951 resultados para Corticeira-do-seco.


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Cotton is a hydrofilic textile fiber and, for this reason, it changes its properties according to the environment changes. Moisture and Temperature are the two most important factors that lead a cotton Spinning sector and influence its quality. Those two properties can change the entire Spinning process. Understanding this, moisture and temperature must be kept under control when used during the Spinning process, once the environment is hot and dry, the cotton yarns absorb moisture and lose the minimal consistency. According to this information, this paper was developed testing four types of cotton yarns, one kind of cotton from Brazil and the others from Egypt. The yarns were exposed to different temperatures and moisture in five different tests and in each test, six samples that were examined through physical and mechanical tests: resistance, strength, tenacity, yarn´s hairness, yarn´s evenness and yarn´s twisting. All the analysis were accomplished at Laboratório de Mecânica dos Fluídos and at COATS Corrente S.A., where, it was possible to use the equipments whose were fundamental to develop this paper, such as the STATIMAT ME that measures strength, tenacity, Zweigler G566, that measure hairiness in the yarn, a skein machine and a twisting machine. The analysis revealed alterations in the yarn´s characteristics in a direct way, for example, as moisture and temperature were increased, the yarn´s strength, tenacity and hairness were increased as well. Having the results of all analysis, it is possible to say that a relatively low temperature and a high humidity, cotton yarns have the best performance


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a decomposição de três espécies de plantas aquáticas imersas, incorporadas ao solo, provenientes do controle mecânico, em reservatórios de usinas hidrelétricas. O estudo foi realizado em casa de vegetação, localizada no Núcleo de Pesquisas Avançadas em Matologia (NUPAM) da FCA/Unesp-Botucatu. A avaliação foi conduzida em vasos contendo 14 kg de solo, com três incorporações de 50 e 100 t MF de plantas ha-1, sob duas condições de solo: seco e úmido. Com a simulação de descarte da biomassa coletada e incorporada ao solo, pôde-se conhecer, através da liberação de CO2, a degradação de três espécies de macrófitas aquáticas submersas. Para quantificação do CO2 liberado, em cada vaso foi acondicionado um frasco com solução de NaOH, sendo, logo após, lacrados e incubados por 24 horas; em seguida, foram titulados com HCl. Para ajuste e interpolação dos dados, estes foram analisados seguindo modelo de Mitscherlich, com algumas modificações. As liberações acumuladas em solo úmido foram de 1.294 e 1.582 kg CO2 ha-1, sendo 6,2 e 5,6 vezes superiores ao ocorrido em solo seco, para 50 e 100 t MF ha-1, respectivamente, observando-se que cerca de 55% da liberação de CO2 ocorreu nos primeiros 30 dias. Pode-se concluir que o solo seco é a melhor condição para descarte e incorporação da biomassa, porém deverá existir um sistema de irrigação para que o processo de degradação da biomassa incorporada seja acelerado.


