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BACKGROUND: There is a lack of studies about how to proceed surgically in rare strabismus diseases. It was the aim of this study to inteview experienced German-speaking strabismologists about how they perform surgery in rare but also some frequent strabismic conditions. The focus was on the choice of the technique, the timing, and the dosage. METHOD: A validated questionnaire was sent to 11 experienced strabismus surgeons. It contained questions about the following topics: congenital fibrosis syndrome, Jaentsch-Brown syndrome, intermittent exotropia, maximum dosage for rectus muscle surgery, Kestenbaum surgery, sixth nerve palsy, heterophorias, myokymia of the superior oblique muscle, thyroid endocrine orbitopathy, dissociated vertical deviation, adjustable sutures, advancement of previously recessed rectus muscles, retroequatorial myopiexia, and congenital esotropia. RESULTS: Ten experts answered the questionnaire (91 %). There was a large consent for many topics. However, for many procedures there was disagreement about the dosage and the timing. Since some questions addressed rare diseases and many strabismologists use only certain types of surgical procedures, some questions could only be answered by a few surgeons. CONCLUSIONS: German-speaking strabismologist show a large consensus about the type of surgical procedure to use, but often disagree about the dosage and timing of the operation.


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BACKGROUND: Sepsis is a threatening postoperative complication especially in small infants. Regarding the advances in perinatal medicine, its incidence is unknown to date. We aimed to investigate the incidence, risk factors, laboratory findings and outcome of postoperative sepsis in infants younger than 6 months old. METHODS: We examined postoperative sepsis in babies below 6 months of age during a 4-year period at a tertiary pediatric institution. RESULTS: The rate of postoperative sepsis was 6.9%. Laparotomy with enterotomy, thoracotomy and diaphragmatic hernia repair (P<0.05, respectively) as well as low postnatal age and long operation time (P<0.001, respectively) were correlated with the incidence of sepsis. Significant independent predictors for the development of sepsis were the presence of a central venous catheter and perioperative antibiotic treatment (P<0.001, respectively). Coagulase negative Staphylococci were the major infecting organism associated with postoperative sepsis, accounting for 53% of monomicrobial infections. Complete blood counts with differential were not different between infants with sepsis and controls, who had undergone the same surgical procedures. Outcome was favorable in all cases; however, the length of hospital stay was significantly longer in sepsis patients (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative sepsis syndrome is a frequent complication in infants below 6 months of age and causes significant prolongation of hospital stay. Adequate prevention and therapeutic strategies warrant further prospective investigations.


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OBJECTIVES: To analyze the survival and success rates of implants installed utilizing the (transalveolar) osteotome technique, to compare peri-implant soft tissue parameters and marginal bone levels of osteotome-installed implants with implants placed using standard surgical procedures, and to evaluate patient-centered outcomes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During 2000 to 2005, 252 Straumann dental implants were inserted in 181 patients. The surgical technique was a modification of the original osteotome technique presented by Summers. In addition to the clinical examination, the patients were asked to give their perception of the surgical procedure, utilizing a visual analogue scale. RESULTS: The cumulative survival rate of the osteotome-installed implants after a mean follow-up time of 3.2 years, was 97.4% (95% confidence intervals: 94.4-98.8%). From the 252 implants inserted, three were lost before loading and another three were lost in the first and second year. According to residual bone height the survival was 91.3% for implant sites with < or =4 mm residual bone height, and 90% for sites with 4 mm and 5 mm, when compared with that of 100% in sites with bone height of above 5 mm. According to implant length the survival rates were 100% for 12 mm, 98.7% for 10 mm, 98.7% for 8 mm and only 47.6% for 6 mm implants. Soft tissue parameters (pocket probing depth, probing attachment level, bleeding on probing and marginal bone levels) did not yield any differences between the osteotome-installed and the conventionally placed implants. More than 90% of the patients were satisfied with the implant therapy and would undergo similar therapy again if necessary. The cost associated with implant therapy was considered to be justified. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the osteotome technique was a reliable method for implant insertion in the posterior maxilla, especially at sites with 5 mm or more of preoperative residual bone height and a relatively flat sinus floor.


