917 resultados para COHERENT
Esta dissertação reflete sobre as concepções de ensino, língua e gramática que podem nortear o trabalho do professor de Língua Portuguesa, bem como sobre as contribuições que os PCN trouxeram para ensino da língua materna, uma vez que ressaltaram a necessidade de se trabalhar o texto em sala de aula. Propõe-se um trabalho de análise de textos produzidos por alunos, que não considere somente as questões gramaticais, mas, principalmente, os aspectos linguístico-discursivos de que o aluno/autor já dispõe para compor seu texto. O maior objetivo desta pesquisa é desmistificar o preconceito presente na ideia de que o aluno de escola pública, por, na maioria das vezes, não dominar a norma padrão da língua, é incapaz de produzir textos coerentes e criativos. Além disso, mostrar que a qualificação de um texto como bom ou ruim está ligada aos critérios de análise que são utilizados. Para tal pesquisa, foi escolhido o gênero conto, e seu subgênero, o reconto. O motivo de tal escolha se deu pelo fato de os alunos mostrarem simpatia por esse gênero e já estarem familiarizados com ele
Esta pesquisa terá como objetivo compreender a tese do monismo, isto é, a tese de que existe uma única substância cuja unidade é garantida pela compatibilidade entre sua natureza absolutamente infinita e a multiplicidade real dos seus infinitos atributos. Mas o monismo não é aceito por todos os intérpretes como não problemático, o que, se comprovado, levaria o sistema de Espinosa à ruína. No primeiro capítulo, através da crítica de um destes intérpretes, Ferdinand Alquié, será colocado o problema do monismo. De acordo com este intérprete, Espinosa não consegue estabelecer racionalmente a possibilidade da substância absoluta. Veremos que, não conseguindo conceber como os infinitos atributos podem constituir a essência de uma substância que seja única, Alquié conclui que a tese do monismo é incompatível com a estrutura argumentativa do primeiro livro da Ética. Após a exposição do problema do monismo apresentado a partir de Alquié, será realizada uma tentativa de resgatar a coerência interna da obra de Espinosa. Este estudo visará explicitar os conceitos de substância e atributo, procurando acompanhar as duas etapas da construção do monismo ao longo das onze primeiras proposições da Ética, a saber: (1) a prova de que há uma única substância por atributo; (2) a prova de que há uma única substância para todos os atributos. Para avançar na compreensão dos problemas ontológicos envolvidos na construção do monismo, e de como a posição de Espinosa só pode ser compreendida a partir de uma transformação profunda dos conceitos herdados do cartesianismo, a pesquisa privilegiará as interpretações magistrais propostas por Martial Gueroult (Spinoza, I, Dieu; Aubier-Montaigne, Paris, 1968) e Gilles Deleuze (Spinoza et le problème de l'expression; Les Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1968). Estes intérpretes realizam cada um ao seu modo uma genealogia da substância absolutamente infinita e apresentam soluções que permitem pensar a tese do monismo como coerente. Estas soluções serão apresentadas e avaliadas para que se saiba em que medida elas conseguem expor o problema do monismo e solucioná-lo de maneira plausível.
