999 resultados para Cría artificial


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For a Digital Performing Agent to be able to perform live with a human dancer, it would be useful for the agent to be able to contextualize the movement the dancer is performing and to have a suitable movement vocabulary with which to contribute to the performance. In this paper we will discuss our research into the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as a means of allowing a software agent to learn a shared vocabulary of movement from a dancer. The agent is able to use the learnt movements to form an internal representation of what the dancer is performing, allowing it to follow the dancer, generate movement sequences based on the dancer's current movement and dance independently of the dancer using a shared movement vocabulary. By combining the ANN with a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) the agent is able to recognize short full body movement phrases and respond when the dancer performs these phrases. We consider the relationship between the dancer and agent as a means of supporting the agent's learning and performance, rather than developing the agent's capability in a self-contained fashion.


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This paper presents the design, analysis and fabrication of a novel low-cost soft parallel robot for biomedical applications, including bio-micromanipulation devices. The robot consists of two active flexible polymer actuator-based links, which are connected to two rigid links by means of flexible joints. A mathematical model is established between the input voltage to the polymer actuators and the robot's end effector position. The robot has two degrees-of-freedom, making it suitable for handling planar micromanipulation tasks. Moreover, a number of robots can be configured to operate in a cooperative manner for increasing micromanipulation dexterity. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate two main motion modes of the robot.


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Colour is an important factor in food detection and acquisition by animals using visually based foraging. Colour can be used to identify the suitability of a food source or improve the efficiency of food detection, and can even be linked to mate choice. Food colour preferences are known to exist, but whether these preferences are heritable and how these preferences evolve is unknown. Using the freshwater fish Poecilia reticulata, we artificially selected for chase behaviour towards two different-coloured moving stimuli: red and blue spots. A response to selection was only seen for chase behaviours towards the red, with realized heritabilities ranging from 0.25 to 0.30. Despite intense selection, no significant chase response was recorded for the blue-selected lines. This lack of response may be due to the motion-detection mechanism in the guppy visual system and may have novel implications for the evolvability of responses to colour-related signals. The behavioural response to several colours after five generations of selection suggests that the colour opponency system of the fish may regulate the response to selection.


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Electrical load forecasting plays a vital role in order to achieve the concept of next generation power system such as smart grid, efficient energy management and better power system planning. As a result, high forecast accuracy is required for multiple time horizons that are associated with regulation, dispatching, scheduling and unit commitment of power grid. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based techniques are being developed and deployed worldwide in on Varity of applications, because of its superior capability to handle the complex input and output relationship. This paper provides the comprehensive and systematic literature review of Artificial Intelligence based short term load forecasting techniques. The major objective of this study is to review, identify, evaluate and analyze the performance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based load forecast models and research gaps. The accuracy of ANN based forecast model is found to be dependent on number of parameters such as forecast model architecture, input combination, activation functions and training algorithm of the network and other exogenous variables affecting on forecast model inputs. Published literature presented in this paper show the potential of AI techniques for effective load forecasting in order to achieve the concept of smart grid and buildings.


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Dynamic surface roughness prediction during metal cutting operations plays an important role to enhance the productivity in manufacturing industries. Various machining parameters such as unwanted noises affect the surface roughness, whatever their effects have not been adequately quantified. In this study, a general dynamic surface roughness monitoring system in milling operations was developed. Based on the experimentally acquired data, the milling process of Al 7075 and St 52 parts was simulated. Cutting parameters (i.e., cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut), material type, coolant fluid, X and Z components of milling machine vibrations, and white noise were used as inputs. The original objective in the development of a dynamic monitoring system is to simulate wide ranges of machining conditions such as rough and finishing of several materials with and without cutting fluid. To achieve high accuracy of the resultant data, the full factorial design of experiment was used. To verify the accuracy of the proposed model, testing and recall/verification procedures have been carried out and results showed that the accuracy of 99.8 and 99.7 % were obtained for testing and recall processes.


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Summary: The spread of invasive species after their initial introduction is often facilitated by human actions. In some cases, invaders only become established in habitats where dominant native species have been displaced as a result of human actions or where humans inadvertently provide essential resources such as food, water or shelter. We investigated if dams that provide water for livestock have facilitated the cane toad's (Rhinella marina) invasion of a hot semi-arid landscape by providing toads with a resource subsidy and hence refuge from extreme heat and aridity. To determine the relationship between the presence of surface water and habitat occupancy by toads, we surveyed natural and artificial water features for cane toads during the annual dry season. We used radiotracking and acoustic tags to determine whether movement patterns and shelter use of cane toads were focussed around dams. To determine whether dams provide toads with refuge from extreme heat and aridity, we deployed plaster models with internal thermometers to estimate ambient temperatures and toad desiccation rates in shelter sites. To determine whether dams alleviate the stress experienced by toads, we measured plasma corticosterone levels of toads that sheltered in and away from dams. Toads were present in sites with standing water and absent from waterless sites. Most radiotracked toads sheltered within 1 m of water. Toad movements were focussed around water. Toads tracked with passive acoustic telemetry over a 6-month dry season were highly resident at dams. Plaster models placed in toad shelter sites away from the water lost 27% more mass and experienced higher temperatures than models placed near the water's edge. Toads that sheltered in terrestrial shelters exhibited higher plasma corticosterone levels compared to toads that sheltered near dams. Dams provide toads with refuge habitats where they are less at risk from overheating and dehydration. Synthesis and applications. Artificial water points can facilitate biological invasions in arid regions by providing a resource subsidy for water-dependent invasive species. Our study suggests that there is scope to control populations of water-dependent invasive vertebrates in arid regions by restricting their access to artificial water points.


