study length, weight and bait type data were collected on site from each boat at that particular fishing spot; since most fishermen in the Napoleon Gulf could sell their fish immediately the catch is caught there and then. The results indicated a total of 873 Nile perch fish samples collected during the study. Statistical tests, descriptive statistics, regression and correlation were all carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) in addition to Microsoft excel. The bait types in the Gulf ranged from 5-10 cm Total length (TL) haplochromine, 24.5-27 cm TL Mormyrus kannume and 9-24 cm TL Clarias species. The bait types had a significant effect on the catch rate and also on the size composition the fish harvested measured as Total length (ANCOVA F=8.231; P<0.05) despite the fact that bait type had no influence on mean weight of fish captured (ANCOVA F=2.898; P>0.05). Hook sizes used by the fishers had a significant effect on the both the size (TL) composition (ANCOVA F=3.847; P<0.05) and the mean weight (ANCOVA F=4.599; P<0.005) of the Nile perch captured. Investigations indicated hook sizes seven (7) and eight (8) were the ones that harvested the Nile perch above the slot size of 50 cm total length. In general hook sizes indicated to be the main drive in the harvesting of the Nile perch though bait type also contributed toward that. Generally there is need for management to put a law in place on the minimum hook size to be used on the harvesting of the Nile perch and also monitored by the Fisheries Management as a regulatory measure. In addition to that aquaculture should be encouraged to farm the fish for bait at a higher scale in the region in order to avoid depleting the wild stocks already in danger of extinction. Through this kind of venture, both biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability will be observed in the Lake Victoria basin.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira


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This paper aims to evaluate the factors related to food that influence tourists to choose a particular destination. The secondary aim is to identify how tourists perceive food in relation to the culture of the destination. Does the tourist see gastronomy as a way to know the local culture? Is this fact significant when choosing a destination? A hypothetical-deductive methodology combined with descriptive statistics, with the application of a survey instrument resulted in 400 structured interviews and questionnaires valid for each year. The survey covered the summers of 2006 and 2011 in the city of Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brazil. With the results in hand it was possible to create three group of tourists with singular characteristics related to gastronomy, which allowed the definition of the concepts Gourmet Customer, Appreciation Customer and Food Customer, each with a specific perception of the importance of gastronomy and culture within tourism.


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The aim of this study was to model the process of development for an Online Learning Resource (OLR) by Health Care Professionals (HCPs) to meet lymphoedema-related educational needs, within an asset-based management context. Previous research has shown that HCPs have unmet educational needs in relation to lymphoedema but details on their specific nature or context were lacking. Against this background, the study was conducted in two distinct but complementary phases. In Phase 1, a national survey was conducted of HCPs predominantly in community, oncology and palliative care services, followed by focus group discussions with a sample of respondents. In Phase 2, lymphoedema specialists (LSs) used an action research approach to design and implement an OLR to meet the needs identified in Phase 1. Study findings were analysed using descriptive statistics (Phase 1), and framework, thematic and dialectic analysis to explore their potential to inform future service development and education theory. Unmet educational need was found to be specific to health care setting and professional group. These resulted in HCPs feeling poorly-equipped to diagnose and manage lymphoedema. Of concern, when identified, lymphoedema was sometimes buried for fear of overwhelming stretched services. An OLR was identified as a means of addressing the unmet educational needs. This was successfully developed and implemented with minimal additional resources. The process model created has the potential to inform contemporary leadership theory in asset-based management contexts. This doctoral research makes a timely contribution to leadership theory since the resource constraints underpinning much of the contribution has salience to current public services. The process model created has the potential to inform contemporary leadership theory in asset-based management contexts. Further study of a leadership style which incorporates cognisance of Cognitive Load Theory and Self-Determination Theory is suggested. In addition, the detailed reporting of process and how this facilitated learning for participants contributes to workplace education theory


