999 resultados para Comfort Women
Identifying the barriers in the access to health care to breast cancer perceived by women undergoing chemotherapy.Method: An exploratory descriptive study. The sample consisted of 58 women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy and registered in the public oncology ambulatory of Aracaju-Sergipe. Data collection was carried out between October 2011 and March 2012 by semistructured interviews, and data were processed using the SPSS, version 17.Results: Among the interviewed women, 37 (63.8%) reported at least a barrier in the trajectory of care for breast cancer. The organizational and health services barriers were the most reported in the periods of investigation and treatment of breast cancer.Conclusion: In face of these findings, the barriers should be considered in public health policies and programs for the control of breast cancer in Sergipe.
Biographies of Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 1975-2006 inductees.
Information on the laws that affect Iowa women.
Information on women and poverty in Iowa based on the perspectives of women who have experienced poverty in Iowa as well as the perspectives of direct service providers.
Procedures’ costs related to outpatient chemotherapy treatment of women suffering from breast cancer
To identify the direct cost of procedures related to an outpatient chemotherapy treatment for women with breast cancer. Method: This is a quantitative research, using the case study methodology, performed in an outpatient chemotherapy of a private hospital. The total cost was calculated by multiplying the time spent by professionals involved in therapeutic procedures, the unit cost of direct labor, adding to the cost of materials, drugs and solutions. For performing the calculations, we used the Brazilian currency (R$). Results: The average total cost per chemotherapy session corresponded to R$ 1,783.01 (100%), being R$ 1,671.66 (93,75%) spent with drugs, R$ 74,98 (4.21%) with materials, R$ 28.49 (1.60%) with labor and R$ 7.88 (0.44%) with solutions. Conclusion: The results may support discussions and decision making for the management of costs related to chemotherapy aimed at reducing expenses and eliminating waste without harm to the care provided.
The overall thermogenic response to food intake measured over a whole day in 20 young nondiabetic obese women (body fat mean +/- SEM: 38.6 +/- 0.7%), was compared with that obtained in eight nonobese control women (body fat: 24.7 +/- 0.9%). The energy expenditure of the subjects was continuously measured over 24 h with a respiration chamber, and the spontaneous activity was assessed by a radar system. A new approach was used to obtain the integrated thermogenic response to the three meals ingested over the day (from 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM). This method allows to subtract the energy expended for physical activity from total energy expenditure and to calculate the integrated dietary-induced thermogenesis as the difference between the energy expended without physical activity and basal metabolic rate. The thermogenic response to the three meals (expressed in percentage of the total energy ingested) was found to be blunted in obese women (8.7 +/- 0.8%) as compared with that of controls (14.8 +/- 1.1%). There was an inverse correlation between the percentage body fat and the diet-induced thermogenesis (r = -0.61, p less than 0.001). In addition, the relative increase in diurnal urinary norepinephrine excretion was lower in obese than in the control subjects. It is concluded that a low overall thermogenic response to feeding may be a contributing factor for energy storage in some obese subjects; a blunted response of the sympathetic nervous system could explain this low thermogenic response.
Objective: To gather, to characterize, to analyze, to synthesize and to integrate primary studies that addressed the experiences of spouses / husbands / partners of women with breast cancer, presenting the current state of knowledge. Method: Integrative literature review carried out in the databases of VHL, PubMed, CINHAL e SciELO. Results: The sample consisted of eight studies published between 2000-2012, which pointed to the experiences of the involvement and the care of the husbands towards their ill wives. Conclusion: This study highlights the need for attention and assistance to those spouses, as well as guidance and education to exercise the care the same way as the health staff has done with women. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of further studies in order to deepen the knowledge on this topic, and thus, improve the care with better scientific basis.
This study was performed to investigate whether body fat distribution influences resting metabolic rate and lipid oxidation in obese individuals. Eighty-nine obese women were divided in two groups (android obese, n = 36, BMI = 31.1 +/- 4.5 kg/m2 (mean +/- s.d.); gynoid obese, n = 53, BMI = 29.9 +/- 4.5 kg/m2 on the basis of their waist/hip ratio (0.86 +/- 0.05 vs 0.75 +/- 0.04 respectively). Body weight, per cent body fat and fat-free mass were similar in the two groups. Moreover, resting metabolic rate and respiratory quotient were also identical in android and gynoid obese women, indicating that there was no intergroup difference in the absolute level of lipid oxidation. If, like most other android obese women, they had higher rates of lipolysis and plasma FFA concentrations, the failure of android obese individuals to exhibit a higher lipid oxidation than gynoid obese women may partly explain their increased risk to develop metabolic complications.