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OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the survival rate and incidence of complications of furcation-involved multirooted teeth following periodontal therapy after at least 5 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Electronic and manual searches were performed up to and including January 2008. Publication selection, data extraction and validity assessment were performed independently by three reviewers. RESULTS: Twenty-two publications met the inclusion criteria. Because of the heterogeneity of the data, a meta-analysis could not be performed. The survival rate of molars treated non-surgically was >90% after 5-9 years. The corresponding values for the different surgical procedures were: Surgical therapy: 43.1% to 96%, observation period: 5-53 years. Tunnelling procedures: 42.9% to 92.9%, observation period: 5-8 years. Surgical resective procedures including amputation(s) and hemisections: 62% to 100%, observation period: 5-13 years. Guided tissue regeneration (GTR): 83.3% to 100%, observation period: 5-12 years. The most frequent complications included caries in the furcation area after tunnelling procedures and root fractures after root-resective procedures. CONCLUSIONS: Good long-term survival rates (up to 100%) of multirooted teeth with furcation involvement were obtained following various therapeutic approaches. Initial furcation involvement (Degree I) could be successfully managed by non-surgical mechanical debridement. Vertical root fractures and endodontic failures were the most frequent complications observed following resective procedures.


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OBJECTIVES: To analyze computer-assisted diagnostics and virtual implant planning and to evaluate the indication for template-guided flapless surgery and immediate loading in the rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients with an edentulous maxilla were selected for this study. The three-dimensional analysis and virtual implant planning was performed with the NobelGuide software program (Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden). Prior to the computer tomography aesthetics and functional aspects were checked clinically. Either a well-fitting denture or an optimized prosthetic setup was used and then converted to a radiographic template. This allowed for a computer-guided analysis of the jaw together with the prosthesis. Accordingly, the best implant position was determined in relation to the bone structure and prospective tooth position. For all jaws, the hypothetical indication for (1) four implants with a bar overdenture and (2) six implants with a simple fixed prosthesis were planned. The planning of the optimized implant position was then analyzed as follows: the number of implants was calculated that could be placed in sufficient quantity of bone. Additional surgical procedures (guided bone regeneration, sinus floor elevation) that would be necessary due the reduced bone quality and quantity were identified. The indication of template-guided, flapless surgery or an immediate loaded protocol was evaluated. RESULTS: Model (a) - bar overdentures: for 28 patients (70%), all four implants could be placed in sufficient bone (total 112 implants). Thus, a full, flapless procedure could be suggested. For six patients (15%), sufficient bone was not available for any of their planned implants. The remaining six patients had exhibited a combination of sufficient or insufficient bone. Model (b) - simple fixed prosthesis: for 12 patients (30%), all six implants could be placed in sufficient bone (total 72 implants). Thus, a full, flapless procedure could be suggested. For seven patients (17%), sufficient bone was not available for any of their planned implants. The remaining 21 patients had exhibited a combination of sufficient or insufficient bone. DISCUSSION: In the maxilla, advanced atrophy is often observed, and implant placement becomes difficult or impossible. Thus, flapless surgery or an immediate loading protocol can be performed just in a selected number of patients. Nevertheless, the use of a computer program for prosthetically driven implant planning is highly efficient and safe. The three-dimensional view of the maxilla allows the determination of the best implant position, the optimization of the implant axis, and the definition of the best surgical and prosthetic solution for the patient. Thus, a protocol that combines a computer-guided technique with conventional surgical procedures becomes a promising option, which needs to be further evaluated and improved.


