796 resultados para Cat. Americano


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What the dissertation proposes is a reading of Romanticism through its symbols, through the elements that literally shape it and how they are repeated, transformed and reinterpreted according to their new environments; the thesis proposes a kind of semiotic, hermeneutic braid, to account for the evolution and literary influences of these symbols in America: a metaphorical corkscrew. It must be emphasized that this is, above all, an English dissertation and its main theme is British Romanticism, from its origins in the late eighteenth century. It́s not my intention to propose a thesis that exposes or discusses the Romantic Movement; that has been done already and, in some cases, quite unfortunately; but the fact is that the critical literature on the subject overflows the libraries. I do not care for a thesis that is limited to establish a relationship between the English Romantic movement and the movement in the United States or Latin American countries. Although it will be necessary to resort to certain philosophical approaches, I do not care pose a thesis that focuses on the philosophical Romanticism (such as the German one). Finally, I do not wish to propose a thesis that is dedicated to establish the implications of a political Romanticism as it was lived mainly in the Bolivarian countries...


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Es bien sabido por todos que los exportadores de productos no tradicionales que se han beneficiado con el otorgamiento del Certificado de Abono Tributario (CAT), dejarán de hacerlo a partir del año 2000. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar, de una forma cuantitativa, el impacto potencial que la eliminación de dicho incentivo podría tener sobre la producción, el empleo y la generación de ingreso. Complementariamente, se busca determinar los posibles impactos de otros instrumentos como los impuestos a las exportaciones y las tarifas a las importaciones en su papel de incentivos de política comercial para compensar la eliminación de los CAT. Como bien se explica más adelante, la metodología utilizada para desarrollar el análisis cuantitativo es un modelo computable de equilibrio general.


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This dissertation examines the fictional character Kitty Pryde from the X-Men comic book series during the tenure of writer Chris Claremont. Claremont's work on the character primarily involves the years 1980-1990, though a return to writing the character in the 2000s is also discussed when relevant. The thesis question revolves around the definition of the bildungsroman genre and whether Claremont's narrative arc for Kitty Pryde's character fulfills that definition. Jerome Hamilton Buckley's 1974 book Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding is used as the primary authority for the bildungsroman genre, and more specifically a list of nine criteria that Buckley deems particularly key to the definition of the genre. Each of the nine criteria is looked at in depth, demonstrating where and how they can be found in the narrative, if at all. However, because Buckley's perspective and criteria come from a time of less diversity, examination from a feminist and minority perspective is also added with ideas from Rita Felski and Stella Bolaki. Combining Buckley's initial list of nine criteria with more modern criticism, these ideas are then used to analyze Kitty Pryde's narrative arc and to determine whether it can be seen as a bildungsroman. The findings support reading Claremont's narrative arc of the Kitty Pryde character as a bildungsroman. Three of Buckley's nine key themes are identified as particularly prevalent in the narrative: the search for a vocation, ordeal by love, and the conflict of generations. Three more key themes are found to be less prevalent but still clearly present: the search for a working philosophy, the larger society, and alienation. Because Buckley's definition for the bildungsroman genre requires the presence of six of his nine key themes, the presence of the aforementioned six thus validate the reading of the narrative as a bildungsroman. The text also provides some suggestions for finding the three least applicable key themes within the narrative, but because their presence is not necessary to fulfill the definition of the bildungsroman, they are not rigorously examined. In addition to fulfilling Buckley's key themes, the paper also discusses the more modern minority-oriented views. It is shown how the narrative can be read in terms of a journey to diverge from norms, as per Felski's ideas of the unique qualities of the specifically female bildungsroman. As Kitty Pryde's narrative can be shown to conform to the bildungsroman ideas of both Buckley and Felski, the thesis question is thus answered positively: Chris Claremont's X-Men can indeed be read as Kitty Pryde's bildungsroman.


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Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2014


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Discorre sobre o processo integracionista das origens à II Guerra Mundial. Comenta sobre a integração centro-americana após a II Guerra Mundial.


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Oficiales de West Point que participaron en el sitio de Monterrey.


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Surgida no início do séc. XIX, a arte sobre o Oeste americano, constitui parte de um folclore que transformou o cowboy no mais influente símbolo da América nos séculos XIX e XX. A influência de artistas como Frederic Remington e Charles Russell, na cultura popular dos EUA, é particularmente visível no western clássico de Hollywood. Ao assimilar os valores formais e ideológicos que caracterizam a obra destes artistas, cineastas como John Ford, Raoul Walsh e John Sturges, realizaram uma verdadeira simbiose entre o cinema e o primeiro movimento artístico americano. No entanto, o western de Hollywood nunca foi um mero exercício estético, constituindo uma expressão das profundas transformações que a sociedade americana sofreu ao longo do século XX.


