985 resultados para CANDIDA
The role of T lymphocytes in host responses to sublethal systemic infection with Candida albicans was evaluated by mAb depletion of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells from BALB/c and CBA/CaH mice, which develop mild and severe tissue damage, respectively. Depletion of CD4(+) lymphocytes from BALB/c mice markedly increased tissue damage, but did not alter the course of infection. In CBA/CaH mice, depletion of CD4+ cells abrogated tissue destruction in both brain and kidney at day 4 after infection, and significantly decreased fungal colonization in the brain. However, the severity of tissue lesions increased relative to controls from day 8 onwards. A small increase in tissue damage was evident in both mouse strains after depletion of CD8(+) cells. There were no major differences between days 4 end 8 after infection in cDNA cytokine profiles of CD4(+) lymphocytes from either BALB/c or CBA/CaH mice. After passive transfer into infected syngeneic recipients, spleen cells from infected CBA/CaH mice markedly increased tissue damage when compared to controls, and also caused a significant increase in fungal colonization in the brain. A similar transfer in BALB/c mice increased the number of inflammatory cells in and around the lesions, but had no effect on the fungal burden in brain and kidney. The data demonstrate that both CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes contribute to the reduction of tissue damage after systemic infection with C. albicans, and that the development and expression of CD4(+) lymphocyte effector function is influenced by the genetic background of the mouse.
The inflammasome is an inducible cytoplasmic structure that is responsible for production and release of biologically active interleukin-1 (IL-1). A polymorphism in the inflammasome component NALP3 has been associated with decreased IL-1 levels and increased occurrence of vaginal Candida infection. We hypothesized that this polymorphism-induced variation would influence susceptibility to infertility. DNA was obtained from 243 women who were undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and tested for a length polymorphism in intron 2 of the gene coding for NALP3 (gene symbol CIAS1). At the conclusion of testing the findings were analyzed in relation to clinical parameters and IVF outcome. The frequency of the 12 unit repeat allele, associated with maximal inflammasome activity, was 62.3% in cases of female infertility vs. 75.6% in cases where only the male partner had a detectable fertility problem (p = 0.0095). Conversely, the frequency of the 7 unit repeat allele was 28.9% in those with a female fertility problem, 17.0% in women with infertile males and 18.4% in idiopathic infertility (p = 0.0124). Among the women who were cervical culture-positive for mycoplasma the frequency of the 7 unit repeat was 53.7% as opposed to 19.5% in those negative for this infection (p < 0.0001). We conclude that the CIAS1 7 unit repeat polymorphism increases the likelihood of mycoplasma infection-associated female infertility. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Candiduria is a hospital-associated infection and a daily problem in the intensive care unit. The treatment of asymptomatic candiduria is not well established and the use of amphotericin B bladder irrigation (ABBI) is controversial. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the best place for this therapy in practice. Methods: The databases searched in this study included MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and LILACS (January 1960-June 2007). We included manuscripts with data on the treatment of candiduria using ABBI. The studies were classified as comparative, dose-finding, or non-comparative. Results: From 213 studies, nine articles (377 patients) met our inclusion criteria. ABBI showed a higher clearance of the candiduria 24 hours after the end of therapy than fluconazole (odds ratio (OR) 0.57, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.32-1.00). Fungal culture 5 days after the end of both therapies showed a similar response (OR 1.51, 95% CI 0.81-2.80). The evaluation of ABBI using an intermittent or continuous system of delivery showed an early candiduria clearance (24 hours after therapy) of 80% and 82%, respectively (OR 0.87, 95% CI 0.52-1.36). Candiduria clearance at >5 days after the therapy showed a superior response using continuous bladder irrigation with amphotericin B (OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.29-0.94). The use of continuous ABBI for more than 5 days showed a better result (88% vs. 78%) than ABBI for less than 5 days, but without significance (OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.34-1.04). Conclusion: Although the strength of the results in the underlying literature is not sufficient to allow the drawing of definitive conclusions, ABBI appears to be as effective as fluconazole, but it does not offer systemic antifungal therapy and should only be used for asymptomatic candiduria. (C) 2008 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: We evaluated whether vaginal concentrations of hyaluronan were altered in women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC). STUDY DESIGN: Lavage samples from 17 women with acute RVVC, 27 women who were receiving a maintenance antifungal regimen, and 24 control women were tested for hyaluronan and interleukin (IL)-6, IL-12, and IL-23 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Median vaginal hyaluronan concentrations were 33.8 ng/mL (range, 21.6-66.3 ng/mL) in women with acute RVVC, 15.0 ng/mL (range, 11.2-50.6 ng/mL) in women who were receiving maintenance therapy, and 4.2 ng/mL (range, 3.6-12.0 ng/mL) in control subjects (P <= .02). The vaginal hyaluronan concentration was 27.4 ng/mL (range, 15.4-37.7 ng/mL) when Candida was detected by microscopy and 9.5 ng/mL (range, 7.7-14.6 ng/mL) in microscopy-negative cases (P = .0354). Elevated hyaluronan levels were associated with itching plus burning (40.7 ng/mL) or itching plus discharge (42.1 ng/mL), as opposed to itching only (6.2 ng/mL; P = .0152). Hyaluronan and IL-6 levels were correlated (P = .0009). CONCLUSION: Hyaluronan release is a component of the host response to a candidal infection and may contribute to symptoms.
