950 resultados para Calculated, TC minus TOC
Data on composition of aerosols are considered. Investigations include electron microscopy, grain size, mineralogical and chemical analyses. Samples of aerosols were collected Cruise 37 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh along a transatlantic section along 40°-50°N. Variability of concentrations and composition of aerosols with distance from continents is shown: concentrations of aerosols decrease by factor of ten and more. Significant portion of mineral components in aerosols collected over the continent is replaced by organic matter due to mechanical differentiation during transportation. Such anthropogenic components as soot, ash, and combustion spheres were detected in all samples. North African dust was found in one sample in the western part of the section.
"Bound" and "free" solvent-extractable lipids have been examined from Sections 440A-7-6, 440B-3-5, 440B-8-4, 440B-68-2, and 436-11-4. The compound classes studied include aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. Carotenoids and humic acids have also been examined. The quantitative results are considered in terms of input indicators, diagenesis parameters, and structural classes. A difference in input is deduced across the Japan Trench, with a higher proportion of autochthonous components on the western inner trench slope compared with the more easterly, outer trench, wall and greater input in the early Pleistocene than in the Miocene. A variety of diagenetic transformations is observed at Site 440 as sample depth increases. Results are compared with those of samples from Atlantic Cretaceous sediments and from the Walvis Bay high productivity area.
The Shales-with-'Beef' and Black Ven Marls of the Charmouth Mudstone Formation (Sinemurian) exposed on the Dorset Coast in southern England (Wessex Basin) show stratigraphic variation in carbonate, organic carbon and organic-carbon isotopes. Little environmental significance is attached to the variation of carbonate except in the case of the tabular and nodular limestones interrupting the sequence that probably record stratigraphic condensation and/or sedimentary stillstands that, in an extreme case, were accompanied by sea-floor erosion to produce the bored and encrusted 'Coinstone'. Relatively high total organiccarbon (TOC) contents are present in the laminated mudstones of the lower turneri Zone (upper brooki and lower birch Subzones) and the obtusum Zone (obtusum and stellare Subzones). Basin stratification related to fresh-water influx was the most likely aid to deoxygenation and enhanced preservation of organic matter. The organic-carbon isotope curve (d13Corg), which shows positive excursions in the upper turneri Zone (upper birchi Subzone) and highest obtusum - raricostatum Zones (highest stellare Subzone, densinodulum and lower raricostatoides Subzones), does not correlate with the TOC stratigraphy and was clearly not controlled by local patterns of organic-matter burial. Long-term (hundreds-of-thousands of years) variations in the carbon-isotope (d13Corg) curve are interpreted as reflecting changing seawater isotopic composition and, in the case of the stratigraphically higher interval, may be related to marine organic-carbon burial on the margins of the proto-Atlantic, as exemplified by the Lusitanian Basin in Portugal. Correlation of the carbon-isotope profile with putative sea-level curves is problematic in detail, although significant local transgressive pulses in the turneri and late raricostatum Zones are approximately coincident with positive d13Corg excursions.
The Lena River Delta, which is the largest delta in the Arctic, extends over an area of 32 000 km**2 and likely holds more than half of the entire soil organic carbon (SOC) mass stored in the seven major deltas in the northern permafrost regions. The geomorphic units of the Lena River Delta which were formed by true deltaic sedimentation processes are a Holocene river terrace and the active floodplains. Their mean SOC stocks for the upper 1 m of soils were estimated at 29 kg/m**2 ± 10 kg/m**2 and at 14 kg/m**2 ± 7 kg/m**2, respectively. For the depth of 1 m, the total SOC pool of the Holocene river terrace was estimated at 121 Tg ± 43 Tg, and the SOC pool of the active floodplains was estimated at 120 Tg ± 66 Tg. The mass of SOC stored within the observed seasonally thawed active layer was estimated at about 127 Tg assuming an average maximum active layer depth of 50 cm. The SOC mass which is stored in the perennially frozen ground at the increment 50-100 cm soil depth, which is currently excluded from intense biogeochemical exchange with the atmosphere, was estimated at 113 Tg. The mean nitrogen (N) stocks for the upper 1 m of soils were estimated at 1.2 kg/m**2 ± 0.4 kg/m**2 for the Holocene river terrace and at 0.9 kg/m**2 ± 0.4 kg/m**2 for the active floodplain levels, respectively. For the depth of 1 m, the total N pool of the river terrace was estimated at 4.8 Tg ± 1.5 Tg, and the total N pool of the floodplains was estimated at 7.7 Tg ± 3.6 Tg. Considering the projections for deepening of the seasonally thawed active layer up to 120 cm in the Lena River Delta region within the 21st century, these large carbon and nitrogen stocks could become increasingly available for decomposition and mineralization processes.
Transition of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb into solution is studied for experimental suspensions of coastal marine sediments with different degrees of pollution from the Amur Bay (Sea of Japan) over 30-70 days. Concentrations of dissolved metals were measured by a voltammetry method. Transition of Zn and Cd into solution was shown to be linearly dependent on initial pollution of sediments with these metals. Cadmium mobilization is due to gradual degradation of organic matter from sediments. Under degradation processes Zn quickly goes into solution during sedimentation and from silts, while in case of polluted sediments it is slowly mobilized during oxidation of sulfides. Behavior of Cu is complex because of binding of mobilized metal by dissolved organic compounds. Transition of lead into solution is negligible. Calculation of potential transition of metals from sediments into water on the basis of experimental data and its comparison with downward sedimentary flux showed that in the studied area secondary pollution of water by aerobic degradation of sediments is possible only for Cd.
