989 resultados para Boundary-layer
It is proved that the simplified Navier-Stokes (SNS) equations presented by Gao Zhi[1], Davis and Golowachof-Kuzbmin-Popof (GKP)[3] are respectively regular and singular near a separation point for a two-dimensional laminar flow over a flat plate. The order of the algebraic singularity of Davis and GKP equation[2,3] near the separation point is indicated. A comparison among the classical boundary layer (CBL) equations, Davis and GKP equations, Gao Zhi equations and the complete Navier-Stokes (NS) equations near the separation point is given.
Singular fields at the tip of an interface crack in anisotropic solids are reviewed with emphasis on establishing a framework to quantify fracture resistance under mixed mode conditions. The concepts of mode mixity and surface toughness are unified by using generalized interface traction components. The similarity between the anisotropic theory and existing isotropic theory is shown. Explicit formulae are given for misoriented orthotropic bimaterials with potential applications envisioned including composite laminates and semiconductor crystals. Competition between crack extension along the interface and kinking into the substrate is investigated using a boundary layer formulation. Several case studies reveal the role of anisotropy. An explicit complex variable representation for orthotropic materials and a solution to a dislocation interacting with a crack are presented in two self-contained Appendices.
The problem of thermophoretic deposition of small particles onto cold surfaces is studied in two-dimensional and axisymmetric flow fields. The particle concentration equation is solved numerically together with the momentum and energy equations in the laminar boundary layer with variable density effect included. It is shown explicitly to what extent the particle concentration and deposition rate at the wall are influenced by the density variation effect for external flow past bodies. The general numerical procedure is given for two-dimensional and axisymmetric cases and is illustrated with examples of thermophoretic deposition of particles in flows past a cold cylinder and a sphere.
Ten kinds of the simplified Navier-Stokes equations (SNSE) are reviewed and also used to calculate the Jeffery-Hamel flow as well as to analyze briefly the seven kinds of flows to which the exact solutions of the complete Navier-Stokes equations (CNSE) have been found. Analysis shows that the actual differences among the solutions of the different SNSE can go beyond the range of the order of magnitude of Re-1/2 and result even in different flow patterns, therefore, how to choose the viscous terms included in the SNSE is worthy of notice where Re=S∞u∞ L/μ∞ is the Reynolds numbers. For the aforesaid eight kinds of flows, the solutions to the inner-outer-layer-matched SNSE and to the thin-layer-2-order SNSE agree completely with the exact solutions to CNSE. But the solutions to all the other SNSE are not completely consistent with the exact solutions to CNSE and not a few of them are actually the solutions of the classical boundary layer theory. The innerouter-layer-matched SNSE contains the shear stress causing angular displacement of the inormal axis with respect to the streamwise axis and the normal stress causing expansion-contraction in the direction of the normal axis and the viscous terms being of the order of magnitude of the normal stress; and it can also reasonably treat the inertial terms as well as the relation between the viscous and inertial terms. Therefore, it seems promising in respects of both mechanics and mathematics.
boundary-layer flows, the skin friction and wall heat-transfer are higher and the
In this paper, processes in the early stages of vortex motion and the development of flow structure behind an impulsively-started circular cylinder at high Reynolds number are investigated by combining the discrete vortex model with boundary layer theory, considering the separation of incoming flow boundary layer and rear shear layer in the recirculating flow region. The development of flow structure and vortex motion, particularly the formation and development of secondary vortex and a pair of secondary vortices and their effect on the flow field are calculated. The results clearly show that the flow structure and vortices motion went through a series of complicated processes before the symmetric main vortices change into asymmetric: development of main vortices induces secondary vortices; growth of the secondary vortices causes the main vortex sheets to break off and causes the symmetric main vortices to become “free” vortices, while a pair of secondary vortices is formed; then the vortex sheets, after breaking off, gradually extend downstream and the structure of a pair of secondary vortices becomes relaxed. These features of vortex motion look very much like the observed features in some available flow field visualizations. The action of the secondary vortices causes the main vortex sheets to break off and converts the main vortices into free vortices. This should be the immediate cause leading to the instability of the motion of the symmetric main vortices. The flow field structure such as the separation position of boundary layer and rear shear layer, the unsteady pressure distributions and the drag coefficient are calculated. Comparison with other results or experiments is also made.
