958 resultados para Common features


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The commercial acrylic fibre "Cashmilon" was partially hydrolyzed to convert a fraction of its nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups and then coated with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde to produce a novel gel-coated fibrous sorbent with multiple functionalities of cationic, anionic and chelating types, and significantly faster sorption kinetics than bead-form sorbents. The sorption properties of the fibrous sorbent were measured using Zn(II) in aqueous solution as the sorbate to determine the effects of pH and the presence of common ions in the solution on the sorption capacity. The rate of sorption on the gel-coated fibre was measured in comparison with that on Amberlite IRA-68 weak-base resin beads, to demonstrate the marked difference between fibre and bead-form sorbents in their kinetic behaviour.


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The paper deals with the study of the nature of secondary flow of aRivlin-Ericksen fluid, contained between two concentric spheres, which perform oscillations about a fixed diameter. The steady part of the secondary flow is discussed in detail in the following three cases (i) the outer sphere at rest, the inner oscillating, (ii) the two spheres oscillating with the same angular velocity in the same sense and (iii) the spheres oscillating with the same angular velocity in opposite sense. In a previous paper, a similar problem was discussed for theOldroyd fluids. We find that the secondary flow is strongly dependent on the common frequency of oscillation of the two spheres and on the rotational nature of the motion for the present investigation also. Certain contrasting features of interest between the secondary flow field of the two fluids are also noted.


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Protein-energy malnutrition and mineral deficiencies are two of the three forms of nutritional deficiencies that affect most developing countries due to inadequate access to food and diets based on a sole crop. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the staple crop of Nicaragua and it has the potential to improve the nutritional status of the poorest group of the nation. Its high content of both protein and nonhaem iron provides many nutrients, but inhibitors also may prevent absorption of iron and zinc by the human consumer. A proper production chain must be followed to ensure the best grain quality for the consumer. To achieve food security, both production and high nutritional content must be maintained. Four nationally important accessions of common bean, with different harvesting dates, were selected to be submitted to two treatments: to evaluate the impact of storage conditions on the end quality of the grain. The duration of the study was six months with sampling every six weeks, and the two treatments were controlled one stored at 40°C and 75 RH %, and the other was stored in in-situ conditions. Proximate and mineral composition was evaluated as well as tannin, phytate and bioavailability. Significant differences among different accessions were found, being the most significant in protein, Fe and Zn content, tannins and phytate. Protein values ranged from 21-23%. Iron content was 61-81 mg/kg but only 3-4% was bioavailable. Zinc content was 21-25 mg/kg and 10-12% was bioavailable. The concentration of phytate ranged from 8.6-9.6 mg/g while tannin values ranged within 37.7-43.8 mg/g. Storage at high temperatures was demonstrated to have an impact on certain nutritional compounds and proved detrimental to final grain quality. Soluble sugar content and tannin content decreased after six months in both storage conditions, IDF decreased in the in-situ and SDF in the stress. The iron content and bioavailability in INTA Biofortificado were not as outstanding as expected, so experiments should be conducted to compare its iron uptake and delivery with other cultivars.


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Stick-slip is usually observed in driven dissipative threshold systems. In these set of lectures, we discuss, some generic and system specific features of stickslip systems by considering a few examples wherein there has been some progress in understanding the associated dynamics. In most stick slip systems, both at low and high drive rates, the system slides smoothly, but within a window of drive rates, the motion becomes intermittent; the system alternately “sticks” till the stress builds up to a threshold value, and then “slips” when the stress is rapidly released. This intermittent motion can be traced to the existence of an unstable branch separating the two resistive branches in the force-drive-rate relation. While the two resistive branches are experimentally measurable, the unstable branch is usually not measurable and is only inferred.


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Continuous common mode feedback (CMFB) circuits having high input impedance and low distortion are proposed. The proposed circuits are characterized for 0.18 mu m CMOS process with 1.8 V supply. Simulation results indicate that the proposed common mode detector consumes no standby power and CMFB circuit consumes 27-34% less power than previous high swing CMFB circuits.


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The primary purpose of introducing a common corporate language in crossborder mergers is to integrate two previously separate organizations and facilitate communication. However, the present case study of a cross-border merger between two Nordic banks shows that the common corporate language decision may have disintegrating effects, particularly at organizational levels below top management. We identify such effects on performance appraisal, language training and management development, career paths, promotion and key personnel. Our findings show that top management needs to work through the consequences of the language decision upon those who are expected to make such a decision work.