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Um estudo foi realizado com a finalidade de avaliar a decomposição da biomassa de plantas aquáticas, incorporadas ou não ao solo, provenientes do controle mecânico, no reservatório da UHE Americana. O ensaio foi realizado em casa de vegetação, localizada no Núcleo de Pesquisas Avançadas em Matologia (NUPAM) da FCA/Unesp-Botucatu. A avaliação foi conduzida em vasos contendo 14 kg de solo, simulando descartes de 50, 100, 150 e 200 t MF de plantas ha-1 e avaliando o processo de decomposição através da liberação de CO2, divididos em duas etapas: a primeira em solo seco e, a segunda, na seqüência, com o solo úmido. A quantificação do CO2 liberado foi realizada através de titulação de solução adicionada ao processo de incubação de 24 horas dos vasos. Os dados foram interpolados e analisados seguindo modelo de Mitscherlich, com algumas modificações. Na primeira etapa, foi observada uma rápida liberação de CO2 até o décimo dia, seguida de estabilização. O maior teor de CO2 liberado foi observado no tratamento com descarte de 200 t MF ha-1 incorporado ao solo. Os dados avaliados durante a segunda fase do ensaio representaram uma maior linearidade no processo de liberação de CO2, indicando um período mais longo do processo de degradação da biomassa descartada.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos alelopáticos da massa seca de plantas de capim-colchão (Digitaria horizontalis), incorporadas ao solo em diferentes densidades, sobre a germinação e o crescimento inicial de milho, girassol e triticale. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, e as parcelas foram constituídas de uma planta, conduzida em vasos com capacidade para 2,5 L, dispostos inteiramente ao acaso. Material seco de capim-colchão nas quantidades equivalentes a 0, 2,5, 5,0 e 10 t ha-1 foi incorporado à terra. A emergência foi avaliada diariamente até 10 dias após a semeadura, quando se calculou a porcentagem final de emergência e o índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE). A altura e a massa seca das plantas foram avaliadas 35 dias após a semeadura. A incorporação da palhada da planta daninha não interferiu na germinação e no IVE das espécies avaliadas. A massa seca e a altura de plantas de todas as espécies foram influenciadas pela palhada, decrescendo de acordo com o aumento da concentração da palhada incorporada ao solo, com exceção do triticale, que não teve alteração quanto à altura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Plantas de aguapé foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva de Hoagland & Arnon n.2, cujo aumento dos níveis de N, P e Cu estabeleceu as diferenças entre os tratamentos. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As variáveis fisiológicas avaliadas foram área foliar, peso de matéria seca e taxa de crescimento absoluto, taxa de crescimento relativo, taxa assimilatória líquida, razão de área foliar, peso específico de folha, área foliar específica. Foram determinados também os teores de açúcares totais e redutores e de aminoácidos totais e a atividade das enzimas glutationa S-transferase e superóxido dismutase. Os extratos enzimáticos foram obtidos da matéria fresca da parte aérea das plantas. Após a coleta, foram determinados os pesos de material seco de raízes, pecíolos e folhas, que foram utilizados para a determinação de açúcares solúveis totais e redutores e de aminoácidos. O excesso de nitrogênio causou aumento de açúcares nas folhas e de aminoácidos nas raízes. Já o tratamento com excesso de fósforo levou ao aumento de açúcares nas raízes. Os resultados apresentados sugerem que, entre os nutrientes em excesso avaliados, o cobre (0,12 mg L-1) foi o maior indutor da atividade da GST e SOD, sugerindo que este elemento induziu estresse nas plantas de aguapé.


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Algumas culturas têm pouca adaptação ao sistema plantio direto (SPD), em vista da alta compactação da camada superficial do solo. Nesse caso, o mecanismo utilizado na semeadora para a abertura dos sulcos para deposição do fertilizante pode ter grande importância no sentido de facilitar a penetração das raízes. Avaliouse a influência do mecanismo de distribuição de fertilizante e da adubação nitrogenada na cultura do arroz de terras altas (Oryza sativa) no sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi conduzido nos anos agrícolas 2001/2002 e 2002/2003, em Botucatu-SP, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por dois mecanismos de distribuição de fertilizantes (haste sulcadora e disco duplo). Nas subparcelas, quatro níveis de N foram aplicados em cobertura (0, 40, 80 e 120 kg ha-1). Avaliou-se a profundidade de abertura do sulco e de deposição das sementes, a população de plantas, a altura de plantas, o número de colmos e de panículas m-2, o número total de espiguetas por panícula, a fertilidade das espiguetas, a massa de 1.000 grãos, a matéria seca da parte aérea, a produtividade e o teor de N na folha bandeira. O sucesso no estabelecimento da cultura do arroz de terras altas no SPD nas regiões de inverno seco do Brasil está diretamente ligado ao mecanismo de distribuição das semeadoras-adubadoras. A haste sulcadora promoveu maior profundidade de deposição de sementes, conseqüentemente reduzindo o estande, o número de panículas por área e a produtividade. A aplicação de N em cobertura no arroz de terras altas em SPD proporciona maiores produtividades quando a semeadura é realizada com mecanismo de disco duplo.


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Global warming due to Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, especially CO2, has been identified as one of the major problems of the twenty-first century, considering the consequences that could represent to planet. Currently, biological processes have been mentioned as a possible solution, especially CO2 biofixation due to association microalgae growth. This strategy has been emphasized as in addition to CO2 mitigation, occurs the production of biomass rich in compounds of high added value. The Microalgae show high photosynthetic capacity and growth rate higher than the superior plants, doubling its biomass in one day. Its culture does not show seasons, they grow in salt water and do not require irrigation, herbicides or pesticides. The lipid content of these microorganisms, depending on the species, may range from 10 to 70% of its dry weight, reaching 90% under certain culture conditions. Studies indicate that the most effective method to promote increased production of lipids in microalgae is to induce stress by limiting nitrogen content in the culture medium. These evidences justify research continuing the production of biofuels from microalgae. In this paper, it was studied the strategy of increasing the production of lipids in microalgae I. galbana with programmed nutritional stress, due to nitrogen limitation. The physiological responses of microalgae, grown in f / 2 with different concentrations of nitrogen (N: P 15,0-control, N: 5,0 P and N: P 2,5) were monitored. During exponential phase, results showed invariability in the studied conditions. However the cultures subjected to stress in stationary phase, showed lower biomass yields. There was an increase of 32,5% in carbohydrate content and 87.68% in lipids content at N: P ratio of 5,0 and an average decrease of 65% in protein content at N: P ratios of 5, 0 and 2.5. There were no significant variations in ash content, independently of cultivation and growth phase. Despite the limitation of biomass production in cultures with N: P smaller ratios, the increase of lipid accumulation highest lipids yields were observed as compared to the control culture. Given the increased concentration of lipids associated to stress, this study suggests the use of microalgae Isochrysis galbana as an alternative raw material for biofuel production


