952 resultados para CLOSED TIMELIKE CURVES
In the MPC literature, stability is usually assured under the assumption that the state is measured. Since the closed-loop system may be nonlinear because of the constraints, it is not possible to apply the separation principle to prove global stability for the Output feedback case. It is well known that, a nonlinear closed-loop system with the state estimated via an exponentially converging observer combined with a state feedback controller can be unstable even when the controller is stable. One alternative to overcome the state estimation problem is to adopt a non-minimal state space model, in which the states are represented by measured past inputs and outputs [P.C. Young, M.A. Behzadi, C.L. Wang, A. Chotai, Direct digital and adaptative control by input-output, state variable feedback pole assignment, International journal of Control 46 (1987) 1867-1881; C. Wang, P.C. Young, Direct digital control by input-output, state variable feedback: theoretical background, International journal of Control 47 (1988) 97-109]. In this case, no observer is needed since the state variables can be directly measured. However, an important disadvantage of this approach is that the realigned model is not of minimal order, which makes the infinite horizon approach to obtain nominal stability difficult to apply. Here, we propose a method to properly formulate an infinite horizon MPC based on the output-realigned model, which avoids the use of an observer and guarantees the closed loop stability. The simulation results show that, besides providing closed-loop stability for systems with integrating and stable modes, the proposed controller may have a better performance than those MPC controllers that make use of an observer to estimate the current states. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Model predictive control (MPC) is usually implemented as a control strategy where the system outputs are controlled within specified zones, instead of fixed set points. One strategy to implement the zone control is by means of the selection of different weights for the output error in the control cost function. A disadvantage of this approach is that closed-loop stability cannot be guaranteed, as a different linear controller may be activated at each time step. A way to implement a stable zone control is by means of the use of an infinite horizon cost in which the set point is an additional variable of the control problem. In this case, the set point is restricted to remain inside the output zone and an appropriate output slack variable is included in the optimisation problem to assure the recursive feasibility of the control optimisation problem. Following this approach, a robust MPC is developed for the case of multi-model uncertainty of open-loop stable systems. The controller is devoted to maintain the outputs within their corresponding feasible zone, while reaching the desired optimal input target. Simulation of a process of the oil re. ning industry illustrates the performance of the proposed strategy.
Several MPC applications implement a control strategy in which some of the system outputs are controlled within specified ranges or zones, rather than at fixed set points [J.M. Maciejowski, Predictive Control with Constraints, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2002]. This means that these outputs will be treated as controlled variables only when the predicted future values lie outside the boundary of their corresponding zones. The zone control is usually implemented by selecting an appropriate weighting matrix for the output error in the control cost function. When an output prediction is inside its zone, the corresponding weight is zeroed, so that the controller ignores this output. When the output prediction lies outside the zone, the error weight is made equal to a specified value and the distance between the output prediction and the boundary of the zone is minimized. The main problem of this approach, as long as stability of the closed loop is concerned, is that each time an output is switched from the status of non-controlled to the status of controlled, or vice versa, a different linear controller is activated. Thus, throughout the continuous operation of the process, the control system keeps switching from one controller to another. Even if a stabilizing control law is developed for each of the control configurations, switching among stable controllers not necessarily produces a stable closed loop system. Here, a stable M PC is developed for the zone control of open-loop stable systems. Focusing on the practical application of the proposed controller, it is assumed that in the control structure of the process system there is an upper optimization layer that defines optimal targets to the system inputs. The performance of the proposed strategy is illustrated by simulation of a subsystem of an industrial FCC system. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the results of experiments carried out in a laboratory-scale photochemical reactor on the photodegradation of different polymers in aqueous solutions by the photo-Fenton process. Solutions of three polymers, polyethyleneglicol (PEG), polyacrylamide (PAM), and polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP), were tested under different. conditions. The reaction progress was evaluated by sampling and analyzing the total organic carbon concentration in solution (TOC) along the reaction time. The behavior of the different polymers is discussed, based oil the evolution of the TOC-time curves. Under specific reaction conditions, the formation and coalescence of solid particles was Visually observed. Solids formation occurred simultaneously to a sharp decrease in the TOC of the liquid phase. This may be favorable for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing polymers, since the photodegradation process can be Coupled with solid separation systems. which may reduce the treatment cost. