908 resultados para Buffalo milk


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Soymilk was fermented using Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The soy yoghurt produced was evaluated in comparison to soymilk and commercial milk yoghurt by biological evaluation, rat growth, nitrogen balance assays and microbiological methods. Trypsin inhibitor activity and chemical composition were also determined for all samples. For the soy yoghurt, the growth and nitrogen balance values were not different from the control diet, but the nitrogen balance values were higher than for the soymilk, without significant difference in terms of growth assays. Compared to the commercial yoghurt, Net Protein Ratio and Nitrogen Utilization values were lower, but the Protein Efficiency Ratio, Biological Value and Net Protein Utilization values were equivalent, and for digestibility assays the best results were obtained with the soy yoghurt. The results indicated that soy yoghurt represents a good protein alternative to milk yoghurt and casein. The protein quality of soymilk evidently increased during the fermentation process using Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, including a reduction in trypsin inhibitor levels of about 30%.


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Studies investigating the use of random regression models for genetic evaluation of milk production in Zebu cattle are scarce. In this study, 59,744 test-day milk yield records from 7,810 first lactations of purebred dairy Gyr (Bos indicus) and crossbred (dairy Gyr × Holstein) cows were used to compare random regression models in which additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled using orthogonal Legendre polynomials or linear spline functions. Residual variances were modeled considering 1, 5, or 10 classes of days in milk. Five classes fitted the changes in residual variances over the lactation adequately and were used for model comparison. The model that fitted linear spline functions with 6 knots provided the lowest sum of residual variances across lactation. On the other hand, according to the deviance information criterion (DIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC), a model using third-order and fourth-order Legendre polynomials for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects, respectively, provided the best fit. However, the high rank correlation (0.998) between this model and that applying third-order Legendre polynomials for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects, indicates that, in practice, the same bulls would be selected by both models. The last model, which is less parameterized, is a parsimonious option for fitting dairy Gyr breed test-day milk yield records. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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Random regression models have been widely used to estimate genetic parameters that influence milk production in Bos taurus breeds, and more recently in B. indicus breeds. With the aim of finding appropriate random regression model to analyze milk yield, different parametric functions were compared, applied to 20,524 test-day milk yield records of 2816 first-lactation Guzerat (B. indicus) cows in Brazilian herds. The records were analyzed by random regression models whose random effects were additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual, and whose fixed effects were contemporary group, the covariable cow age at calving (linear and quadratic effects), and the herd lactation curve. The additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled by the Wilmink function, a modified Wilmink function (with the second term divided by 100), a function that combined third-order Legendre polynomials with the last term of the Wilmink function, and the Ali and Schaeffer function. The residual variances were modeled by means of 1, 4, 6, or 10 heterogeneous classes, with the exception of the last term of the Wilmink function, for which there were 1, from 0.20 to 0.33. Genetic correlations between adjacent records were high values (0.83-0.99), but they declined when the interval between the test-day records increased, and were negative between the first and last records. The model employing the Ali and Schaeffer function with six residual variance classes was the most suitable for fitting the data. