976 resultados para Congenital hyperthyroidism
INTRODUCTION : Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It is transmitted by the ingestion of contaminated water and foods, by soil contaminated with cat feces, especially while handling it, and congenitally via the placenta. The diagnosis of maternal infection is made by serological detection of either IgM or IgG antibodies. This study assessed the seropositivity in pregnant women followed up by the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: The study was performed in 19 FHS units and included 148 childbearing women. The outcomes evaluated were IgM and IgG seropositivity and behavioral variables. RESULTS: IgG yielded positive results in 16% of the pregnant women, whereas IgM was positive in only 1%. CONCLUSIONS: The 1% IgM positivity rate for T. gondii indicates congenital toxoplasmosis is not common in Lages.
RESUMO: As células eucarióticas evoluíram um sistema de sinalização complexo que lhes permite responder aos sinais extracelulares e intracelulares. Desta forma, as vias de sinalização são essenciais para a sobrevivência da célula e do organismo, uma vez que regulam processos fundamentais, tais como o desenvolvimento, o crescimento, a imunidade, e a homeostase dos tecidos. A via de transdução de sinal Hedgehog (Hh) envolve o receptor Patched1 (Ptch1), que tem um efeito inibidor sobre a proteína Smoothened (Smo) na ausência dos seus ligandos, as proteínas Sonic hedgehog (Shh). Estas proteínas são reguladores fundamentais do desenvolvimento embrionário, como ilustrado pelas malformações drásticas observadas em embriões humanos e de murganho com perturbações da transdução de sinal da via Hh e que incluem polidactilia, defeitos craniofaciais e malformações ósseas. Igualmente importantes são as consequências da ativação inapropriada da via de sinalização Hh na formação de tumores. Curiosamente, os componentes desta via localizam-se nos cílios primários. Além disso, demonstrou-se que esta localização é crucial para a sinalização através da via Hh. Na presença dos ligandos, Ptch1 é internalizado e destinado a degradação ou sequestrado num compartimento da célula de onde não pode desempenhar o seu papel inibitório. A proteína Arl13b é uma pequena GTPase pertencente à família Arf/Arl da superfamília Ras de pequenas GTPases e foi implicada no síndrome de Joubert, uma ciliopatia caracterizada por ataxia congénita cerebelar, hipotonia, atrso mental e cardiopatia congénita. Murganhos deficientes para Arl13b, chamado hennin (hnn) morrem morrem prematuramente ao dia 13,5 de gestação (E13,5) e exibem anomalias morfológicas nos cílios que levam à interrupção da sinalização Hh. Além disso, a Arl13b está diretamente envolvida na regulação da via Hh, controlando a localização de vários componentes desta via nos cílios primários. Neste trabalho, mostramos que a Arl13b se localiza em circular dorsal ruffles (CDRs), que são estruturas de actina envolvidas em macropinocitose e internalização de recetores, e que regula a sua formação. Além disso, aprofundámos o conhecimento do processo de ativação da via de sinalização Hh, mostrando que as CDRs sequestram seletivamente e internalizam o recetor Ptch1. As CDRs formam-se minutos após ativação da via por ligandos Shh ou pelo agonista de Smo SAG e continuam a ser formadas a partir daí, sugerindo uma indução contínua da reorganização do citoesqueleto de actina quando a via está ativada. Observámos ainda que a inibição da formação de CDRs através do silenciamento de WAVE1, uma proteína necessária para a formação destas estruturas, resulta na diminuição da ativação da via de sinalização Hh. Além disso, o bloqueio da macropinocitose, que se segue ao fecho das CDRs, através do silenciamento de uma proteína necessária para a cisão de macropinossomas, nomeadamente a proteína BARS, tem um efeito semelhante. Estes resultados sugerem que as CDRs e a macropinocitose são necessárias para a ativação da via de sinalização Hh e indicam que esta via de internalização controla os níveis de sinal Hh. Durante o desenvolvimento, as células proliferativas dependem do cílio primário para a transdução de várias vias de sinalização. A via Hh induz a diferenciação do músculo cardíaco. Por conseguinte, os murganhos deficientes na via de sinalização Hh exibem uma variedade de defeitos de lateralidade, incluindo alteração do looping do coração, como pode ser visto em murganhos deficientes para Arl13b. Por conseguinte, investigámos o papel da Arl13b no desenvolvimento do coração. Mostramos que a Arl13b é altamente expressa no coração de embriões de murganho e de murganhos adultos ao nível do mRNA e da proteína. Além disso, o perfil de distribuição da Arl13b no coração segue o dos cílios primários, que são essenciais para o desenvolvimento cardíaco. Corações de