A perda de vegetação natural e o aumento das superfícies impermeáveis decorrentes da expansão urbana têm mostrado que os tradicionais sistemas de drenagem urbana são insuficientes e pouco adaptáveis às alterações de uso do solo. Uma das consequências disso é o aumento da velocidade do escoamento superficial (runoff) que favorece as inundações, com enormes prejuízos materiais e ambientais. As inundações ocorrem geralmente quando ha ocorrência de chuvas de alta intensidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a contribuição dos telhados verdes modulares submetidos a chuvas de alta intensidade, 155mm/h com duração de 7,0 minutos para retenção e retardo do escoamento superficial. Além disso, foram determinados valores para parâmetros de modelos clássicos chuva-vazão: Método Racional (C) e CN (SCS), que poderá, futuramente, servir de modelagem hidrológica dos impactos da adoção de telhados verdes no controle das enchentes urbanas. A metodologia adotada foi de natureza experimental e envolveu a construção de bancadas com inclinação regulável para suporte dos módulos experimentais e um sistema para indução de chuvas com intensidade controlada. Foram estudados três modelos de sistema modular para telhado verde que permitem o armazenamento de água no fundo da bandeja que compõe os módulos, sendo 2 de 17,0 L (M-17 e F-17) e 1 de 4,0 L (M-4), nas condições de solo seco e solo úmido. Em cada módulo vegetado foram utilizadas 3 espécies de vegetação: Portulaca oleracea (Onze horas), Callisia repens (Dinheiro em penca) e Apnia cordfolia (Rosinha do sol). Os resultados demonstraram que os volumes retidos, calculados a partir da observação do runoff, nas diferentes situações, foram coerentes entre si e com dados relatados na literatura. Os módulos vegetados produziram os melhores resultados com solo seco e os piores resultados com solo úmido. O percentual médio de retenção, considerando todos os tipos de módulos, foi de 58% do volume total de água induzida, com retardo médio de 12 minutos no runoff. Os valores médios de C (Método Racional) foram 0,4, 0,48, 0,36, para os módulos M-17, M-4 e F-17, respectivamente e os de CN (SCS) foram 93, 95, 93, para os mesmos módulos. Conforme esperado, os maiores valores de CN foram para solos úmidos, mantendo a relação que quanto menor o volume retido, maior o runoff e o CN. O módulo F-17 foi o que apresentou melhor desempenho em todos os aspectos (redução do escoamento, retenção hídrica e retardo do runoff). Este estudo demonstra a boa contribuição que esse tipo de sistema pode proporcionar na retenção e retardo do escoamento superficial, mesmo para chuvas intensas de curta duração, principalmente após período de curta estiagem, situação comum em locais de clima tropical. Futuros estudos deverão avaliar o desempenho dos sistemas modulares de telhados verdes com outras características e intensidades de chuvas. A adoção de telhados verdes deve ser cautelosa, sobretudo pela carga extra que esse tipo de sistema representa.
Inúmeras são as formas de entendermos uma imagem, analisando as mesmas dentro de uma coleção didática de historia de segundo segmento, procuramos analisar de maneira imparcial e coerente o impacto gerado pela lei 10639/03 sobre tal material e seus objetivos quanto à resignificação do negro dentro da história do Brasil. Para isso abrimos dialogo com teóricos que nos auxiliaram a entender a amplitude do conceito de imagem, tal como buscamos o debate a cerca da importância da mesma para o ensino de história, para tal buscamos mapear as atividades legislativas relacionadas à referida lei, e os programas governamentais que fomentam a produção editorial didática no Brasil. Diante desse caminho enfrentamos caminhos tortuosos e contraditórios, mas que nos levaram a deliberar a necessidade de novos estudos, esses mais amplos no que concerne o campo de pesquisa e mais aprofundado no que se refere ao próprio conceito de imagem, e a questão de resignificação do negro. Contudo podemos dizer que a presente pesquisa se mostra um material que como o próprio título refere-se contribuído para o estudo da imagem do negro e percebemos os avanços e permanências encontrados nos livros didáticos de historia após o ano de 2003.
Low-temperature (∼450 °C), scalable chemical vapor deposition of predominantly monolayer (74%) graphene films with an average D/G peak ratio of 0.24 and domain sizes in excess of 220 μm(2) is demonstrated via the design of alloy catalysts. The admixture of Au to polycrystalline Ni allows a controlled decrease in graphene nucleation density, highlighting the role of step edges. In situ, time-, and depth-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction reveal the role of subsurface C species and allow a coherent model for graphene formation to be devised.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Examining secular changes in relative sea level along the U.S. west coast, we have identified strong tectonic signals. Tectonism exists not only on a coherent plate-wide scale (assuming a rigid plate approximation), but also on a sub-plate scale. In fact, differential tectonism between exotic or suspect geological terrain explains much of the spatial patterns of west coast tide-gauge data. Peltier's isostatic model appears not to explain the spatial pattern, implying glacio-isostatic adjustment is not the dominant contribution to the low-frequency signals. Eustatic effects cannot be identified unambiguously. These studies suggest several major questions/observations with regard to relative sea-level studies ...
