963 resultados para Dangerous Situations
OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of occupational injuries and identify their risk factors among students in two municipalities. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in public schools of the municipalities of Santo Antonio do Pinhal and Monteiro Lobato, Brazil. A stratified probabilistic sample was drawn from public middle and high schools of the study municipalities. A total of 781 students aged 11 to 19 years participated in the study. Students attending middle and high school answered a comprehensive questionnaire on living and working conditions, as well as aspects of work injuries, and health conditions. Multiple logistic regression models were fitted to estimate risk factors of previous and present occupational injuries. RESULTS: Of 781 students, 604 previously had or currently have jobs and 47% reported previous injuries. Among current workers (n=555), 38% reported injuries on their current job. Risk factors for work injuries with statistically significant odds ratio >2.0 included attending evening school, working as a housekeeper, waiter or brickmaker, and with potentially dangerous machines. CONCLUSIONS: The study results reinforce the need of restricting adolescent work and support communities to implement social promotion programs.
Value has been defined in different theoretical contexts as need, desire, interest, standard /criteria, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences. The creation of value is key to any business, and any business activity is about exchanging some tangible and/or intangible good or service and having its value accepted and rewarded by customers or clients, either inside the enterprise or collaborative network or outside. “Perhaps surprising then is that firms often do not know how to define value, or how to measure it” (Anderson and Narus, 1998 cited by [1]). Woodruff echoed that we need “richer customer value theory” for providing an “important tool for locking onto the critical things that managers need to know”. In addition, he emphasized, “we need customer value theory that delves deeply into customer’s world of product use in their situations” [2]. In this sense, we proposed and validated a novel “Conceptual Model for Decomposing the Value for the Customer”. To this end, we were aware that time has a direct impact on customer perceived value, and the suppliers’ and customers’ perceptions change from the pre-purchase to the post-purchase phases, causing some uncertainty and doubts.We wanted to break down value into all its components, as well as every built and used assets (both endogenous and/or exogenous perspectives). This component analysis was then transposed into a mathematical formulation using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), so that the uncertainty and vagueness of value perceptions could be embedded in this model that relates used and built assets in the tangible and intangible deliverable exchange among the involved parties, with their actual value perceptions.
In a liberalized electricity market, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) plays a crucial role in power system operation. Among many other tasks, TSO detects congestion situations and allocates the payments of electricity transmission. This paper presents a software tool for congestion management and transmission price determination in electricity markets. The congestion management is based on a reformulated Optimal Power Flow (OPF), whose main goal is to obtain a feasible solution for the re-dispatch minimizing the changes in the dispatch proposed by the market operator. The transmission price computation considers the physical impact caused by the market agents in the transmission network. The final tariff includes existing system costs and also costs due to the initial congestion situation and losses costs. The paper includes a case study for the IEEE 30 bus power system.
Close to sinusoidal substrates, simple fluids may undergo a filling transition, in which the fluid passes from a dry to a filled state, where the interface remains unbent but bound to the substrate. Increasing the surface field, the interface unbinds and a wetting transition occurs. We show that this double-transition sequence may be strongly modified in the case of ordered fluids, such as nematic liquid crystals. Depending on the preferred orientation of the nematic molecules at the structured substrate and at the isotropic-nematic interface, the filling transition may not exist, and the fluid passes directly from a dry to a complete-wet state, with the interface far from the substrate. More interestingly, in other situations, the complete wetting transition may be prevented, and the fluid passes from a dry to a filled state, and remains in this configuration, with the interface always attached to the substrate, even for very large surface fields. Both transitions are observed only for a same substrate in a narrow range of amplitudes.
This paper presents a software tool (SIM_CMTP) that solves congestion situations and evaluates the taxes to be paid to the transmission system by market agents. SIM_CMTP provides users with a set of alternative methods for cost allocation and enables the definition of specific rules, according to each market and/or situation needs. With these characteristics, SIM_CMTP can be used as an operation aid for Transmission System Operator (TSO) or Independent System Operator (ISO). Due to its openness, it can also be used as a decision-making support tool for evaluating different options of market rules in competitive market environment, guarantying the economic sustainability of the transmission system.
