1000 resultados para Centro Paula Souza
The A. remembers the history of his lepra-culture and the method he uses to prepare with it the antigen called Leprolin Souza-Araujo, giving photographic illustrations upon the subject. The A. says that the results published about the general action of his Leprolin in leprosy must be revised or rectificated. But he says that the rapid action of his antigen upon perforant ulcers in lepers is consecrated by a large experience. He cured, in relatively short time, perforant ulcers in five lepers. Dr. CASSIANO, from Baurú leper Colony (S. Paulo) treated 21 such cases. The median time of treatment was 23 days and the median dosage of Leprolin injected in each patient was 7.7 cm3. All lesions were cured. After 18 months observation three cases relapsed and 18 (or 85.7%) remained cured. Dr. CALDEIRA, Director of padre DAMIEN Leper Colony (Ubá, Minas Gerais) treated regularly with Leprolin 50 cases of severe perforant ulcers and obtained cure in 46 (or 92%). ina special meeting held in Minas Gerais nineteen leprologists examined the cases of Dr. CALDEIRA and considered the results he have obtained as "magnifico", in the sense as "unic". This experiment is being continued in various brazilian leper colonies and the Author offers, graciously, his antigen to be tried also in foreing countries.
The A. summarizes clinical records of four lepers treated with Leprolin Souza-Araujo, as follow: ist Male, 28 years old, lepromatous case, treated during about 3 years, who received 80 injections of the antigen, being 52 by vene, 18 by muscle and 10 intradermally. Total about 100 cm³. Results: Absence of clinical signs, routine examinations negative for acidfast bacilli. Histopathology: from lepromatous became incaracteristic, with a few bacilli. Mitsuda test from negative became positive. 2nd Male, 33 ys. old, lepromatous case. From September 1944 to February 1948 received 110 intravenous injections (57 cm³) and 10 cm³ perineurally to control neurites. His Mitsuda test was negative in 1944 and in 1945 became positive and remained so until 1948 (4 times controlled). Since Sept. 1946 became bacillus negative in his mucous, ear lobe and lymph nodes. Out of his lepromatous symptoms remained only mild atrophy of his hands. 3rd- Male, 30 ys. old, lepromatous case, treated since 1944. From 1946 to Feb. 1948 received 80 intravenous injections (high dosage: from 2 to 5 cm³), total 310 cm³ and 140 cm³ intramuscularly. His Mitsuda test was negative in 1943; became positive (from 1945 till 1948) after Leprolin treatment. Bacilloscopy became negative even in sections. Histopathology: the lesions from lepromatous changed to tuberculoid. 4th Male, 17 years old, lepromatous case, received, from Dec. 1944 to Feb. 1948 only 88 intravenous injections of small doses of Leprolin (0,1 to 1,0 cm³). His Mitsuda remained negative from 1944 to 1946 and in 1947 became positive. Routine examinations negative for bacilli. Histopathology: the lepromataus lesions regressed to incaracteristic, without bacillus.
The writer, as medical director of Father Damien Leper Colony (Ubá, Minas Gerais, Brasil), treated 50 cases of perforating ulcers, from 2 to 40 years of duration, using the antigens prepared with acid-fast bacilli cultures obtained from leprous material by Dr. H. C. de Souza-Araujo. Dosage from 0,12 to 39,35 cm3, injected inside the ulcers, intramuscularly, every 2 to 4 days, accordingly to the patient reaction some of them presenting fever until 41° Centigrade. The result was cicatrization of the ulcers in 92% (46 out of 50) of the patients. The author concluded that the majority of his patients tolerate perfectly the medicine and that its efect was very eficient.
Investigación producida a partir de una estancia en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla entre los meses de mayo a julio del 2005. Con el objetivo de investigar la influencia de los factores neurotróficos en la patofisiología de los trastornos de ansiedad, se realizó un protocolo experimental de electrofisiología in vivo para caracterizar la formación de LTP en el hipocampo de un modelo murino de sobrexpresión del gen NTRK3. Para ello se fabricaron electrodos que fueron implantados en el cerebro de ratones mediante cirugía estereotáxica. Posteriormente se experimentó la habituación, condicionamiento y extinción de un estímulo sonoro, de un grupo de 12 ratones transgénicos NTRK3 y de 12 ratones controles durante varias sesiones. El análisis de las respuestas condicionadas reveló un problema en el aprendizaje en los ratones TgNTRK3.
