982 resultados para Citrus nematode


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A relação entre o teor absoluto de clorofila e o teor relativo de clorofila obtido pelo SPAD-502 foi determinada em quatro espécies frutíferas (cupuaçu, araçá-boi, limão e urucum). O teor absoluto de clorofila foi determinado usando um espectrofotômetro após a extração dos pigmentos em acetona 80%. O teor de clorofila total (y) foi relacionado com os valores do SPAD (x), como segue: y = 93,95e0,0356x, r² = 0,80 para o urucum; y = 125,41e0,0205x, r² = 0,67 para o cupuaçu; y = 67,58e0,0374x, r² = 0,80 para o limão e y = 66,96e0,0365x, r² = 0,92 para o araçá-boi.


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Achatina fulica or "giant African snail" is an exotic species, considered to be one of the world's hundred most invasive species, causing serious environmental damages. In the present study we report, for the first time, the occurrence of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus infecting A.fulica in the Amazon region. This nematode is described parasitizing mainly the pulmonary system of felines, which causes "aelurostrongilose", also known as feline cardio-pulmonary strongyloidosis. New morphometric data of third stage larvae are presented herein. The present study demonstrated that 40% of all the snails were infected by A. abstrusus. Achatina fulica specimens were collected from three different areas in Manaus namely: rural; east and west areas. The east area presents the highest prevalence of 80%. The large number of A.fulica found in inhabited areas increases the chances of emergent zoonoses, which highlights the need of further studies so as to better control this disease.


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The effects of tangerine (Phaseolus vulgaris Blanco), lemon (Citrus medica limonum Lush), pear orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), red copaiba (Copaifera langsdorffii Desf.), rosemary (Baccharis dracunculifolia De Candole), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labillardière and E. citriodora Hook), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf.) and citronella (Cimbopogon nardus Linnaeus) oils at several concentrations on Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) were studied. In toxicity tests, grains of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Rajadinho were impregnated with oils and infested with adults of Z. subfasciatus up to 24 hours old. All tested oils were effective in reducing the viable egg-laying and adult emergence of this pest, in function of the concentrations used, highlighting E. citriodora and E. globulus oils which caused 100% effectiveness from 0.5 mL Kg-1 concentration. In repellency tests, two arenas consisting of plastic containers, connected symmetrically to a central box by two plastic tubes were used. In one of the boxes, untreated beans were placed and on the other ones beans treated with each oil concentration were used. In the central box, five couples of Z. subfasciatus were released. Grains of P. vulgaris treated with oils of E. citriodora, C. citratus and C. oleifera reduced the attraction percentage of Z. subfasciatus adults, while the E. globulus increased this percentage. The percentages of reduced viable eggs ranged from 17.9% (C. medica limonum) to 93.3% (C. nardus), while the reduction on the number of emerged insects was 23.9% and 95.9%, respectively for these same oils.


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A avaliação do estado nutricional da laranjeira depende da definição de valores de referência que sejam adequados para refletir suas condições nutricionais. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se determinar os valores de referências e avaliar o estado nutricional de laranjeiras-pêra em diversas glebas na Amazônia Central (municípios de Iranduba, Manacapuru, Manaus, Presidente Figueiredo e Rio Preto da Eva). Utilizou-se o Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação de relações multivariadas (DRIS) para estabelecer os valores de referência nutricional. O diagnóstico nutricional de 120 glebas comerciais de laranjeiras-pêra, enxertadas em limoeiro cravo foram avaliadas pelas faixas de suficiência definidas a partir do conjunto de plantas nutricionalmente equilibradas. Para os macronutrientes, as faixas de suficiência nutricional foram (g kg-1): 28-30 (para nitrogênio, N); 1,6-1,7 (fósforo, P); 7-9 (potássio, K); 26-29 (cálcio, Ca); 3,4-4 (magnésio, Mg); 1,7-2 (enxofre, S) e para os micronutrientes (mg kg-1): 47-56 (boro, B); 8-10 (cobre, Cu); 84-93 (ferro, Fe); 12-13 (manganês, Mn); 14-16 (zinco, Zn). Para os macronutrientes, os níveis críticos foram (g kg-1): 28 (para N); 1,6 (P); 7 (K); 26 (Ca); 3,6 (Mg); 1,7 (S) e para os micronutrientes (mg kg-1): 47 (B); 8 (Cu); 84 (Fe); 12 (Mn); 14 para Zn. Padrões nutricionais obtidos pelo DRIS discordam das faixas de suficiência propostas pela literatura para maioria dos nutrientes. Em quase 50% das glebas monitoradas, P, K, Ca, S, B, Cu e Fe estão abaixo dos níveis críticos propostos neste trabalho. Isto sugere que os produtores de laranja na Amazônia Central deveriam atentar-se para estes elementos no planejamento das fertilizações.


