962 resultados para Blow flies


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A Leishmaniose Visceral (LV) é causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania e transmitida por flebotomíneos do gênero Lutzomyia, os quais vêm adaptando-se ao ambiente peridomiciliar, onde o cão é sua principal fonte de alimento, aumentando assim o risco de casos em humanos. Neste trabalho, foram utilizadas técnicas de geoprocessamento e de estastística espacial como contribuição à compreensão da dinâmica epidemiológica da LV na área urbana de Ilha Solteira-SP.


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Haematobia irritans tem causado muitos danos e preocupações na pecuária mundial, bem como despertado o interesse para diversos estudos a seu respeito. Seu nome está relacionado com o local de permanência nos bovinos. É conhecida como horn fly (mosca-dos-chifres) na Europa e nos Estados Unidos da América e mosca-da-paleta na América Latina. Os fatores biológicos podem produzir em bovinos de um único rebanho, diferentes níveis de infestação da mosca. Durante o ano de 1998 em Araçatuba, estado de São Paulo, foram avaliados o número médio de mosca por região ana-tômica, bem como os diferentes níveis de infestação em 60 bovinos da raça Nelore. Os bovinos foram filmados de ambos os lados do corpo para registrar o número de mosca em fitas cassetes. As fitas foram assistidas para a contagem e demarcação da mosca em 15 regiões anatômicas. O maior número de mosca (p<0,05) foi observado nas regiões escapular, interescapular e costal; nos períodos chuvosos observou-se um aumento significativo (p<0,05) na região ventral. As avaliações individuais, demonstraram infestação com menos de 50 moscas em 50% dos bovinos, 50 a 100 moscas em 38% e acima de 100 moscas em 12% dos bovinos.


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The digestive tube of 2nd and 3rd instar larvae, pupae and newly emerged adults of Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus, 1781) was studied anatomically. The specimens were dissected in buffer saline under a stereomicroscope, and the digestive tubes were placed on slides and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Each tube was measured using a micrometric eye piece, and drawings were made with camera lucida. The results showed that the midgut, the hindgut and the Malpighian tubules with their ducts grow gradually during the larval development. The oesophagus and the salivary glands with their ducts grow only during the moult from the 2nd to the 3rd instar. In the pupal period, salivary glands grow gradually but disappeared after the 20th day. After metamorphosis the digestive tube regressed. This is expected since adult D. hominis lives about nine days without feeding. This fly, similar to other calyptratae muscoid flies shows no vestige of a crop during all post-embrionic development, and the adult has no salivary glands.


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Levantamento das espécies de moscas ectoparasitas de morcego da família Streblidae sobre morcegos da família Phyllostomidae foi realizado na Estação Ecológica de Caetetus, São Paulo. Foram capturados 400 indivíduos de 15 espécies de morcegos filostomídeos, mas somente seis espécies abrigavam 93 indivíduos de nove espécies de Streblidae. A prevalência e intensidade média são apresentadas para cada espécie de Streblidae. Strebla chrotopteri Wenzel, 1976 é registrada pela primeira vez no Estado de São Paulo.