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OBJECTIVE: Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), including JNK, p38, and ERK1/2, noticeably influence ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI). The complement inhibitor dextran sulfate (DXS) associates with damaged endothelium denudated of its heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) layer. Other glycosaminoglycan analogs are known to influence MAPK signaling. Hypothetically therefore, targeted intravascular cytoprotection by DXS may function in part through influencing MAPK activation to reduce IRI-induced damage of the vasculature. METHODS: IRI of the infrarenal aorta of male Wistar rats was induced by 90 minutes clamping followed by 120 minutes reperfusion. DXS (5 mg/mL) or physiologic saline (NaCl controls) was infused locally into the ischemic aortic segment immediately prior to reperfusion. Ninety minutes ischemia-only and heparinase infusion (maximal damage) experiments, as well as native rat aorta, served as controls. Aortas were excised following termination of the experiments for further analysis. RESULTS: DXS significantly inhibited IRI-induced JNK and ERK1/2 activation (P = .043; P =.005) without influencing the p38 pathway (P =.110). Reduced aortic injury, with significant inhibition of apoptosis (P = .032 for DXS vs NaCl), correlated with decreased nuclear factor kappaB translocation within the aortic wall. DXS treatment clearly reduced C1q, C4b/c, C3b/c, and C9 complement deposition, whilst preserving endothelial cell integrity and reducing reperfusion-induced HSPG shedding. Protection was associated with binding of fluorescein labeled DXS to ischemically damaged tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Local application of DXS into ischemic vasculature immediately prior to reperfusion reduces complement deposition and preserves endothelial integrity, partially through modulating activation of MAPKs and may offer a new approach to tackle IRI in vascular surgical procedures. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of dextran sulfate (DXS), a glycosaminoglycan analog and complement inhibitor, in modulating intracellular MAPK signaling pathways, reducing complement activation and ultimately attenuating ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) in a rat aortic-clamping model, in part a surrogate model to study the microvasculature. The study shows a role for DXS in ameliorating endothelial injury by reducing IRI-mediated damage and intravascular, local inflammation in the affected aortic segment. DXS may be envisaged as an endothelial protectant in vascular injury, such as occurs during vascular surgical procedures.


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BACKGROUND Neuronavigation has become an intrinsic part of preoperative surgical planning and surgical procedures. However, many surgeons have the impression that accuracy decreases during surgery. OBJECTIVE To quantify the decrease of neuronavigation accuracy and identify possible origins, we performed a retrospective quality-control study. METHODS Between April and July 2011, a neuronavigation system was used in conjunction with a specially prepared head holder in 55 consecutive patients. Two different neuronavigation systems were investigated separately. Coregistration was performed with laser-surface matching, paired-point matching using skin fiducials, anatomic landmarks, or bone screws. The initial target registration error (TRE1) was measured using the nasion as the anatomic landmark. Then, after draping and during surgery, the accuracy was checked at predefined procedural landmark steps (Mayfield measurement point and bone measurement point), and deviations were recorded. RESULTS After initial coregistration, the mean (SD) TRE1 was 2.9 (3.3) mm. The TRE1 was significantly dependent on patient positioning, lesion localization, type of neuroimaging, and coregistration method. The following procedures decreased neuronavigation accuracy: attachment of surgical drapes (DTRE2 = 2.7 [1.7] mm), skin retractor attachment (DTRE3 = 1.2 [1.0] mm), craniotomy (DTRE3 = 1.0 [1.4] mm), and Halo ring installation (DTRE3 = 0.5 [0.5] mm). Surgery duration was a significant factor also; the overall DTRE was 1.3 [1.5] mm after 30 minutes and increased to 4.4 [1.8] mm after 5.5 hours of surgery. CONCLUSION After registration, there is an ongoing loss of neuronavigation accuracy. The major factors were draping, attachment of skin retractors, and duration of surgery. Surgeons should be aware of this silent loss of accuracy when using neuronavigation.


