998 resultados para Colóquio Letras
This paper aims to study the relationship between the debt level and the asset structure of Brazilian companies of the agribusiness sector, since it is considered a current and relevant discussion: to evaluate the mechanisms for fund-raising and guarantees. The methodology of Granger`s Causality test and Autoregressive Vectors was used to conduct a comparative analysis, applied to a financial database of companies with open capital of Brazilian agribusiness, in particular the agricultural sector and Fisheries and Food and Beverages in a period of 10 years (1997-2007) from quarterly series available in the database of Economatica(R). The results demonstrated that changes in leverage generate variations in the tangibility of the companies, a fact that can be explained by the large search of funding secured by fiduciary transfer of fixed assets, which facilitates access to credit by business of the Agribusiness sector, increasing the payment time and lowering interest rates.
The Brazil consolidated itself as the largest world producer of sugarcane, sugar and ethanol. The creation of the Programa Nacional do Alcool - PROALCOOL and the growing use of cars with flexible motors were some of the factors that helped to motivate still more the production. Evolutions in the agricultural and industrial research did the Brazilian competitiveness in sugar and ethanol globally elevated, what is evidenced when comparing the amount produced at the country and the production costs, which turned a big one differential. Therefore, the administration of costs is of great relevance to the sugar and ethanol companies, for representing a significant rationalization in the production processes, with economy of resources and the reach of better earnings, besides reducing the operational risk pertinent at the fixed costs of production. Thus, the present work has for objective to analyze the costs structure of sugar and ethanol companies of the Center-south area of the country through an empiric-analytical study based in methodologies and concepts extracted of the costs accounting. It is verified that great part of the costs and operational expenses have variable behavior, a positive factor for the sector reducing the operational risk of the activity. The main restraint of this study is the sample of five years and 10% of the number of plants in Brazil that although they represent 30% of the national production, don`t allow the generalization of the model.
Detailed description of the cranial anatomy of the rhynchosaur previously known as Scaphonyx sulcognathus allows its assignment to a new genus Teyumbaita. Two nearly complete skulls and a partial skull have been referred to the taxon, all of which come from the lower part of the Caturrita Formation, Upper Triassic of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Cranial autapomorphies of Teyumbaita sulcognathus include anterior margin of nasal concave at midline, prefrontal separated from the ascending process of the maxilla, palatal ramus of pterygoid expanded laterally within palatines, dorsal surface of exoccipital markedly depressed, a single tooth lingually displaced from the main medial tooth-bearing area of the maxilla, and a number of other characters (such as skull broader than long; a protruding orbital anterior margin; anguli oils extending to anterior ramus of the jugal; bar between the orbit and the lower temporal fenestra wider than 0.4 of the total orbital opening; mandibular depth reaching more than 25% of the total length) support its inclusion in Hyperodapedontinae. T. sulcognathus is the only potential Norian rhynchosaur, suggesting that the group survived the end-Carnian extinction event.
The crisis of literary criticism, an essay published by Theodor Adorno in 1953, is dedicated to important problems of Literary Studies, such as the role of the critic himself. Adorno gave a class on Social Sciences in Frankfurt, in 1968, discussing ways of studying and thinking social matters. As an ensemble, these two works are an important contribution to the debate on quality of academic production.
This study brings a reflection on aesthetic values, trying to consider connections between universality, social exclusion and contemporary violence.
After discussing the meaning of the word politics, this paper shows that there are four possible approaches to the issue of the relationships between language, discourse and politics: a) the intrinsic political nature of language; b) the relations of power between discourses and their political dimension; c) the relations of power between languages and the political dimension of their usage and; d) linguistic policies. This paper addresses only the first two of these items. Languages have an intrinsically political nature because they subject their speakers to their order. The acts of silencing operationalized in discourse manifest a relation of power. The spread of discourses in the social space is also subject to the order of power. The use of language may be the space of pertinence, but is also that of exclusion, separation and even the elimination of the other. Therefore, language is not a neutral communication tool, but it is permeated by politics, by power. Because of the dislocations that it produces, literature is a form of swindling language, unveiling the powers that are imprinted on it.