murganhos hnn no estadio E12,5 mostram um canal átrio-ventricular aberto, espessamento da camada compacta ventricular e aumento do índice mitótico no ventrículo esquerdo. Além disso, um atraso de 1 a 2 dias no desenvolvimento é observado em corações de murganhos hnn, quando comparados com controlos selvagens no estadio E13,5. Assim, estes resultados sugerem que a Arl13b é necessária para o desenvolvimento embrionário do coração e que defeitos cardíacos podem contribuir para a letalidade embrionária de murganhos hnn. Em suma, foi estabelecido um novo mecanismo para a regulação dos níveis de superfície do recetor Ptch1, que envolve a remodelação do citoesqueleto de actina e a formação de CDRs após a ativação da via de sinalização Hh. Este mecanismo permite um feedback negativo que evita a repressão excessiva da via através da remoção de Ptch1 da superfície da célula. Além disso, determinou-se que uma mutação de perda de função na Arl13b causa defeitos cardíacos durante o desenvolvimento, possivelmente relacionados com a associação dos defeitos em cílios primários e na sinalização Hh, existentes em murganhos deficientes para Arl13b. A via de sinalização Hh tem tido um papel central entre as vias de sinalização, uma vez que a sua regulação é crucial para o funcionamento apropriada da célula. Assim, a descoberta de um novo mecanismo de tráfego através de macropinocitose e CDRs que controla a ativação e repressão da via de sinalização Hh traz novas perspetivas de como esta via pode ser regulada e pode ainda conduzir à identificação de novos alvos e estratégias terapêuticas. --------------------ABSTRACT: Eukaryotic cells have evolved a complex signaling system that allows them to respond to extracellular and intracellular cues. Signaling pathways are essential for cell and organism survival, since they regulate fundamental processes such as development, growth, immunity, and tissue homeostasis. The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway of signal transduction involves the receptor Patched1 (Ptch1), which has an inhibitory effect on Smoothened (Smo) in the absence of its ligands, the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) proteins. These proteins are fundamental regulators of embryonic development, as illustrated by the dramatic malformations seen in human and mouse embryos with perturbed Hh signal transduction that include polydactyly, craniofacial defects and skeletal malformations. Equally important are the consequences of inappropriate activation of the Hh signaling response in tumor formation. Interestingly, the components of this pathway localize to primary cilia. Moreover, it has been shown that this localization is crucial for Hh signaling. However, in the presence of the ligands, Ptch1 is internalized and destined for degradation or sequestered in a cell compartment where it no longer can play its inhibitory role. ADP-ribosylation factor-like (Arl) 13b, a small GTPase belonging to Arf/Arl family of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases has been implicated in Joubert syndrome, a ciliopathy characterized by congenital cerebellar ataxia, hypotonia, intellectual disability and congenital heart disease. Arl13b-deficient mice, called hennin (hnn) die at embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) and display morphological abnormalities in primary cilia that lead to the disruption of Hh signaling. Furthermore, Arl13b is directly involved in the regulation of Hh signaling by controlling the localization of several components of this pathway to primary cilia. Here, we show that Arl13b localizes to and regulates the formation of circular dorsal rufles (CDRs), which are actin-basedstructures known to be involved in macropinocytosis and receptor internalization. Additionally, we extended the knowledge of the Hh signaling activation process by showing that CDRs selectively sequester and internalize Ptch1 receptors. CDRs are formed minutes after Hh activation by Shh ligands or the Smo agonist SAG and keep being formed thereafter, suggesting a continuous induction of actin reorganization when the pathway is switched on. Importantly, we observed that disruption of CDRs by silencing WAVE1, a protein required for CDR formation, results in down-regulation of Hh signaling activation. Moreover, the blockade of macropinocytosis, which follows CDR closure, through silencing of a protein necessary for the fission of macropinosomes, namely BARS has a similar effect. These results suggest that CDRs and macropinocytosis are necessary for activation of Hh signaling and indicate that this pathway of internalization controls Hh signal levels. During development, proliferating cells rely on the primary cilium for the transduction of several signaling pathways. Hh induces the differentiation