Introduction / Aims: Adopting the important decisions represents a specific task of the manager. An efficient manager takes these decisions during a sistematic process with well-defined elements, each with a precise order. In the pharmaceutical practice and business, in the supply process of the pharmacies, there are situations when the medicine distributors offer a certain discount, but require payment in a shorter period of time. In these cases, the analysis of the offer can be made with the help of the decision tree method, which permits identifying the decision offering the best possible result in a given situation. The aims of the research have been the analysis of the product offers of many different suppliers and the establishing of the most advantageous ways of pharmacy supplying. Material / Methods: There have been studied the general product offers of the following medical stores: A&G Med, Farmanord, Farmexim, Mediplus, Montero and Relad. In the case of medicine offers including a discount, the decision tree method has been applied in order to select the most advantageous offers. The Decision Tree is a management method used in taking the right decisions and it is generally used when one needs to evaluate the decisions that involve a series of stages. The tree diagram is used in order to look for the most efficient means to attain a specific goal. The decision trees are the most probabilistic methods, useful when adopting risk taking decisions. Results: The results of the analysis on the tree diagrams have indicated the fact that purchasing medicines with discount (1%, 10%, 15%) and payment in a shorter time interval (120 days) is more profitable than purchasing without a discount and payment in a longer time interval (160 days). Discussion / Conclusion: Depending on the results of the tree diagram analysis, the pharmacies would purchase from the selected suppliers. The research has shown that the decision tree method represents a valuable work instrument in choosing the best ways for supplying pharmacies and it is very useful to the specialists from the pharmaceutical field, pharmaceutical management, to medicine suppliers, pharmacy practitioners from the community pharmacies and especially to pharmacy managers, chief – pharmacists.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular. Área de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular.
Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Educação Especial
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Imagem Digital com Radiação X.
Power system planning, control and operation require an adequate use of existing resources as to increase system efficiency. The use of optimal solutions in power systems allows huge savings stressing the need of adequate optimization and control methods. These must be able to solve the envisaged optimization problems in time scales compatible with operational requirements. Power systems are complex, uncertain and changing environments that make the use of traditional optimization methodologies impracticable in most real situations. Computational intelligence methods present good characteristics to address this kind of problems and have already proved to be efficient for very diverse power system optimization problems. Evolutionary computation, fuzzy systems, swarm intelligence, artificial immune systems, neural networks, and hybrid approaches are presently seen as the most adequate methodologies to address several planning, control and operation problems in power systems. Future power systems, with intensive use of distributed generation and electricity market liberalization increase power systems complexity and bring huge challenges to the forefront of the power industry. Decentralized intelligence and decision making requires more effective optimization and control techniques techniques so that the involved players can make the most adequate use of existing resources in the new context. The application of computational intelligence methods to deal with several problems of future power systems is presented in this chapter. Four different applications are presented to illustrate the promises of computational intelligence, and illustrate their potentials.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Introdução: A prevalência de problemas neuro-músculo-esqueléticos nos músicos é elevada, pois estão sujeitos a grande exigência física e psicológica. Objectivos: Analisar a prevalência de factores de risco em marimbistas e caracterizar a postura da coluna vertebral na situação de tocar. Métodos: A recolha das situações de risco foi realizada através de um questionário e a postura da coluna, numa amostra de 10 marimbistas, analisada pelo SAPO. Resultados: As posturas entre as situações sem tocar e a tocar um excerto difícil são significativamente diferentes. Conclusão: Os marimbistas têm uma grande prevalência de sintomas sendo necessários programas de educação e promoção de saúde.
A introdução de Ressonância Magnética de Corpo Inteiro (RM-CI) de alta resolução é baseada no desenvolvimento rápido e intensivo dos equipamentos de RM. Estes avanços associados ao aparecimento de novos métodos de aquisição de imagem, como as técnicas de Multistation ou imagem paralela impulsionam a RM-CI. Associado ao desenvolvimento tecnológico, a RM-CI apresenta vantagens clínicas essencialmente para patologias oncológicas como é o caso das metástases ósseas, e para patologias do foro cardiovascular. Muitas destas situações ainda se encontram em investigação mas os primeiros resultados têm superado todas as expectativas nomeadamente a RM-CI com a aplicação da técnica de Difusão.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Didáctica da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Currently, Power Systems (PS) already accommodate a substantial penetration of DG and operate in competitive environments. In the future PS will have to deal with largescale integration of DG and other distributed energy resources (DER), such as storage means, and provide to market agents the means to ensure a flexible and secure operation. This cannot be done with the traditional PS operation. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a vital infrastructure for PS. Current SCADA adaptation to accommodate the new needs of future PS does not allow to address all the requirements. In this paper we present a new conceptual design of an intelligent SCADA, with a more decentralized, flexible, and intelligent approach, adaptive to the context (context awareness). Once a situation is characterized, data and control options available to each entity are re-defined according to this context, taking into account operation normative and a priori established contracts. The paper includes a case-study of using future SCADA features to use DER to deal with incident situations, preventing blackouts.