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A utilização de plantas medicinais é uma prática comum entre as populações humanas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo efetuar levantamento etnobotânico sobre o conhecimento e uso das plantas medicinais em quatro comunidades ribeirinhas do Município de Manacapuru. Foram coletadas informações de 164 moradores locais, selecionados aleatoriamente, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observações participantes e visitas guiadas. Os problemas de saúde citados foram classificados de acordo com a Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde (CID-10) e índices de concordância foram utilizados para identificar os principais usos de cada espécie. Identificaram-se 171 plantas medicinais, pertencentes a 65 famílias. Lamiaceae (14 espécies), Asteraceae (9 espécies), Fabaceae e Euphorbiaceae (8 espécies) foram as famílias mais comuns. As espécies mais citadas foram Mentha arvensis (hortelã), Ruta graveolens (arruda) e Citrus sinensis (laranja). As folhas foram as partes da planta mais utilizadas e a decocção da folha o procedimento mais comum usado para preparar medicamentos. Os problemas mais comuns citados foram doenças do aparelho digestivo, doenças do aparelho respiratório e problemas com sintomas não classificados. Plantas com índices de concordância maior que 25% foram Plectranthus amboinicus, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Citrus aurantiifolia, Acmella oleracea, Plectranthus barbatus, Mentha arvensis, Citrus sinensis, Lippia origanoides, Lippia alba, Cymbopogon citratus e Ruta graveolens. Estes resultados confirmam que as populações que vivem em Manacapuru ainda utilizam plantas medicinais como uma das formas de tratar suas doenças mais frequentes.


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ABSTRACTCongeneric host species present similar biological and behavioral aspects, what may favor the presence of a similar parasite fauna. The aim of the present study was to compare the composition and structure of the parasite community from congeneric species, Brycon amazonicus and B. melanopterus, collected on the Negro and Solimões Rivers. The fish internal organs were longitudinally opened and analyzed under stereomicroscope. The examination revealed that B. amazonicuswas parasitized by Procamallanus(Spirocamallanus) inopinatus(26.7% and 35.5%), Contracaecum type 2 (10% and 16.13%) and Rhabdochona acuminata(0% and 3.23%), prevalence values for Negro and Solimões River, respectively. The analysis of B. melanopterus, a fish species found only in the Solimões River, revealed P.(S.) inopinatus(33.3%), Contracaecum type 1 (60%) and R. acuminata(3.34%). These results indicate that the taxonomic proximity of the hosts was a stronger influence on the parasite species than external host environment.


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La situación de la pequeña industria química nacional (...) a pesar de contar con una importante capacidad en cuanto a instalaciones y mano de obra especializada, le resulta extremadamente difícil encontrar nichos de producción. Una reactivación del sector podría encontrarse en la producción de Productos Químicos Finos de alto valor agregado y cuyo volumen de producción puede lograrse con pequeñas plantas multifuncionales que no resultan de interés para las grandes industrias químicas. Entre estos productos químicos finos incluyen los derivados de productos naturales, entre ellos los Terpenos obtenibles de especies vegetales muy difundidas en nuestro país. Entre los derivados de terpenos pueden mencionarse productos utilizados por las industrias farmacéutica, de cosméticos y alimenticias. (...) Objetivos generales y específicos El substrato a utilizar es el a-pineno, muy abundante en especies de pinos y citrus. El a-pineno será sometido a transformaciones químicas en las cuales se hará una amplia aplicación de la catálisis heterogénea en reemplazo de los procesos clásicos de síntesis orgánica. (...) Atendiendo a las ventajas que desde el punto de vista operativo reporta el uso de catalizadores heterogéneos, en la medida de lo posible, se intentará un amplio uso de este tipo de catálisis. El doble enlace cíclico del a-pineno puede ser oxidado catalíticamente al epóxido correspondiente y luego isomerizado a canforeno aldehido. La oxidación también puede conducirse de manera tal de producir verbenol y verbenona cuyas estructuras contienen restos de alcohol crotílico y crotonaldehido, que por sus reactividades permiten realizar un numeroso conjunto de reacciones a partir de las cuales se derivan productos de aplicación en las industrias farmacéuticas y de perfumería. También sobre el doble enlace endocíclico es posible realizar una reacción de ciclopropanación que conduce a la producción de derivados con estructura similar a las piretrinas, con probable actividad insecticida.


