1000 resultados para Depressió psíquica -- Tractament
This paper formulates power allocation policies that maximize the region of mutual informationsachievable in multiuser downlink OFDM channels. Arbitrary partitioning ofthe available tones among users and arbitrary modulation formats, possibly different forevery user, are considered. Two distinct policies are derived, respectively for slow fadingchannels tracked instantaneously by the transmitter and for fast fading channels knownonly statistically thereby. With instantaneous channel tracking, the solution adopts theform of a multiuser mercury/waterfilling procedure that generalizes the single-user mercury/waterfilling introduced in [1, 2]. With only statistical channel information, in contrast,the mercury/waterfilling interpretation is lost. For both policies, a number of limitingregimes are explored and illustrative examples are provided.
There is growing evidence that nonlinear time series analysis techniques can be used to successfully characterize, classify, or process signals derived from realworld dynamics even though these are not necessarily deterministic and stationary. In the present study we proceed in this direction by addressing an important problem our modern society is facing, the automatic classification of digital information. In particular, we address the automatic identification of cover songs, i.e. alternative renditions of a previously recorded musical piece. For this purpose we here propose a recurrence quantification analysis measure that allows tracking potentially curved and disrupted traces in cross recurrence plots. We apply this measure to cross recurrence plots constructed from the state space representation of musical descriptor time series extracted from the raw audio signal. We show that our method identifies cover songs with a higher accuracy as compared to previously published techniques. Beyond the particular application proposed here, we discuss how our approach can be useful for the characterization of a variety of signals from different scientific disciplines. We study coupled Rössler dynamics with stochastically modulated mean frequencies as one concrete example to illustrate this point.
Intuitively, music has both predictable and unpredictable components. In this work we assess this qualitative statement in a quantitative way using common time series models fitted to state-of-the-art music descriptors. These descriptors cover different musical facets and are extracted from a large collection of real audio recordings comprising a variety of musical genres. Our findings show that music descriptor time series exhibit a certain predictability not only for short time intervals, but also for mid-term and relatively long intervals. This fact is observed independently of the descriptor, musical facet and time series model we consider. Moreover, we show that our findings are not only of theoretical relevance but can also have practical impact. To this end we demonstrate that music predictability at relatively long time intervals can be exploited in a real-world application, namely the automatic identification of cover songs (i.e. different renditions or versions of the same musical piece). Importantly, this prediction strategy yields a parameter-free approach for cover song identification that is substantially faster, allows for reduced computational storage and still maintains highly competitive accuracies when compared to state-of-the-art systems.
We present a method to compute, quickly and efficiently, the mutual information achieved by an IID (independent identically distributed) complex Gaussian signal on a block Rayleigh-faded channel without side information at the receiver. The method accommodates both scalar and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) settings. Operationally, this mutual information represents the highest spectral efficiency that can be attained using Gaussiancodebooks. Examples are provided that illustrate the loss in spectral efficiency caused by fast fading and how that loss is amplified when multiple transmit antennas are used. These examples are further enriched by comparisons with the channel capacity under perfect channel-state information at the receiver, and with the spectral efficiency attained by pilot-based transmission.
In this paper we present a description of the role of definitional verbal patterns for the extraction of semantic relations. Several studies show that semantic relations can be extracted from analytic definitions contained in machine-readable dictionaries (MRDs). In addition, definitions found in specialised texts are a good starting point to search for different types of definitions where other semantic relations occur. The extraction of definitional knowledge from specialised corpora represents another interesting approach for the extraction of semantic relations. Here, we present a descriptive analysis of definitional verbal patterns in Spanish and the first steps towards the development of a system for the automatic extraction of definitional knowledge.
We present a method to compute, quickly and efficiently, the mutual information achieved by an IID (independent identically distributed) complex Gaussian signal on a block Rayleigh-faded channel without side information at the receiver. The method accommodates both scalar and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) settings. Operationally, this mutual information represents the highest spectral efficiency that can be attained using Gaussiancodebooks. Examples are provided that illustrate the loss in spectral efficiency caused by fast fading and how that loss is amplified when multiple transmit antennas are used. These examples are further enriched by comparisons with the channel capacity under perfect channel-state information at the receiver, and with the spectral efficiency attained by pilot-based transmission.
Silver Code (SilC) was originally discovered in [1–4] for 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission. It has non-vanishing minimum determinant 1/7, slightly lower than Golden code, but is fast-decodable, i.e., it allows reduced-complexity maximum likelihood decoding [5–7]. In this paper, we present a multidimensional trellis-coded modulation scheme for MIMO systems [11] based on set partitioning of the Silver Code, named Silver Space-Time Trellis Coded Modulation (SST-TCM). This lattice set partitioning is designed specifically to increase the minimum determinant. The branches of the outer trellis code are labeled with these partitions. Viterbi algorithm is applied for trellis decoding, while the branch metrics are computed by using a sphere-decoding algorithm. It is shown that the proposed SST-TCM performs very closely to the Golden Space-Time Trellis Coded Modulation (GST-TCM) scheme, yetwith a much reduced decoding complexity thanks to its fast-decoding property.
