996 resultados para DRG- hinnoittelu
A manganese oxide encrustation (2.5 kg) was dredged, in an island arc setting, downslope of Bertrand bank, a seamount culminating at 70-m depth and located NNE of Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe, and SE of Antigua, West Indies. A thorough texturai analysis indicated a rhythmic precipitation and growth polarity as well as mineralogical ( 10 A tektomanganate) and geochemical (low concentrations of Ni, Cu, Co, Zn, Pb and REE) criteria, point to a submarine hydrothermal origin for most of the sample. The crust was coated with a fine ferromanganese oxide cortex deposited iii a "normal" oceanic environment; it also included micritic fillings, a main pyroclastic zone near the top of the crust, and a Mg-Al sulphate deposit. Planktonic foraminifera coeval with the precipitation of the manganese oxide indicate an age of ca. 3 m. y. (upper Pliocene); i.e., more than 20 m. y. after the cessation of the volcanic activity of the Lesser Antilles outer arc that was responsible for the buildup of the Bertrand seamount. Furthermore, the genesis of the crust is not linked to the activity of the contemporaneous inner arc (Miocene to Present), particularly of its nearmost segment (Basse Terre, Guadeloupe-Montserrat) located about 50 km to the West. The authors suggest that the manganese oxide is the result of convective circulation of sea water through a faulted system occurring in an area of intense seismic activity. The remobilization of chemical elements (Mn, S, etc.) within the seamount volcanic core bas probably affected a substratum that was still hydrothermally altered during the previous volcanic activity of the outer arc. The authors insist on the interest in using texturai analysis for Fe/Mn oxide investigations.
Manganese-iron oxide concretions are presently forming on Patrick Sill in upper Jervis Inlet. The marine geology of Patrick Sill and the adjoining basins (Queen's Reach and Princess Royal Reach) was studied to define the environment in which the concretions form. The river at the inlet head is the principal source of sediment to the upper basin. The average grain size of surficial bottom sediments within this basin decreases uniformly with distance from the source. Patrick Sill separates the upper from the lower basin. The sediment distribution pattern within the lower basin differs markedly from the upper basin as there is no dominant source of material but rather many localized sources. Abundant shallow marine faunal remains recovered in deep water sediment samples indicate that sediments deposited as deltas off river and stream mouths periodically slump to the basin floors. Geologic and optical turbidity information for the upper basin can best be explained by slumping from the delta at the inlet head with the initiation of turbidity or density currents. Patrick Sill appears to create a downstream barrier to this flow. The mineralogy of the bottom sediments indicates derivation from a granitic terrain. If this is so, the sediments presently being deposited in both basins are reworked glacial materials initially derived by glacial action outside the present watershed. Upper Jervis Inlet is mapped as lying within a roof pendant of pre-batholithic rocks, principally slates. Patrick Sill is thought to be a bedrock feature mantled with Pleistocene glacial material. The accumulation rate of recent sediments on the sill is low especially in the V-notch or medial depression. The manganese-iron oxide concretions are forming within the depression and apparently nowhere else in the study area. Also forming within the depression are crusts of iron oxide and what are tentatively identified as glauconite-montmorillonoid pellets. The concretions are thought to form by precipitation of manganese-iron oxides on pebbles and cobbles lying at the sediment water interface. The oxide materials are mobile in the reducing environment of the underlying clayey-sand sediment but precipitate on contact with the oxygenating environment of the surficial sediments. The iron crusts are thought to be forming on extensive rocky surfaces above the sediment water interface. The overall appearance and evidence of rapid formation of the crusts suggests they formed from a gel in sea water. Reserves of manganese-iron concretions on Patrick Sill were estimated to be 117 metric tons. Other deposits of concretions have recently been found in other inlets and in the Strait of Georgia but, to date, the extent of these has not been determined.