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The electrochemical behaviour of carbon steel coated with bis-[trimethoxysilylpropyl]amine (BTSPA) filled with silica nanoparticles in naturally aerated 0.1 mol L-1 NaCl solutions was evaluated. The coating was prepared by adding different concentrations of silica nanoparticles (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm) to the hydrolysis solution and then a second layer without silica nanoparticles was applied. The electrochemical behavior of the coated steel was evaluated by means of open-circuit potential (E-OC), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization curves. Surface characterization was made by atomic force microscopy (AFM), and its hydrophobicity assessed by contact angle measurements. EIS diagrams have shown an improvement of the barrier properties of the silane layer with the silica addition, which was further improved on the bi-layer system. However, a dependence on the filler concentration was verified, and the best electrochemical response was obtained for samples modified with 300 ppm of silica nanoparticles. AFM images have shown a homogeneous distribution of the silica nanoparticles on the sample surface; however particles agglomeration was detected, which degraded the corrosion protection performance. The results were explained on the basis of the improvement of the barrier properties of the coating due to the filler addition and on the onset of defective regions on the more heavily filled coatings allowing easier electrolyte penetration. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The impact of the titanium nitride (TIN) gate electrode thickness has been investigated in n and p channel SOI multiple gate field effect transistors (MuGFETs) through low frequency noise charge pumping and static measurements as well as capacitance-voltage curves The results suggest that a thicker TIN metal gate electrode gives rise to a higher EOT a lower mobility and a higher interface trap density The devices have also been studied for different back gate biases where the GIFBE onset occurs at lower front-gate voltage for thinner TIN metal gate thickness and at higher V(GF) In addition it is demonstrated that post deposition nitridation of the MOCVD HfSiO gate dielectric exhibits an unexpected trend with TIN gate electrode thickness where a continuous variation of EOT and an increase on the degradation of the interface quality are observed (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
In this study, oxide and nitride films were deposited at room temperature through the reaction of silicon Sputtered by argon and oxygen ions or argon and nitrogen ions at 250 and 350 W with 0.67 Pa pressure. It was observed that for both thin films the deposition rates increase with the applied RF power and decrease with the increase of the gas concentration. The Si/O and Si/N ratio were obtained through RBS analyses and for silicon oxide the values changed from 0.42 to 0.57 and for silicon nitride the Values changed from 0.4 to 1.03. The dielectric constants were calculated through capacitance-voltage curves with the silicon oxide values varying from 2.4 to 5.5, and silicon nitride values varying from 6.2 to 6.7, which are good options for microelectronic dielectrics. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we devise a separation principle for the finite horizon quadratic optimal control problem of continuous-time Markovian jump linear systems driven by a Wiener process and with partial observations. We assume that the output variable and the jump parameters are available to the controller. It is desired to design a dynamic Markovian jump controller such that the closed loop system minimizes the quadratic functional cost of the system over a finite horizon period of time. As in the case with no jumps, we show that an optimal controller can be obtained from two coupled Riccati differential equations, one associated to the optimal control problem when the state variable is available, and the other one associated to the optimal filtering problem. This is a separation principle for the finite horizon quadratic optimal control problem for continuous-time Markovian jump linear systems. For the case in which the matrices are all time-invariant we analyze the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the derived interconnected Riccati differential equations to the solution of the associated set of coupled algebraic Riccati equations as well as the mean square stabilizing property of this limiting solution. When there is only one mode of operation our results coincide with the traditional ones for the LQG control of continuous-time linear systems.
In this technical note we consider the mean-variance hedging problem of a jump diffusion continuous state space financial model with the re-balancing strategies for the hedging portfolio taken at discrete times, a situation that more closely reflects real market conditions. A direct expression based on some change of measures, not depending on any recursions, is derived for the optimal hedging strategy as well as for the ""fair hedging price"" considering any given payoff. For the case of a European call option these expressions can be evaluated in a closed form.
We consider in this paper the optimal stationary dynamic linear filtering problem for continuous-time linear systems subject to Markovian jumps in the parameters (LSMJP) and additive noise (Wiener process). It is assumed that only an output of the system is available and therefore the values of the jump parameter are not accessible. It is a well known fact that in this setting the optimal nonlinear filter is infinite dimensional, which makes the linear filtering a natural numerically, treatable choice. The goal is to design a dynamic linear filter such that the closed loop system is mean square stable and minimizes the stationary expected value of the mean square estimation error. It is shown that an explicit analytical solution to this optimal filtering problem is obtained from the stationary solution associated to a certain Riccati equation. It is also shown that the problem can be formulated using a linear matrix inequalities (LMI) approach, which can be extended to consider convex polytopic uncertainties on the parameters of the possible modes of operation of the system and on the transition rate matrix of the Markov process. As far as the authors are aware of this is the first time that this stationary filtering problem (exact and robust versions) for LSMJP with no knowledge of the Markov jump parameters is considered in the literature. Finally, we illustrate the results with an example.