Irritant contact dermatitis is the most prevalent diaper dermatitis and, probably, the most common cause of skin disease in infancy. The wearing of diaper leads to overhydration, increased local temperature and humidity. Constant maceration and prolonged contact with urine and stools makes the skin under the diaper more susceptible. There is often secondary infection due to Candida or bacteria, such as Bacillus faecallis, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus e Streptococcus. Oils, soaps, powders and ointments can be irritants and aggravate the rash. It is important to know the pathophysiology of the disease for appropriate treatment and prevention.
Precis Women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVC) due to a polymorphism in codon 54 of the MBL2 gene respond better to fluconazole maintenance therapy than do women with other underlying causes. Objective To explain differences in response rates to maintenance therapy with fluconazole in women suffering from RVC by evaluating associations with a polymorphism in the gene coding for mannose-binding lectin (MBL). Design Follow-up study, neted case-control group. Setting Women attending vulvoginitis clinic for RVC. Population Women participating in a multicentric study in Belgium with a degressive dose of fluconazole for RVC (the ReCiDiF trial) were divided into good responders, intermediate responders and nonresponders according to the number of relapses they experienced during therapy. From 109 of these women with adequate follow-up data, vaginal lavage with 2 ml of saline were performed at the moment of a proven acute attack at inclusion in the study, before maintenance treatment was started. A buccal swab was obtained from 55 age-matched women without a history of Candida infections, serving as a control group. Methods Extracted DNA from buccal or vaginal cells was tested for codon 54 MBL2 gene polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction and endonuclease digestion. Main outcome measures Frequency of MBL2 condon 54 allele B in women with optimal or poor response to maintenance therapy in composition with controls. Results Women (n = 109) suffering from RVC were more likely to carry the variant MBL2 codon 54 allele B than control women (20 versus 6.6%, OR 3.4 [95% CI 1.3-8.2], P = 0.01). B alleles were present in 25% of the 36 women not suffering from any recurrence during the maintenance therapy with decreasing doses of fluconazole (OR 4.9 [95% CI 1.9-12.5], P = 0.0007 versus controls), in 20% of the 43 women with sporadic recurrences (OR 3.6 [95% CI 1.4-9.2], P = 0.007 versus controls) and in 15% of the 30 women who had to interrupt the treatment regimen due to frequent relapses (P = 0.097 versus controls). Conclusions The MBL2 codon 54 gene polymorphism is more frequent in Belgian women suffering from RVC than in controls. The presence of the B allele is associated with a superior response to fluconazole maintenance therapy as compared with RVC patients without this polymorphism. We conclude that RVC due to deficient MBL production is more easily helped with antifungal medication than is RVC due to some other mechanism.
