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Differential regulation of suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 in the liver and adipose tissue of the sheep fetus in late gestation. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 290: R1044 - R1051, 2006. First published November 10, 2005; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu. 00573.2005. - It is unknown whether the JAK/STAT/suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS-3) intracellular signaling pathway plays a role in tissue growth and metabolism during fetal life. We investigated whether there is a differential profile of SOCS-3 expression in the liver and perirenal adipose tissue during the period of increased fetal growth in late gestation and the impact of fetal growth restriction on SOCS-3 expression in the fetal liver. We also determined whether basal SOCS-3 expression in the fetal liver and perirenal adipose tissue is regulated by endogenous fetal prolactin (PRL). SOCS-3 mRNA abundance was higher in the liver than in the pancreas, spleen, and kidney of the sheep fetus during late gestation. In the liver, SOCS-3 mRNA expression was increased (P < 0.05) between 125 (n < 4) and 145 days (n < 7) gestation and lower (P < 0.05) in growth-restricted compared with normally grown fetal sheep in late gestation. The relative expression of SOCS-3 mRNA in the fetal liver was directly related to the mean plasma PRL concentrations during a 48-h infusion of either a dopaminergic agonist, bromocriptine (n < 7), or saline (n < 5), such that SOCS-3 mRNA expression was lower when plasma PRL concentrations decreased below similar to 20 ng/ml [y = 0.99 - (2.47/x) + (4.96/x(2)); r(2) = 0.91, P < 0.0001, n < 12]. No relationship was shown between the abundance of phospho-STAT5 in the fetal liver and circulating PRL. SOCS-3 expression in perirenal adipose tissue decreased (P < 0001) between 90 - 91 (n < 6) and 140 - 145 days (n < 9) gestation and was not related to endogenous PRL concentrations. Thus SOCS-3 is differentially expressed and regulated in key fetal tissues and may play an important and tissue-specific role in the regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation before birth.


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Membrane organization describes the orientation of a protein with respect to the membrane and can be determined by the presence, or absence, and organization within the protein sequence of two features: endoplasmic reticulum signal peptides and alpha-helical transmembrane domains. These features allow protein sequences to be classified into one of five membrane organization categories: soluble intracellular proteins, soluble secreted proteins, type I membrane proteins, type II membrane proteins, and multi- spanning membrane proteins. Generation of protein isoforms with variable membrane organizations can change a protein's subcellular localization or association with the membrane. Application of MemO, a membrane organization annotation pipeline, to the FANTOM3 Isoform Protein Sequence mouse protein set revealed that within the 8,032 transcriptional units ( TUs) with multiple protein isoforms, 573 had variation in their use of signal peptides, 1,527 had variation in their use of transmembrane domains, and 615 generated protein isoforms from distinct membrane organization classes. The mechanisms underlying these transcript variations were analyzed. While TUs were identified encoding all pairwise combinations of membrane organization categories, the most common was conversion of membrane proteins to soluble proteins. Observed within our highconfidence set were 156 TUs predicted to generate both extracellular soluble and membrane proteins, and 217 TUs generating both intracellular soluble and membrane proteins. The differential use of endoplasmic reticulum signal peptides and transmembrane domains is a common occurrence within the variable protein output of TUs. The generation of protein isoforms that are targeted to multiple subcellular locations represents a major functional consequence of transcript variation within the mouse transcriptome.


