999 resultados para Biblioteca jurídica, Brasil


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The white-shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti distributes in West Atlantic Ocean, occurring along all Brazilian cost. Population structure in the Baixada Santista region was identified from samples obtained from artisanal and industrial fishery between June of 2005 and May of 2006. A total of 2.912 specimens were collected, being 2.138 females (1.008 in the estuary and 1.130 in the marine region) and 774 males ( 334 in the estuary and 440 in the marine region). Environmental parameters were annotated together the sampling, allowing to identify that water temperature influences directly the catches. Catches variations, length composition of samples by sex and gonadal maturation of females allowed to identify that: (i) estuary is used as a nursery area by individuals with small lengths, most young; (ii) marine region is used by larger individuals ( adults) and the spawning period extend from June to February, mainly between November and January. It was verified that estuarine fishery ( artisanal) focuses immature and in development individuals, with small lengths and, the marine fishery ( industrial) focuses adults during the whole year and, only in the summer, youngling from spawn. The length of first gonadal maturation of females was estimated in 15,8mm. These results and diagnoses must be considered in the management of L. schmitti fishery in Baixada Santista region.


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This paper presents and reviews the recommendations done by experts during the specialists meeting held in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, in the end of 2005 and, according to this information, the Brazilian situation is analyzed. Internationalization and institutionalization of information literacy and lifelong learning as essential factors to the development of the nations are also explored. Beacons of the Information Society translate the vision and concepts involved. In Brazil, the actions around information literacy are not a consensus. The challenges to be faced include: to discover forms to foster and to appropriately disseminate national and local knowledge, to advance discussions and deepen the subject, to discover adequate alternatives for disseminating information practices that encompass distinct professional groups and populations, to overcome structural development gaps. As a matter that permeates each and every process of learning, research, development, problem-solving and decision-making, information literacy went beyond the boundaries of librarianship and transformed itself into a world transdiciplinary movement, even under the aegis of different denominations and emphasis.


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Lignin phenols were measured in the sediments of Sepitiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and in bedload sediments and suspended sediments of the four major fluvial inputs to the bay: Sao Francisco and Guandu Channels and the Guarda and Cacao Rivers. Fluvial suspended lignin yields (Sigma 8 3.5-14.6 mgC 10 g dw(-1)) vary little between the wet and dry seasons and are poorly correlated with fluvial chlorophyll concentrations (0.8-50.2 mu gC L(-1)). Despite current land use practices that favor grassland agriculture or industrial uses, fluvial lignin compositions are dominated by a degraded leaf-sourced material. The exception is the Guarda River, which has a slight influence from grasses. The Lignin Phenol Vegetation Index, coupled with acid/aldehyde and 3.5 Db/V ratios, indicate that degraded leaf-derived phenols are also the primary preserved lignin component in the bay. The presence of fringe Typha sp. and Spartina sp. grass beds surrounding portions of the Bay are not reflected in the lignin signature. Instead, lignin entering the bay appears to reflect the erosion of soils containing a degraded signature from the former Atlantic rain forest that once dominated the watershed, instead of containing a significant signature derived from current agricultural uses. A three-component mixing model using the LPVI, atomic N:C ratios, and stable carbon isotopes (which range between -26.8 and -21.8 parts per thousand) supports the hypothesis that fluvial inputs to the bay are dominated by planktonic matter (78% of the input), with lignin dominated by leaf (14% of the input) over grass (6%). Sediments are composed of a roughly 50-50 mixture of autochthonous material and terrigenous material, with lignin being primarily sourced from leaf. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Concern about the growing demand of food and fuel has focused the attention on countries with conditions to provide for global requirements. Also, the build-up of an environmental awareness has compelled several governments to implement programs for the addition of biofuels to oil derivatives. Considering their relevance as world and South American producers, this study makes a characterization of the sucro-energetic sectors of Brazil and Colombia, based on a view of agro-industrial systems, industrial organization and transaction cost economy. The approach followed considered of a secondary information survey and in-depth interviews. The main differences found are centered on institutional development level and production volumes. However, the use of the same raw material, sugarcane, trade opening policies, cultural approaches and regional integration, are factors that could generate links of commercial exchange and technological cooperation between the two countries.