Infections caused by the yeast Candida albicans represent an increasing threat to debilitated and immunosuppressed patients, and neutropenia is an important risk factor. Monoclonal antibody depletion of neutrophils in mice was used to study the role of these cells in host resistance. Ablation of neutrophils increased susceptibility to both systemic and vaginal challenge. The fungal burden in the kidney increased threefold on day 1, and 100-fold on day 4, and infection was associated with extensive tissue destruction. However, a striking feature of the disseminated disease in neutrophil-depleted animals was the altered pattern of organ involvement. The brain, which is one of the primary target organs in normal mice, was little affected. There was a threefold increase in the number of organisms recovered from the brains of neutrophil-depleted mice on day 4 after infection, but detectable abscesses were rare. In contrast, the heart, which in normal mice shows only minor lesions, developed severe tissue damage following neutrophil depletion. Mice deficient in C5 demonstrated both qualitative and quantitative increases in the severity of infection after neutrophil depletion when compared with C5-sufficient strains. The results are interpreted as reflecting organ-specific differences in the mechanisms of host resistance.
Tissue damage in the kidney and brain after systemic infection with Candida albicans was examined in recombinant inbred strains (AKXL) derived from AKR and C57/L progenitors. Nine of the 15 strains showed mild (C57/L-like) tissue damage. Of the remainder, two strains developed lesions comparable to the AKR parental strain, whereas four exhibited a much move severe pattern of tissue damage. This was characterized by pronounced mycelial growth in the brain, and gross oedema of the kidney, with extensive fungal colonization and marked tissue destruction. The presence of the null allele of the haemolytic complement gene (Hc) may be necessary but not sufficient, for the expression of the very severe lesions. The results were interpreted as reflecting the actions of two independent genes, which have been designated Carg1 and Carg2 (Candida albicans resistance genes 1 and 2). (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Background: Adrenocortical tumors are heterogeneous neoplasms with incompletely understood pathogenesis. IGF-II overexpression has been consistently demonstrated in adult adrenocortical carcinomas. Objectives: The objective of the study was to analyze expression of IGF-II and its receptor (IGF-IR) in pediatric and adult adrenocortical tumors and the effects of a selective IGF-IR kinase inhibitor (NVP-AEW541) on adrenocortical tumor cells. Patients: Fifty-seven adrenocortical tumors (37 adenomas and 20 carcinomas) from 23 children and 34 adults were studied. Methods: Gene expression was determined by quantitative real-time PCR. Cell proliferation and apoptosis were analyzed in NCI H295 cells and a new cell line established from a pediatric adrenocortical adenoma. Results: IGF-II transcripts were overexpressed in both pediatric adrenocortical carcinomas and adenomas. Otherwise, IGF-II was mainly overexpressed in adult adrenocortical carcinomas (270.5 +/- 130.2 vs. 16.1 +/- 13.3; P = 0.0001). IGF-IR expression was significantly higher in pediatric adrenocortical carcinomas than adenomas (9.1 +/- 3.1 vs. 2.6 +/- 0.3; P = 0.0001), whereas its expression was similar in adult adrenocortical carcinomas and adenomas. IGF-IR expression was a predictor of metastases in pediatric adrenocortical tumors in univariate analysis (hazard ratio 1.84; 95% confidence interval 1.28 -2.66; P = 0.01). Furthermore, NVP-AEW541 blocked cell proliferation in a dose-and time-dependent manner in both cell lines through a significant increase of apoptosis. Conclusion: IGF-IR overexpression was a biomarker of pediatric adrenocortical carcinomas. Additionally, a selective IGF-IR kinase inhibitor had antitumor effects in adult and pediatric adrenocortical tumor cell lines, suggesting that IGF-IR inhibitors represent a promising therapy for human adrenocortical carcinoma.
