971 resultados para DUCTAL PLATE


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Hepatectomy may prolong the survival of colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases. Two-stage liver surgery is a valid option for the treatment of bilobar colorectal liver metastasis. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a two-stage pure laparoscopic hepatectomy for bilateral liver metastasis. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first description of a two-stage laparoscopic liver resection in the English literature. A 54-year-old man with right colon cancer and synchronous bilobar colorectal liver metastasis underwent laparoscopic right colon resection followed by oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy. The patient then was referred for surgical treatment of liver metastasis. Liver volumetry showed a small left liver remnant. Surgical planning was for a totally laparoscopic two-stage liver resection. The first stage involved laparoscopic resection of segment 3 and ligature of the right portal vein. The postoperative pathology showed high-grade liver steatosis. After 4 weeks, the left liver had regenerated, and volumetry of left liver was 43%. The second stage involved laparoscopic right hepatectomy using the intrahepatic Glissonian approach. Intrahepatic access to the main right Glissonian pedicle was achieved with two small incisions, and an endoscopic vascular stapling device was inserted between these incisions and fired. The line of liver transection was marked following the ischemic area. Liver transection was accomplished with the Harmonic scalpel and an endoscopic stapling device. The specimen was extracted through a suprapubic incision. The falciform ligament was fixed to maintain the left liver in its original anatomic position, avoiding hepatic vein kinking and outflow syndrome. The operative time was 90 min for stage 1 and 240 min for stage 2 of the procedure. The recoveries after the first and second operations were uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative days 2 and 7, respectively. Two-stage liver resections can be performed safely using laparoscopy. The intrahepatic Glissonian approach is a useful tool for pedicle control of the right liver, especially after previous dissection of the hilar plate.


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Introduction: Number 3 cleft or oral-nasal-ocular cleft is a well-known entity that was described by Morian over a century ago. This malformation is a paranasal-medial orbitomaxillary cleft running across the lacrimal segment of the lower eyelid and over the lacrimal groove. The Tessier number 3 naso-ocular cleft represents one of the most difficult and challenging malformations to correct for the reconstructive surgeon. We have conducted a retrospective analysis of our series consisting of 21 cases. Objective: The objective was to review the functional outcome and aesthetic results of the different techniques applied for each case. Materials and Methods: From 1997 to 2007, 21 patients with a Tessier number 3 cleft were treated in our craniofacial units. The clinical findings, tomographic studies, and surgical procedures were reviewed and analyzed. We have discussed our protocol of the treatment. Results: We have treated facial malformation in 2 craniofacial centers. Fourteen patients were evaluated in the first year of their life, with an average age at presentation of 3 years. Twelve patients were female, and 9 were male; 6 patients had amniotic bands in limbs, 5 patients had an association with Tessier number 11 cleft, 3 patients with number 9 cleft, and 1 with number 7 cleft. Related to cleft lip, 10 patients had bilateral cleft lip, and 8 patients had unilateral cleft lip. Three patients did not have any involvement of the upper lip. The alar base was deviated upward in 19 patients, 11 cases had severe anatomic alteration with the lateral border of the ala above the medial canthus, and 8 cases had a mild dislocation. Nine cases of lacrimal duct obstruction and 8 cases of lacrimal duct extrophy were identified. Twelve patients had a lower eyelid coloboma of varying grades, and there were 2 cases of microblepharia. Aiming the soft tissue reconstruction, eyelid, nose, and upper lip were evaluated regarding their position, absence of tissue, and position of medial canthus and ala. Twelve of our patients underwent correction in the same moment, their medial canthus rotated upward and the ala downward, using the contralateral side as the reference. The lip was treated using a Millard-like technique. Neo-conjunctivorhinostomy was performed in the same moment in 2 patients or later in 1 case. Four patients had plagiocephaly due to the cranial involvement, and they were submitted to cranioplasty. Three had neurosurgical approach and advancement of the frontal bandeau. One adult patient received an acrylic plate to reshape the frontal area. Conclusions: Tessier number 3 cleft is one of the most difficult and challenging malformations to correct for the reconstructive surgeon. Besides the difficulties of its treatment, patients with Tessier number 3 cleft may achieve good results when the team has good skills.