of cardiac muscle. Accordingly, Hh-deficient mice display a variety of laterality defects, including alteration of heart looping, as seen in Arl13b-deficient mice. Therefore, we investigated the role of Arl13b in heart development. We show that Arl13b is highly expressed in the heart of both embryonic and adult mice at mRNA and protein levels. Also, Arl13b localization profile mimics that of primary cilia, which have been shown to be essential to early heart development. E12.5 hnn hearts show an open atrioventricular channel, increased thickening of the ventricular compact layer and increased mitotic index in the left ventricle. Moreover, a delay of 1 to 2 days in development is observed in hnn hearts, when compared to wild-type controls at E13.5. Hence, these results suggest that Arl13b is necessary for embryonic heart development and that cardiac defects might contribute to the embryonic lethality of hnn mice. Altogether, we established a novel mechanism for the regulation of Ptch1 surface levels, involving cytoskeleton remodeling and CDR formation upon Hh signaling activation. This mechanism allows a negative feedback loop that prevents excessive repression of the pathway by removing Ptch1 from the cell surface. Additionally, we determined that the Arl13b loss-offunction mutation causes cardiac defects during development, possibly related to the associated ciliary and Hh signaling defects found in Arl13b-deficient mice. Hh signaling has taken a center stage among the signaling pathways since its regulation is crucial for the appropriate output and function of the cell. Hence, the finding of a novel trafficking mechanism through CDRs and macropinocytosis that controls Hh signaling activation and repression brings new insights to how this pathway can be regulated and can lead to the discovery of novel therapeutic targets and strategies.
Double pylorus is an unusual condition in which a double communication between the gastric antrum and the duodenal bulb occurs. It may be congenital, or it may be acquired complication of peptic ulcer disease. We present a case of double pylorus in a gentleman with epigastric pain and previous history of peptic ulcer disease. The relationship between Helicobacter pylori and this disease was assessed. A review of the literature, the role of associated diseases and the role of H. pylori are discussed.
Noonan syndrome is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome, inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. We studied 31 patients (18 males and 13 females) affected by this disorder regarding their clinical and genetic characteristics. The most frequent clinical findings were short stature (71%); craniofacial dysmorphisms, especially hypertelorism, ptosis, downslanting of the palpebral fissures; short or webbed neck (87%); cardiac anomalies (65%), and fetal pads in fingers and toes (70%). After studying the probands' first-degree relatives, we made the diagnosis of Noonan syndrome in more than one family member in three families. Therefore, the majority of our cases were sporadic.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the use of inhaled nitric oxide (NO) in the management of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. METHODS: Computerized bibliographic search on MEDLINE, CURRENT CONTENTS and LILACS covering the period from January 1990 to March 1998; review of references of all papers found on the subject. Only randomized clinical trials evaluating nitric oxide and conventional treatment were included. OUTCOMES STUDIED: death, requirement for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), systemic oxygenation, complications at the central nervous system and development of chronic pulmonary disease. The methodologic quality of the studies was evaluated by a quality score system, on a scale of 13 points. RESULTS: For infants without congenital diaphragmatic hernia, inhaled NO did not change mortality (typical odds ratio: 1.04; 95% CI: 0.6 to 1.8); the need for ECMO was reduced (relative risk: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.60 to 0.90), and the oxygenation was improved (PaO2 by a mean of 53.3 mm Hg; 95% CI: 44.8 to 61.4; oxygenation index by a mean of -12.2; 95% CI: -14.1 to -9.9). For infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, mortality, requirement for ECMO, and oxygenation were not changed. For all infants, central nervous system complications and incidence of chronic pulmonary disease did not change. CONCLUSIONS: Inhaled NO improves oxygenation and reduces requirement for ECMO only in newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension who do not have diaphragmatic hernia. The risk of complications of the central nervous system and chronic pulmonary disease were not affected by inhaled NO.