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Artificial neural network (ANN) models are able to predict future events based on current data. The usefulness of an ANN lies in the capacity of the model to learn and adjust the weights following previous errors during training. In this study, we carefully analyse the existing methods in neuronal spike sorting algorithms. The current methods use clustering as a basis to establish the ground truths, which requires tedious procedures pertaining to feature selection and evaluation of the selected features. Even so, the accuracy of clusters is still questionable. Here, we develop an ANN model to specially address the present drawbacks and major challenges in neuronal spike sorting. New enhancements are introduced into the conventional backpropagation ANN for determining the network weights, input nodes, target node, and error calculation. Coiflet modelling of noise is employed to enhance the spike shape features and overshadow noise. The ANN is used in conjunction with a special spiking event detection technique to prioritize the targets. The proposed enhancements are able to bolster the training concept, and on the whole, contributing to sorting neuronal spikes with close approximations.


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Digital elevation model (DEM) plays a substantial role in hydrological study, from understanding the catchment characteristics, setting up a hydrological model to mapping the flood risk in the region. Depending on the nature of study and its objectives, high resolution and reliable DEM is often desired to set up a sound hydrological model. However, such source of good DEM is not always available and it is generally high-priced. Obtained through radar based remote sensing, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) is a publicly available DEM with resolution of 92m outside US. It is a great source of DEM where no surveyed DEM is available. However, apart from the coarse resolution, SRTM suffers from inaccuracy especially on area with dense vegetation coverage due to the limitation of radar signals not penetrating through canopy. This will lead to the improper setup of the model as well as the erroneous mapping of flood risk. This paper attempts on improving SRTM dataset, using Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), derived from Visible Red and Near Infra-Red band obtained from Landsat with resolution of 30m, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The assessment of the improvement and the applicability of this method in hydrology would be highlighted and discussed.


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A comparação de dados de mercado é o método mais empregado em avaliação de imóveis. Este método fundamenta-se na coleta, análise e modelagem de dados do mercado imobiliário. Porém os dados freqüentemente contêm erros e imprecisões, além das dificuldades de seleção de casos e atributos relevantes, problemas que em geral são solucionados subjetivamente. Os modelos hedônicos de preços têm sido empregados, associados com a análise de regressão múltipla, mas existem alguns problemas que afetam a precisão das estimativas. Esta Tese investigou a utilização de técnicas alternativas para desenvolver as funções de preparação dos dados e desenvolvimento de modelos preditivos, explorando as áreas de descobrimento de conhecimento e inteligência artificial. Foi proposta uma nova abordagem para as avaliações, consistindo da formação de uma base de dados, ampla e previamente preparada, com a aplicação de um conjunto de técnicas para seleção de casos e para geração de modelos preditivos. Na fase de preparação dos dados foram utilizados as técnicas de regressão e redes neurais para a seleção de informação relevante, e o algoritmo de vizinhança próxima para estimação de valores para dados com erros ou omissões. O desenvolvimento de modelos preditivos incluiu as técnicas de regressão com superficies de resposta, modelos aditivos generalizados ajustados com algoritmos genéticos, regras extraídas de redes neurais usando lógica difusa e sistemas de regras difusas obtidos com algoritmos genéticos, os quais foram comparados com a abordagem tradicional de regressão múltipla Esta abordagem foi testada através do desenvolvimento de um estudo empírico, utilizando dados fornecidos pela Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre. Foram desenvolvidos três formatos de avaliação, com modelos para análise de mercado, avaliação em massa e avaliação individual. Os resultados indicaram o aperfeiçoamento da base de dados na fase de preparação e o equilíbrio das técnicas preditivas, com um pequeno incremento de precisão, em relação à regressão múltipla.Os modelos foram similares, em termos de formato e precisão, com o melhor desempenho sendo atingido com os sistemas de regras difusas.