We examine monthly and seasonal patterns of precipitation across various elevations of the eastern Central Valley of California and the Sierra Nevada. A measure of the strength of the orographic effect called the “precipitation ratio” is calculated, and we separate months into four groups based on being wet or dry and having low or high precipitation ratios. Using monthly maps of mean 700-mb height anomalies, we describe the northern hemisphere mid-tropospheric circulation patterns associated with each of the four groups. Wet months are associated with negative height anomalies over the eastern Pacific, as expected. However, the orientation of the trough is different for years with high and low precipitation ratios. Wet months with high ratios typically have circulation patterns factoring a west-southwest to east-northeast storm track from around the Hawaiian Islands to the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Wet months with low precipitation ratios are associated with a trough centered near the Aleutians and a northwest to southeast storm track. Dry months are marked by anticyclones in the Pacific, but this feature is more localized to the eastern Pacific for months with low precipitation ratios than for those with high ratios. Using precipitation gauge and snow course data from the American River and Truckee-Tahoe basins, we determined that the strength of the orographic effect on a seasonal basis is spatially coherent at low and high elevations and on opposite sides of the Sierra Nevada crestline.
The summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, is overexploited and is currently at very low levels of abundance. This is reflected in the compressed age structure of the population and the low catches in both commercial and recreational fisheries. Declining habitat quantity and quality may be contributing to these declines, however we lack a thorough understanding of the role of habitats in the population dynamics of this species. Stock structure is unresolved and current interpretations, depending on the technique and study area, suggest that there may be two or three spawning populations. If so, these stocks may have differing habitat requirements. In response to this lack of knowledge, this document summarizes and synthesizes the available information on summer flounder habitat in all life history stages (eggs, larvae, juveniles and adults) and identifies areas where further research is needed. Several levels of investigation were conducted in order to produce this document. First, an extensive search for summer flounder habitat information was made, which included both the primary and gray literature as well as unanalyzed data. Second, state and federal fisheries biologists and resource managers in all states within the primary range of summer flounder (Massachusetts to Florida) were interviewed along with a number of fish ecologists and summer flounder experts from the academic and private sectors. Finally, information from all sources was analyzed and synthesized to form a coherent overview. This document first presents an overview of the economic importance and current status of summer flounder (Chapter 1). It then summarizes our present state of knowledge of summer flounder distribution, life history patterns and stock identification (Chapter 2). This is followed by a synopsis of habitat requirements during each life history stage. For convenience, this is presented by general habitat as offshore eggs (Chapter 3), offshore larvae (Chapter 4), estuarine larvae (Chapter 5), estuarine juveniles (Chapter 6), offshore juveniles (Chapter 7) and estuarine and offshore adults (Chapter 8). In several instances, previously undigested data sets are analyzed to provide more detailed information, especially for estuarine juveniles. The information is then discussed in terms of its relevance to resource managers (Chapter 9).
Cross-spectral analysis of regional tree-ring data suggests the spatial pattern of correlation between moisture variations in the Sierra Nevada of central California and in other parts of the western United States is frequency dependent. Short wavelengths (2.8 to 10.7 years), perhaps associated with El Niño/Southern Oscillation, are strongly coherent both to the north (Oregon) and to the south (Southern California). Longer wavelengths (45 to 75 years) are strongly coherent only to the north. Frequency bands corresponding to annual sunspot series were associated with relatively weak patterns of spatial correlation.
Coherent coupling between a large number of qubits is the goal for scalable approaches to solid state quantum information processing. Prototype systems can be characterized by spectroscopic techniques. Here, we use pulsed-continuous wave microwave spectroscopy to study the behavior of electrons trapped at defects within the gate dielectric of a sol-gel-based high-k silicon MOSFET. Disorder leads to a wide distribution in trap properties, allowing more than 1000 traps to be individually addressed in a single transistor within the accessible frequency domain. Their dynamical behavior is explored by pulsing the microwave excitation over a range of times comparable to the phase coherence time and the lifetime of the electron in the trap. Trap occupancy is limited to a single electron, which can be manipulated by resonant microwave excitation and the resulting change in trap occupancy is detected by the change in the channel current of the transistor. The trap behavior is described by a classical damped driven simple harmonic oscillator model, with the phase coherence, lifetime and coupling strength parameters derived from a continuous wave (CW) measurement only. For pulse times shorter than the phase coherence time, the energy exchange between traps, due to the coupling, strongly modulates the observed drain current change. This effect could be exploited for 2-qubit gate operation. The very large number of resonances observed in this system would allow a complex multi-qubit quantum mechanical circuit to be realized by this mechanism using only a single transistor.