PURPOSE: Congenital venous malformations of the lower limbs represent a particular challenge for the vascular surgeon. Persistence of fetal veins is a rare malformation, and the most common is the persistence of the lateral marginal vein usually observed in patients with Klippel-Trenaunnay Syndrome. The persistence of this embryonic vein as an isolated venous malformation without the other characteristics of the Klippel-Trenaunnay Syndrome has not yet been reported. This paper describes two cases. METHODS: Two patients, a 17-year-old male patient and a 16-year-old female, have had since their birth a large venous trunk in the lateral aspect of the right leg and thigh. The limbs underwent duplex scanning and phlebography. The surgical removal of the lateral marginal vein was performed. RESULTS: Surgical treatment resulted in very good functional and aesthetic results. Follow-up at 26 months showed no evidence of varicose vein recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: To achieve good results, surgical intervention may be indicated in cases of orthopedic deformity, hemorrhage, symptomatic, and unaesthetic lesions.
PURPOSE: Characterization of the structural changes occurring in the pulmonary arteries resulting from surgically produced congenital diaphragmatic hernia in rabbits, with particular emphasis on the preventive effects of prenatal tracheal ligation or administration of intra-amniotic dexamethasone or surfactant. METHODS: Twenty rabbit fetuses underwent surgical creation of a left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia on the 24th or 25th gestational day. They were divided according to the following procedures: congenital diaphragmatic hernia (n = 5), congenital diaphragmatic hernia plus tracheal ligation (n = 5), congenital diaphragmatic hernia plus intra-amniotic administration of dexamethasone 0.4 mg (n = 5) or surfactant (Curosurf 40 mg, n = 5). On gestational day 30, all the fetuses were delivered by caesarean section and killed. A control group consisted of five nonoperated fetuses. Histomorphometric analysis of medial thickness, cell nuclei density, and elastic fiber density of pulmonary arterial walls was performed. RESULTS: Arteries with an external diameter > 100 mum have a decreased medial thickness, lower cell nuclei density, and greater elastic fiber density when compared with arteries with external diameter <= 100 mum. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia promoted a significant decrease in medial thickness and an increase in cell nuclei density in artery walls with external diameter > 100 mum. Prenatal treatments with tracheal ligation or intra-amniotic administration of dexamethasone or surfactant prevented these changes. In arteries with external diameter <= 100 mum, congenital diaphragmatic hernia promoted a significant increase in medial thickness and in cell nuclei density and a decrease in elastic fiber density. The prenatal treatments with tracheal ligation or intra-amniotic administration of dexamethasone or surfactant prevented these changes, although no effect was observed in elastic fiber density in the congenital diaphragmatic hernia plus dexamethasone group. CONCLUSIONS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia promoted different structural changes for large or small arteries. The prenatal intra-amniotic administration of dexamethasone or surfactant had positive effects on the lung structural changes promoted by congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and these effects were comparable to the changes induced by tracheal ligation.