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Background: Although the role of cartilage grafts in reconstruction of the posterior eyelid lamella is well established, spontaneous conjunctival epithelialization on such grafts has yet to be fully proven. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of the influence of perichondrium on conjunctival epithelialization over conchal cartilage grafts used in eyelid reconstruction in rabbits. Methods: The posterior lamellae of 100 lower eyelids from 50 rabbits were reconstructed with autogenous grafts of conchal ear cartilage. In the right eyelids, cartilage was grafted with the perichondrium in direct contact with the eyeball, and the left eyelids were reconstructed in a similar manner but using cartilage grafts without perichondrium. The animals were killed after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks, and their lower eyelids were analyzed macroscopically and histologically. Results: The percentage difference in conjunctival epithelialization on the cartilage with perichondrium and that without perichondrium was 11.41 percent in the first week of the experiment, 13.64 percent in the second week, 18.69 percent in the third week, 10.38 percent in the fourth week, and 6.17 percent in the fifth week. The average percentage conjunctival epithelialization in the eyelids reconstructed with a cartilage graft with perichondrium was significantly higher throughout the 5 weeks of the experiment than in the eyelids reconstructed with cartilage without perichondrium (p < 0.0002). Conclusion: It was found that the perichondrium had an important role in conjunctival epithelialization in eyelids reconstructed with a cartilage graft in the present study. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 123: 55, 2009.)


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Chemorheology (and thus process modeling) of highly filled thermosets used in integrated circuit (IC) packaging has been complicated by their highly filled nature, fast kinetics of curing, and viscoelastic nature. This article summarizes a more thorough chemorheological analysis of a typical IC packaging thermoset material, including novel isothermal and nonisothermal multiwave parallel-plate chemorheology. This new chemorheological analysis may be used to optimize existing and design new IC packaging processes. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Background: Xerostomia is a symptom that can be triggered by chronic diseases such as Sjogren`s syndrome (SS) and lupus erythematosus (LE). Many authors regard most cases of salivary hypofunction in LE to secondary SS. Others believe that salivary changes in patients with LE might reflect a multisystem presentation of the disease. The present study compared histopathological and direct immunofluorescence (DIF) alterations in salivary glands of patients with xerostomia and diagnosis of LE or SS. Methods: Twenty-eight salivary gland biopsies from patients with xerostomia and diagnosed with LE or SS were submitted to histopathological and DIF exams. Results: From the 28 patients, 16 had SS and 12 had LE. In SS, a moderate to intense sialadenitis was detected, with infiltration and destruction of excretory salivary ducts. In LE, mild/moderate sialadenitis with thickening and hyalinization of the ductal basement membrane was observed. DIF revealed that 50% of SS patients presented intercellular ductal IgA deposits, whereas 58% of LE patients showed deposits of IgG in the ductal basement membrane. Conclusions: Alterations in salivary glands of LE patients may be a specific manifestation of the disease (lupus sialadenitis), reflecting its multisystemic presentation, instead of an association of secondary SS and LE.


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A new variation of holographic interferometry has been utilized to perform simultaneous two-wavelength measurements, allowing quantitative analysis of the heavy particle and electron densities in a superorbital facility. An air test gas accelerated to 12 km/s was passed over a cylindrical model, simulating reentry conditions encountered by a space vehicle on a superorbital mission. Laser beams with two different wavelengths have been overlapped, passed through the test section, and simultaneously recorded on a single holographic plate. Reconstruction of the hologram generated two separate interferograms at different. angles from which the quantitative measurements were made. With this technique, a peak electron concentration of (5.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(23) m(-3) was found behind a bow shock on a cylinder. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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Background/Aims: Acinar cell carcinomas are uncommon malignant tumors of the pancreas, accounting for 1-2% of all the cases of exocrine pancreatic tumor. Some authors have estimated acinar cell tumors to be as aggressive as ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas whereas other series showed acinar cell tumors to have a favorable clinical outcome. This discrepancy in prognosis may be related to the cellular components of the tumor. Methodology: With the aim to evaluate the possible relationship between the presence of neuroendocrine differentiation and behavior of these tumors, the authors reviewed all patients presenting acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas in the last 5 years with emphasis in the immunohistochemical evaluation. Results: Four patients presented neuroendocrine differentiation on immunohistochemical evaluation and had a more benign outcome. Two patients without neuroendocrine component had a disseminated disease at presentation. This data suggests that this tumor is less aggressive than ductal adenocarcinoma and even with nodal involvement, long term survival after complete resection can be achieved. Conclusions: It is possible that the absence of neuroendocrine component may be related to a less favorable outcome and adjuvant therapy may be necessary. Due to the rarity of this pancreatic tumor, this relationship remains to be confirmed with a multicentric study including a larger number of patients.