The high Reynolds number flow contains a wide range of length and time scales, and the flow
domain can be divided into several sub-domains with different characteristic scales. In some
sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scale can only be considered in a certain direction; in some
sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scales need to be considered in all directions; in some
sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scales are unnecessary to be considered at all.
For laminar boundary layer region, the characteristic length scales in the streamwise and normal
directions are L and L Re-1/ 2 , respectively. The characteristic length scale and the velocity scale in
the outer region of the boundary layer are L and U, respectively. In the neighborhood region of
the separated point, the length scale l<
2 The flow of a compressible viscous fluid through a straight pipe.(可压缩黏性流体在直管中的流动1943年)
3 Two dimensional irrotational mixed subsonic and supersonic flow of a compressible fluid and the upper critical Mach number(可压缩流体二维无旋亚声速和超声速混合型流动及上临界马赫数1946年)
4 On the stability of transonic flows(论跨声速流的稳定性1947年)
5 The propagation of a spherical or a cylindrical wave of finite amplitude and the production of shock waves(有限振幅球面波或柱面波的传播及激波的产生1947年)
6 Two-dimensional irrotational transonic flows of a compressible fluid(可压缩流体二维无旋跨声速流动1948年)
7 On the hodograph method(关于速度图方法1949年)
8 Two-dimensional transonic flow past airfoils(绕翼型的二维跨声速流1951年)
9 On the stability of two-dimensional smooth transonic flows(论二元光滑跨声速流的稳定性1951年)
10 On the flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a flat plate at moderate Reynolds numbers(中等雷诺数下不可压缩黏性流体绕平板的流动1953年)
11 Reflection of a weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.I:Interaction of weak shock waves with laminar and turbulent boundary lavers analyzed by momentum-integral method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅰ:用动量积分方法分析弱激波与层流和湍流边界层的相互作用1953年)
12 Reflection of weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.Ⅱ:Interaction of oblique shock wave with a laminar boundary layer analyzed by differential-equation method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅱ:用微分方程方法分析斜激波与层流边界层的相互作用1953年)
13 Plane subsonic and transonic potential flows(平面亚、跨音速势流1954年)
14 A similarity rule for the interaction between a conical field and a plane shock(锥型流和激波相互作用的相似律1955年)
15 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅰ】1956年)
16 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅱ】1956年)
17 The effects of Prandtl number on high-speed viscous flows over a flat plate(Prandtl数对绕平板高速黏性流的影响1956年)
18 Compressible viscous flow past a wedge moving at hypersonic speeds(楔的高超声速可压缩黏性绕流1956年)