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In contrast to the treatment of avulsion lesions of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) the management of intrasubstance ACL tears in the skeletally immature patient remains controversial. Prospective studies could show that conservative treatment results in severe instability with concomitant intraarticular damage and poor function of the knee. Reconstruction of a torn ACL always carries the risk of damaging the open growth plates; with consecutively affecting the longitudinal or axial growth of the lower extremity either on the femoral or the tibial side. Thus, several surgical procedures are available to prevent adverse events mentioned above. The purpose of this study is to review the recent literature regarding the treatment algorithm for ACL injuries in skeletally immature patients. This review will (1) investigate the indications for ACL surgery in children; (2) determine if a surgical procedure is clinically superior in skeletally immature patients; and (3) correlate the adverse events with the surgical technique.


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INTRODUCTION The mental foramen (MF) is an important landmark in dentistry. Knowledge of its position is central to perform block anesthesia of the mental nerve or to avoid nerve damage during surgical procedures in the premolar area of the mandible. The present radiographic study aimed at evaluating the location and dimension of the MF and measuring distances to neighboring structures by using limited cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). METHODS Sagittal, axial, and coronal CBCT images of 142 patients (26 bilateral and 116 unilateral cases) were retrospectively screened to determine the location of the MF with respect to adjacent teeth and to take linear measurements of the size of the MF and its distances to the upper and lower borders of the mandible. In addition, the course and angulation of the mental canal exiting the MF were assessed. RESULTS The majority of MF (56%) were located apically between the 2 premolars, and another 35.7% of MF were positioned below the second premolar. On average, the MF was localized 5.0 mm from the closest root of the adjacent tooth (range, 0.3-9.8 mm). The mean size of the MF showed a height of 3.0 mm and a length of 3.2 mm; however, individual cases showed large differences in height (1.8-5.1 mm) and in length (1.8-5.5 mm). All mental canals exiting the MF demonstrated an upward course in the coronal plane, with 70.1% of the mental canal presenting an anterior loop (AL) in the axial view. The mean extension of AL in cases with an AL was 2.3 mm. CONCLUSIONS This study is consistent with previous radiographic studies regarding size and location of MF and distances between MF and adjacent anatomic structures. The assessed bilateral cases showed a high intraindividual concordance for certain features when comparing right and left sides.


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HYPOTHESIS Facial nerve monitoring can be used synchronous with a high-precision robotic tool as a functional warning to prevent of a collision of the drill bit with the facial nerve during direct cochlear access (DCA). BACKGROUND Minimally invasive direct cochlear access (DCA) aims to eliminate the need for a mastoidectomy by drilling a small tunnel through the facial recess to the cochlea with the aid of stereotactic tool guidance. Because the procedure is performed in a blind manner, structures such as the facial nerve are at risk. Neuromonitoring is a commonly used tool to help surgeons identify the facial nerve (FN) during routine surgical procedures in the mastoid. Recently, neuromonitoring technology was integrated into a commercially available drill system enabling real-time monitoring of the FN. The objective of this study was to determine if this drilling system could be used to warn of an impending collision with the FN during robot-assisted DCA. MATERIALS AND METHODS The sheep was chosen as a suitable model for this study because of its similarity to the human ear anatomy. The same surgical workflow applicable to human patients was performed in the animal model. Bone screws, serving as reference fiducials, were placed in the skull near the ear canal. The sheep head was imaged using a computed tomographic scanner and segmentation of FN, mastoid, and other relevant structures as well as planning of drilling trajectories was carried out using a dedicated software tool. During the actual procedure, a surgical drill system was connected to a nerve monitor and guided by a custom built robot system. As the planned trajectories were drilled, stimulation and EMG response signals were recorded. A postoperative analysis was achieved after each surgery to determine the actual drilled positions. RESULTS Using the calibrated pose synchronized with the EMG signals, the precise relationship between distance to FN and EMG with 3 different stimulation intensities could be determined for 11 different tunnels drilled in 3 different subjects. CONCLUSION From the results, it was determined that the current implementation of the neuromonitoring system lacks sensitivity and repeatability necessary to be used as a warning device in robotic DCA. We hypothesize that this is primarily because of the stimulation pattern achieved using a noninsulated drill as a stimulating probe. Further work is necessary to determine whether specific changes to the design can improve the sensitivity and specificity.