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Hereditary myotonia caused by mutations in CLCN1 has been previously described in humans, goats, dogs, mice and horses. The goal of this study was to characterize the clinical, morphological and genetic features of hereditary myotonia in Murrah buffalo. Clinical and laboratory evaluations were performed on affected and normal animals. CLCN1 cDNA and the relevant genomic region from normal and affected animals were sequenced. The affected animals exhibited muscle hypertrophy and stiffness. Myotonic discharges were observed during EMG, and dystrophic changes were not present in skeletal muscle biopsies; the last 43 nucleotides of exon-3 of the CLCN1 mRNA were deleted. Cloning of the genomic fragment revealed that the exclusion of this exonic sequence was caused by aberrant splicing, which was associated with the presence of a synonymous SNP in exon-3 (c.396C>T). The mutant allele triggered the efficient use of an ectopic 5' splice donor site located at nucleotides 90-91 of exon-3. The predicted impact of this aberrant splicing event is the alteration of the CLCN1 translational reading frame, which results in the incorporation of 24 unrelated amino acids followed by a premature stop codon. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Milk production in tropical environments requires the use of crossbreeding systems including breeds well adapted to harsh conditions, but with lower productivities when compared to specialized breeds. Besides the genetic improvement for milk production, lactation lengths also need to be studied for most of these breeds. Accordingly, genetic parameters were estimated for 305-day cumulative milk yield (MY305), test-day milk yield (TDMY), and lactation length (LL) using information from the first lactations of 2816 Guzerat cows selected for milk production in 28 herds in Brazil. Contemporary groups were defined as herd, year and season of the test for TDMY, and as herd, year and season of calving for MY305 and LL. Variance components were estimated with the restricted maximum likelihood method under a multi-trait animal model. Heritabilities estimated for TDMY ranged from 0.16 to 0.24, and were 0.24 and 0.12 for MY305 and LL, respectively. Genetic correlations were high and positive, ranging from 0.51 to 0.99 among TDMY records, from 0.81 to 0.98 between each TDMY and MY305, and from 0.71 to 0.94 between each TDMY and LL. Genetic parameters obtained in this study indicated the possibility of using test-day records for the prediction of breeding values for milk yield in this population of the Guzerat breed. The use of TDMY as selection criteria would result in indirect gains in MY305 and LL. However, the highest response to selection for MY305 would be obtained by direct selection for this trait. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The use of cooling, without using adequate hygienic practices in primary milk production, allows for the growth of psychrotrophic microorganisms that produce the thermoresistant lipases that give milk a rancid flavor. This study aimed to verify how the variation in temperature influences the lipolytic metabolism of the psychrotrophic organisms. Samples of raw milk were collected and submitted to laboratorial analysis as follows: psychrotrophic bacteria count, lipolytic bacteria count, and free fatty acids dosage. Each sample was divided into 3 aliquots and then incubated at 4, 8, and 12 °C, respectively. For each temperature, analyses were repeated after 12, 24, and 48 h of storage. Despite the psychrotrophs growth increase, according to temperature rise, the lipolytic metabolism was not consistent and presented the lower index at 8 °C, suggesting an intensification of the proteolytic compensatory activity at this temperature. © 2013 Institute of Food Technologists®.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of inbreeding depression on traits of buffaloes from Brazil. Specifically, the traits studied were body weight at 205 and 365 days of age, average daily gain from birth to 205 days (ADG_205), average daily gain between 205 and 365 days (ADG205_365) in Mediterranean buffaloes, and milk yield, lactation length, age of first calving and calving intervals in Murrah buffaloes. Inbreeding effects on the traits were determined by fitting four regression models (linear, quadratic, exponential and Michaelis-Menten) about the errors generated by the animal model. The linear model was only significant (P<0.05) for growth traits (exception of ADG205_365). The exponential and Michaelis-Menten models were significant (P<0.01) for all the studied traits while the quadratic model was not significant (P>0.05) for any of the traits. Weight at 205 and 365 days of age decreased 0.25kg and 0.39kg per 1% of increase in inbreeding, respectively. The inbred animals (F=0.25) produced less milk than non-inbred individuals: 50.4kg of milk. Moreover, calving interval increased 0.164 days per 1% of increase in inbreeding. Interestingly, inbreeding had a positive effect on age at first calving and lactation length, decreasing age of first calving and increasing lactation length. © 2012 Japanese Society of Animal Science.