Since language is multifaceted and heterogeneous, interdisciplinarity is natural to linguistic studies. In this article, after demonstrating that, I present two basic ways of doing science. One is ruled by the principle of exclusion, whereas the other is ruled by the principle of participation. The former leads to specialization, whereas the latter leads to the surpassing of specialization. From that, I discuss the advantages and problems of disciplinarity, and present the reasons why nowadays interdisciplinarity is a positive universal in scientific and pedagogical discourses. Also, based on etymology, I discuss the concepts of interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, pluridisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Finally, I examine the bonds between linguistics and other sciences, by drawing a brief history of the relations between linguistics and literature in Brazil.
This article reviews the literature to provide the current state of the genetic critic in Brazil. It lists the currently available books and periodicals, annals of congresses or symposia published by members of the Association of Researchers in Genetic Critic (APCG), showing the tendencies that guide the research in the endless universe of human creation. It also highlights the object of study of the genetic critic, which is not necessarily the one that precedes the word but the processes of creation. Finally, it shows the essential role of genetic critic even in the computer era, since the hard disk maintains all the changes made in the text by obliterations and substitutions if the adequate software is installed.
This paper discusses the change in the enunciative strategy in Algaravias (1996), written by the Brazilian poet Waly Salomao (1943-2003). This change is specially treated in relation to his previous production which, in my point of view, is re-writed according to the new historical and cultural context.
O Exame Nacional de cursos ?? um instrumento de avalia????o do ensino superior que verifica a aquisi????o de conhecimentos e habilidades t??cnicas dos concluintes dos cursos de gradua????o para o exerc??cio profissional. A participa????o no exame ?? obrigat??ria, sendo condi????o necess??ria para a obten????o do registro do diploma de conclus??o do curso. As provas s??o elaboradas com base nas atuais diretrizes e conte??dos curriculares. Seus conte??dos s??o definidos por uma comiss??o espec??fica para cada curso. considerando a diversidade dos projetos pedag??gicos das institui????es. Foram avaliados dez cursos at?? 1998: Administra????o; Comunica????o Social; Direito; Engenharia Civil; Engenharia El??trica; Engenharia Qu??mica; Letras; Matem??tica; Medicina Veterin??ria e Odontologia. Em 1999, ser??o avaliados, al??m desses, mais tr??s cursos: Economia; Engenharia Mec??nica e Medicina. O Exame ?? uma experi??ncia inovadora na ??rea de avalia????o educacional, contribuindo para um processo de avalia????o permanente das propostas, dos projetos e das pr??ticas pedag??gicas vigentes nas institui????es de ensino superior. Sua operacionaliza????o ?? descentralizada, envolvendo ??rg??os da administra????o federal direta e indireta, institui????es de ensino superior e entidades sem fins lucrativos, respons??veis pela elabora????o e aplica????o da provas. Seus resultados s??o amplamente disseminados, servindo de subs??dio para as a????es voltadas para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino no Pa??s
Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, uma das maiores figuras do mundo liter??rio brasileiro do s??culo passado e do in??cio deste s??culo, teve duas carreiras paralelas, a de homem de letras e a de burocrata. Na primeira iniciou-se mais cedo, quando, apenas um adolescente de pouco mais de 15 anos, publicou um soneto ??? por sinal bem ruinzinho ??? no Peri??dico dos Pobres, a 3 de outubro de 1854. Nascido no morro do Livramento, perto da Gamboa e do Saco do Alferes, a 21 de junho de 1839, deu mostras de impressionante precocidade, ao assinar um Soneto, no mesmo jornalzinho. Nota-se que, nessa ??poca, o Rio de Janeiro ainda n??o tinha sequer ilumina????o a g??s ??? s?? contratada pelo governo imperial em 1859 ??? nem sabia ainda o que fossem estradas de ferro. Seu ingresso no servi??o p??blico s?? se daria quase treze anos depois dessa estreia liter??ria, que em nada fazia prever o grande escritor que viria a ser. E isto se deu a 8 de abril de 1867, com a sua nomea????o para ???ajudante do diretor de publica????o do Di??rio Oficial???, ent??o subordinado ao Minist??rio da Fazenda, durante o 22?? gabinete ministerial da monarquia, chefiado pelo ent??o deputado-geral Zacarias de G??is e Vasconcelos.