996 resultados para Cereals -- Espanya
Aquest projecte consisteix en la construcció d'un magatzem de dades com a eina de treball per a l'empresa Sostre per a Tothom, una immobiliària que opera a Espanya i a Andorra. Aquesta immobiliària vol aprofitar la potència d'un magatzem de dades per recollir la informació històrica de pisos en venta i pisos venuts a partir d'un fitxer .txt i explotar aquesta informació amb eines de business intelligence per reportar dades i veure pisos-tipus.
Aplicació web desenvolupada en llenguatge Java per a lareserva online de parcel¿les de càmping.
L'objectiu funcional de l'aplicació és la gestió del parametratge d'una organització, és a dir, de totes aquelles dades de consum horitzontal per part de qualsevol altra aplicació més especialitzada. Aquesta implementació es realitza posant émfasi en aspectes molt importants a nivell empresarial: transaccions i rendiment.
En aquest projecte s'utilitzarà el framework AndroMDA per construir un programari que permeti generar automàticament a partir d'un model UML simple una aplicació JEE.
Aquest treball tracta d¿establir les bases del que caldria esperar d¿un web bancari des del punt de vistade la Interacció Humana amb els Ordinadors (IHO), i analitzar els portals dels principals bancs queoperen per Internet a l¿estat espanyol.
The Wake Up, Shake Up club was first set up in February 2013. The aim of the club is to support working parents and offer an affordable alternative to local childcare options. It is also an opportunity to re-enforce school healthy eating guidelines and explore different food options with children.The club is run by staff members of Holywell Childcare. 33 children attend each morning. There is a charge of €1 per child per day to cover staff costs. A selection of cereals is served each morning along with toast, fruit and fruit juice. Children can take part in different activities after breakfast, such as crafts, games, and even yoga ! Part of theBreakfast Clubs Pilot Programme Initiative Type Breakfast Clubs Location Dublin Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Start 18th Feb 2013
Trinity AM was set up in January 2013. The aim of the breakfast club is to provide food for children before class to assist them in their school performance.The club is run by a group of volunteers including teachers, parents and local community members. On average, 30 children come to the club each morning. A selection of cereals, toast, fruit and fruit juice are served each morning. There is also a hot food option each morning, such as eggs or baked beans. This club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Part of theBreakfast Clubs Pilot Programme Initiative Type Breakfast Clubs Location Dublin 13 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Funding This club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Start 13th Jan 2013
The Rise ‘n’ Shine club was set up in January 2013. The main aims of the club are to improve attendance, increase participation in class, and reinforce healthy eating policy in pupils. The club is run each morning by a group of volunteers which includes teachers, parents and 6th class children. The Home School Community Liaison Officer co-ordinates the club. On average, 20 – 25 girls attend each morning. A selection of cereals is served each morning along with toast and fruit juice. Different foods are served for special occasions, such as pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. This club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Part of theBreakfast Clubs Pilot Programme Initiative Type Breakfast Clubs Location Dublin 5 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Funding This club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Start 13th Jan 2013
Disseny, creaciói explotació d¿un magatzem de dades per al Institut Català d¿Esports de Motor (ICEM) on, enuna primera fase, només es recolliran resultats del Campionat del Món de Pilots de Fórmula 1 des de l¿any 1961 fins el 2007.
The Breakfast Club was set up in January 2013. The aim of the breakfast club is to provide pupils with breakfast in a safe, structured and warm environment at the beginning of each school day so as to enhance their - Concentration- Attendance and punctuality- Nutrition- Social and personal development- Communication skills. The club is run by two parents and co-ordinated by the school principal. On average, 15 children attend the breakfast club each morning. A selection of cereals, fruit, toast and fruit juice are served each morning. All food is laid out in a buffet-style and children can serve themselves (with a little help from staff if needed). The breakfast club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through the Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Part of theBreakfast Clubs Pilot Programme Initiative Type Breakfast Clubs Location Dublin 7 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Funding The breakfast club is part of the Pilot Programme of Breakfast Clubs which is funded through the Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund. Start 20th Jan 2013
Implantació d¿una botiga online de llibres, modernitzant la nostra actual. Ambaquest nou espai, es pretén oferir un producte atractiu per a qualsevol client, que li permetrà realitzar laseva compra des de qualsevol part del mon
L'objectiu de l'aplicació és el de facilitar al departament de personal el manteniment a la web del llistat de les ofertes d'ocupació, i informatitzar aquest procediment que fins ara es feia de maneramanual editant manualment fitxers html.
Disseny, construcció i explotació d'un magatzem de dades a partir de la información disponible en fitxer en format MsExcel. El producte final havia de permetre l'explotació de la información sobre els resultats del Campionat de Fórmula 1 mitjançant Oracle Discoverer.
El present treball tractarà d'aprofitar Google Maps i les eines lliures disponibles, per construir unes llibreries Javascript d'ús obert que permetin afegir serveis de persistència als serveis de cartografia ja disponibles.
Anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'unaCMDB (Configuration Management Database) que es considera la pedra angular delconjunt de bones pràctiques ITIL per a la gestió de serveis TI.