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Purpose We compared the long-term results of minimally invasive endourological intervention and open surgical revision in patients with a nonmalignant ureteroileal stricture. Materials and Methods We retrospectively evaluated the records of 74 patients (85 renal units) treated for unilateral or bilateral nonmalignant ureteroileal strictures. Overall, 96 endourological and 35 open surgical procedures were performed. Balloon dilatation and Acucise® or Ho:YAG laser endoureterotomy were used as minimally invasive endourological interventions. Open surgical revision with stricture resection and open ureteroileal end-to-side-reanastomosis was the alternate therapy. Treatment success was defined as radiological normalization or improvement of upper urinary tract morphology combined with absent flank pain, infection, ureteral stents or percutaneous nephrostomies. Results Median followup was 29 months (range 2 to 177). The overall success rate was 26% (25 of 96 cases) for endourological intervention vs 91% (32 of 35) for open surgical revision (p <0.001). Subgroup analysis showed a significant difference in the success rate of minimally invasive endourological interventions vs open surgical revision for strictures greater than 1 cm (3 of 52 cases or 6% vs 19 of 22 or 86%, p <0.001). The success rate of endourological and open surgical procedures for strictures 1 cm or less was 50% (22 of 44 cases) and 100% (13 of 13), respectively. After adjusting for multiple preoperative stricture characteristics, only stricture length was strongly and inversely associated with a successful outcome (p <0.001). Conclusions Open surgical revision produces better results than minimally invasive endourological intervention for ureteroileal strictures, particularly those greater than 1 cm. The success rate of endourological intervention is acceptable only for ureteroileal strictures 1 cm or less. Therefore, ureteroileal strictures greater than 1 cm should be primarily managed by open surgical revision.


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BACKGROUND Mortality of patients with acute liver failure (ALF) is still unacceptably high. Available liver support systems are still of limited success at improving survival. A new type of albumin dialysis, the Hepa Wash® system, was newly introduced. We evaluated the new liver support system as well as the Molecular Adsorbent Recycling System (MARS) in an ischemic porcine model of ALF. METHODS In the first study animals were randomly allocated to control (n=5) and Hepa Wash (n=6) groups. In a further pilot study, two animals were treated with the MARS-system. All animals received the same medical and surgical procedures. An intraparenchymal intracranial pressure was inserted. Hemodynamic monitoring and goal-directed fluid therapy using the PiCCO system was done. Animals underwent functional end-to-side portacaval shunt and ligation of hepatic arteries. Treatment with albumin dialysis was started after fall of cerebral perfusion pressure to 45 mmHg and continued for 8 h. RESULTS All animals in the Hepa Wash group survived the 13-hour observation period, except for one that died after stopping treatment. Four of the control animals died within this period (p=0.03). Hepa Wash significantly reduced impairment of cerebral perfusion pressure (23±2 vs. 10±3 mmHg, p=0.006) and mean arterial pressure (37±1 vs. 24±2 mmHg, p=0.006) but had no effect on intracranial pressure (14±1 vs. 15±1 mmHg, p=0.72). Hepa Wash also enhanced cardiac index (4.94±0.32 vs. 3.36±0.25 l/min/m2, p=0.006) and renal function (urine production, 1850 ± 570 vs. 420 ± 180 ml, p=0.045) and eliminated water soluble (creatinine, 1.3±0.2 vs. 3.2±0.3 mg/dl, p=0.01; ammonia 562±124 vs. 1382±92 μg/dl, p=0.006) and protein-bound toxins (nitrate/nitrite 5.54±1.57 vs. 49.82±13.27 μmol/l, p=0.01). No adverse events that could be attributed to the Hepa Wash treatment were observed. CONCLUSIONS Hepa Wash was a safe procedure and improved multiorgan system failure in pigs with ALF. The survival benefit could be the result of ameliorating different organ functions in association with the detoxification capacity of water soluble and protein-bound toxins.