19 Dissociation effects in hypersonic viscous flows(高超声速黏性流动中的离解效应1957年)
20 现代空气动力学的问题(1957年)
2l 在关于苏联发射成功第一颗人造卫星座谈会上的发言记录(1957年)
22 高超速钝体湍流传热问题(1963年)
23 宇宙飞船的回地问题(1965年)
24 激波的介绍
- 访罗湖 忆当年[李佩]
- 怀念同窗益友郭永怀教授[钱伟长]
- 郭永怀追求科学、为国献身的一生[洪友士]
- 深深怀念为核盾牌献身的著名科学家--郭永怀先生 中国工程物理研究院
- 深切怀念郭永怀教授的奠基性贡献 中国空气动力研究与发展中心
- 胸怀长江长城 心系国家安危--纪念我国核防护工程奠基人郭永怀先生[周丰峻]
- 缅怀我们的首任系主任--郭永怀教授[辛厚文 马兴孝 俞书勤 何天敬]
- 科学和技术结合的典范--纪念郭永怀先生诞辰九十周年[郑哲敏 李家春]
- 怀念与感激[俞鸿儒]
- 继承先师遗愿,谈我所冲击动力学的发展--纪念郭永怀副院长诞辰九十周年[陈裕泽]
- 英名长存--纪念郭永怀副院长诞辰九十周年[沈中毅]
- 郭永怀与我国导弹弹头再入气动物理研究[魏叔如]
- 科研工作引路人--纪念郭永怀九十诞辰[胡在军]
- 科技楷模,引路良师--怀念敬爱的郭永怀副院长[朱竟洪 郑百瑛]
- 七律 永怀永怀郭老师[董务民]
- 留得春晖映核魂--怀念我们的好领导好老师郭永怀同志[孙德纶 张克才]
- 难以忘怀--忆郭永怀副院长事迹点滴[孙天雄]
- 研究工作与工程技术工作之间的关系[谈庆明]
- 忆敬爱的郭永怀老师[张兆顺 呼和敖德]
- 根深叶茂 厚积薄发--追忆恩师郭永怀先生教诲我打好基础[严宗毅]
- 力学前辈,科德风范[徐友钜]
- 领导的楷模 学者的典范 青年的导师--怀念郭永怀副院长[于长勤]
- 怀念郭永怀副院长[陈裕泽]
- 关于郭永怀事迹的回顾[张长富]
- 严谨的导师,可亲的长者--忆著名的空气动力学家郭永怀先生[吴兰春]
- 严谨细致 实事求是--纪念郭永怀九十诞辰[李启廉]
- 纪念核武器环境试验技术的奠基人--郭永怀副院长诞辰九十周年[李荣林]
- 郭老精神激励着材料科学研究的不断深入[周维宣 谭云]
- 郭永怀副院长的关怀与我所有机材料研究的发展[陈晓丽]
- 忆与郭永怀副院长的一次谈话[孙德纶]
- 缅怀郭永怀院士[陈家镛]
- 记郭永怀先生二三事[屠善澄]
- Remembering Yunghuai Kuo[C.C.Lin]
- Recall with love and respect[William R.Sears]
- Y.H.Kuo:An appreciation[Frank E.Marble]
- A commemorative tribute to Professor Guo Yonghuai[T.Y.Wu]
- Y.H.Kuo:A great scientist,revered teacher and good friend[Alfred Ritter]
- 氢氧燃烧及爆轰驱动激波管[俞鸿儒]
- 颗粒材料中致密波结构研究[孙锦山 朱建士 贾祥瑞]
- 网格与高精度差分计算问题[张涵信 呙超 宗文刚]
- 植被层湍流的大涡模拟[李家春 谢正桐]
- 半浮区液桥热毛细振荡流[唐泽眉 阿燕 胡文瑞]
- 再入湍流尾迹及其对雷达散射的影响研究[牛家玉 于明]
- 超声射流中CS2分子态分辨转动弛豫研究[陈从香 刘世林 戴静华 张志萍 马兴孝]
- 37mm冲压加速器实验和计算[柳森 简和祥 白智勇 平新红 部绍清]
- 化学体系中噪声诱导的时空有序结构和随机共振[辛厚文 侯中怀 杨灵法]
- 根据守恒律计算热流和摩阻的有限元提法[童秉纲 段占元]
- 高阶精度线性耗散紧致格式的渐近稳定性[邓小刚 毛枚良]
- 离散流体力学:理论和数值方法[高智]
- 2号复合离心机自动控制系统研制[王磊 林明 冯晓军]
- 海沧大桥气动弹性特性风洞试验研究[李明水 陈忻 张大康 王卫华]
- 内爆炸载荷下圆管变形、损伤和破坏规律的研究[李永池 李大红 魏志刚 孙宇新]
- 两种凝聚炸药的静态断裂性能实验研究[罗景润 韦日演 马丽莲]
- 圆柱体侵彻薄靶极限击穿速度估算探讨[吴应白 唐平]
- 动力学修改方法在夹具设计中的应用研究[蒲怀强 唐定勇]
- Numerical simulation of non-linear stability of two-dimensional supersonic boundary layer[Shen Qing Yuan Xiangjiang]
前言 | 白以龙;杨卫; | ||||||
力学学科《学科发展与优先领域战略研究报告》 | |||||||
世纪之交对力学的回顾、展望和想象 | 白以龙; | ||||||
计算流体力学中发展物理分析的几个问题 | 张涵信;李沁;宗文刚;张来平; | ||||||
非对称Riccati方程基于本征解的分析解 | 钟万勰; | ||||||
实验固体力学近几年的概况 | 伍小平; | ||||||
疲劳短裂纹群体损伤随机特征研究 | 洪友士;郑亮;乔宇; | ||||||
半浮区热毛细对流及其不稳定性机理 | 胡文瑞;唐泽眉; | ||||||
经典约束系统动力学的研究进展 | 梅凤翔; | ||||||
复杂系统的非线性动力学问题 | 陆启韶; | ||||||
时滞受控系统动力学研究进展 | 胡海岩;王在华; | ||||||
力学与航天器工程 | 马兴瑞;苟兴宇;周志成; | ||||||
采矿工程中的力学问题与分析 | 谢和平; | ||||||
力学与国防科技 | 周丰峻; | ||||||
流体力学和气动热弹性力学新一代反命题的研究 | 刘高联; | ||||||
含灰气体近壁区流动及传热增强机制分析 | 王柏懿;戚隆溪;王超;江先金; | ||||||
三维定常、二维非定常分离模式及准则研究 | 吕志咏; |
Theaerodynamics of supersonic biplanes
Strength of reflected shock in Mach reflection
On laminar boundary layer over arotating blade
A unique law for ideal incompressible flow with preserved pattern off initeseparation
On motion of submerged cylinder