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Objective. To describe homicide mortality in the municipality of Sao Paulo according to type of weapon, sex, race or skin color, age, and areas of socioeconomic inequalities, between 1996 and 2008. Method. For this ecological time-series study, data about deaths in the municipality of Sao Paulo were collected from the municipal program for improvement of mortality information, using International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) codes. Homicide mortality rates (HMR) were calculated for the overall population and specifically for each sex, race or skin color, age range, type of weapon, and occurrence in social deprivation/affluence areas. HMR were adjusted for age using the direct method. The percentage age of variation in HMR was calculated for the study period. For areas of socioeconomic inequalities, the relative risk of death from homicide was calculated. Results. HMR fell 73.7% between 2001 and 2008. A reduction in HMR was observed in all groups, especially males (-74.5%), young men between 15 and 24 years of age (-78.0%), and residents in areas of extreme socioeconomic deprivation (-79.3%). The reduction occurred mostly in firearm homicide rates (-74.1%). The relative risk of death from homicide in areas of extreme socioeconomic deprivation, as compared to areas with some degree of socioeconomic deprivation, was 2.77 in 1996, 3.9 in 2001, and 2.13 in 2008. In areas of high socioeconomic deprivation, the relative risk was 2.07 in 1996 and 1.96 in 2008. Conclusions. To understand the reduction in homicide rates in the municipality of Sao Paulo, it is important to take into consideration macrodeterminants that affect the entire municipality and all population subgroups, as well as micro/local determinants that have special impact on homicides committed with firearms and on subgroups such as the young, males, and residents of areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.


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This article discusses the texts and purposes of the Historia Nova do Brasil series, a joint production of the Ministerio da Educacao e Cultura and the Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros (Iseb) launched in 1964 and soon aborted by the military dictatorship. The intent is to reconstitute its context to present the many influences on this project and to examine its impact and the debates and disputes that resulted, to try to recover the details of this important effort at renewing the teaching of history in Brazil.


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A 2?? edi????o de 2013 do Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema Igualdade de G??nero. O documento traz indica????es de pu-blica????es do acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos/ENAP com reflex??es acerca das desi-gualdades entre homens e mulheres e suas consequ??ncias ?? sociedade. O objetivo ?? dar publicidade a esses materiais, visando a con-tribuir para uma melhor compreens??o do com-plexo cen??rio de defini????o das prioridades p??blicas e da formula????o de pol??ticas p??blicas governamentais comprometidas com a pers-pectiva de g??nero, em seus diversos aspectos. De acordo com a Organiza????o das Na????es Unidas para a Educa????o, a Ci??ncia e a Cultura (Unesco), os direitos das mulheres devem ser entendidos como direitos humanos e cultu-rais fundamentais. J?? a Pol??tica Nacional para as Mulheres, coordenada pela Secre-taria Especial de Pol??ticas para as Mulhe-res (SPM), da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica, tem como pressupostos e princ??pios a equi-dade, a autonomia das mulheres, a laicida-de do Estado, a universalidade das pol??ti-cas, a justi??a social, a transpar??ncia dos atos p??blicos, a participa????o e o controle social.


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A implementa????o de uma Pol??tica Energ??tica ?? essencial para o desenvolvimento do Pa??s, na medida em que estabelece metas, meios e diretrizes para melhorar a confiabilidade e a qualidade do suprimento energ??tico. Ela define ainda o papel dos diversos agentes e institui????es que atuam na ??rea energ??tica brasileira. A exist??ncia de tal pol??tica ?? condi????o fundamental para garantir o planejamento das atividades energ??ticas, tanto do lado da produ????o quanto do consumo, sem comprometer o meio ambiente e a qualidade de vida das pr??ximas gera????es. Em fun????o da import??ncia da pol??tica energ??tica ao desenvolvimento sustent??vel e ?? melhoria do bemestar da popula????o brasileira, a 1?? edi????o de 2013 do Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema Pol??tica Energ??tica - Setor El??trico, com indica????es de publica????es pertencentes ao acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos/ENAP. O intuito ?? divulgar obras que possam auxiliar gestores, servidores e trabalhadores da ??rea de Energia no Brasil em seus processos decis??rios, assim como obras que tratam da rica hist??ria do setor e seus planos para o futuro.