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Evolution of localized folding patterns in layered elastic and visco-elastic materials is reviewed in the context of compressed geological systems. The thin strut or plate embedded in a visco-elastic medium is used as an archetypal example to describe localized buckles which, in contrast to those from earlier formulations, appear in the absence of triggering imperfections. Structural and material effects are surveyed and important nonlinear characteristics are identified. A brief review of possible methods of analysis is conducted.


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Objective: To evaluate influences of vitrification and warming of metaphase II (MII) mouse oocytes on survival, spindle dynamics. spindle morphology, and chromatin alignment on metaphase plates. Design: Experimental animal Study. Setting: University animal laboratory. Animal(s): Eight-week-old B6D2F1 mice. Intervention(s): Denuded MII oocytes were used fresh (control), exposed to vitrification/warming solutions (Sol Expos), or vitrified and warmed (Vitr). Main Outcome Measure(s): Oocyte recovery and survival after warming and the influence of solution exposure and cryopreservation on spindle dynamics and chromatin alignment. Result(s): Cryopreservation of two or 10 oocytes per straw resulted in recovery (100% +/- 0% and 95% +/- 4%, respectively; mean SE) and survival (95% 2% and 98% 2%, respectively). Immediately after warming (Vitr), significantly fewer oocytes assessed with immunocytochemistry contained spindles, compared with control and Sol Expos. When oocytes were placed into a 3 degrees 7C environment for 2 hours after exposure or warming, the ability to recognize spindles by immunocytochemistry was not significantly different between groups. Using live-cell time-lapse imaging with LC-Polscope, similar time-dependent spindle formation dynamics were observed. At 2 hours after collection or treatment, spindle morphology and length were not significantly different between the groups, nor was the incidence of aberrant alignment of chromatin on metaphase plates. Conclusion(s): Immediately after warming of vitrified MII oocytes, beta-tubulin is depolymerized and chromatin remains condensed on the metaphase plate. Within a 2-hour period, beta-tubulin repolymerizes, forming morphologically normal metaphase spindles with properly aligned chromatin.


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In immediate fire deaths, pulmonary injury may be the main source of mortality, being important to document the histologic findings for the purpose of excluding other modes of death, such as from asphyxia with no gross findings. In this context, a group of morphologic determinants have been targeted with useful makers of pulmonary injury. To facilitate the determination of whether an individual was deceased before the start of a fire and validate the importance of parenchymal alterations in pulmonary injury in fire deaths, we studied lungs in victims of fire (N = 28) and suffocation (N = 40), creating a mathematical model using cluster analysis. For this purpose, a semiquantitative analysis of the distal parenchyma was performed to evaluate the amount of bronchiolar dilatation, overinsufflation (ductal and alveolar), collapse (ductal and alveolar), passive congestion, alveolar edema, and hemorrhage (interstitial and alveolar). These 7 histologic determinants were useful to discriminate fire (bronchiolar dilatation, ductal overinsuflation, alveolar overinsuflation, alveolar hemorrhage) from suffocation lung injuries (alveolar collapse, congestion, and edema). We conclude that these determinants should be included in the routine of forensic pathology.


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Aims: Histological grade is one of the most important prognostic factors in breast carcinomas, but poorly differentiated neoplasms still have quite heterogeneous biological behaviour, since they can be genetically classified as basal-like, HER2+ or even luminal. The aim was to analyse the frequency of oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2 expression profiles among breast carcinomas with < 10% tubular formation, and their correlation with classic prognostic factors. Methods and results: One hundred and thirty-four samples of paraffin-embedded tumours were studied retrospectively. The tumours were classified in to four groups by their ER/PR/HER2 profile: (i) ER+ and/or PR+ but HER2-; (ii) ER+ and/or PR+ and HER2+; (iii) ER- and/or PR- but HER2+; and (iv) ER-, PR- and HER2- (triple-negative). The histological features of triple-negative and HER2+ carcinomas overlap. The only difference was the expression of basal cytokeratins (basal CK), which was more frequent among triple-negative carcinomas. Basal-CK expression defined a more aggressive group of tumours, according to the pathological features, regardless of the immunohistochemical profile. Conclusions: Group 1 and 2 tumours (ER+ and/or PR+ tumours with or without HER2 expression) were not statistically different, suggesting that poorly differentiated carcinomas with hormone receptors correspond to the luminal B type of tumour. Among poorly differentiated breast carcinomas, the classic profile associated with basal-CK identifies distinct subtypes equivalent to those seen by genetic classification.