Interstitial water samples from Leg 129, Sites 800, 801, and 802 in the Pigafetta and Mariana basins (central western Pacific), have been analyzed for major elements, B, Li, Mn, Sr, and 87Sr/86Sr. At all sites waters show enrichment in Ca and Sr and are depleted in Mg, K, Na, SO4, B, alkalinity, and 87Sr compared to seawater. These changes are related to alteration of basaltic material into secondary smectite and zeolite and recrystallization of biogenic carbonate. Water concentration depth profiles are characterized by breaks due to the presence of barriers to diffusion such as chert layers at Sites 800 and 801 and highly cemented volcanic ash at Site 802. In Site 800, below a chert layer, concentration depth profiles are vertical and reflect slight alteration of volcanic matter, either in situ or in the upper basaltic crust. Release of interlayer water from clay minerals is likely to induce observed Cl depletions. At Site 801, two units act as diffusion barrier and isolate the volcaniclastic sediments from ocean and basement. Diagenetic alteration of volcanic matter generates a chemical signature similar to that at Site 800. Just above the basaltic crust, interstitial waters are less evolved and reflect low alteration of the crust, probably because of the presence in the sediments of layers with low diffusivities. At Site 802, in Miocene tuffs, the chemical evolution generated by diagenetic alteration is extreme (Ca = 130 mmol, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7042 at 83 meters below seafloor) and is accompanied by an increase of the Cl content (630 mmol) due to water uptake in secondary hydrous phases. Factors that enhance this evolution are a high sediment accumulation rate, high cementation preventing diffusive exchange and the reactive composition of the sediment (basaltic glass). The chemical variation is estimated to result in the alteration of more than 20% of the volcanic matter in a nearly closed system.
The measurements were obtained during two North Sea wide STAR-shaped cruises during summer 1986 and winter 1987, which were performed to investigate the circulation induced transport and biologically induced pollutant transfer within the interdisciplinary research in the project "ZISCH - Zirkulation und Schadstoffumsatz in der Nordsee / Circulation and Contaminant Fluxes in the North Sea (1984-1989)". The inventory presents parameters measured on hydrodynamics, nutrient dynamics, ecosystem dynamics and pollutant dynamics in the pelagic and benthic realm. The research program had the objective of quantifying fluxes of major budgets, especially contaminants in the North Sea. In spring 1986, following the phytoplankton spring bloom, and in late winter 1987, at minimum primary production activity, the North Sea ecosystem was investigated on a station net covering the whole North Sea. The station net was shaped like a star. Sampling started in the centre, followed by the northwest section and moving counter clockwise around the North Sea following the residual currents. By this strategy, a time series was measured in the central North Sea and more synoptic data sets were obtained in the individual sections. Generally advection processes have to be considered when comparing the data from different stations. The entire sampling period lasted for more than six weeks in each cruise. Thus, a time-lag should be considered especially when comparing the data from the eastern and the western part of the central and northern North Sea, where samples were taken at the beginning and at the end of the campaign. The ZISCH investigations represented a qualitatively and quantitatively new approach to North Sea research in several respects. (1) The first simultaneous blanket coverage of all important biological, chemical and physical parameters in the entire North Sea ecosystem; (2) the first simultaneous measurements of major contaminants (metals and organohaline compounds) in the different ecosystem compartments; (3) simultaneous determinations of atmospheric inputs of momentum, energy and matter as important ecosystem boundary conditions; (4) performance of the complex measurement program during two seasons, namely the spring plankton bloom and the subsequent winter period of minimal biological activity; and (5) support of data analysis and interpretation by oceanographic and meteorological numerical models on the same scales.
Data on distribution of zoobenthos in the Kemskaya Guba (or Kemskaya Bay - the estuary of the Kem' River entering the Onega Bay of the White Sea), which is strongly influenced by river runoff, are presented. The number of species at sampling stations varied from 4 to 65. Density of communities and zoobenthos biomass varied from 342±68 to 4293±96 #/m**2 and from 0.418±0.081 to 1975.22±494.36 g/m**2, respectively. Shannon index values varied between 1.19 to 4.7 bit/ind. At the upper part of the estuary, detritivores dominated, while in the central part and at outlets sestonophages prevailed. Changes in quantitative parameters of the zoobenthos along gradient of water salinity were traced, and relations of these parameters with seven other environmental factors were revealed. It was found that species composition, biodiversity, and trophic structure of the zoobenthos significantly correlated with some of parameters mentioned above. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess combined effect of factors, and it revealed which of them played a determining role in Kemskaya Guba: for species composition - depth, water color, and total concentration of suspended matter; for number of species - contents of <0.01 mm grain size (pelite) fraction and organic carbon in bottom sediments. Biomass depended on water salinity, water chromaticity, and organic carbon contents in bottom sediments and suspended matter. Values of the Shannon index of diversity are determined by water color, and contents of organic carbon and pelite fraction in bottom sediments. Calculations of ecological stress values revealed two zones with unstable state of the zoobenthos.