Objective To understand the trajectories that women go through from entering into to leaving relationships involving intimate partner violence (IPV), and identify the stages of the transition process. Method We utilized a constructivist paradigm based on grounded theory. We ensured that the ethical guidelines of the World Health Organization for research on domestic violence were followed. The analysis focused on narratives of 28 women survivors of IPV, obtained from in-depth interviews. Results The results showed that the trajectories experienced by women were marked by gender issues, (self) silencing, hope and suffering, which continued after the end of the IPV. Conclusion The transition process consists of four stages: entry - falls in love and becomes trapped; maintenance - silences own self, consents and remains in the relationship; decides to leave - faces the problems and struggles to be rescued; (re) balance - (re) finds herself with a new life. This (long) process was developed by wanting (and being able to have) self-determination.
Objective To analyze the determinants of emergency contraception non-use among women in unplanned and ambivalent pregnancies. Method Cross-sectional study with a probabilistic sample of 366 pregnant women from 12 primary health care units in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. A multinomial logistic regression was performed, comparing three groups: women who used emergency contraception to prevent ongoing pregnancies (reference); women who made no use of emergency contraception, but used other contraceptive methods; and women who made no use of any contraceptive methods at all. Results Cohabitation with a partner was the common determinant of emergency contraception non-use. No pregnancy risk awareness, ambivalent pregnancies and no previous use of emergency contraception also contributed to emergency contraception non-use. Conclusion Apart from what is pointed out in the literature, knowledge of emergency contraception and the fertile period were not associated to its use.
Objective To identify the association between perineal trauma and pain in 473 primiparous women. Method Cross-sectional study in which pain was measured by the numerical pain scale (0 to 10 - 0 being no pain and 10 maximal pain). Results The prevalence and mean intensity of pain were 33.0% and 4.7 points (standard deviation = 2.0) in the numeric scale, respectively. Episiotomy represented the most frequent trauma (46.7%). The occurrence and intensity of the pain were associated with perineal trauma and postpartum time. Having perineal trauma tripled the chance of pain. Each hour elapsed following the birth reduced the chance of pain by 4.8%. Conclusion Primiparous women are subject to a high frequency of perineal trauma, with episiotomy being the most prominent. Perineal pain affects approximately one-third of primiparous women and is associated with the postpartum time and perineal traumas.
Objective To explore beliefs, values and practices related to the use of medicinal plants among low-income black families. Method The research method was ethnography and the participant observation process was done in a low-income community in the peripheral area of the City of São Paulo. Twenty black women were interviewed. Results Two cultural sub-themes, I do use medicines that I learned to make with my mother and with religious practitioners to care for diseases and Home medicines are to treat problems that are not serious, and the cultural theme I do use home medicines to treat simple diseases because I always have them at my disposal, they are free and I don’t need a medical prescription represent beliefs, values, and practices related to the use of medicinal plants among low-income black families. Conclusion The development of such practices, which can hide ethnic and social vulnerability, reveals the resilience of low-income black women in the process of confronting problems during the health-illness process.
Objective To understand the experiences and expectations of nurses in the treatment of women with chronic venous ulcers. Method Phenomenological research was based on Alfred Schütz, whose statements were obtained in January, 2012, through semi-structured interviews with seven nurses. Results The nurse reveals the difficulties presented by the woman in performing self-care, the perceived limitations in the treatment anchored in motivation, and the values and beliefs of women. It showed professional frustration because venous leg ulcer recurrence, lack of inputs, interdisciplinary work and training of nursing staff. There was an expected adherence to the treatment of women, and it emphasized the need for ongoing care, supported self-care and standard practices in treatment. Conclusion That treatment of chronic venous leg ulcers constitutes a challenge that requires collective investment, involving women, professionals, managers and health institutions.
This corrects the article on p. e73445 in vol. 8.]. This corrects the article "Topographical Body Fat Distribution Links to Amino Acid and Lipid Metabolism in Healthy Non-Obese Women" , e73445. There was an error in the title of the article. The correct version of the title in the article is: Topographical Body Fat Distribution Links to Amino Acid and Lipid Metabolism in Healthy Obese Women The correct citation is: Martin F-PJ, Montoliu I, Collino S, Scherer M, Guy P, et al. (2013) Topographical Body Fat Distribution Links to Amino Acid and Lipid Metabolism in Healthy Obese Women. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73445. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073445