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Meningeal carcinomatosis (MC) occurs in up to 5% of breast cancer patients. Few studies have evaluated prognostic markers in breast cancer patients with MC. Our aim was to describe the treatment of breast cancer patients with MC, and identify prognostic factors related to survival. Sixty breast cancer patients that had a diagnosis of MC between January 2003 and December 2009 were included. The median age was 46 years (range 27-76). Most patients had invasive ductal carcinoma (78.3%) and high histological/nuclear grade (61.7/53.3%). Estrogen and progesterone receptors were positive in 51.7 and 43.3% of patients, respectively, and 15% were HER-2-positive. Symptoms at presentation were headache, cranial nerve dysfunction, seizures, and intracranial hypertension signals. Diagnosis was made by CSF cytology in 66.7% of cases and by MRI in 71.7%. Intrathecal (IT) chemotherapy was used in 68.3% of patients, and 21.6% received a new systemic treatment (chemo- or hormone therapy). Median survival was 3.3 months (range 0.03-90.4). There was no survival difference according to age, nuclear grade, hormonal and HER-2 status, CSF features, sites of metastasis, systemic and IT chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. However, histological grade and performance status had a significant impact on survival in the multivariate analysis. Only four papers have addressed prognostic factors in breast cancer patients with MC in the last two decades. The results of those reports are discussed here. High histological grade and poor performance status seem to impact survival of breast cancer patients with MC. Prospective studies are necessary to clarify the role of IT and systemic treatment in the treatment of those patients.


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Burke TN, Franc, a FJR, de Meneses SRF, Cardoso VI, Marques AP: Postural control in elderly persons with osteoporosis: Efficacy of an intervention program to improve balance and muscle strength: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2010; 89: 549-556. Objective: To assess the efficacy of an exercise program aiming to improve balance and muscular strength, for postural control and muscular strength of women with osteoporosis. Design: Sample consisted of 33 women with osteoporosis, randomized into one of two groups: intervention group, in which exercises for balance and improvement of muscular strength of the inferior members were performed for 8 wks (n = 17, age 72.8 +/- 3.6 yrs); control group, which was women not practicing exercises (n = 16, age 74.4 +/- 3.7 yrs). At baseline and after 8 wks of treatment, postural control was assessed using a force plate (Balance Master, Neurocom), and muscular strength during ankle dorsiflexion, knee extension, and flexion was assessed by dynamometry. Results: Adherence to the program was 82%. When compared with the control group, individuals in the intervention group significantly improved the center of pressure velocity (P = 0.02) in the modified clinical test of sensory interaction for balance test, center of pressure velocity (P < 0.01), and directional control (P < 0.01) in limits of stability test, isometric force during ankle dorsiflexion (P = 0.01), knee extension (P < 0.01), and knee flexion (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Balance and strength exercises are effective in improving postural control and lower-limb strength in elderly women with osteoporosis.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the final stature of adults with childhood-onset steroid-responsive idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) and the influence of disease-related issues on the achievement of their target heights. We analyzed 60 (41 male) patients and/or their records, with a minimum age of 19 years or at a Tanner`s pubertal stage 4 for boys or status postmenarche for girls, and normal glomerular filtration rate. Mean age at first and last consultation was 5.3 +/- 2.4 years and 20.5 +/- 3.1 years, respectively. Mean follow-up period was 15.10 years. Mean cumulative dose of prednisone was 1254 +/- 831.40 mg/kg. Mean initial and final height Z scores (HtZ) were, respectively, -0.60 +/- 1.0 and -0.64 +/- 0.92 (p = 0.72). The final HtZ showed a significant correlation only with the initial HtZ and the target HtZ (THZ). Six patients achieved a final HtZ below -2, which in male patients correlated strongly to the initial HtZ and THZ. A strong correlation was demonstrated between final HtZ, initial HtZ, and THZ. INS-related issues did not prevent the final stature to reach the predicted target height.


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Melanonychia, from the Greek melaina, means black and is the result of an increased deposition of melanin on the nail plate, originating in the nail matrix. It may have different causes, including subungueal melanoma, making early etiologic diagnosis very important.