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O tema escolhido ?? Gest??o de Risco, que aborda quest??es emergenciais como a identifica????o de fatores cr??ticos para o sucesso da gest??o e a avalia????o de oportunidades em contextos adversos, imprescind??vel ao planejamento e ?? implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas.


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O assunto ?? de extrema import??ncia para os processos de avalia????o e enfrentamento de situa????es de diverg??ncias de modo a prevenir seus efeitos negativos, bem como extrair os aspectos positivos, buscando, assim, comunica????o e negocia????o de maneira estrat??gica.


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O terceiro Boletim de Bibliografias Especializadas apresenta o tema ???Gest??o de Crise???, com indica????es de livros e artigos de revistas sobre o tema pertencentes ao acervo da Biblioteca. Essas publica????es mostram que a gest??o de crise ?? uma problem??tica com a qual toda administra????o deve preocupar-se. Afinal, crise ?? um evento imprevis??vel capaz de provocar preju??zos significativos a uma institui????o e, consequentemente, aos seus integrantes. Uma quest??o que se apresenta ??: depois da crise instaurada, como gerenci??-la? O conhecimento das caracter??sticas de uma crise possibilitar?? compreend??-la melhor e facilitar?? o ??rduo esfor??o em gerenci??-la.


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O 4?? Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema ???Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica???, com indica????es de livros e artigos de revistas pertencentes ao acervo da Biblioteca. O intuito ?? divulgar obras que auxiliem servidores p??blicos na transforma????o de processos de trabalho para melhor atender ao cidad??o.


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A Lei de Acesso ?? Informa????o (n??12.527/2011) entra em vigor hoje, dia 16 de maio, e traz importantes mudan??as para a administra????o p??blica. A nova legisla????o proporciona, ao cidad??o brasileiro, o acesso amplo ??s informa????es e a documentos p??blicos sob a guarda do Estado. A partir dessa data, todo cidad??o poder??, a qualquer momento, solicitar informa????es diversas, sem necessidade de motiva????o para seu uso, garantindo, assim, o exerc??cio de seu direito constitucional ao acesso ?? informa????o p??blica. A Lei estabelece que o acesso seja a regra e o sigilo, a exce????o. Diante desse cen??rio, o 5?? Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas destaca o tema ???Acesso ?? informa????o???, com indica????es de publica????es pertencentes ao acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos/ENAP. O intuito ?? divulgar obras que auxiliem servidores p??blicos na compreens??o dos princ??pios da nova Lei e na mudan??a da cultura do sigilo, ainda presente na gest??o da informa????o p??blica.


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O acesso ?? Informa????o proporcionado pela Lei n??12.527/2011, que entrou em vigor dia 16 de maio, pela qual o cidad??o brasileiro teve garantido o seu direito ao acesso amplo ??s informa????es e a documentos p??blicos, tamb??m provocou o incentivo necess??rio para aprofundar a discuss??o de temas importantes, relacionados ?? informa????o p??blica como a gest??o documental, a seguran??a da informa????o, a gest??o da informa????o e a gest??o do conhecimento. Este Boletim tem por objetivo indicar livros e artigos que tratam da tem??tica, e possam auxiliar os servidores p??blicos nesta discuss??o, uma vez que, gerenciar o conhecimento tornou-se uma necessidade e uma responsabilidade da Administra????o P??blica para que ela possa aumentar a efetividade dos servi??os p??blicos e melhorar a sociedade a qual ela serve.


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Os direitos humanos s??o os direitos essenciais a todos os seres humanos, sem que haja discrimina????o por ra??a, cor, g??nero, idioma, nacionalidade ou por qualquer outro motivo. Eles podem ser civis ou pol??ticos, como o direito ?? vida, ?? igualdade perante a lei e ?? liberdade de express??o. Podem tamb??m ser econ??micos, sociais e culturais, como o direito ao trabalho e ?? educa????o e coletivos, como o direito ao desenvolvimento. As Pol??ticas P??blicas em Direitos Humanos ?? tema deste boletim bibliogr??fico, o qual traz publica????es que mostram que estas n??o devem ser apenas programas governamentais, mas um instrumento de participa????o da sociedade civil na delimita????o do espa??o p??blico.