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The mapping and sequencing of the human genome has generated a large resource for answering questions about human disease. This achievement is akin in scientific importance to developing the periodic table of elements. Plastic surgery has always been at the frontier medical research. This resource will help us to improve our understanding on the many unknown physiological and pathogical conditions we deal with daily, such as wound heating keloid scar formation, Dupuytren's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, vascular malformation and carcinogenesis. We are primed in obtaining both disease and normal tissues to use this resource and applying it to clinical use. This review is about the human genome, the basis of gene expression profiling and how it will affect our clinical and research practices in the future and for those embarking on the use of this new technology as a research tool, we provide a brief insight on its limitations and pitfalls. (C) 2006 The British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Time delay is an important aspect in the modelling of genetic regulation due to slow biochemical reactions such as gene transcription and translation, and protein diffusion between the cytosol and nucleus. In this paper we introduce a general mathematical formalism via stochastic delay differential equations for describing time delays in genetic regulatory networks. Based on recent developments with the delay stochastic simulation algorithm, the delay chemical masterequation and the delay reaction rate equation are developed for describing biological reactions with time delay, which leads to stochastic delay differential equations derived from the Langevin approach. Two simple genetic regulatory networks are used to study the impact of' intrinsic noise on the system dynamics where there are delays. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In recent years, strategies for gene identification based on differential gene expression have become increasingly popular, due in part to the development of microarray technology. These strategies are particularly well suited to the identification of genes involved in sex determination and gonadal development, which unlike the development of other organ systems, proceeds along two very different alternative courses, depending on the sex of the embryo. We have used a high-throughput, array-based expression screen to identify several genes expressed sex-specifically in developing mouse gonads. One of these, vanin 1, appears to play a role in mediating migration of mesonephric cells into the male genital ridge. Progress in characterizing other genes arising from the screen is discussed.


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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by impaired beta cell function and insulin resistance. T2D susceptibility genes identified by Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are likely to have roles in both impaired insulin secretion from the beta cell as well as insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to use gene expression profiling to assess the effect of the diabetic milieu on the expression of genes involved in both insulin secretion and insulin resistance. We measured the expression of 43 T2D susceptibility genes in the islets, adipose and liver of leptin-deficient Ob/Ob mice compared with Ob/+ littermates. The same panel of genes were also profiled in cultured rodent adipocytes, hepatocytes and beta cells in response to high glucose conditions, to distinguish expression effects due to elevated glycemia from those on the causal pathway to diabetes or induced by other factors in the diabetic microenviroment. We found widespread deregulation of these genes in tissues from Ob/Ob mice, with differential regulation of 23 genes in adipose, 18 genes in liver and one gene (Tcf7l2) in islets of diabetic animals (Ob/Ob) compared to control (Ob/+) animals. However, these expression changes were in most cases not noted in glucose-treated adipocyte, hepatocyte or beta cell lines, indicating that they may not be an effect of hyperglycemia alone. This study indicates that expression changes are apparent with diabetes in both the insulin producing beta cells, but also in peripheral tissues involved in insulin resistance. This suggests that incidence or progression of diabetic phenotypes in a mouse model of diabetes is driven by both secretory and peripheral defects. © J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart New York.


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Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2), a key regulatory enzyme of the prostaglandin/eicosanoid pathway, is an important target for anti-inflammatory therapy. It is highly induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines in a Nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB)-dependent manner. However, the mechanisms determining the amplitude and dynamics of this important pro-inflammatory event are poorly understood. Furthermore, there is significant difference between human and mouse COX2 expression in response to the inflammatory stimulus tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). Here, we report the presence of a molecular logic AND gate composed of two NFκB response elements (NREs) which controls the expression of human COX2 in a switch-like manner. Combining quantitative kinetic modeling and thermostatistical analysis followed by experimental validation in iterative cycles, we show that the human COX2 expression machinery regulated by NFκB displays features of a logic AND gate. We propose that this provides a digital, noise-filtering mechanism for a tighter control of expression in response to TNFα, such that a threshold level of NFκB activation is required before the promoter becomes active and initiates transcription. This NFκB-regulated AND gate is absent in the mouse COX2 promoter, most likely contributing to its differential graded response in promoter activity and protein expression to TNFα. Our data suggest that the NFκB-regulated AND gate acts as a novel mechanism for controlling the expression of human COX2 to TNFα, and its absence in the mouse COX2 provides the foundation for further studies on understanding species-specific differential gene regulation.