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Nail surgery is a special branch of hand and dermatologic surgery. It is not widely performed, and many physicians do not feel at ease to perform it. The objective of this contribution is to give a short overview of the most important surgical procedures in clinical practice. References from the literature and the author's own experiences are condensed to describe what a dermatologic practitioner with knowledge of the nail and some surgical skills can perform. Nail surgery is a precise technique that requires careful administration and attention to details. Proper patient preparation starts with a patient history to identify potential contraindications and to prevent unnecessary complications. The author recommends isopropyl alcohol scrub and chlorhexidine for disinfection and ropivacaine 1% for anesthesia. The technique used for anesthesia depends on the type of surgery. Surgical procedures are described for diagnostic biopsies, nail avulsion in general, onychogryposis, paronychia treatment, hematomas and bone fracture due to trauma, removal of subungual foreign bodies, ingrowing nails, pincer nails, warts, ungual fibrokeratomas, digital myxoid pseudocyst, subungual exostoses, and various tumors. If performed correctly with adequate skills, nail surgery will lead to functionally and aesthetically satisfying results in the majority of instances.


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The use of smaller surgical incisions has become popularized for total hip arthroplasty (THR) because of the potential benefits of shorter recovery and improved cosmetic appearance. However, an increased incidence of serious complications has been reported. To minimize the risks of minimally invasive approaches to THR, we have developed an experimental approach which enables us to evaluate risk factors in these procedures through cadaveric simulations performed within the laboratory. During cadaveric hip replacement procedures performed via posterior and antero-lateral mini-incisions, pressures developed between the wound edges and the retractors were approximately double those recorded during conventional hip replacement using Charnley retractors (p < 0.01). In MIS procedures performed via the dual-incision approach, lack of direct visualisation of the proximal femur led to misalignment of broaches and implants with increased risk of cortical fracture during canal preparation and implant insertion. Cadaveric simulation of surgical procedures allows surgeons to measure variables affecting the technical success of surgery and to master new procedures without placing patients at risk.


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BACKGROUND: Robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery (RALS) is evolving as an important surgical approach in the field of colorectal surgery. We aimed to evaluate the learning curve for RALS procedures involving resections of the rectum and rectosigmoid. METHODS: A series of 50 consecutive RALS procedures were performed between August 2008 and September 2009. Data were entered into a retrospective database and later abstracted for analysis. The surgical procedures included abdominoperineal resection (APR), anterior rectosigmoidectomy (AR), low anterior resection (LAR), and rectopexy (RP). Demographic data and intraoperative parameters including docking time (DT), surgeon console time (SCT), and total operative time (OT) were analyzed. The learning curve was evaluated using the cumulative sum (CUSUM) method. RESULTS: The procedures performed for 50 patients (54% male) included 25 AR (50%), 15 LAR (30%), 6 APR (12%), and 4 RP (8%). The mean age of the patients was 54.4 years, the mean BMI was 27.8 kg/m(2), and the median American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification was 2. The series had a mean DT of 14 min, a mean SCT of 115.1 min, and a mean OT of 246.1 min. The DT and SCT accounted for 6.3% and 46.8% of the OT, respectively. The SCT learning curve was analyzed. The CUSUM(SCT) learning curve was best modeled as a parabola, with equation CUSUM(SCT) in minutes equal to 0.73 × case number(2) - 31.54 × case number - 107.72 (R = 0.93). The learning curve consisted of three unique phases: phase 1 (the initial 15 cases), phase 2 (the middle 10 cases), and phase 3 (the subsequent cases). Phase 1 represented the initial learning curve, which spanned 15 cases. The phase 2 plateau represented increased competence with the robotic technology. Phase 3 was achieved after 25 cases and represented the mastery phase in which more challenging cases were managed. CONCLUSIONS: The three phases identified with CUSUM analysis of surgeon console time represented characteristic stages of the learning curve for robotic colorectal procedures. The data suggest that the learning phase was achieved after 15 to 25 cases.