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Toxocara canis es un nematode ascárido con importante potencial zoonótico. El hombre puede infectarse accidentalmente al ingerir huevos que contaminan el ambiente y al actuar como hospedador paraténico, el parásito permanece en él durante largos períodos en estado larval provocando daños y síntomas de acuerdo al tejido donde se encuentre. Respecto a las manifestaciones clínicas se reconocen formas viscerales: síndrome de Larva Migrans Visceral, Toxocariosis encubierta y Toxocariosis asintomática. El síndrome de Larva Migrans Ocular y Neurotoxocariosis son formas compartimentadas. La respuesta inmune en el hombre es compleja, en pacientes susceptibles se ha observado asociación de la infección por T. canis con la ocurrencia de asma bronquial, atopía y urticaria crónica. La evolución de la respuesta inmune a la resolución o a la etapa crónica de la infección depende en gran parte del balance de citoquinas y mediadores inflamatorios como el ON producidos durante la estimulación antigénica. El incremento de Inmunoglobulina E específica anti T. canis y la eosinofilia en la Toxocariosis podrían contribuir a la exacerbación del asma y posiblemente al eczema atópico. El objetivo general del presente proyecto es determinar el perfil de citoquinas y óxido nítrico en suero de niños y adolescentes con anticuerpos específicos anti T. canis provenientes de poblaciones con diferentes características socioambientales. Con los resultados obtenidos se pretende aportar información sobre el patrón de respuesta inmune característico en esta infección y transmitir al equipo de salud la importancia de esta zoonosis como probable agente asociado a enfermedades atópicas.


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Toxocara canis es un nematode ascárido con importante potencial zoonótico. El hombre puede infectarse accidentalmente al ingerir huevos que contaminan el ambiente y al actuar como hospedador paraténico, el parásito permanece en él durante largos períodos en estado larval provocando daños y síntomas de acuerdo al tejido donde se encuentre. Respecto a las manifestaciones clínicas se reconocen formas viscerales: síndrome de Larva Migrans Visceral, Toxocariosis encubierta y Toxocariosis asintomática. El síndrome de Larva Migrans Ocular y Neurotoxocariosis son formas compartimentadas. La respuesta inmune en el hombre es compleja, en pacientes susceptibles se ha observado asociación de la infección por T. canis con la ocurrencia de asma bronquial, atopía y urticaria crónica. La evolución de la respuesta inmune a la resolución o a la etapa crónica de la infección depende en gran parte del balance de citoquinas y mediadores inflamatorios como el ON producidos durante la estimulación antigénica. El incremento de Inmunoglobulina E específica anti T. canis y la eosinofilia en la Toxocariosis podrían contribuir a la exacerbación del asma y posiblemente al eczema atópico. El objetivo general del presente proyecto es determinar el perfil de citoquinas y óxido nítrico en suero de niños y adolescentes con anticuerpos específicos anti T. canis provenientes de poblaciones con diferentes características socioambientales. Con los resultados obtenidos se pretende aportar información sobre el patrón de respuesta inmune característico en esta infección y transmitir al equipo de salud la importancia de esta zoonosis como probable agente asociado a enfermedades atópicas.


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As it is generally said, the red ring disease of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is caused by a nematode which is regularly found in the diseased tissues. Such a nematode was described by COBB in 1919 as Aphelenchus cocophilus, having been placed by GOODEY, in 1933, in the genus Aphelenchoides. The species has been found occurring in three States of this country (Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia). However, the Authors received from the Instituto de Ecologia e Experimentação Agrícolas, in Rio de Janeiro, a few samples of coconut tissues badly infested. So, its area of distribution is considerably enlarged. A. cocophilus is so slender and delicate a form that descriptions based on preserved material are frequentely inadequate. Thus, the Authors took this opportunity to re-examine and redescribe the species, as it was suggested by GOODEY (1923), what had not previously been made by those brazilian workers who have dealt with the disease. The population studied generally agreed with those examined by COBB (1919) and GOODEY (1923) in the details given, except in the dimensions mainly of the tail, as it is shown in table 1, where the measurements of 5 females and 5 males are presented.


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Tomato roots heavily disfigured by root-knot nematodes were throughly mixed with soil. At various time intervals, samples were taken from the mixture and treated in closed containers by each of the folio wing nematicides: D.D., E.D.B. and M.B. The efficacy of the treatment was tested by setting indicator plants in the treated soil and by examining their roots for the presence of galls two months later. In other words, the ability of the three nematicides to penetrate nematode galls after various periods of rotting, which varied from 5 to 30 days was studied. The main conclusions drawn are as follows: a) no nematicide among the three listed above showed the ability for complete destruction of the nematodes protected inside the roots, for a number of small galls developed on the root system of the indicator plant in all treatments; b) smaller and less numerous galls were present on the roots of the indicator plants grown in soil treated after a rotting period of 30 days; c) however, the control obtained seems to be quite satisfactory economically, since the check plants grew poorly and have developed a very unhealthy root system. This is in accordance with STARK & LEAR (1947), LEAR (1951) and CICCARONE's (1951) statements. The results of the present experiments show again that awaiting for the rotting of galls of the root-knot nematodes is not indispensable for an economically convenient soil fumigation. Fields in which many fleshy infected roots from previous crops have been buried can be economically fumigated immediately, without any loss of time. Notwithstanding, when thick woody roots are present in the soil, the above statements may not hold true. This should constitute a new problem calling for further experiments. Another essay dealing with methyl bromide alone, consisted in treating cotton roots heavily disfigured by Meloidogyne incognita in a container (diameter = 28cm, height = 32 cm), which remained closed for five days. After the treatment, the roots were mixed with soil, in which tomato seedlings were planted. After a growing period of two months, the roots of the tomato plants were washed in running water and examined for the presence of galls. As an early infeccion was present in the root system of all plants, the inefficacy of the treatment has been proved.