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Background: Mycobacterium spp. is one of the most important species of zoonotic pathogens that can be transmitted from cattle to humans. The presence of these opportunistic, pathogenic bacteria in bovine milk has emerged as a public-health concern, especially among individuals who consume raw milk and related dairy products. To address this concern, the Brazilian control and eradication program focusing on bovine tuberculosis, was established in 2001. However, bovine tuberculosis continues to afflict approximately 1,3 percent of the cattle in Brazil. In the present study, 300 samples of milk from bovine herds, obtained from both individual and collective bulk tanks and informal points of sale, were cultured on Löwenstein-Jensen and Stonebrink media. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based tests and restriction-enzyme pattern analysis were then performed on the colonies exhibiting phenotypes suggestive of Mycobacterium spp., which were characterized as acid-fast bacilli.Results: Of the 300 bovine milk samples that were processed, 24 were positively identified as Mycobacterium spp.Molecular identification detected 15 unique mycobacterial species: Mycobacterium bovis, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, M. intracellulare, M. flavescens, M. duvalii, M. haemophilum, M. immunogenum, M. lentiflavum, M. mucogenicum, M. novocastrense, M. parafortuitum, M. smegmatis, M. terrae and M. vaccae. The isolation of bacteria from the various locations occurred in the following proportions: 9 percent of the individual bulk-tank samples, 7 percent of the collective bulk-tank samples and 8 percent of the informal-trade samples. No statistically significant difference was observed between the presence of Mycobacterium spp. in the three types of samples collected, the milk production profiles, the presence of veterinary assistance and the reported concerns about bovine tuberculosis prevention in the herds.Conclusion: The microbiological cultures associated with PCR-based identification tests are possible tools for the investigation of the presence of Mycobacterium spp. in milk samples. Using these methods, we found that the Brazilian population may be regularly exposed to mycobacteria by consuming raw bovine milk and related dairy products. These evidences reinforces the need to optimize quality programs of dairy products, to intensify the sanitary inspection of these products and the necessity of further studies on the presence of Mycobacterium spp. in milk and milk-based products. © 2013 Franco et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The objective of this study was to isolate and identify the main staphylococcal species causing bovine mastitis in 10 Brazilian dairy herds and study their capability to produce enterotoxins. Herds were selected based on size and use of milking technology, and farms were visited once during the study. All mammary glands of all lactating cows were screened using the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and a strip cup. A single aseptic milk sample (20. mL) was collected from all CMT-positive quarters. Identification of Staphylococcus spp. was performed using conventional microbiology, and PCR was used to determine the presence of enterotoxin-encoding genes (sea, seb, sec, and sed). Of the 1,318 CMT-positive milk samples, Staphylococcus spp. were isolated from 263 (19.9%). Of these isolates, 135 (51%) were coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS) and 128 (49%) were coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). Eighteen different species of CNS were isolated, among which S. warneri, S. epidermidis and S. hyicus were the most frequent. The distribution of Staphylococcus species was different among herds: S. epidermidis was found in 8 herds, S. warneri was found in 7 herds, and S. hyicus in 6 herds. Some of the CNS species (S. saprophyticus ssp. saprophyticus, S. auricularis, S. capitis, and S. chromogenes) were isolated in only one of the farms. Genes related to production of enterotoxins were found in 66% (n = 85) of all CNS and in 35% of the CPS isolates. For both CNS and CPS isolates, the most frequently identified enterotoxin genes were sea, seb, and sec; the prevalence of sea differed between CPS (9.5%) and CNS (35.1%) isolates. Staphylococcus warneri isolates showed a greater percentage of sea than seb, sec, or sed, whereas S. hyicus isolates showed a greater percentage of sea than sec. Over 60% of CNS belonged to 3 major species, which carried 62.2 to 81.3% of the enterotoxin genes. The high prevalence highlights the potential for food poisoning caused by these species. For possible high-risk situations for food poisoning, such as milk produced with total bacterial counts greater than regulatory levels and stored under inappropriate temperatures, monitoring contamination with CNS could be important to protect human health. Because the prevalence of CNS intramammary infections in dairy herds is usually high, and these species can be found in great numbers in bulk milk, identification of risk factors for production of staphylococcal enterotoxins should be considered in future studies. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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Ghrelin is a gastrointestinal hormone that acts in releasing growth hormone and influences the body general metabolism. It has been proposed as a candidate gene for traits such as growth, carcass quality, and milk production of livestock because it influences feed intake. In this context, the aim of this study was to verify the existence of polymorphisms in the ghrelin gene and their associations with milk, fat and protein yield, and percentage in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). A group of 240 animals was studied. Five primer pairs were used and 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were found in the ghrelin gene by sequencing. The animals were genotyped for 8 SNP by PCR-RFLP. The SNP g.960G>A and g.778C>T were associated with fat yield and the SNP g.905T>C was associated with fat yield and percentage and protein percentage. These SNP are located in intronic regions of DNA and may be in noncoding RNA sites or affect transcriptional efciency. The ghrelin gene in buffaloes influences milk fat and protein synthesis. The polymorphisms observed can be used as molecular markers to assist selection. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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The aimed of this article is to measure risk factors on health and milk production on organic and conventional dairy goats in Brazil. Two experimental groups (organic and conventional) were evaluated simultaneously. The study design was completely randomized. The organic herd consisted of 25 goats and 15 kids. In the conventional production system, a dairy herd comprising 40 goats and 20 kids participated in the study. Data on milk production and health management were available from January 2007 to December 2009. The abortion rate in the conventional system was 5% (2/40) whereas in organic system no abortion was diagnosed (0/25). The mortality rate at weaning in the conventional system was 5% (2/40) and in the organic system was 8% (2/25). Milk production was lower (2.20 kg/day) in organic than conventional system (2.66 kg/day). Goats and kids in organic farm had a higher FEC (386±104 and 900±204, respectively) (p<0.05) than those in conventional farm (245±132 and 634±212, respectively). In addition, Saanen kids had higher FEC (p<0.001) than goats. Treatment with antiparasitic drugs was higher in conventional system (50%) than organic system (1.3%).