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Abstract Considerable research has been carried out on entrepreneurship in efforts to understand its incidence in order to influence and maximize its benefits. Essentially, researchers and policy makers have sought to understand the link between individuals and business creation: Why some people start businesses while others do not. The research indicates that personality traits, individual background factors and association of entrepreneurship with career choice and small business enterprises, cannot sufficiently explain entrepreneurship. It is recognized that entrepreneurship is an intentional process and based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior, the most defining characteristic of entrepreneurship is the intention to start a business. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to examine factors that influence entrepreneurial intention in high school students in Kenya. Specifically, the study aimed at determining if there were relationships between the perceptions of desirability, and feasibility of entrepreneurship with entrepreneurial intention of the students, identifying any difference in these perceptions with students of different backgrounds, and developing a model to predict entrepreneurship in the students. The study, therefore, tested how well Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior applied in the Kenyan situation. A questionnaire was developed and administered to 969 final year high school students at a critical important point in their career decision making. Participants were selected using a combined convenience and random sampling technique, considering gender, rural/urban location, cost, and accessibility. Survey was the major method of data collection. Data analysis methods included descriptive statistics, correlation, ANOVA, factor analysis, effect size, and regression analysis. iii The findings of this study corroborate results from past studies. Attitudes are found to influence intention, and the attitudes to be moderated by individual background factors. Perceived personal desirability of entrepreneurship was found to have the greatest influence on entrepreneurial intention and perceived feasibility the lowest. The study findings also showed that perceived social desirability and feasibility of entrepreneurship contributed to perception of personal desirability, and that the background factors, including gender and prior experience, influenced entrepreneurial intention both directly and indirectly. In addition, based on the literature reviewed, the study finds that entrepreneurship promotion requires reduction of the high small business mortality rate and creation of both entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial opportunities (Kruger, 2000; Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). These findings have theoretical and practical implications for researchers, policy makers, teachers, and other entrepreneurship practitioners in Kenya.


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Objetivo: Analisar o conhecimento das mulheres em relação à prevenção do câncer de colo de útero e os fatores dificultadores acerca da realização da prática do exame preventivo. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo observacional, de corte transversal e descritivo, com 110 mulheres entre 25 e 64 anos, atendidas em uma unidade de saúde, entre os meses de janeiro e março de 2014. Coletaram-se dados sociodemográficos e econômicos, aspectos ginecológicos e comportamento sobre o exame. Analisaram-se os dados através da estatística descritiva, apresentando valores absolutos e relativos. Resultados: Dados referentes ao significado do câncer uterino mostraram que 65 (59,1%) desconheciam seu significado, 69 (62,7%) sabiam como preveni-lo, 104 (94,5%) já realizaram o Papanicolau, 59 (53,6%) realizaram o Papanicolau há 1 ano, 62 (56,4%) realizam o exame preventivo anualmente e 88 (80%) sabiam a importância dessa realização. Quanto aos fatores encontrados referentes à dificuldade na realização do exame preventivo, 49 (44,5%) relataram ser a vergonha o fator mais impactante. Conclusão: Apesar de a maioria das mulheres realizar o exame periodicamente, muitas desconhecem a sua verdadeira finalidade, sentindo-se envergonhadas e constrangidas durante a realização do exame.


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Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre experiência de cárie, qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) e fatores socioeconômicos em escolares de rede municipal. Métodos: Este estudo, de corte transversal, realizado em um município paulista a partir de um levantamento de saúde bucal do ano de 2012, incluiu 142 escolares com 12 anos completos para avaliação da QVRSB por meio do Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ11-14) e de fatores socioeconômicos (escolaridade dos pais, renda, número de cômodos e número de pessoas que habitam o domicílio). A experiência de cárie foi avaliada e expressa pelo índice CPOD e ceo-d (número de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados na dentição permanente e decídua, respectivamente). A análise consistiu de estatística descritiva, uso dos testes Qui-quadrado, Mann-Whitney e correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Do total, 58,5% (n=83) dos escolares apresentaram experiência de cárie (CPOD+ceo-d≥1), os quais também apresentaram maiores escores na percepção global em saúde bucal (2,6±0,9 x 2,1±0,8), na escala total (33,0±22,6 x 21,9±14,5) e nos domínios bem-estar emocional (11,4±8,6 x 6,6±5,8) e bem-estar social (7,7±8,2 x 4,4±4,9) quando comparados àqueles sem experiência de cárie. Observouse também correlação positiva significativa entre o número de pessoas que habitavam o domicílio e o índice CPOD/ceo-d (r=0,2670; p=0,003). Conclusão: A experiência de cárie relacionou-se com uma percepção negativa da saúde bucal, principalmente nos aspectos emocional e social, e com o número de pessoas que habitavam o domicílio.