910 resultados para Criminal law
BACKGROUND & AIMS Hy's Law, which states that hepatocellular drug-induced liver injury (DILI) with jaundice indicates a serious reaction, is used widely to determine risk for acute liver failure (ALF). We aimed to optimize the definition of Hy's Law and to develop a model for predicting ALF in patients with DILI. METHODS We collected data from 771 patients with DILI (805 episodes) from the Spanish DILI registry, from April 1994 through August 2012. We analyzed data collected at DILI recognition and at the time of peak levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and total bilirubin (TBL). RESULTS Of the 771 patients with DILI, 32 developed ALF. Hepatocellular injury, female sex, high levels of TBL, and a high ratio of aspartate aminotransferase (AST):ALT were independent risk factors for ALF. We compared 3 ways to use Hy's Law to predict which patients would develop ALF; all included TBL greater than 2-fold the upper limit of normal (×ULN) and either ALT level greater than 3 × ULN, a ratio (R) value (ALT × ULN/alkaline phosphatase × ULN) of 5 or greater, or a new ratio (nR) value (ALT or AST, whichever produced the highest ×ULN/ alkaline phosphatase × ULN value) of 5 or greater. At recognition of DILI, the R- and nR-based models identified patients who developed ALF with 67% and 63% specificity, respectively, whereas use of only ALT level identified them with 44% specificity. However, the level of ALT and the nR model each identified patients who developed ALF with 90% sensitivity, whereas the R criteria identified them with 83% sensitivity. An equal number of patients who did and did not develop ALF had alkaline phosphatase levels greater than 2 × ULN. An algorithm based on AST level greater than 17.3 × ULN, TBL greater than 6.6 × ULN, and AST:ALT greater than 1.5 identified patients who developed ALF with 82% specificity and 80% sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS When applied at DILI recognition, the nR criteria for Hy's Law provides the best balance of sensitivity and specificity whereas our new composite algorithm provides additional specificity in predicting the ultimate development of ALF.
Aquest projecte de recerca té com a objecte l'anàlisi de les línies bàsiques de la Llei orgànica 1/2004, de 28 de desembre, de mesures de protecció integral contra la violència de gènere i, més concretament, de la regulació de la tutela cautelar de les víctimes d'aquest tipus de violència. Quant a la regulació de les mesures de protecció que podrà adoptar el Jutge de violència de gènere, s'ha optat per la seva inclusió expressa, ja que no es troben recollides com a mesures cautelars a la Llei d'enjudiciament criminal, que només regula la prohibició de residència i la de poder anar a un determinat lloc pels delictes recollits a l'art. 57 del Codi penal (article 544 bis LECrim, introduït per la Llei orgànica 14/1999). Malgrat els dubtes envers la naturalesa jurídica d'aquestes mesures, és clar que també persegueixen el fi típic de les mesures cautelars clàssiques, encara que de forma tangencial: assegurar el desenvolupament amb èxit del judici oral, mantenint allunyada a la víctima tan de nous actes violents com d'amenaces dirigides a assolir una retractació del seu inicial testimoni. Es tracta, doncs, de "mesures cautelars" (personals) que incideixen sobre la llibertat de l'imputat (restringint la seva llibertat de circulació i de residència), que tenen com a pressupostos tant el fumus boni iuris (judici de probabilitat del jutge), com el periculum in mora (entès més aviat com a periculum libertatis o periculum in damno), i que responen a les característiques d'instrumentalitat, provisionalitat, jurisdiccionalitat, oficialitat, revocabilitat i homogeneïtat (però no identitat) amb les mesures executives. D'altra banda, també s'afegeix la possibilitat que qualsevol d'aquestes mesures de protecció pugui ser utilitzada com a mesura de seguretat, des del principi o al llarg de l'execució de la sentència, incrementant-se així la llista de l'art. 105 del Codi penal, i possibilitant al jutge la garantia de protecció de les víctimes més enllà de la finalització del procés.
This report is Iowa’s Three-Year Plan, which serves as the application for federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding (JJDP Act). The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) wrote Iowa’s Three-Year Plan. CJJP is the state agency responsible for administering the JJDP Act in Iowa. Federal officials refer to state administering agencies as the state planning agency (SPA). The Plan was developed and approved by Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. That Council assists with administration of the JJDP Act, and also provides guidance and direction to the SPA, the Governor and the legislature regarding juvenile justice issues in Iowa. Federal officials refer to such state level groups as state advisory groups (SAG’s). The acronyms SPA and SAG are used through this report.
Annual Report
Annual Report, Agency Performance Plan
Annual Report for the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy.
In 1974, the 65th Iowa General Assembly enacted a provision of Chapter 749 B of the Code of Iowa requiring law enforcement agencies to submit reports of crime and arrests to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. The following language now is contained in section 692.15 Code of Iowa concerning Uniform Crime Reports: If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.
If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.