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In the area of food dehydration, drying of vegetables has a very representative position, it has the objective to preserve the surplus of crops and began with sun drying. Among the vegetable is the carrot, which had its origin in Southeast Asia and in Brazil is a vegetable cultivated enough. The principal objective of this works is to find alternative ways for the conservation of carrot slices by osmotic dehydration with additional drying in heart. Were initially defined the best conditions of pre-osmotic dehydration (temperature, immersion time, type of osmotic solution) based on the results of humidity loss, solid gain, weight reduction and efficiency ratio of predehydrated carrots slices. The osmotic solutions used were composed by NaCl (10%) and sucrose (50 ° Brix) named DO1 and sucrose (50 ° Brix) called DO2. Was made experiment of pre-osmotic dehydration of carrot slices in two temperature levels, with complementary drying in heart with air circulation at 70 º C. Sensory analysis was performed and the study of slices dehydration osmotically and the slices without osmotic treatment. The best results were obtained with the solution DO1 60°C with immersion time of 60 min. The drying of carrot slices presented period of constant rate and decreasing rate. The osmotic pre-treatment reduced the initial humidity of carrot slices, reducing the time to the product to reach the same humidity content. Fick's model, considering the shrinkage, and the Page s model, adapt satisfactorily to experimental datas, allowing the determination of effective diffusion coefficients, consistent with the references. The results of sensory analysis of dry product, showed greater acceptance of sliced carrots with osmotic treatment


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In this research, the drying process of acerola waste was investigated by using a spouted bed drier. The process was conducted using high density polyethylene inert particles with the objective of producing an ascorbic acid-rich final product. The fruit waste was ground and used to prepare different water-maltodextrin suspensions. Initially, fluidynamical experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the feeding effect on the spouted bed drier fluidynamics behavior. The experimental planning 23 + 3 was used to investigate the effect of the following variables: solids concentration, drying air temperature, intermittence time, production efficiency, solids retention and product losses by elutriation of fine particles on drier walls. The effect of selected independent variables on the drier stability was also evaluated based on a parameter defined as the ratio between the feed suspension volume and the total inert particles volume. Finally, the powder quality was verified in experiments with fixed feed flow and varying air drying temperature, drying air velocity and intermittence time. It was observed that the suspension interferes in the spouted bed drier fluidynamics behavior, and higher air flow is necessary to stabilize the drier. The suspension also promotes the expansion of the spouted bed diameter, decreases the solid circulation and favors the air distribution at the flush area. All variables interfere in the spouted bed performance, and the solids concentration has a major effect on the material retention and losses. The intermittence time also has great effect on the stability and material retention. When it comes to production efficiency, the main effect observed was the drying air temperature. First order models were well adjusted to retention and losses data. The acerola powder presented ascorbic acid levels around 600 to 700 mg/100g. Similar moisture and ascorbic acid levels were obtained for powders obtained by spouted bed and spray drier. However, the powder production efficiency of the spray drier was lower when compared to spouted bed drier. When it comes to energetic analysis, the spray drier process was superior. The results obtained for spouted bed drier are promising and highly dependent on the operational parameters chosen, but in general, it is inferred that this drying process is adequate for paste and suspension drying