Postural control was studied when the subject was kneeling with erect trunk in a quiet posture and compared to that obtained during quiet standing. The analysis was based on the center of pressure motion in the sagittal plane (CPx), both in the time and in the frequency domains. One could assume that postural control during kneeling would be poorer than in standing because it is a less natural posture. This could cause a higher CPx variability. The power spectral density (PSD) of the CPx obtained from the experimental data in the kneeling position (KN) showed a significant decrease at frequencies below 0.3 Hz compared to upright (UP) (P < 0.01), which indicates less sway in KN. Conversely, there was an increase in fast postural oscillations (above 0.7 Hz) during KN compared to UP (P < 0.05). The root mean square (RMS) of the CPx was higher for UP (P < 0.01) while the mean velocity (MV) was higher during KN (P < 0.05). Lack of vision had a significant effect on the PSD and the parameters estimated from the CPx in both positions. We also sought to verify whether the changes in the PSD of the CPx found between the UP and KN positions were exclusively due to biomechanical factors (e.g., lowered center of gravity), or also reflected changes in the neural processes involved in the control of balance. To reach this goal, besides the experimental approach, a simple feedback model (a PID neural system, with added neural noise and controlling an inverted pendulum) was used to simulate postural sway in both conditions (in KN the pendulum was shortened, the mass and the moment of inertia were decreased). A parameter optimization method was used to fit the CPx power spectrum given by the model to that obtained experimentally. The results indicated that the changed anthropometric parameters in KN would indeed cause a large decrease in the power spectrum at low frequencies. However, the model fitting also showed that there were considerable changes also in the neural subsystem when the subject went from standing to kneeling. There was a lowering of the proportional and derivative gains and an increase in the neural noise power. Additional increases in the neural noise power were found also when the subject closed his eyes.
Cr3C2-NiCr and WC-Ni coatings are widely used for wear applications at high and room temperature, respectively. Due to the high corrosion resistance of NiCr binder, Cr3C2-NiCr coatings are also used in corrosive environments. The application of WC-Ni coatings in corrosive media is 14 not recommended due to the poor corrosion resistance of the (pure Ni) metallic matrix. It is well known that the addition of Cr to the metallic binder improves the corrosion properties. Erosion-corrosion performance of thermal spray coatings is widely influenced by ceramic phase composition, the size of ceramic particles and also the composition of the metallic binder. In the present work, two types of HVOF thermal spray coatings (Cr3C2-NiCr and WC-Ni) obtained with different spray conditions were studied and compared with conventional micro-cracked hard chromium coatings. Both as-sprayed and polished samples were tested under two erosion-corrosion conditions with different erosivity. Tungsten carbide coatings showed better performance under the most erosive condition, while chromium carbide coatings were superior under less erosive conditions. Some of the tungsten carbide coatings and hard chromium showed similar erosion-corrosion behaviour under more and less erosive conditions. The erosion-corrosion and electrochemical results showed that surface polishing improved the erosion-corrosion properties of the thermally sprayed coatings. The corrosion behaviour of the different coatings has been compared using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization curves. Total material loss due to erosion-corrosion was determined by weight loss measurements. An estimation of the corrosion contribution to the total weight loss was also given. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study evaluates the possibility of replacing the hexavalent chromium passivation treatment used as a sealer after phosphating of carbon steel (SAE 1010) by a treatment with niobium ammonium oxalate (Ox). Samples of carbon steel (SAE 1010) after being phosphated in a zinc phosphate bath (PZn + Ni) were immersed in solution of niobium ammonium oxalate (250 mg L(-1) of Nb) either at pH 3.0 or pH 8.0. A passivation treatment with a solution with CrO(3) (200 mg L(-1) of Cr(6+)) was also used for reference. The corrosion resistance of the phosphated samples after passivation treatments was analyzed in a NaCl 0.5 mol L(-1) solution using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and anodic polarization curves. Salt spray tests were also performed to evaluate their corrosion resistance. The results showed that the highest corrosion resistance was obtained by passivation in a solution with (250 mg L(-1) of Nb) at pH 8.0. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, an axisymmetric two-dimensional finite element model was developed to simulate instrumented indentation testing of thin ceramic films deposited onto hard steel substrates. The level of film residual stress (sigma(r)), the film elastic modulus (E) and the film work hardening exponent (n) were varied to analyze their effects on indentation data. These numerical results were used to analyze experimental data that were obtained with titanium nitride coated specimens, in which the substrate bias applied during deposition was modified to obtain films with different levels of sigma(r). Good qualitative correlation was obtained when numerical and experimental results were compared, as long as all film properties are considered in the analyses, and not only sigma(r). The numerical analyses were also used to further understand the effect of sigma(r) on the mechanical properties calculated based on instrumented indentation data. In this case, the hardness values obtained based on real or calculated contact areas are similar only when sink-in occurs, i.e. with high n or high ratio VIE, where Y is the yield strength of the film. In an additional analysis, four ratios (R/h(max)) between indenter tip radius and maximum penetration depth were simulated to analyze the combined effects of R and sigma(r) on the indentation load-displacement curves. In this case, or did not significantly affect the load curve exponent, which was affected only by the indenter tip radius. On the other hand, the proportional curvature coefficient was significantly affected by sigma(r) and n. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vessel dynamic positioning (DP) systems are based on conventional PID-type controllers and an extended Kalman filter. However, they present a difficult tuning procedure, and the closed-loop performance varies with environmental or loading conditions since the dynamics of the vessel are eminently nonlinear. Gain scheduling is normally used to address the nonlinearity of the system. To overcome these problems, a sliding mode control was evaluated. This controller is robust to variations in environmental and loading conditions, it maintains performance and stability for a large range of conditions, and presents an easy tuning methodology. The performance of the controller was evaluated numerically and experimentally in order to address its effectiveness. The results are compared with those obtained from conventional PID controller. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.