995 resultados para Cahun, Claude


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George Gaskell and colleagues designed, analysed and interpreted the Eurobarometer 73.1 on the Life Sciences and Biotechnology as part of the research project Sensitive Technologies and European Public Ethics (STEPE), funded by the Science in Society Programme of the EC’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).


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Purpose: Obesity is an established independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease. Thus, measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is important in this population. Traditionally, GFR has been indexed for body surface area (BSA), but this indexation may not be appropriate in obese individuals. Therefore, the objective of the study was to compare absolute GFR with GFR indexed for BSA and with GFR indexed for height. Methods and materials: The study was conducted in 66 families from the Seychelles islands that included several members with hypertension. GFR and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) were measured using inulin and PAH clearances, respectively. Antihypertensive treatment, if used, was withheld 2 weeks before conducting the clearances. Participants with diabetes mellitus were excluded from the analysis. BSA was calculated using the Dubois formula. We assessed trend across BMI categories using a non parametric test. Results: Participants included 174 women and 127 men. The prevalence of hypertension was 61%, of which 68% were treated. The table shows that absolute GFR, GFR indexed for height, ERPF, filtration fraction were significantly higher across BMI categories. When GFR was indexed for BSA, the association between GFR and BMI categories was lost. Conclusion: Indexing GFR for BSA in overweight and obese individuals leads to a substantial underestimation of GFR. Filtration fraction, which does not depend on BSA, is higher in obese individuals, which suggests glomerular hyperfiltration. Indexing GFR for BSA therefore would mask the underlying glomerular hyperfiltration. As the number of nephrons does not increase with weight gain, absolute GFR represents a better marker of single nephron GFR and is more appropriate.


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Comment les enfants se représentent-ils Dieu ? En homme ou en femme? En ange traditionnel ou en super héros? La réponse se trouve dans les dessins de centaines d'enfants de Suisse, de Russie et du Japon qui ont répondu à la consigne : "as-tu déjà entendu le mot « Dieu »? Peux-tu me le dessiner?" Ces élèves de classes d'écoles publiques ou suivant un enseignement religieux se sont tous mis à la tâche, crayons de couleurs et feuille de papier en main. Près de 1000 dessins ont été récoltés dont 172 font ici l'objet d'une publication. Pour favoriser une compréhension large de la vision de Dieu chez l'enfant, leurs dessins se succèdent selon un ordre thématique. Les petits Japonais, Suisses et Russes utilisent le soleil, l'oiseau, l'abstraction, des figures humaines heureuses ou en colère pour représenter l'absolu. Chaque dessin est reproduit sur une page, accompagné par ce que dit l'enfant de sa représentation et par une brève interprétation du psychologue des religions. Un livre pour découvrir la diversité et la fraîcheur des représentations de Dieu chez les enfants de différentes cultures et traditions religieuses. Un livre pour adultes en enfants, à regarder ensemble.


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Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Rotter T, Kinsman L, James E, Machotta A, Gothe H, Willis J, Snow P, Kugler J. Clinical pathways: effects on professional practice, patient outcomes, length of stay and hospital costs. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010 Mar 17;(3):CD006632. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006632.pub2. PMID: 20238347.


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Since the year 2000, the concept of "bientraitance" (for which no equivalent term has yet emerged in either the English or German language) has gained widespread credence among educators, sociologists and health professionals in France and Belgium. This concept emphasizes a constructive approach to care and education rather than merely one of prevention of disasters. Applied in public health, and in particular to mental health promotion, the use of the concept of "bientraitance" can help promote both effectiveness and meaning in the design and planning of community interventions. The article presents an example of an intervention for children and adolescents in Fribourg, Switzerland. The underpinning hypothesis is that the children and youth groups (such as sports clubs, artistic and cultural associations, scouts and guides) represent largely untapped, or under-tapped, informal health resources with a favourable cost-effectiveness profile. "Bientraitance" criteria are used in selecting certain associations offering structured extracurricular group educational activities and collective out-of-school (or after school) programmes. Support is provided to the organisations selected for recruiting new members, in particular those with potentially lower levels of access, for example disabled children or new migrants. The results will be evaluated for the impact of participation in various out-of-school activities on health and health determinants from a prospective and comparative perspective. This paper shows how the concept of "bientraitance" can be useful in the development of a public health intervention.


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Acquis en 1765 lors de la vente par Gaspard-Moyse de Fontanieu de sa bibliothèque au roi; cf. Omont, Portefeuilles Fontanieu, 32; — ex -libris du XVIe s. "Claude Merlin" (222v)et "Symon Volyol" (223v)