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O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada no âmbito do ciclo de estudos do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Militares na especialidade de Artilharia, subordinado ao tema: A Formação dos Oficiais de Artilharia nos países OTAN: os casos português e norte-americano, estuda o modelo de formação específica de Artilharia no Exército Português e num dos exércitos cuja Artilharia tem marcado presença nos Teatros de Operações contemporâneos, o dos Estados Unidos da América. Tendo por objetivo retirar ilações que concorram para identificar e mitigar eventuais lacunas na formação técnica e tática em Artilharia de Campanha dos futuros oficiais de Artilharia do Exército Português, a investigação realizada analisou os detalhes de formação inicial dos futuros oficiais de Artilharia dos dois Exércitos por forma a compará-los e a obter contributos do Exército Norte-americano que possam vir a ser aplicados ao caso nacional. Assim sendo chegou-se à conclusão que o contributo do modelo de formação dos futuros oficiais de Artilharia de Campanha do Exército dos Estados Unidos da América para a formação dos futuros oficiais de Artilharia do Exército Português, no que diz respeito à componente técnica e tática em Artilharia de Campanha, traduz-se na necessidade de aprofundar nas áreas dos Sistemas Automáticos, Observação Avançada e Apoio de Fogos.


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Es un estudio que plantea un aspecto traductológico específico: la traducción a la segunda lengua de quien traduce. A partir del análisis de una traducción al español de The Cat in Ihe Hat, de Dr. Seuss, obra de literatura infantil, se señalan ciertas ventaj as metodológicas que tienen que ver con la competencia cultural, la comprensión apropiada del texto original y un acercamiento lingüístico más consciente de la lengua terminal.This study focuses on translation directionality; in particular, translating to one's second language. Based on a Spanish translation of the children's book The Cat in in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss, this article discusses certain methodological advantages of translating to one's second language: cultural competency, an appropriate understanding of the source text, and an enhanced linguistic awareness of the target language.


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Universidad de Costa Rica. Posgrado en Administraci?n y Direcci?n de Empresas. Maestr?a Profesional en Administraci?n y Direcci?n de Empresas, 2015


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The purpose of my study was to collect data on managed cat (Felis catus) colonies located in two Miami-Dade County, Florida, parks, in order to test the following assertions put forward by proponents of the colonies: 1) Managed cat colonies will decline in size over time and 2) The territorial behavior of cats living in established cat colonies will prevent additional cats from joining. I collected observational and photographic capture-recapture data in order to track colony population dynamics. Behavioral data were also collected in order to understand the role that cat behavior plays in influencing colony population dynamics. My results do not support the assertion that colonies will decline over time. Instead, my findings demonstrate that the establishment of colonies on public lands encourages dumping of cats and creates an attractive nuisance. Furthermore, my behavioral analysis suggests that territorial behavior does not play a role in excluding new cats.


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Hoy se hace imperioso que la ética periodística se complemente con el tratamiento jurídico de la libertad de expresión. La precaución jurídica es la invitación a una visión integral de la ética profesional basada en la autorregulación y en el conocimiento de la teleología del periodismo


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ResumenAunque el Repertorio Americano fue una revista continentalista e hispánica, el autor se propone analizar los artículos publicados en la revista sobre Costa Rica y trata de responder a la pregunta: ¿cómo podrían sobrevivir al mismo tiempo dos formas de la comunidad imaginada -una nación particular y un continente en general-?AbstractWhile the Repertorio Americano was a continentalist and hispanic journal, the author seeks to analyze the articles published in the journal on Costa Rica, and attempts to answers the questions: How could two types of community image one of an individual nation, another of a continent at large-coexist?


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Recibido 17 de mayo de 2011 • Aceptado 26 de agosto de 2011 • Corregido 9 de octubre de 2011   La escritura femenina, como todas las formas de producción simbólica desde las mujeres, ha existido y se ha desarrollado a pesar del mandato patriarcal de obedecer y callar que pesa sobre el género femenino. No es objetivo en esta reflexión, ahondar en las acciones y las obras de las mujeres transgresoras quienes, a lo largo de la historia y a pesar de, han ejercido esa forma de hacerse presente y afirmarse ante los otros que es la escritura. Mi propósito es identificar a las mujeres, quienes desde el oficio de maestras ejercitaron su escritura, combinaron su rol docente con el de escritoras y en la elaboración de sus discursos cívicos cuestionaron, precisamente, las concepciones de patriotismo y sentimiento cívico dentro del mismo proceso de construcción de una ciudadanía de la cual ellas no disfrutaban.