997 resultados para Bichat, Xavier (1771-1802)
One leaf containing handwritten financial notes related to the closing of the Middle Street School and subsequent rent payments.
Handwritten receipt signed by Charles Chauncey acknowledging payment of scholarship funds by John Sale.
The one page document records Harvard's debit account with Steward Hastings for nails and brads purchased between September 1770 and March 1771.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate John Law signed by President Joseph Willard on March 1, 1802.
Printed copy of an undated abstract of the laws and regulations with the admittatur of undergraduate Ephraim Abbott signed by President Joseph Willard on September 24, 1802.
Includes mason John Warland's estimate for adding another storey to Massachusetts Hall, plastering several of the rooms, and the securing the necessary materials for the construction.
Folder contains two manuscript copies of the same text, written on different types of paper and in different handwriting. Neither appears to be the original endorsement.
Almanac interleaved with entries by John Winthrop and with sporadic annotations on the calendar pages. The interleaved pages include entries on the weather, scientific observations, and almost daily notes of social activities and engagements during the year.
Almanac with one interleaved folded leaf and annotations made by John and Hannah Winthrop. The calendar pages are typically annotated with one or two notes at the bottom recording household activities, and a tabulation of miles traveled. The laid-in leaf includes sporadic entries about asthma fits and household activities by Hannah Winthrop, and entries on firing the household chimneys, baptisms and deaths in the community, and a bill of mortality for 1771 in John Winthrop's hand.
This letter is a memoir about John Henry Tudor, written after his death in 1802. It is addressed to Moody Noyes, who asked the author to record his sentiments and memories of Tudor. The author graduated from Harvard in the class behind Tudor, in 1801, and writes of him with great affection.