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The effects of shading and water sprinkling on physiological responses and milk production were studied in Holstein cows managed in an equatorial semi-arid region. Five cows were observed for 36 days during May and June 2009. We studied the effects of sun, shade, shade plus single sprinkling, shade plus sprinkling every 2. h and shade plus sprinkling every hour on physiological responses, i.e., rectal temperature, coat surface temperature and respiratory rate, and on milk production. Environmental variables, i.e., air temperature, black globe temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, were recorded every 30. min throughout the observation period. The statistical analysis utilized a 5×5 replicated latin square, and the results showed reduced values in physiological variables in cows that were protected from short wave radiation and that received water sprinkling; milk yield increased by approximately 3.5. kg in such animals relative to those not receiving such treatment. However, the milk yield for the morning milking presented similar mean values regardless of whether the animals received shading and sprinkling benefits, which indicates that frequency of sprinkling and amount of time (permanence) in the shade were critical for the effect on milk yield. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The gene responsible for coding the leptin hormone has been associated with productive and reproductive traits in cattle. In dairy cattle, different polymorphisms found in the leptin gene have been associated with several traits of economic interest, such as energy balance, milk yield and composition, live weight, fertility and dry matter consumption. The aim of this study was to detect genetic variability in the leptin gene of buffaloes and to test possible associations with milk yield, fat and protein percentages, age at first calving and first calving interval. Three genotypes (AA, AG and GG) were identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism, which presented genotypic frequencies of 0.30, 0.54 and 0.16, respectively. The allele frequencies were 0.57 for the A allele and 0.43 for the G allele. No significant effects were found in the present study, but there is an indicative that leptin gene affects lipid metabolism. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in mammals codes for antigen-presenting proteins. For this reason, the MHC is of great importance for immune function and animal health. Previous studies revealed this gene-dense and polymorphic region in river buffalo to be on the short arm of chromosome 2, which is homologous to cattle chromosome 23. Using cattle-derived STS markers and a river buffalo radiation hybrid (RH) panel (BBURH5000), we generated a high-resolution RH map of the river buffalo MHC region. The buffalo MHC RH map (cR5000) was aligned with the cattle MHC RH map (cR 12000) to compare gene order. The buffalo MHC had similar organization to the cattle MHC, with class II genes distributed in two segments, class IIa and class IIb. Class IIa was closely associated with the class I and class III regions, and class IIb was a separate cluster. A total of 53 markers were distributed into two linkage groups based on a two-point LOD score threshold of ≥8. The first linkage group included 32 markers from class IIa, class I and class III. The second linkage group included 21 markers from class IIb. Bacterial artificial chromosome clones for seven loci were mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes using single- and double-color hybridizations. The order of cytogenetically mapped markers in the region corroborated the physical order of markers obtained from the RH map and served as anchor points to align and orient the linkage groups. © 2012 The Authors, Animal Genetics © 2012 Stichting International Foundation for Animal Genetics.