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Studies show the great influence of free radicals and other oxidants as responsible for aging and degenerative diseases. On the other hand, the natural phenolic compounds has shown great as antioxidants to inhibit lipid peroxidation and lipoxygenase in vitro. Among these, is highlighted trans-resveratrol ( 3,5,4 `- trihydroxystilbene ) phenolic compound , characterized as a polyphenol stilbene class. The vegetables popularly known as "Azedinha" (Rumex Acetosa) has trans-resveratrol in its composition and from this, the present work aimed to study on the supercritical extraction and conventional extraction (Soxhlet and sequential) in roots of Rumex Acetosa, evaluating the efficiency of extractive processes, antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and quantification of trans-resveratrol contained in the extracts. Extractions using supercritical CO2 as solvent, addition of co-solvent (ethanol) and were conducted by the dynamic method in a fixed bed extractor. The trial met a 23 factorial design with three replications at the central point, with the variable reply process yield and concentration of trans-resveratrol and pressure as independent variables, temperature and concentration of co-solvent (% v/v). Yields ( mass of dry extract / mass of raw material used ) obtained from the supercritical extraction ranged from 0,8 to 7,63 % , and the best result was obtained at 250 bar and 90 °C using the co-solvent 15% ethanol (% v/v). The value was calculated for YCER a flow rate of 1,0 ± 0,17 g/min resulting in 0,0469 CO2 ( g solute / g solvent ). The results of the mass yield varied between conventional extractions 0,78 % ( hexane) and 9,97 % (ethanol). The statistical model generated from the data of the concentration of trans-resveratrol performed as meaningful and predictive for a 95% confidence. GC analysis on HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), transresveratrol was quantified in all extracts and concentration values ranged between 0,0033 and 0,42 ( mg / g extract) for supercritical extracts and between 0,449 and 17,046 (mg / g extract) to conventional extractions and therefore, the Soxhlet extraction with ethanol for more selective trans-resveratrol than the supercritical fluid. Evaluation of antioxidant (radical method to sequester 2,2- diphenyl-1- picryl - hydrazyl - DPPH) the supercritical extracts resulted in EC50 values (concentration effective to neutralize 50% of free radicals) of between 7,89 and 18,43 mg/mL , while resulting in a Soxhlet extraction with EC50 values in the range of 6,05 and 7,39 mg/mL. As for quantification of the phenolic compounds (Method Spectrophotometer Folin-Ciocalteau) the supercritical extracts resulted in values between 85,3 and 194,79 mg GAE / g extract, whereas values derived from the Soxhlet extract resulted in values between 178,5 and 237,8 mg GAE / g extract. The high antioxidant activity can not be attributed solely to the presence of phenolic compounds, but the presence of other antioxidants in the existing Rumex acetosa


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The production of enzymes by microorganisms using organic residues is important and it can be associated with several applications such as food and chemical industries and so on. The objective of this work is the production of CMCase, Xylanase, Avicelase and FPase enzymes by solid state fermentation (SSF) using as substrates: bagasse of coconut and dried cashew stem. The microorganisms employed are Penicillium chrysogenum and an isolated fungus from the coconut bark (Aspergillus fumigatus). Through the factorial design methodology and response surface analysis it was possible to study the influence of the humidity and pH. For Penicillium chrysogenum and the isolated fungus, the coconut bagasse was used as culture medium. In another fermentation, it was used the mixture of coconut bagasse and cashew stem. Fermentations were conducted using only the coconut bagasse as substrate in cultures with Penicillium chrysogenum fungus and the isolated one. A mixture with 50% of coconut and 50% of cashew stem was employed only for Penicillium chrysogenum fungus, the cultivation conditions were: 120 hours at 30 °C in BOD, changing humidity and pH values. In order to check the influence of the variables: humidity and pH, a 2 2 factorial experimental design was developed, and then two factors with two levels for each factor and three repetitions at the central point. The levels of the independent variables used in ascending order (-1, 0, +1), to humidity, 66%, 70.5% and 75% and pH 3, 5 and 7, respectively. The software STATISTICA TM (version 7.0, StatSoft, Inc.) was used to calculate the main effects of the variables and their interactions. The response surface methodology was used to optimize the conditions of the SSF. A chemical and a physic-chemical characterization of the coconut bagasse have determined the composition of cellulose (%) = 39.09; Hemicellulose (%) = 23.80, Total Lignin (%) = 36.22 and Pectin (%) = 1.64. To the characterization of cashew stem, the values were cellulose (g) = 15.91 Hemicellulose (%) = 16.77, Total Lignin (%) = 30.04 and Pectin (%) = 15.24. The results indicate the potential of the materials as substrate for semisolid fermentation enzyme production. The two microorganisms used are presented as good producers of cellulases. The results showed the potential of the fungus in the production of CMCase enzyme, with a maximum of 0.282 UI/mL and the Avicelase enzyme the maximum value ranged from 0.018 to 0.020 UI/ mL, using only coconut bagasse as substrate. The Penicillium chrysogenum fungus has showed the best results for CMCase = 0.294 UI/mL, FPase = 0.058 UI/mL, Avicelase = 0.010 UI/mL and Xylanase = 0.644 UI/ mL enzyme, using coconut bagasse and cashew stem as substrates. The Penicllium chrysogenum fungus showed enzymatic activities using only the coconut as substrate for CMCase = 0.233 UI/mL, FPase = 0.031 to 0.032 UI/ mL, Avicelase = 0.018 to 0.020 UI/mL and Xylanase = 0.735 UI/ mL. Thus, it can be concluded that the used organisms and substrates have offered potential for enzyme production processes in a semi-solid cultivation