Die west-zentrale Region Brasiliens, die im Gebiet des gleichfoermigen feuchten tropischen Klimas mit Trockenzeiten liegt, schliesst, allgemein gesehen, drei phytogeographische Zonen in sich ein; die noerdliche mit Wald, die zentrale mit Savannen und die suedliche mit Campos. In den Zonen sind verschiedene Waldinseln eingeschlossen, deren Existenz, entsprechend den vielfaeltigen orographischen Verhaeltnissen und der hiermit zusammenhaengenden komplexen geologischen Struktur, eine ausreichende Erklaerung fuer die beobachtete Zerschneidung der Zonen abgibt. Es finden sich: 1. Auf den hoeheren Ebenen: a) "Cerrado" (Buschwald). Er breitet sich aus auf den ebenen kretassischen Stufen und Haegen mit kompakteren Boeden, sowohl auf denen der "Chapadões" wie auch auf denen, die die grosse paraguaische Depression umgeben; b) Savanne. Sie tritt immer auf ebenen oder schwach gewellten Gelaenden auf, wo eine dicke, gut durchlaessige Schicht auf undurchiaessigem Untergrund liegt; c) Campo. Er dehnt sich auf Flaechen aus, die oberflaeching undurchlaessig geworden sind, und zwar sowohl auf ebenen, wie auch auf schwaecher oder staerker bewegten Gelaenden; d) Wald. Er findet sich auf den Talsohlen, begleitet die Wasserlaeufe und Talhaenge in stark bewegtem Gelaende. 2. Die Campos der grossen paraguaischen Depression nehmen sehr ausgedehnte Gebiete ein, die von kleineren feuchten Niederungen, Fluessen und Inselbergn unterbrochen sind, wo sich Buschwald, Galleriewald und Cerrado findet. 3. Auf den fruchtbareren Boeden, die auf Zerfall eruptiver Gesteine zurueckgefuehrt werden und durch das Einschneiden des ausgedehnten hydrographischen Netzes, das die Region zerschneidet, herausgearbeitet sind, bedecken die Waelder unterschiedslos die ebenen wie die schwach oder stark geneigten Gelaende.
São descritos o macho e a fêmea de uma nova espécie de flebotomíneo - Lutzomyia ramirezi sp. n. - coletada em fenda de rocha em Grão Mogol, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O macho é caracterizado por apresentar o dististilo com 5 espinhos e o parámero ramificado. A fêmea assemelha-se superficialmente às fêmeas do subgênero Lutzomyia s. str. porém, apresenta ascóides muito curtos e espinhos extremamente pequenos na parte posterior do faringe. A nova espécie é incluída no grupo das espécies "aberrantes ou isoladas" de acordo com Martins, Williams & Falcão, 1978. É também descrita a fêmea de Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) alencari martins, Souza e Falcão, 1962, coletada na mesma região.
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Souza Lopes is one of the authors of the phylogenetic classification of Sarcophagidae, especially Sarcophaginae. In this paper I present the taxonomic key of the tribes of Sarcophaginae according to his opinion; a list of the 48 genera and subgenera and the 356 species described by Prof. Lopes; and a review of subtribal construction of tribe Sarcophagini with a key of the subtribes. One new subtribe Boettcheriiscina Verves, subtr. nov. and two new monotypic genera (Mufindia Verves, gen. nov., and Sabiella Verves, gen. nov.) are described. The role of Prof. Lopes in the knowledge of taxonomy and ecology of American, Oriental, Australian and Oceanic Sarcophagidae is illumined.
El projecte ha estat elaborat amb la col•laboració del LIGIT i del ETC LUSI. Serveix per a gestionar les Metadades i visualitzar-les a través del Web. El programari utilitzat és Geonetwork opensource, gestiona Metadades conformes als estàndards OGC i ISO. S'han implementat, a través de local o a través de connexions a servidors Web com Dav, CSW o OAI-PMH, en MckoiDB. Es visualitzen en el seu visor, a través de connexions a servidors de mapes WMS i ArcIMS i en visors externs com GoogleEarth. S'ha millorat l'aspecte gràfic i implementat amb noves funcionalitats editant el codi dels fitxers interns com Javascript, XML, XSL, Java