Galectin-3 is a p-galactoside-binding lectin implicated in the fine-tuning of innate immunity. Rhodococcus equi, a facultative intracellular bacterium of macrophages, causes severe granulomatous bronchopneumonia in young horses and immunocompromised humans. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of galectin-3 in the innate resistance mechanism against R. equi infection. The bacterial challenge of galectin-3-deficient mice (gal3(-/-)) and their wild-type counterpart (gal3(+/+)) revealed that the LD50 for the gal3(-/-) mice was about seven times higher than that for the gal3(+/+) mice. When challenged with a sublethal dose, gal3(-/-) mice showed lower bacteria counts and higher production of IL-12 and IFN-gamma production, besides exhibiting a delayed although increased inflammatory reaction. Gal3(-/-) macrophages exhibited a decreased frequency of bacterial replication and survival, and higher transcript levels of IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-10, TLR2 and MyD88. R. equi-infected gal3(+/+) macrophages showed decreased expression of TLR2, whereas R. equi-infected gal3(-/-) macrophages showed enhanced expression of this receptor. Furthermore, galectin-3 deficiency in macrophages may be responsible for the higher IL-1 beta serum levels detected in infected gal3(-/-) mice. Therefore galectin-3 may exert a regulatory role in innate immunity by diminishing IL-1 beta production and thus affecting resistance to R. equi infection.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast cells can enter mammalian cells and may manipulate the host cell environment to favour their own growth and survival. Moreover, fibronectin and several other host extracellular matrix proteins are recognized by various components of the yeast cell extracts. The present study was designed to isolate and characterize a fibronectin-binding protein from P. brasiliensis. We also compared P. brasiliensis strain 18, tested before (Pb18a) and after (Pb18b) animal passage, in relation to its adhesion and invasion processes. Extracts from both samples, when cultured on blood agar solid medium, showed higher levels of protein expression than when the same samples were cultured on Fava-Netto solid medium, as demonstrated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE. Also, both Pb18a and Pb18b exhibited stronger adhesion to A549 epithelial cells when cultured on blood agar medium than when cultured on Fava-Netto medium. Ligand affinity binding assays revealed a protein of 54 kDa and pl 5.6 in P. brasiliensis cell-free extracts with the properties of a fibronectin-binding adhesin, which was characterized by tryptic digestion and mass spectroscopy as a homologue of enolase from P. brasiliensis. Antibody raised against this 54 kDa protein abolished 80 % of P. brasiliensis adhesion to A549 epithelial cells. Our results demonstrate that P. brasiliensis produces a fibronectin-binding adhesin, irrespective of the culture medium, and that this activity can be inhibited by a specific antibody and is involved in the adhesion of the fungus to pulmonary epithelial cells.
T-cell proliferative hypo responsiveness, a hallmark of paracoccidioidomycosis immune responses, underlies host`s failure in controlling fungus spread, being reversible with antifungal treatment. The mechanisms leading to this hypoproliferation are not well known. Since costimulatory molecules have been shown to profoundly regulate T-cell immune responses, we investigated the hypothesis that the determinants of the responder versus tolerant state may be the regulated expression of, or signaling by, costimulatory molecules. Expression of CD80, CD86, CD28, CD152, ICOS and PD-1 costimulatory molecules were examined on T-cells and monocytes harvested from stimulated and unstimulated PBMC cultures of active paracoccidioidomycosis patients and healthy individuals cured of past paracoccidioidomycosis. Stimuli were gp43, the immunodominant component of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, and a Candida antigen. While CD28 expression, critical for optimal T-cell activation, was comparable between patients and controls, CD152, PD-1 and ICOS, which preferentially deliver negative signaling, were overexpressed on patients` stimulated and unstimutated T-cells. PBMC cultures were carried out in presence of the respective blocking antibodies which, however, failed to restore T-cell proliferation. CD80 and CD86 were equally expressed on patients` and controls` monocytes, but overexpressed on patients` T-cells. Blockade with the respective blocking antibodies on day 4 of the culture also did not restore T-cell proliferation, while, on day 0, differentially inhibited Candida and gp43 responses, suggesting that different antigens require different costimulatory pathways for antigen presentation. Our data favors the hypothesis, raised from other foreign antigen models, that prolonged in vivo antigen exposure leads to an adaptive tolerance T-cell state which is hardly reverted in vitro. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease with a high prevalence and complex pathogenesis. The skin of AD patients is usually colonized by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus); its exotoxins may trigger or enhance the cutaneous inflammation. Several mediators are related to the AD immune imbalance and interleukin-18 (IL-18), an inflammatory cytokine, may play a role in the atopic skin inflammation. To evaluate peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) proliferation response to staphylococcal enterotoxins A (SEA) and B (SEB) and the levels of IL-18 in adults with AD. Thirty-eight adult patients with AD and 33 healthy controls were analysed. PBMC were stimulated with SEA and SEB, phytohemaglutinin (PHA), pokeweed (PWM), tetanus toxoid (TT) and Candida albicans (CMA). IL-18 secretion from PBMC culture supernatants and sera were measured by ELISA. A significant inhibition of the PBMC proliferation response to SEA, PHA, TT and CMA of AD patients was detected (P <= 0.05). Furthermore, increased levels of IL-18 were detected both in sera and non-stimulated PBMC culture supernatants from AD patients (P <= 0.05). A decreased PBMC proliferation response to distinct antigens and mitogens (TT, CMA, SEA and PHA) in adults with AD suggest a compromised immune profile. IL-18 secretion from AD upon stimulation was similar from controls, which may indicate a diverse mechanism of skin inflammation maintained by Staphylococcus aureus. On the other hand, augmented IL-18 secretion from AD sera and non-stimulated cell culture may enhance the immune dysfunction observed in AD, leading to constant skin inflammation.