On source and vortex off luctuating strength U~aveling beneath a free surface
Wave sproduced by a pulsating source U~ave lingbeneath a free surface
On optimum nose Curves form issiles in the superaerodynamic regime
On optimum nose Curves for superaerodynamic missiles
On a special bolzavariational problem and the minimization of superaerodynamic
Hypersonic nose drag
Nose drag in free-molecule flow and its minimization
Final mdash;stagedecay of a single line vortex
Final stage decay of grid—produced turbulence
It is well known in the scientific community that some remote sensing instruments assume that sample volumes present homogeneous conditions within a defined meteorological profile. At complex topographic sites and under extreme meteorological conditions, this assumption may be fallible depending on the site, and it is more likely to fail in the lower layers of the atmosphere. This piece of work tests the homogeneity of the wind field over a boundary layer wind profiler radar located in complex terrain on the coast under different meteorological conditions. The results reveal the qualitative importance of being aware of deviations in this homogeneity assumption and evaluate its effect on the final product. Patterns of behavior in data have been identified in order to simplify the analysis of the complex signal registered. The quality information obtained from the homogeneity study under different meteorological conditions provides useful indicators for the best alternatives the system can offer to build wind profiles. Finally, the results are also to be considered in order to integrate them in a quality algorithm implemented at the product level.
Future coastal management practices require that a holistic, ecosystem management approach be adopted. Coastal ecosystems, however, present a variety of specific and unique challenges relative to open ocean systems. In particular, interactions with the seabed significantly influence the coastal ecosystem. Observing technologies must be developed and employed to incorporate seafloor interactions, processes and habitat diversity into research and management activities. An ACT Workshop on Seabed Sensor Technology was held February 1-3, 2006 in Savannah, Georgia, to summarize the current state of sensor technologies applicable to examining and monitoring the coastal seabed, including the near-bed benthic boundary layer and surface sediment layer. Workshop participants were specifically charged to identify current sensors in use, recommend improvements to these systems and to identify areas for future development and activities that would advance the use of sensor technology in the observation, monitoring and management of the coastal benthic environment. (pdf contains 23 pages)