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A exegese do termo cardioplegia remete aos significados de lesão, golpe, ataque ou ferimento, bem diferente, portanto, do sentido em que o termo é empregado na maior parte dos centros de cirurgia cardíaca do Brasil e do mundo, ou seja, como correspondendo à proteção miocárdica. Daí a melhor denominação de solução cardioplégica, para caracterizar as soluções empregadas com finalidade de promover a parada cardíaca controlada do coração. A parada cardíaca induzida por solução cardioplégica pode acontecer por hiperpolarização, despolarização ou com bloqueadores da bomba de cálcio. No presente trabalho, discorreremos sobre os principais agentes que promovem a parada cardíaca por hiperpolarização da membrana miocárdica. Com a solução hiperpolarizante, o coração pára no período diastólico, havendo uma redução ainda maior no seu gasto energético, o que propicia melhores condições ao coração quando este reinicia sua contração ao final do procedimento cirúrgico.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A incidência das leishmanioses tegumentar e visceral americanas, em especial esta última (LVA), em hospedeiros caninos e humanos, encontra-se em crescente processo de expansão no Estado de São Paulo. Para a vigilância epidemiológica dessas endemias, torna-se fundamental o conhecimento da distribuição e da ecologia das diferentes espécies da fauna flebotomínea vetoras. Assim, a divulgação de novos encontros de seus vetores, sobretudo da Lutzomyia longipalpis, o principal vetor da LVA, é fundamental para apontar novas áreas de risco para a transmissão dessas doenças. Neste estudo, capturas de flebotomíneos foram realizadas em ambiente domiciliar, peridomiciliar e de mata, em diferentes localidades rurais dos municípios de Ipeúna e Itirapina, entre outubro de 2001 e fevereiro de 2004. Foram utilizadas armadilhas luminosas automáticas do tipo CDC, das 18h às 8h, em 14 noites, resultando 420 horas de exposição. Foram capturados 177 flebotomíneos pertencentes a doze espécies. A espécie mais abundante, Nyssomyia neivai, apontada como a principal vetora de LTA no Estado, contribuiu com 85,4% dos espécimes capturados em Ipeúna. O encontro de Lutzomyia longipalpis em uma caverna em Itirapina, aponta para o risco de estabelecimento da LVA na área e a necessidade de mais estudos locais sobre sua ecologia, sobretudo em relação à ocupação de ambientes antrópicos.


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Wild-caught flies of Drosophila melanogaster from seven natural populations of extreme regions of Brazil (Sao Luis, MA; Teresina, PI; Rio Cipo, MG; Maringa, PR; Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP; Joinville, SC; and Porto Alegre, RS) were studied with the purpose of evaluating hybrid dysgenesis due to mobilization of P elements and the regulatory capacity of the strains' cytotypes. Diagnostic crosses were made and the strains classified according to their P-M phenotypes. Four strains were classified as moderate P (MA, MG, PI, and SP), two as Q (PR and RS) and one as M' (SC). Females of southern strains (PR, SC, and RS) presented in A crosses lower degrees of gonadal dysgenesis scores than those from northern strains (MA and PI).


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The aim of this study was to characterize esterases in Zaprionus indianus, a drosophilid recently introduced into Brazil. A further aim was study the variation of activity of esterases in the presence of inhibitors and their expression according to sex, sexual activity and age of individual flies. Polymorphisms were detected in two esterase loci (Est-2 and Est-3) and monomorphisms in four others (Est-1, Est-4, Est-5 and Est-6). Biochemical tests using alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetate and the inhibitors malathion, eserine sulphate and PMSF allowed us to classify EST-2 and EST-5 as beta-esterases, both carboxyl-esterases, and EST-1, EST-3, EST-4 and EST-6 as alpha-esterases. EST-1 and EST-3 were classified as carboxyl-esterases and EST-4 and EST-6 as cholinesterases. EST-5 activity was more pronounced in males and EST-2 was restricted to them or to recently copulated females. EST-4, rarely detected, was not characterized. Based on their biochemical characteristics possible roles for these enzymes are suggested.


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We tested the host specificity of several parasitic Pseudacteon scuttle flies in South America with 23 species of ants in 13 genera. None of these ant species attracted Pseudacteon parasites except Solenopsis saevissima (F. Smith) and to a lesser extent Solenopsis geminata (Fab.). This result is encouraging because it indicates that the Pseudacteon flies tested in this study would not pose an ecological danger to other ant genera if these flies were introduced into the United States as classical biological control agents of imported fire ants. This prediction of host specificity will, of course, need to be validated with potential hosts in the United States before these flies can be released.


