787 resultados para Carnauba straw
An approach to reduce the contamination of water sourceswith pesticides is the use of biopurificaction systems. The active core of these systems is the biomixture. The composition of biomixtures depends on the availability of local agro-industrial wastes and design should be adapted to every region. In Portugal, cork processing is generally regarded as environmentally friendly and would be interesting to find applications for its industry residues. In this work the potential use of different substrates in biomixtures, as cork (CBX); cork and straw, coat pine and LECA (Light Expanded Clay Aggregates), was tested on the degradation of terbuthylazine, difenoconazole, diflufenican and pendimethalin pesticides. Bioaugmentation strategies using the white-rot fungus Lentinula edodes inoculated into the CBX, was also assessed. The results obtained from this study clearly demonstrated the relevance of using natural biosorbents as cork residues to increase the capacity of pesticide dissipation in biomixtures for establishing biobeds. Furthermore, higher degradation of all the pesticides was achieved by use of bioaugmented biomixtures. Indeed, the biomixtures inoculated with L. edodes EL1were able to mineralize the selected xenobiotics, revelling that these white-rot fungi might be a suitable fungus for being used as inoculum sources in on-farm sustainable biopurification system, in order to increase its degradation efficiency. After 120 days, maximum degradation of terbuthylazine, difenoconazole, diflufenican and pendimethalin, of bioaugmented CBX, was 89.9%, 75.0%, 65.0% and 99.4%, respectively. The dominant metabolic route of terbuthylazine in biomixtures inoculated with L. edodes EL1 proceeded mainly via hydroxylation, towards production of terbuthylazine-hydroxy-2 metabolite. Finally, sorption process to cork by pesticides proved to be a reversible process,working cork as a mitigating factor reducing the toxicity to microorganisms in the biomixture, especially in the early stages.
The “dicótilo-palmácea” mixed forest is found in the fluvial plains (floodplains) of watercourses on the Ceará semiarid region (Brazil), distinguishing from the surrounding vegetation (caatinga) by the prevalence of larger tree species. In the river’s margins, presenting high variability in the extension of the riverbanks, arise floodplains in pedologic complexes mainly composed by neossols and argissols, resulting from the deposition of sediments. In these areas of high fertility soils and subjected to flooding during part of the year, it develops a particular type of riparian vegetation dominated by carnauba palm tree (Copernicia prunifera (Mill.) H.E. Moore) forming a particular type of riparian forest, designated by carnaubal palm forest. We aimed to carry out floristic and phytosociological surveys of carnauba palm forests located in the northern region of Ceará. The classical sigmatist method of Braun-Blanquet was applied and classification analysis (Twinspan) was perfomed. The field work occurred in March 2014 and 2016 in eight areas: Fazenda Pedra Branca (03º 37’ 10’’ S e 40º 18’ 30’’ W, 104 m asl), Vale do Rio Bom Jesus (04º 04’ 42’’ S e 39º 57’ 08’’ W, 200 m asl), Lagoa do Peixe (03º 56’ 28’’ S e 40º 23’ 23’’ W, 97 m asl), Fazenda Peixes (04º 06’ 03’’ S e 40º 32’ 43’’ W, 114 m asl), Fazenda Natividade (04º 02’ 50’’ S e 40º 29’ 03’’ W, 109 m asl), Fazenda Morro Alto (02º 53’ 42’’ S e 39º 54’ 51’’ W, 16 m asl), Fazenda Araticum (03º 04’ 58’’ S e 40º 09’ 36’’ W, 19 m asl) and Fazenda Experimental da UVA (03º 37' 04'' S 40º 18' 18'' W, 200 m asl).The floristic list consists of 170 species, distributed between 127 genera and 50 families. Twenty-seven Brazilian endemic species were identified, from which 8 are exclusive of the Caatinga biome. The Fabaceae was the most representative family, with the highest number of species (28), followed by Poaceae (17), Malvaceaea (14), Euphorbiaceae (12), Asteraceaea (9), Convolvulaceae and Rubiaceae (9). The dominant life forms were therophytes (34%), phanerophytes (30%) and chamaephytes (18%). Two communities were identified as a result of the classification analysis using the Twinspan.
In Angola, the construction made of raw earth is a cultural heritage widely used by low income households, representing over 80% of the population [1, 3]. In Huila province is evident construction in raw earth in a large scale, either in urban or in periurban and rural areas. The construction methods follow the ancestral standards, distributed throughout the region of Huila, being built by the several ethnic groups. Among the construction techniques in earth, stand out: the adobe, wattle-and-daub and more recently on CEB (Compressed Earth Block). The type of soil used to make the adobes is mainly silty-clayed sand [1]. The most applied materials are: rods, reeds, wood, grass, straw, soil and stone, almost with the same characteristics [2]. The manufacture of adobe, consists essentially in mixing clay and grass (plant fibers), then put the mixture inside a wooden mold, having a size of 42 cm long and 18 cm high and taking three to four days to dry and be applied in housing construction. The application of these materials makes the construction less expensive because they are collected, transformed and applied by the owner himself of housing without any project, based only on the result of the practice and experience acquired from their ancestors. They are simple constructions, presenting a typology of grouped and isolated single-family housing, ranging between 2 and 3 bedrooms [2]. The construction techniques used in such small housings have positive environmental aspects, both as regards the materials employed, such as the manner in which the constructions are raised, showing special concerns for the quality improvement of them, as regards the resistance, durability and comfort [4].