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The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) is a class B G protein-coupled receptor that has a critical role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis, principally through the regulation of insulin secretion. The receptor systemis highly complex, able to be activated by both endogenous [GLP-1(1-36)NH2, GLP-1(1-37), GLP-1(7-36)NH2, GLP-1(7-37), oxyntomodulin], and exogenous (exendin-4) peptides in addition to small-molecule allosteric agonists (compound 2 [6,7-dichloro-2-methylsulfonyl-3-tertbutylaminoquinoxaline], BETP [4-(3-benzyloxy)phenyl)-2-ethylsulfinyl-6-(trifluoromethyl)pyrimidine]). Furthermore, the GLP-1R is subject to single-nucleotide polymorphic variance, resulting in amino acid changes in the receptor protein. In this study, we investigated two polymorphic variants previously reported to impact peptidemediated receptor activity (M149) and small-molecule allostery (C333). These residues were mutated to a series of alternate amino acids, and their functionality was monitored across physiologically significant signaling pathways, including cAMP, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 phosphorylation, and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, in addition to peptide binding and cell-surface expression. We observed that residue 149 is highly sensitive to mutation, with almost all peptide responses significantly attenuated at mutated receptors. However, most reductions in activity were able to be restored by the small-molecule allosteric agonist compound 2. Conversely, mutation of residue 333 had little impact on peptide-mediated receptor activation, but this activity could not be modulated by compound 2 to the same extent as that observed at the wild-type receptor. These results provide insight into the importance of residues 149 and 333 in peptide function and highlight the complexities of allosteric modulation within this receptor system.


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Somatic growth in fishes is regulated by a variety of hormones. A central step in this hormonal network is the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) axis. Studies conducted evaluated the relationship of hepatic IGF-I (hIGF-1) mRNA with growth as affected by feeding regimes (satiation or restricted level; daily or alternate-day feeding), temperatures (high, ambient, low) and by social stress. To develop a cellular means for the quantification of hIGF-I mRNA levels in O. niloticus, hIGF-I cDNA was isolated and cloned. The partial sequence of IGF-I cDNA encodes for signal peptide, mature protein and a portion of the E-domain. A sensitive TaqMan quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assay was developed based on the mature IGF-I. Using the developed qRT-PCR assay a significant positive correlation was observed between hIGF-I mRNA levels and growth rate of fish reared under different feeding regimes (r = 0.64) and temperature conditions (r = 0.64). On the dynamics of hIGF-I gene expression in response to elevated temperature, hIGF-I mRNA levels were significantly elevated after at least 2 days of exposure to warm temperature. This validates the concept that hIGF-I gene expressions are sufficiently sensitive to be used as a rapid growth rate indicator for O. niloticus. The hIGF-I levels have a significant positive correlation with specific growth rate (length; r = 0.92), and with condition factor (r = 0.55). On the effect of social stress, differential alterations in growth rates between the dominant and subordinates were observed which was attributed more to behavioral changes as transduced by physiological regulators. The fish's relative position in the social hierarchy was consistently reflected in the levels of hIGF-I mRNA and the eye color pattern. Subordination depressed hIGF-I levels while dominance stimulated it. These findings have shown that hGF-I level remained positively correlated to growth rate as affected by feeding regime, temperature and social stress. This suggests that hIGF-I plays a key role in controlling growth in O. niloticus and indicates that IGF-I mRNA quantification could prove useful for the rapid assessment of growth rate in this species of fish.


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Wnt signaling plays a vital role in many developmental processes. Wnt signaling has been implicated in neural crest induction and cell differentiation among other functions. In mice Wnts comprise a family of nineteen glycoproteins that bind to Frizzled (Fzd) receptors and LRP5/6 co-receptors. This activates beta-catenin, which translocates into the nucleus and acts as a transcription factor, resulting in differential gene expression. Specifically, Fzd 3 enhances Wnt 1 signaling. Wnt 1 and Fzd 3 are involved in neural crest induction and in neural crest-derived melanocyte development. We analyzed the expression pattern ofFzd 3 and the LRP 5/6 by in situ hybridization inmouse embryos. Our data suggests a role for these genes in neural crest induction and in melanocyte differentiation in the murine system. Results show Fzd 3 expression in the anterior part of the neural tube and in the hindbrain, while LRP 5 is expressed in the anterior part of the neural tube, in the hindbrain, and in the eye. We conclude that Fzd 3 and LRP 5 are expressed in the neural crest. In addition, Fzd 3 might act as the receptor while LRP 5 might act as the co-receptor for Wntl signaling in the murine system.