Candidemia is associated with high morbidity and mortality resulting in significant increases in the length of patients` hospitalization and in healthcare costs. Critically ill patients are at particular risk for candidemia because of their debilitated condition and frequent need for invasive procedures. The aim of this study was to characterize the incidence and epidemiology of candidemia over a seven-year period in intensive care units (ICUs) and the use of fluconazole and caspofungin in a large university-affiliated hospital. All cases of candidemia were identified by surveillance, using the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention criteria. Demographic variables, use of antifungal (fluconazole and caspofungin) and patient outcomes were evaluated. The 2 test for linear trend was employed to evaluate the distribution of Candida spp. and the use of fluconazole and caspofungin by defined daily dose (DDD) per 1,000 patients-days during the study period. One hundred and eight episodes of candidemia were identified. The overall incidence of candidemia (P=0.20) and incidence of non-Candida albicans Candida infections (P=0.32) remained stable over the study period and ranged from 0.3-0.9 episodes per 1,000 catheter-days and 0.39-0.83 episodes per 1,000 patients-days. However, the use of fluconazole and caspofungin increased significantly (P0.001). While there were no reports of the use of fluconazole for prophylaxis in 1999, its use for this purpose increased from 3% in 2000 to 7.0% (P=0.07) in 2006. C. albicans was the most frequent specie isolated and burns and cancer were the most frequent underlying conditions. The overall mortality was 76%. There was no difference between C. albicans and non-C. albicans Candida infections when the crude and 14-day mortality rates were compared. Our data demonstrated that C. albicans is still the most frequent species causing candidemia in our intensive care units. Our rates of candidemia are lower than those reported from the region and similar to American and European hospitals. Although the incidence of blood stream infections (BSI) and candidemia remained stable, the use of fluconazole and caspofungin increased significantly over the years included in this study but had no impact on the incidence of infections caused by non-C. albicans Candida species.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate changes induced on the vagina of ovariectomized rats after treatment with soybean concentrated extract or conjugated equine estrogens and the association of both drugs. Methods: We conducted an experimental study with 50 ovariectomized rats that were randomly divided into five equal groups of 10 animals: GI received vehicle, GII received soybean concentrated extract 46 mg/kg per day, GIII received soybean concentrated extract 120 mg/kg per day, GIV received conjugated equine estrogens 50 mu g/kg per day, and GV received conjugated equine estrogens 50 mu g/kg and soybean concentrated extract 46 mg/kg per day. The substances were administered by gavage during 21 consecutive days. After that, the animals were killed under anesthesia and the vagina was removed for histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Data were initially submitted to analysis of variance. Whenever a significant difference was detected, the study was complemented with the Tukey-Kramer test for multiple comparisons. Results: GII did not show any differences on the vaginal epithelium or collagen compared with GI. GIII presented an increase in vaginal epithelium and collagen amount. GIV had the highest amount of collagen and the signals of vaginal proliferation. GV did not show any additional effect compared with GIV. Conclusions: Our data suggest that a high dose of isoflavone-rich soy extract may have positive effects on the vaginal structures of ovariectomized rats, but this action is less than that of estrogen treatment on vaginal thickness. In addition, soy extract may not block the estrogen effect on vaginal tissue.