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Investors significantly overweight domestic assets in their portfolios. This behavior which is commonly called “home bias” contradicts the prescriptions of portfolio theory. This thesis explores potential reasons for the “home bias” by examining the characteristics of the investing and the target countries and features of the interaction between them. A common theme of the four essays is a focus on the importance of information about foreign markets in explaining the share of these markets in investors’ portfolios. The results indicate that the size of the equity ownership in another country strongly relates to the distance to the financial capital of that country, and to trade in goods with and direct investments (FDI) to that country. The first essay empirically investigates the relationship between trade in real goods and portfolio investments. Overall, the evidence indicates a substantial role for trade in reducing the information cost relating to portfolio investments. The second essay examines the implications of the launch of the European Monetary Union (EMU) on international portfolio investments. The evidence on the allocation of Finnish international portfolio investments is more consistent with an information-based than a diversification motive explanation. The third essay employs new data for a large number of countries and further explores the role of trade on international portfolio investments. The results indicate that trade provides important information especially on firms in countries in which the corporate governance structure and the information environment of firms generate less reliable information. The fourth essay examines the relationship between direct investments (FDI) and portfolio investments. In contrast to the predications of portfolio theory, it provides evidence that FDI is a complement rather than a substitute for portfolio investments.


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By roller quenching and water quenching melts of Bi2(Ca, Sr)3Cu2O8+δ, glasses have been obtained. These glasses exhibit two glass transitions as well as two crystallization transitions. Microwave absorption studies show the glass to be weakly superconducting at 77 K, probably due to the presence of ultramicrocrystallites. The glass on crystallization at 870 K gives the crystalline n=1 member of the homologous series Bi2(Ca, Sr)n+1CunO 2n+4 and the n=2 member on annealing at 1100 K. The glass route provides a unique means of obtaining the n=2 member of the series. On prolonged annealing of the glass at 1120 K, the n=3 member seems to be formed.


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The r.f. absorption experiment performed on YBa2Cu3O7-x ceramic pellets using a CW NMR spectrometer shows some novel observed in the microwave range.


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We propose a simple speech music discriminator that uses features based on HILN(Harmonics, Individual Lines and Noise) model. We have been able to test the strength of the feature set on a standard database of 66 files and get an accuracy of around 97%. We also have tested on sung queries and polyphonic music and have got very good results. The current algorithm is being used to discriminate between sung queries and played (using an instrument like flute) queries for a Query by Humming(QBH) system currently under development in the lab.


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A multilevel inverter with 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector structure is proposed in this paper. The present scheme provides elimination of common mode voltage variation and 5(th) and 7(th) order harmonics in the entire operating range of the drive. The proposed multi level structure is achieved by cascading only the conventional two-level inverters with asymmetrical DC link voltages. The bandwidths problems associated with conventional hexagonal voltage space vector structure current controllers, due to the presence of 5(th) and 7(th) harmonics, in the over modulation region, is absent in the present 12-sided structure. So a linear voltage control up to 12-step operation is possible, from the present twelve sided scheme, with less current control complexity. An open-end winding structure is used for the induction motor drive.


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We describe the on-going design and implementation of a sensor network for agricultural management targeted at resource-poor farmers in India. Our focus on semi-arid regions led us to concentrate on water-related issues. Throughout 2004, we carried out a survey on the information needs of the population living in a cluster of villages in our study area. The results highlighted the potential that environment-related information has for the improvement of farming strategies in the face of highly variable conditions, in particular for risk management strategies (choice of crop varieties, sowing and harvest periods, prevention of pests and diseases, efficient use of irrigation water etc.). This leads us to advocate an original use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). We believe our demand-driven approach for the design of appropriate ICT tools that are targeted at the resource-poor to be relatively new. In order to go beyond a pure technocratic approach, we adopted an iterative, participatory methodology.


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Multimedia mining primarily involves, information analysis and retrieval based on implicit knowledge. The ever increasing digital image databases on the Internet has created a need for using multimedia mining on these databases for effective and efficient retrieval of images. Contents of an image can be expressed in different features such as Shape, Texture and Intensity-distribution(STI). Content Based Image Retrieval(CBIR) is an efficient retrieval of relevant images from large databases based on features extracted from the image. Most of the existing systems either concentrate on a single representation of all features or linear combination of these features. The paper proposes a CBIR System named STIRF (Shape, Texture, Intensity-distribution with Relevance Feedback) that uses a neural network for nonlinear combination of the heterogenous STI features. Further the system is self-adaptable to different applications and users based upon relevance feedback. Prior to retrieval of relevant images, each feature is first clustered independent of the other in its own space and this helps in matching of similar images. Testing the system on a database of images with varied contents and intensive backgrounds showed good results with most relevant images being retrieved for a image query. The system showed better and more robust performance compared to existing CBIR systems