(Table 2, page 277), Major and trace elements geochemical analysis of the layers of the TECHNO crust
The compositions of abyssal glasses obtained on Leg 82 of the awGlomar Challenger and the MAPCO cruise of Jean Charcot have been investigated. Two main compositional groups of Atlantic glasses (A1 and A2) that are separated in space and time were identified. The distribution of these groups in the studied area allowed mapping of the transition zone from A1 to A2 between 30-35°N MAR. We infer that the compositional groups of abyssal glasses of the Atlantic and other oceans reflect the depth of separation of primary melts from the oceanic mantle. Specifically, the primary melt of Group A1 separates from the mantle at a depth of 30-60 km (spinel-peridotite facies) and those for Group A2 from a depth of 15-30 km (plagioclase-peridotite facies). Modifications of dynamic models of the ocean lithosphere are discussed.
Content, distribution patterns, and speciation of Cl in phosphorites and bone phosphate from the ocean floor, as well as in a set of samples from the land are studied. Total Cl content varies from 0.05 to 4.25% in phosphorites and from 2.48 to 2.75% in recent phosphate-bearing sediments. Recent phosphorites are enriched in Cl relative to ancient ones. Bound Cl content (not extractable by washing), which increases with lithification, varies from 0.17 to 0.60% in ocean and land phosphorites and from 0.02% to 1.30% in bone phosphate. Na content in most samples is higher relative to Na of NaCl due to its incorporation into the crystal lattice of apatite. However, the opposite relationship is observed in some samples indicating partial Cl incorporation into the anion complex of phosphate. Behavior of Cl in phosphorites from the present-day ocean floor is controlled by early diagenetic processes, whereas the role of weathering, catagenesis, and hydrogeological factors may be crucial for phosphorites on continents.
Behavior of molybdenum and manganese is studied in phosphorite samples from shelves, seamounts, and islands of the ocean. In shelf phosphorites molybdenum and manganese contents are 2-128 and 12-1915 ppm, respectively, while the Mo/Mn ratio varies from 0.004 to 4.5. Phosphorites from ocean seamounts impregnated with ferromanganese oxyhydroxides contain 0.84-14.5 ppm Mo and 0.1-17% Mn. The Mo/Mn ratio varies within 0.0008-0.004. Phosphate bearing ferromanganese crusts overlying seamount phosphorites contain 54-798 ppm Mo and 10-20% Mn; the Mo/Mn ratio varies within 0.002-0.005. Corresponding values for most island phosphorites are 0.44-11.2 ppm, 27-287 ppm, and 0.008-0.20. Phosphorites from reduced environment are characterized by relative enrichment in Mo and depletion in Mn, whereas the Mo/Mn ratio reaches maximum values. The ratio decreases with transition to suboxic and oxic conditions. Molybdenum content in recent shelf sediments is commonly higher than that in authigenic phosphorites from these sediments. Recent phosphorite nodules from the Namibian shelf become depleted in Mo and Mn during their lithification, but Pliocene-Pleistocene nodules of similar composition and origin from the same region are enriched in Mo and characterized by variable Mn content. Higher Mo contents in phosphate bearing ferromanganese crusts result from coprecipitation of Mo and Mn from seawater. Unweathered phosphorites on continents and phosphorites from ocean shelves are largely enriched in Mo with the Mo/Mn ratio varying from 0.01 to 1.0. This is an evidence of their formation in reduced conditions.
Data presented in the paper suggest significant differences between thermodynamic conditions, under which magmatic complexes were formed in MAR at 29°-34°N and 12°-18°N. Melts occurring at 29°-34°N were derived by melting of a mantle source with homogeneous distribution of volatile components and arrived at the surface without significant fractionation, likely, due to their rapid ascent. The MAR segments between 12° and 18°N combine contrasting geodynamic environments of magmatism, which predetermined development of a large plume region with widespread mixing of melting products of geochemically distinct mantle sources. At the same time, this region is characterized by conditions favorable for origin of localized zones of anomalous plume magmatism. These sporadic magmatic sources were spatially restricted to MAR fragments with the Hess crust, whose compositional and mechanical properties were, perhaps, favorable for focusing and localization of plume magmatism. The plume source between 12° and 18°N beneath MAR may be geochemically heterogeneous.
The monograph summarizes results of petrological and geochemical studies of rocks from the ocean floor collected by the authors during expeditions to the Central Atlantic. Detailed work in the Capa Verde transform fault zone gave a large amount of new information about magmatic and hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.