PURPOSE: To illustrate the radiological findings and review the current literature concerning a rare congenital abnormality of the posterior arch of the atlas. CASE REPORT: An adult female without neurological symptoms presented with an absent posterior arch of the atlas, examined with plain films and helical computerized tomography. Complete agenesis of the posterior arch of the atlas is a rare entity that can be easily identified by means of plain films. Although it is generally asymptomatic, atlantoaxial instability and neurological deficits may occur because of structural instability. Computerized tomography provides a means of assessing the extent of this abnormality and can help evaluate the integrity of neural structures. Although considered to be rare entities, defects of the posterior arch of the atlas may be discovered as incidental asymptomatic findings in routine cervical radiographs. Familiarity with this abnormality may aid medical professionals in the correct management of these cases.
Struma ovarii is an infrequent ovarian tumor, and there are only few reports with detailed data of thyroid function. In several cases, malignant struma ovarii have been shown to produce hyperthyroidism, but there is no reported case of hypothyroidism following struma ovarii tumor resection. A 62-year-old white woman underwent right ovary resection that had a pathologic diagnosis of struma ovarii. After 6 days, she developed weakness, myalgia, somnolence, nausea, and arterial hypotension. Laboratory tests showed a high level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and a decreased level thyroxin. Thyroxin replacement therapy was initiated, and the patient became completely asymptomatic. This is the first reported case of a previously asymptomatic woman who developed a definite clinical hypothyroidism after resection of a struma ovarii tumor.
The Heart Institute of the University of São Paulo, Medical School is a referral center for the treatment of congenital heart diseases of neonates and infants. In the recent years, the excellent surgical results obtained in our institution may be in part due to modern anesthetic care and to postoperative care based on well-structured protocols. The purpose of this article is to review unique aspects of neonate cardiovascular physiology, the impact of extracorporeal circulation on postoperative evolution, and the prescription for pharmacological support of acute cardiac dysfunction based on our cardiac unit protocols. The main causes of low cardiac output after surgical correction of heart congenital disease are reviewed, and methods of treatment and support are proposed as derived from the relevant literature and our protocols.
OBJECTIVE: Noonan syndrome is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome, and bleeding diathesis is considered part of the clinical findings. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of hemostatic abnormalities in a group of Noonan syndrome patients. METHOD: We studied 30 patients with clinical diagnosis of Noonan syndrome regarding their hemostatic status consisting of bleeding time, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time tests, a platelet count, and a quantitative determination of factor XI. RESULTS: An abnormal laboratory result was observed in 9 patients (30%). Although coagulation-factor deficiencies, especially factor XI deficiency, were the most common hematological findings, we also observed abnormalities of platelet count and function in our screening. CONCLUSIONS: Hemostatic abnormalities are found with some frequency in Noonan syndrome patients (30% in our sample). Therefore, we emphasize the importance of a more extensive hematological investigation in these patients, especially prior to an invasive procedure, which is required with some frequency in this disorder.
Schinzel-Giedion syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by coarse facies, midface retraction, hypertrichosis, multiple skeletal anomalies, and cardiac and renal malformations. Craniofacial abnormalities of this syndrome sometimes resemble a storage or metabolic disease. The pathogenesis of the disease remains unknown. The objective of this report was to emphasize the importance of congenital bilateral hydronephrosis for the diagnosis of Schinzel-Giedion syndrome. We describe the first Brazilian case of a newborn with typical facies, generalized hypertrichosis, cardiac and skeletal anomalies, and bilateral hydronephrosis detected during pregnancy and confirmed later by abdominal ultrasonography. Chromosomal constitution was normal. Of the 35 cases already reported in the literature, 31 presented hydronephrosis, which is considered an important clue in diagnosis. If Schinzel-Giedion syndrome were indexed as a cause of congenital hydronephrosis, its identification would be greatly facilitated, since the majority of the other findings in Schinzel-Giedion syndrome are nonspecific and common to many genetic syndromes.