ABSTRACT: Organic residues from sugarcane crop and processing (vinasse, boiler ash, cake filter, and straw) are commonly applied or left on the soil to enhance its fertility. However, they can influence pesticide degradation and sorption. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of adding these organic residues on the degradation and sorption of fipronil and atrazine in two soils of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, MS, Brazil. The degradation experiment was carried out with laboratory-incubated (40 days; 28°C; 70% field capacity) soils (0-10cm). The batch equilibration method was used to determine sorption. Fipronil (half-life values of 15-105 days) showed to be more persistent than atrazine (7-17 days). Vinasse application to the soil favored fipronil and atrazine degradation, whereas cake filter application decreased the degradation rates for both pesticides. Values for sorption coefficients (Kd) were determined for fipronil (5.1-13.2mL g-1) and atrazine (0.5-1.5mL g-1). Only straw and cake filter residues enhanced fipronil sorption when added to the soil, whereas all sugarcane residues increased atrazine sorption. RESUMO: Resíduos orgânicos do cultivo e processamento da cana-de-açúcar (vinhaça, cinzas, torta de filtro e palha) são usualmente aplicados ou deixados no solo para aumentar sua fertilidade, mas eles podem influenciar na degradação e sorção de agrotóxicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da adição desses resíduos orgânicos no solo sobre a degradação e sorção do fipronil e da atrazina em dois solos no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, MS, Brasil. O experimento de degradação foi realizado com solos (0-10cm) incubados em laboratório (40 dias; 28°C; 70% da capacidade de campo). Para determinar a sorção, foi usado o método da batelada. Fipronil mostrou ser mais persistente (valores de meia-vida entre 15-105 dias) que atrazina (7-17 dias). O solo com adição de vinhaça favoreceu a degradação de fipronil e atrazina, enquanto adição da torta de filtro desacelerou o processo. Os valores do coeficiente de sorção (Kd) foram determinados para fipronil (5,1-13,2mL g-1) e atrazina (0,5-1,5mL g-1). Apenas os resíduos palha e torta de filtro aumentaram a sorção de fipronil quando adicionados ao solo, enquanto todos os resíduos aumentaram a sorção de atrazina.
The establishment of commercial crops in succession to winter cover crops that leaves a dense straw layer provides significantly suppression of weeds. The objective of this work was to evaluate the suppressive potential of winter cover crops on weed infestation in maize and its effect on the yield of the maize sown in succession.
PLA is a bio-based polymer that is obtained from renewable resources and it is very promising for a sustainable packaging manufacturing. However, its gas and vapour barrier properties are not enough to comply with the requirements of MAP packaging of fresh foods, which need specific concentration of water and oxygen to avoid spoilage and to keep the organoleptic properties unaltered throughout their shelf-life. The use of waxes from natural renewable sources such as plants (e.g., candelilla wax, carnauba wax, rice bran wax, sunflower wax) or animals (e.g., beeswax) could tackle down the permeation of water vapour through the packaging without affecting its bio-based content. The core of this work is developing wax-based coatings with enhanced thermo-mechanical properties so that they can undergo thermoforming and a proper adhesion to the PLA substrate can be ensured. Chemical modifications and crosslinking of waxes are performed to produce wax-based alkyd resins. The synthesised materials are characterised both by DSC and FTIR. Films of the wax-based alkyds are produced in order to assess their water vapour permeability.
DUNE is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. It aims to measure the still unknown $ \delta_{CP} $ violation phase and the sign of $ \Delta m_{13}^2 $, which defines the neutrino mass ordering. DUNE will exploit a Far Detector composed of four multi-kiloton LArTPCs, and a Near Detector (ND) complex located close to the neutrino source at Fermilab. The SAND detector at the ND complex is designed to perform on-axis beam monitoring, constrain uncertainties in the oscillation analysis and perform precision neutrino physics measurements. SAND includes a 0.6 T super-conductive magnet, an electromagnetic calorimeter, a 1-ton liquid Argon detector - GRAIN - and a modular, low-density straw tube target tracker system. GRAIN is an innovative LAr detector where neutrino interactions can be reconstructed using only the LAr scintillation light imaged by an optical system based on Coded Aperture masks and lenses - a novel approach never used before in particle physics applications. In this thesis, a first evaluation of GRAIN track reconstruction and calorimetric capabilities was obtained with an optical system based on Coded Aperture cameras. A simulation of $\nu_\mu + Ar$ interactions with the energy spectrum expected at the future Fermilab Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) was performed. The performance of SAND was evaluated, combining the information provided by all its sub-detectors, on the selection of $ \nu_\mu + Ar \to \mu^- + p + X $ sample and on the neutrino energy reconstruction.