The performance of 40 Gbit/s optical time-division multiplexed (OTDM) communication systems can be severely limited when the extinction ratio of the optical pulses is low. This is a consequence of the coherent interference noise between individual OTDM channels. When taken alone, the multiple quantum well-distributed feedback laser+dispersion compensating fiber source exhibits a relatively poor extinction ratio which impairs its potential for use in a 40 Gbit/s OTDM system. However, with the addition of an electroabsorption modulator to suppress the pulse pedestals to better than 30 dB extinction, coherent interference noise is reduced, the bit-error-rate performance is greatly improved, and the source shows good potential for 40 Gbit/s OTDM communication.
We propose an algorithm for semantic segmentation based on 3D point clouds derived from ego-motion. We motivate five simple cues designed to model specific patterns of motion and 3D world structure that vary with object category. We introduce features that project the 3D cues back to the 2D image plane while modeling spatial layout and context. A randomized decision forest combines many such features to achieve a coherent 2D segmentation and recognize the object categories present. Our main contribution is to show how semantic segmentation is possible based solely on motion-derived 3D world structure. Our method works well on sparse, noisy point clouds, and unlike existing approaches, does not need appearance-based descriptors. Experiments were performed on a challenging new video database containing sequences filmed from a moving car in daylight and at dusk. The results confirm that indeed, accurate segmentation and recognition are possible using only motion and 3D world structure. Further, we show that the motion-derived information complements an existing state-of-the-art appearance-based method, improving both qualitative and quantitative performance. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
In this paper, we review our recent experimental work on coherent and blue phase liquid crystal lasers.We will present results on thin-film photonic band edge lasing devices using dye-doped low molar mass liquid crystals in self-organised chiral nematic and blue phases. We show that high Q-factor lasers can be achieved in these materials and demonstrate that a single mode output with a very narrow line width can be readily achievable in well-aligned mono-domain samples. Further, we have found that the performance of the laser, i.e. the slope efficiency and the excitation threshold, are dependent upon the physical parameters of the low molar mass chiral nematic liquid crystals. Specifically, slope efficiencies greater than 60% could be achieved depending upon the materials used and the device geometry employed. We will discuss the important parameters of the liquid crystal host/dye guest materials and device configuration that are needed to achieve such high slope efficiencies. Further we demonstrate how the wavelength of the laser can be tuned using an in-plane electric field in a direction perpendicular to the helix axis via a flexoelectric mechanism as well as thermally using thermochromic effects. We will then briefly outline data on room temperature blue phase lasers and further show how liquid crystal/lenslet arrays have been used to demonstrate 2D laser emission of any desired wavelength. Finally, we present preliminary data on LED/incoherent pumping of RG liquid crystal lasers leading to a continuous wave output. © 2009 SPIE.
We have investigated the magnetization reversal process of a single chain of identical nanomagnetic dots fabricated from 30 nm thick Ni 80Fe20. The structures consist of two 5 μm wide support wires bridged with a single chain of identical dots of diameter δ in the range 100-250 nm. For fields applied perpendicular to the single chain, we observed an unusual size dependent hysteretic behavior in the magnetoresistance curve at high field. This is due to the magnetostatic interaction arising from the proximity of the magnetic charges. We are able to deduce from a simple micromagnetic simulation that the reversal process in the chain of dots with δ=100nm is mediated by a collective process of nearly coherent spin rotation. The magnetotransport measurements along the chain reveal a complex magnetization reversal process in the chain of nanomagnets. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.
The decomposition of experimental data into dynamic modes using a data-based algorithm is applied to Schlieren snapshots of a helium jet and to time-resolved PIV-measurements of an unforced and harmonically forced jet. The algorithm relies on the reconstruction of a low-dimensional inter-snapshot map from the available flow field data. The spectral decomposition of this map results in an eigenvalue and eigenvector representation (referred to as dynamic modes) of the underlying fluid behavior contained in the processed flow fields. This dynamic mode decomposition allows the breakdown of a fluid process into dynamically revelant and coherent structures and thus aids in the characterization and quantification of physical mechanisms in fluid flow. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.