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O trabalho constou de 3 experimentos com a finalidade de avaliar a influência de três diluentes sobre a motilidade e integridade da membrana espermática e de dois diluentes sobre o desempenho de fêmeas inseminadas com sêmen armazenado, no máximo, por 48h. Nos experimentos I e II, as doses de sêmen de 100 e 80 mL, contendo 3 e 2,5 bilhões de espermatozóides, respectivamente, foram mantidas sob resfriamento a 17ºC por um período de 144h. No experimento III os diluentes utilizados foram o BTS e Androhep® Enduraguard™. Os parâmetros de avaliação da qualidade do sêmen foram os percentuais de motilidade (Mot) e de membranas íntegras (MI), no experimento I, e Mot no experimento II. No experimento III, foram avaliados as taxas de retorno ao estro (TRE), de parto (TP), de parto ajustada (TPA), número de leitões nascidos totais (NT), nascidos vivos (NV), natimortos (NM) e mumificados (MM). Foram coletados 5 ejaculados de 5 machos para o experimento I e 3 a 18 ejaculados de 18 machos para os experimentos II e III. No experimento III, foram inseminadas 882 fêmeas com ordem de parto entre 1 e 8. No experimento I foram comparados três diluentes: BTS (T1); Androhep® Enduraguard™ (T2) e Androhep® (T3). Houve uma diminuição (P<0,05) na Mot do T1 em relação ao T2 e T3 já nas 48h. Quanto à MI, T1 e T3 apresentaram percentuais médios superiores (P<0,05) ao T2. No experimento II, foram comparados dois diluentes: BTS (T1) e Androhep® Enduraguard™ (T2). Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para Mot entre T1 e T2, em nenhum momento de avaliação. No experimento III foram avaliados dois diluentes: BTS (T1) e Androhep® Enduraguard™ (T2). Não houve diferença (P>0,05) na TRE, TP, TPA, NT, NV, NM e MM entre os tratamentos. Apesar do sêmen diluído em BTS ter apresentado motilidade inferior aos outros dois diluentes, no experimento I, isto não ocorreu no experimento II. O desempenho das fêmeas inseminadas com sêmen armazenado até 48h não foi influenciado pelo diluente utilizado (BTS ou Androhep® Enduraguard™).


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Uma atividade com a magnitude da avicultura, que usa equipamentos de última geração e serviços atualizados, é levada, na maioria dos casos, a tomar decisões que envolvem todos aspectos de produção, apoiada em critérios subjetivos. A presente tese objetivou estudar a utilização das redes neurais artificiais na estimação dos parâmetros de desempenho de matrizes pesadas, pertencentes a uma integração avícola sul-brasileira. Foram utilizados os registros de 11 lotes em recria, do período compreendido entre 09/11/97 a 10/01/99 e de 21 lotes em produção, do período compreendido entre 26/04/98 a 19/12/99, para a análise por redes neurais artificiais. Os dados utilizados corresponderam a 273 linhas de registros semanais, do período de recria e 689 linhas de registros semanais, do período de produção. Os modelos de redes neurais foram comparados e selecionados como melhores, baseados no coeficiente de determinação múltipla (R2), Quadrado Médio do Erro (QME), bem como pela análise de gráficos, plotando a predição da rede versus a predição menos o real (resíduo). Com esta tese foi possível explicar os parâmetros de desempenho de matrizes pesadas, através da utilização de redes neurais artificiais. A técnica permite a tomada de decisões por parte do corpo técnico, baseadas em critérios objetivos obtidos cientificamente. Além disso, este método permite simulações das conseqüências de tais decisões e fornece a percentagem de contribuição de cada variável no fenômeno em estudo.


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São apresentados os resultados do desenvolvimento das comunidades de algas perifíticas sobre substratos artificiais em duas lagoas de estabilização na Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos (ETE) do Lami, em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram analisadas as mudanças na diversidade de espécies durante 8 semanas, entre outubro e dezembro de 2001, em três profundidades na coluna d'água, utilizando-se vários índices. O grupo de algas predominante no substrato superor nas duas lagoas foi o das diatomáceas, enquanto que nas profundidades média e inferior as cianobactérias foram as espécies mais freqüentes e abundantes, tanto na lagoa facultativa 1 como na lagoa de maturação 2 . Pelos resultados obtidos é possível que o substrato artificial de telas plástica utilizado neste experimento seja eficiente na remoção de nutrientes, tais como fósforo e nitrogênio. Pelo Índice Autotrófico verifica-se que as lagoas de estabilização são ambientes autotróficos, principalmente nos estratos superior e médio. Métodos estatísticos de análise multivariada foram realizados para descrever as relações entre espécies algais no tempo e em diferentes profundidades, bem como para encontrar afinidades específicas. Os resultados indicam espécies e grupos dominantes, substituições de espécies, mudanças na densidade e diversidade específica das comunidades perifíticas nessas lagoas. Este estudo demonstrou que o tempo para o estabelecimento de comunidades do perifiton diminui com a profundidade. Na análise das algas perifíticas foram registradas 32 táxons distribuídos em 4 divisões.