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Oesophageal cancer is an aggressive tumour which responds poorly to both chemotherapy and radiation therapy and has a poor prognosis. Thus, a greater understanding of the biology of oesophageal cancer is needed in order to identify novel therapeutic targets. Among these targets p38 MAPK isoforms are becoming increasingly important for a variety of cellular functions. The physiological functions of p38α and -β are now well documented in contrast to -γ and -δ which are comparatively under-studied and ill-defined. A major obstacle to deciphering the role(s) of the latter two p38 isoforms is the lack of specific chemical activators and inhibitors. In this study, we analysed p38 MAPK isoform expression in oesophageal cancer cell lines as well as human normal and tumour tissue. We observed specifically differential p38δ expression. The role(s) of p38δ and active (phosphorylated) p38δ (p-p38δ) in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (OESCC) was delineated using wild-type p38δ as well as active p-p38δ, generated by fusing p38δ to its upstream activator MKK6b(E) via a decapeptide (Gly-Glu)5 linker. OESCC cell lines which are p38δ-negative (KE-3 and -8) grew more quickly than cell lines (KE-6 and -10) which express endogenous p38δ. Re-introduction of p38δ resulted in a time-dependent decrease in OESCC cell proliferation which was exacerbated with p-p38δ. In addition, we observed that p38δ and p-p38δ negatively regulated OESCC cell migration in vitro. Finally both p38δ and p-p38δ altered OESCC anchorage-independent growth. Our results suggest that p38δ and p-p38δ have a role in the suppression of OESCC. Our research may provide a new potential target for the treatment of oesophageal cancer.


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Euryhaline decapod crustaceans possess an efficient regulation apparatus located in the gill epithelia, providing a high adaptation potential to varying environmental abiotic conditions. Even though many studies focussed on the osmoregulatory capacity of the gills, acid-base regulatory mechanisms have obtained much less attention. In the present study, underlying principles and effects of elevated pCO2 on acid-base regulatory patterns were investigated in the green crab Carcinus maenas acclimated to diluted seawater. In gill perfusion experiments, all investigated gills 4-9 were observed to up-regulate the pH of the hemolymph by 0.1-0.2 units. Anterior gills, especially gill 4, were identified to be most efficient in the equivalent proton excretion rate. Ammonia excretion rates mirrored this pattern among gills, indicating a linkage between both processes. In specimen exposed to elevated pCO2 levels for at least 7 days, mimicking a future ocean scenario as predicted until the year 2300, hemolymph K+ and ammonia concentrations were significantly elevated, and an increased ammonia excretion rate was observed. A detailed quantitative gene expression analysis revealed that upon elevated pCO2 exposure, mRNA levels of transcripts hypothesized to be involved in ammonia and acid-base regulation (Rhesus-like protein, membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase, Na+/K+-ATPase) were affected predominantly in the non-osmoregulating anterior gills.


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Previous studies (Stavroulakis and Sfakiotakis, 1993) have shown an inhibition of propylene-induced ethylene production in kiwifruit below a critical temperature range of 11-14.8 degrees C. The aim of this research was to identify the biochemical basis of this inhibition in kiwifruit below 11-14.8 degrees C. 'Hayward' kiwifruit were treated with increasing propylene concentrations at 10 and 20 degrees C. Ethylene biosynthesis pathways and fruit ripening were investigated. Kiwifruit at 20 degrees C in air started autocatalysis of ethylene production and ripened after 19 d with a concomitant increase in respiration. Ethylene production and the respiration rise appeared earlier with increased propylene concentrations. Ripening proceeded immediately after propylene treatment, while ethylene autocatalysis needed a lag period of 24-72 h. The latter event was attributed to the delay found in the induction of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACC synthase) activity and consequently to the delayed increase of l-aminocyclopropane l-carboxylic acid (ACC) content. In contrast propylene treatment induced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACC oxidase) activity with no lag period. Moreover, transcription of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genes was active only in ethylene-producing kiwifruit at 20 degrees C. In contrast, treatment at 10 degrees C with propylene strongly inhibited ethylene production, which was attributed to the low activities of both ACC synthase and ACC oxidase as well as the low initial ACC level. Interestingly, fruit treated with propylene at 10 degrees C appeared to be able to transcribe the ACC oxidase but not the ACC synthase gene. However, propylene induced ripening of that fruit almost as rapidly as in the propylene-treated fruit at 20 degrees C. Respiration rate was increased together with propylene concentration. It is concluded that kiwifruit stored at 20 degrees C behaves as a typical climacteric fruit, while at 10 degrees C behaves like a non-climacteric fruit. We propose that the main reasons for the inhibition of the propylene induced (autocatalytic) ethylene production in kiwifruit at low temperature (less than or equal to 10 degrees C), are primarily the suppression of the propylene-induced ACC synthase gene expression and the possible post-transcriptional modification of ACC oxidase.