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A simple mathematical model is developed to explain the appearance of oscillations in the dispersal of larvae from the food source in experimental populations of certain species of blowflies. The life history of the immature stage in these flies, and in a number of other insects, is a system with two populations, one of larvae dispersing on the soil and the other of larvae that burrow in the soil to pupate. The observed oscillations in the horizontal distribution of buried pupae at the end of the dispersal process are hypothesized to be a consequence of larval crowding at a given point in the pupation substrate. It is assumed that dispersing larvae are capable of perceiving variations in density of larvae buried at a given point in the substrate of pupation, and that pupal density may influence pupation of dispersing larvae. The assumed interaction between dispersing larvae and the larvae that are burrowing to pupate is modeled using the concept of non-local effects. Numerical solutions of integro-partial differential equations developed to model density-dependent immature dispersal demonstrate that variation in the parameter that governs the non-local interaction between dispersing and buried larvae induces oscillations in the final horizontal distribution of pupae. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.


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In Drosophila prosaltans reared on culture medium with caffeine (50-mu-g/ml, 100-mu-g/ml, 1000-mu-g/ml and 1500-mu-g/ml), fecundity decreased with increasing dosage. Other effects were (a) an approximately one day increase in development time of flies at 1000 and 1500-mu-g/ml, (b) a decrease of egg laying capacity, with increasing dosage and (c) a decrease of longevity when virgin males and females or mated males were analyzed. Mated treated females, however showed, in most experiments, greater longevity than the controls, thus suggesting a benefit of the partial blockage of reproduction caused by caffeine.


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In this paper, the effect of age, humidity, and temperature on the conidial survival of Entomophthora muscae was evaluated. E. muscae was obtained from Musca domestica in a dairy in Itatiba (São Paulo, Brazil) and maintained in the laboratory by continuous passage through flies. Furthermore, the ability of conidia to infect flies at three temperatures (17, 21, and 27 degrees C), four ages of conidia (12, 72, 96, and 154 hours) and two humidities (100 and 60% RH) was evaluated. The temperature of 21 degrees C was the most favorable for the infection of house flies. Humidity was a cause of variation at 27 degrees C when the conidia were up to 12 hours old, but had no effect at lower temperatures. Conidia held at 100% RH and aged 72 hours caused no infection at 17 degrees C, but were infective at 21 degrees C. In the present study, conidia retained viability much longer than previously observed. Finally, the effect of humidity, temperature, and conidial age is discussed.


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Several fitness components in strains of Drosophila mulleri carrying the slow or the fast alleles for the major beta esterase (esterase-4) found in this species, as well as in heterozygous flies in which the slow or fast alleles came from one of the parents, were evaluated. Twelve components were analysed including longevity of both virgins and mated males and females, productivity, viability, including the egg-larva, egg-pupa, egg-imago and pupa-imago periods. These parameters were used to estimate the total fitness for each genotype. The best score was reached by individuals having the Est-4(S)/Est-4(S) genotype (scored at 1.000), followed by a fitness value of 0.892 presented by the Est-4(F)/Est-4(S) genotype (with the fast allele from maternal origin), 0.863 for the Est-4(F)/Est-4(F) and 0.842 for the Est-4(S)/Est-4(F) genotypes (with Est-4(F) maternal origin). These results suggested a higher relative adaptability of the Est-4(S)/Est-4(S) genotype followed by the Est-4(F)/Est-4(S) hybrid that possessed the allele Est-4(S) of maternal origin, which was incompatible with predictions of neutral polymorphism.


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Ten strains of two species in the Drosophila buzzatii cluster (D. serido and D. seriema) were examined as to esterase patterns using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The migration rate of esterases, and their substrate specificity to alpha and beta naphthyl acetates, were analysed. Other esterase features such as inhibition behaviour, presence in males and females and location in the head, thorax or abdomen of flies, were also examined. The present data,together with results obtained by others for eight strains of D. koepferae, D. serido, D. seriema and D. buzzatii, show that 69 bands have been detected in the eighteen strains studied. This total number of bands was used for comparison of strains and species by similarity index, analysis of dependence and cluster analysis. The comparisons confirmed the existence of a high degree of similarity among D. seriema strains and among D. koepferae strains, but indicated differentiation among the D. serido strains. Two strains (D69R2 and D69R5) which differed from the others of the latter species, showed closer affinities with D. buzzatii, which indicates the need for further work on those strains classified as D. serido.