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Seven species of the nematode genus Mononchus Bastian, 1865, were found in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Such are: M. subsimilis Cobb, 1917; M. ibitiensis Carvalho, 1951; M. piracicabae Lordello, 1953; M. risoceiae Carvalho, 1955; M. soutoi Carvalho, 1956; M. coronatus Carvalho, 1956; and M. jairi n. sp. Outside the State, the following species have been found: M. papillatus (Bastian, 1865) Cobb, 1916; M. monhystera Cobb, 1917; M. muscorum (Dujardin, 1845) Cobb, 1916; M. gymnolaimus (Cobb, 1893) Cobb, 1916; M. consimilis Cobb, 1917; M. trichurus Cobb, 1917; M. reversus Cobb, 1917; and M. dentatus Cobb, 1917 (LORDELLO, 1953). This field of investigation has scarcely been touched and additional collections will doubtless add new forms to the number of species known as yet. M. jairi n. sp. most closely resembling species is M. monhystera Cobb, 1917, from which it differs in having: a) labial region more expanded, set off from neck by a broad shallow depression; b) anterior portion of the pharynx-wall rather thinner and directed outward; and, c) smaller dimensions (788.0-924.0: 1,100.0 micros).


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This paper deals with anatomical descriptions of some types of nectaries in 27 species of honey plants of Piracicaba, S. P. The material studied was divides in two groups: a) Extra-floral nectaries; b) Floral nectaries. Euphorbia pulcherrima, Willd; showed to belonging to the first group: its nectaries tissue consist of an epidermal layer of cell without stomata and with true gland, with subepidermal cells diferentiated by the thickness of the wall. Among the plants with floral nectaries, the following types has been listed, according the location of the nectary in the flower: 1 - with true glands: a) in sepals, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, L.; Dombeya Wallichii, Bth. e Hk; b) in the stamens tube, Antigonum leptopus, Hook e Arn.; 2 - on the receptacle with nectariferous tissue in the epidermal cell with: a) thickness wall with stomata, Prunus persical, L.; b) thin wall without stomata, Crotalaria paulinia, Shranck; Caesal-pinia sepiaria, Roxb; Aberia caffra; 3 - with a disc located in the receptacle with: epidermal: a) with stomata, Coffea arábica, L. var. semper florens; Citrus aurantifolia, Swing; Cinchona sp.; Pryrostegia ignea, Presl.; b) without stomata and with thin wall, Leojurus sibiricus, L.; Bactocydia unguis, Mart., Ipomoea purpurea, L.; Greviüea Thelemanniana, Hueg.; Dolichos lablab, L.; Vernonia polyanthes, Less., Montanoa bipinatifida, C. Koch., Eruca sativa, L. Brassica Juncea, Co; Eucalyptus tereticomis, Smith.; Eucalyptus rostrata, Schleche; Salvia splendens, Selow.; 4 - in the basal tissues of the ovary, Budleia brasiliensis, Jacq F.; Petrea subserrata, Cham.; 5 - in the base of stamens, Per sea americana, Mill. On the anatomical point of view, most of the types of nectary studied has external nectariferous tissues, located on the epidermal cells with thin periclinal wall and without stomata. The sub-epidermal layer were rich in sugar. Short correlation was found between the structure of the nectary and the amount of nectar secretion. So, in the nectary with true glands, in those with thin wall and without stomata on epidermal cells and in those with stomata, the secretion was higher than in the other types listed.


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In the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, squash plants (Cucurbita spp.) are attacked by the Javanese nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) and by M. incognita acrita. Squash belongs to that group of plants in which the root-knot nematodes break through the root surface, so that the egg-producing females protrude from the root, showing yellowish or brow nish egg masses attached to them. Washed roots show numerous small dark spots, each corresponding to an ootheca, which is adhering to a mature female. A curious abnormal female of M. i. acrita was obtained from a sample of squash roots. This female's body showed two globular parts, separated by a deep constriction. The convoluted ovaries were found to fill both portions of the body.