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Previous studies (Stavroulakis and Sfakiotakis, 1993) have shown an inhibition of propylene-induced ethylene production in kiwifruit below a critical temperature range of 11-14.8 degrees C. The aim of this research was to identify the biochemical basis of this inhibition in kiwifruit below 11-14.8 degrees C. 'Hayward' kiwifruit were treated with increasing propylene concentrations at 10 and 20 degrees C. Ethylene biosynthesis pathways and fruit ripening were investigated. Kiwifruit at 20 degrees C in air started autocatalysis of ethylene production and ripened after 19 d with a concomitant increase in respiration. Ethylene production and the respiration rise appeared earlier with increased propylene concentrations. Ripening proceeded immediately after propylene treatment, while ethylene autocatalysis needed a lag period of 24-72 h. The latter event was attributed to the delay found in the induction of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACC synthase) activity and consequently to the delayed increase of l-aminocyclopropane l-carboxylic acid (ACC) content. In contrast propylene treatment induced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACC oxidase) activity with no lag period. Moreover, transcription of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genes was active only in ethylene-producing kiwifruit at 20 degrees C. In contrast, treatment at 10 degrees C with propylene strongly inhibited ethylene production, which was attributed to the low activities of both ACC synthase and ACC oxidase as well as the low initial ACC level. Interestingly, fruit treated with propylene at 10 degrees C appeared to be able to transcribe the ACC oxidase but not the ACC synthase gene. However, propylene induced ripening of that fruit almost as rapidly as in the propylene-treated fruit at 20 degrees C. Respiration rate was increased together with propylene concentration. It is concluded that kiwifruit stored at 20 degrees C behaves as a typical climacteric fruit, while at 10 degrees C behaves like a non-climacteric fruit. We propose that the main reasons for the inhibition of the propylene induced (autocatalytic) ethylene production in kiwifruit at low temperature (less than or equal to 10 degrees C), are primarily the suppression of the propylene-induced ACC synthase gene expression and the possible post-transcriptional modification of ACC oxidase.


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Swine are susceptible to infection by both avian and human influenza viruses, and this feature is thought to contribute to novel reassortant influenza viruses. In this study, the influenza virus reassortment rate in swine and human cells was determined. Coinfection of swine cells with 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus (huH1N1) and an endemic swine H1N2 (A/swine/Illinois/02860/09) virus (swH1N2) resulted in a 23% reassortment rate that was independent of α2,3- or α2,6-sialic acid distribution on the cells. The reassortants had altered pathogenic phenotypes linked to introduction of the swine virus PA and neuraminidase (NA) into huH1N1. In mice, the huH1N1 PA and NA mediated increased MIP-2 expression early postinfection, resulting in substantial pulmonary neutrophilia with enhanced lung pathology and disease. The findings support the notion that swine are a mixing vessel for influenza virus reassortants independent of sialic acid distribution. These results show the potential for continued reassortment of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus with endemic swine viruses and for reassortants to have increased pathogenicity linked to the swine virus NA and PA genes which are associated with increased pulmonary neutrophil trafficking that is related to MIP-2 expression. IMPORTANCE: Influenza A viruses can change rapidly via reassortment to create a novel virus, and reassortment can result in possible pandemics. Reassortments among subtypes from avian and human viruses led to the 1957 (H2N2 subtype) and 1968 (H3N2 subtype) human influenza pandemics. Recent analyses of circulating isolates have shown that multiple genes can be recombined from human, avian, and swine influenza viruses, leading to triple reassortants. Understanding the factors that can affect influenza A virus reassortment is needed for the establishment of disease intervention strategies that may reduce or preclude pandemics. The findings from this study show that swine cells provide a mixing vessel for influenza virus reassortment independent of differential sialic acid distribution. The findings also establish that circulating neuraminidase (NA) and PA genes could alter the pathogenic phenotype of the pandemic H1N1 virus, resulting in enhanced disease. The identification of such factors provides a framework for pandemic modeling and surveillance.