The complement system is an important humoral defense mechanism that plays a relevant role against microbial agents, inflammatory response control, and immunocomplex clearance. Classical complement pathway activation is antibody-dependent. The C4 component participates in the initial step of activation, and C4 expression is determined by 2 pairs of allotypes: C4A and C4B. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with several diseases. The aim of the present review is evaluate the reported data in the literature regarding specific C4A and C4B deficiencies and characterize their clinical relevance. We searched the MEDLINE and LILACS databases. Papers referring to total C4 deficiency without allotype evaluation and case reports of primary C4 deficiency were not included. Deficiencies in C4 allotypes have been associated with Mycobacterium leprae infection, erythema nodosum, systemic sclerosis with anti-topoisomerase I antibodies, intermediate congenital adrenal hyperplasia with DR5 genotype, diabetes mellitus type 1 with DR3,4 genotype, and diabetes mellitus with antibodies against islet cells. C4 allotype deficiency is also related to C4B deficiency and autoimmune-associated diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, or diseases with an autoimmune component, such as autism. Some reports associate C4A with thyroiditis after delivery as well as limited and systemic sclerosis without anti-topoisomerase I antibodies. However, the studies with C4A and C4B have been concentrated in isolated populations, and some of the studies could not be reproduced by other authors.
PURPOSE: To establish the Southern blotting technique using hybridization with a nonradioactive probe to detect large rearrangements of CYP21A2 in a Brazilian cohort with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CAH-21OH). METHOD: We studied 42 patients, 2 of them related, comprising 80 non-related alleles. DNA samples were obtained from peripheral blood, digested by restriction enzyme Taq I, submitted to Southern blotting and hybridized with biotin-labeled probes. RESULTS: This method was shown to be reliable with results similar to the radioactive-labeling method. We found CYP21A2 deletion (2.5%), large gene conversion (8.8%), CYP21AP deletion (3.8%), and CYP21A1P duplication (6.3%). These frequencies were similar to those found in our previous study in which a large number of cases were studied. Good hybridization patterns were achieved with a smaller amount of DNA (5 mug), and fragment signs were observed after 5 minutes to 1 hour of exposure. CONCLUSIONS: We established a non-radioactive (biotin) Southern blot/hybridization methodology for CYP21A2 large rearrangements with good results. Despite being more arduous, this technique is faster, requires a smaller amount of DNA, and most importantly, avoids problems with the use of radioactivity.
The immune system comprises of different cell types whose role is to protect us against pathogens. This thesis investigates a very important mechanism for our organism protection in a specific disorder: cross-presentation in Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS). WAS is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the cytoskeletal regulator WASp and WAS patients suffer from eczema, thrombocytopenia, and immunodeficiency. X-linked neutropenia (XLN) is caused by gain-of-function mutations in WASp and XLN patients suffer from severe congenital neutropenia and immunodeficiency. This thesis was focused on the role of B and T lymphocytes and dendritic cells (DCs). This work will be divided into two main topics: 1) In the first part I studied the capacity of B cells to take up, degrade and present antigen. Moreover I studied the capacity of B cells to induce T cell proliferation. 2) In the second part, I studied T cell proliferation induced by dendritic cells. To increase our understanding about this mechanism, additional experiments were performed, including acidification capacity of CD8+ and CD8- DCs, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production since it is directly connected to acidification. These assays were measured by flow cytometry. Localization of Rac1 and Rac2 GTPases was assessed by confocal microscopy. Proliferation, acidification and ROS production assays were performed also with cells from X-linked neutropenia (XLN) mice. From this study we concluded that B cells cannot induce CD8+ T cell proliferation however they take up and present antigen. Moreover I have shown that increased cross-presentation by WASp KO DCs with ovalbumin is associated with decreased capacity to acidify endosomal compartment; and WASp KO CD8- DCs have increased Rac2 localization to the phagosome. XLN dendritic cells have similar acidification and ROS production capacity than wildtype cells. In conclusion, our data suggests that WASp regulates antigen processing and presentation in DCs.