In multiuser detection, the set of users active at any time may be unknown to the receiver. In these conditions, optimum reception consists of detecting simultaneously the set of activeusers and their data, problem that can be solved exactly by applying random-set theory (RST) and Bayesian recursions (BR). However, implementation of optimum receivers may be limited by their complexity, which grows exponentially with the number of potential users. In this paper we examine three strategies leading to reduced-complexity receivers.In particular, we show how a simple approximation of BRs enables the use of Sphere Detection (SD) algorithm, whichexhibits satisfactory performance with limited complexity.
This paper presents several algorithms for joint estimation of the target number and state in a time-varying scenario. Building on the results presented in [1], which considers estimation of the target number only, we assume that not only the target number, but also their state evolution must be estimated. In this context, we extend to this new scenario the Rao-Blackwellization procedure of [1] to compute Bayes recursions, thus defining reduced-complexity solutions for the multi-target set estimator. A performance assessmentis finally given both in terms of Circular Position Error Probability - aimed at evaluating the accuracy of the estimated track - and in terms of Cardinality Error Probability, aimed at evaluating the reliability of the target number estimates.
En aquest paper, es presenten els criteris de treball que s'han seguit durant els 10 anys en què s'ha anat constituint el corpus de l'IULA. S'exposa l'estat de les dades del corpus, els recursos lèxics utilitzats per al tractament de les dades (diccionaris i etiquetaris) i les eines constituïdes o adaptades. Es dedica especial atenció a la documentació de la cadena de treball de processament del corpus, des de l'adquisició dels textos en format electrònic fins a la seva incorporació definitiva al corpus.
L'Observatori de Neologia, dirigit per la Dra. M. Teresa Cabré, neix com a grup de recerca l'any 1988 a la Universitat de Barcelona i des de 1994 s'incorpora com a projecte a l'Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. L'Observatori de Neologia analitza el fenomen de l'aparició de paraules noves o neologismes en l'ús, tant pel que fa al català com al castellà. Actualment compta amb una base de dades de més de 82.000 ocurrències per al català i de més de 60.000 ocurrències per al castellà procedents de textos escrits i orals de mitjans de comunicació.Aquest volum recull la metodologia establerta des de l’inici del projecte pels membres fundadors de l’Observatori de Neologia - tot i que revisada i actualitzada al llarg dels anys. Aquesta metodologia guia tots els treballs de detecció, selecció, tractament i emmagatzemament de les dades que es duen a terme a l’Observatori.
L'Observatori de Neologia, dirigit per la Dra. M. Teresa Cabré, neix com a grup de recerca l'any 1988 a la Universitat de Barcelona i des de 1994 s'incorpora com a projecte a l'Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. L'Observatori de Neologia analitza el fenomen de l'aparició de paraules noves o neologismes en l'ús, tant pel que fa al català com al castellà. Actualment compta amb una base de dades de més de 82.000 ocurrències per al català i de més de 60.000 ocurrències per al castellà procedents de textos escrits i orals de mitjans de comunicació.Aquest volum recull la metodologia establerta des de l’inici del projecte pels membres fundadors de l’Observatori de Neologia - tot i que revisada i actualitzada al llarg dels anys. Aquesta metodologia guia tots els treballs de detecció, selecció, tractament i emmagatzemament de les dades que es duen a terme a l’Observatori.
Aquest article examina un aspecte de la informació gramatical que inclouen els diccionaris. En concret, analitza el tractament lexicogràfic que els noms que poden formar part d'un determinant complex han rebut en diversos diccionaris. Són noms que, segons els contextos funcionen com a nucli d'un sintagma nominal o com a nucli d'un sintagma determinant. Els resultats d'aquest estudi demostren que la informació gramatical en aquest tipus de noms en la majoria de diccionaris és molt pobre i fins i tot nul·la. Com a alternativa, el treball proposa un primer disseny d'entrada lexicogràfica prototípica per aquest tipus de noms que al costat de la informació semàntica té en compte la informació gramatical i la informació pragmàtica.
La novel·la de Günter Grass Unkenrufe, que presenta una visió negativa de la reunificació alemanya en el marc dels conflictes ancestrals entre polonesos i alemanys, ofereix una gran quantitat de dades per a l’estudi del tractament traductor de la dimensió emocional d’un text. Partint d’una anàlisi exhaustiva de tota l’obra, el treball se centra en vint microsegments representatius d’un sentiment i una actitud que guarden correlació: l’enuig i la ironia del narrador envers la història fictícia de la novel·la i la real de l’Alemanya de finals dels vuitanta. L’objectiu és estudiar aquests dos aspectes centrals de l’obra a les versions catalana i castellana d’Unkenrufe i determinar, per mitjà de la detecció i anàlisi de les divergències d’intensitat, si les traduccions reforcen, atenuen o mantenen l’enuig i la ironia del narrador. Els resultats de l’anàlisi, que aplica eines lexicogràfiques i corpus d’ús de la llengua, apunten cap a una tendència del narrador de la traducció castellana a mostrar-se menys irònic.
Extreme Vocal Effects (EVE) in music are so recent that few studies have been carried out about how they are physiologically produced and whether they are harmful or not for the human voice.Voice Transformations in real-time are possible nowadays thanks to new technologies and voice processing algorithms. This Master's Thesis pretends to define and classify these new singing techniques and to create a mapping between the physiological aspect of each EVE to its relative spectrumvariations.Voice Transformation Models based on these mappings are proposed and discussed for each one of these EVEs. We also discuss different transformation methods and strategies in order to obtain better results.A subjective evaluation of the results of the transformations is also presented and discussed along with further work, improvements, and working lines on this field.