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Foram realizados dois ensaios, sendo um em solução nutritiva e outro em solo, utilizando seis níveis de nitrogênio (28, 56, 84, 112, 140 e 168 mg/L de N) a fim de ajustar as leituras diretas, feitas nas folhas de feijoeiro, com um clorofilômetro (Minolta SPAD-501), aos níveis crescentes de nitrogênio e ao seu teor nas folhas. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros: área foliar; massas dos materiais verde e seco; teor de clorofila; produção de grãos e teores de N, Ca, Mg e S. Todos esses dados, mais as leituras do aparelho, foram correlacionados entre si e com os níveis de N aplicados. As correlações positivas entre as leituras e os níveis de N fornecidos (R = 0,86) e entre as leituras e os teores de N nas folhas (R = 0,75) indicam que há perspectivas favoráveis quanto ao uso desse equipamento para detectar deficiências de nitrogênio em feijoeiro.


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The increasing demand for natural dyes in place of synthetic ones is justified by the non-toxicity or low toxicity of the former. The synthetic dyes are associated with diseases like cancer as well as when released in the environment takes longer to degrade and the intermediates could be still more toxic. The Annatto (Bixa Orellana L.) is a carotenoid and one of the more important natural dyes used in the food industry. In the form of dye, it represents nearly 70% of the world natural dye production and 90% in Brazil. In the present work, annatto seeds were used of the species peruana paulista, which had nearly 2.1% of bixin. The process of dye extraction with ethyl alcohol showed 4% of dye in the form of powder with particle diameter of 28mm. The extraction process did not alter the chemical composition of the dye, which was confirmed by the electronic spectrum of absorption. Dyeings were carried out with different mordents to study the total colour difference as well as the wash fastness properties and friction fastness properties under wet and dry conditions. The samples treated with copper sulphate showed colour difference but at the same time showed better fastness results. The samples treated with resin (no formaldehyde) did not alter the colour significantly still better the fastness properties. From the results, it could be stated that the resin could be an alternative for heavy metallic mordents


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Pectinolytic enzymes, or simply pectinases, are complex enzymes that degrade pectic polymers. They have many uses, such as fruit juice extraction and purification, textile fiber treatment and vegetal oil extraction. The aim of this work was to study the kinetics of pectinases production by solid-state fermentation, using dry cashew apple residue as substrate and the microorganism Aspergillus niger CCT 0916. The influence of the initial medium moisture and medium supplementation with a source of nitrogen and phosphorus was evaluated using the factorial experimental planning and response surface methodology. Ammonia sulphate and potassium phosphate were used as nitrogen and phosphorus source, respectively. The variables time of contact (T) and ratio volume solvent/fermented medium (RZ), in systems with and without agitation, were evaluated in order to study the best extraction condition of the produced enzyme. Washed and unwashed cashew apple residues were tested as the growth medium. The unwashed residue was obtained by drying the residue after the extraction of the juice, while the washed residue was obtained by water washing 5 times using the proportion of 1 kg pulp/2 liters of water. Samples were taken every 12 hours for moisture content, pH, protein, reducing sugars, polygalacturonase activity (PG) and viscosity reduction. The physical-chemical composition of the residues had different sugar and pectin levels. For the unwashed residue, the peak activity was reached with 40% of initial moisture content, 1% of nitrogen supplementation without phosphorus addition after 30 hours of process. These conditions led to 16 U/g of PG activity and 82% of viscosity reduction. The calculated models reached similar values to the experimental ones in the same process conditions: 15.55 U/g of PG and 79.57% of viscosity eduction. Similarly, the greatest enzyme production for washed residue was reached with 40% initial moisture content, 1% nitrogen supplementation without phosphorus addition after 22 hours of cultivation. In this condition it was obtained polygalacturonase activity of 9.84 U/g and viscosity reduction of 81.36%. These values are close to experimental values that were of 10.1 U/g and 81%, respectively. The conditions that led to the best PG activity results was the agitated one and the best extraction condition was obtained with 100 minutes of solvent/medium contact and RZ of 5 (mL/g)