874 resultados para Barrier to trade


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The application of multi-region environmental input-output (IO) analysis to the problem of accounting for emissions generation (and/or resource use) under different accounting principles has become increasingly common in the ecological and environmental economics literature in particular, with applications at the international and interregional subnational level. However, while environmental IO analysis is invaluable in accounting for pollution flows in the single time period that the accounts relate to, it is limited when the focus is on modelling the impacts of any marginal change in activity. This is because a conventional demand-driven IO model assumes an entirely passive supply-side in the economy (i.e. all supply is infinitely elastic) and is further restricted by the assumption of universal Leontief (fixed proportions) technology implied by the use of the A and multiplier matrices. Where analysis of marginal changes in activity is required, extension from an IO accounting framework to a more flexible interregional computable general equilibrium (CGE) approach, where behavioural relationships can be modelled in a more realistic and theory-consistent manner, is appropriate. Our argument is illustrated by comparing the results of introducing a positive demand stimulus in the UK economy using IO and CGE interregional models of Scotland and the rest of the UK. In the case of the latter, we demonstrate how more theory consistent modelling of both demand and supply side behaviour at the regional and national levels effect model results, including the impact on the interregional CO2 ‘trade balance’.


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This article proposes a framework for the analysis of attitudes to foreign trade policies that challenges the traditional skill-endowment approach. The traditional approach assumes informed individuals who calculate the costs and benefits of alternative policies. We propose that individuals lack information and that their positions rest on economic vulnerability, as mediated through risk-aversion. We also stress the role of environmental signals and political endorsements in guiding individuals' views on trade policy. We test this alternative approach with a Spanish survey conducted in May 2009 and the ISSP survey conducted in 2003 in a large number of less developed and more developed countries. The Spanish data show that the population is largely uninformed and that their ideas about the consequences of free trade policy do not explain attitudes among different socio-demographic groups. Meanwhile, the ISSP data contradict important aspects of the traditional approach and are consistent with the alternative approach.


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Abstract: The increasingly high hygienic standards characterizing westernized societies correlate with an increasingly high prevalence of allergic disease. Initially based on these observations, the hygiene hypothesis postulates that reduced microbial stimulation during infancy impairs the immune system development and increases the risk of allergy. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that the crosstalk existing between the intestine and the resident microbiota is crucial for gut homeostasis. In particular, bacterial colonization of the gut affects the integrity of the gut barrier and stimulates the development of the gut associated immune tissue, both phenomena being essential for the immune system to mount a controlled response to food antigens. Therefore, alterations in the microbial colonization process, by compromising the barrier homeostasis, may increase the risk of food allergy. In this context, antibiotic treatment, frequently prescribed during infancy, affects gut colonization by bacteria. However, little is known about the impact of alterations in the colonization process on the maturation of the gut barrier and on the immunological response to oral antigens. The objective of this work was to determine the impact of a commercial antibiotic preparation employed in pediatric settings on the gut barrier status at the critical period of the suckling/weaning transition and to evaluate the physiological consequences of this treatment in terms of immune response to food antigens. We established an antibiotic-treated suckling rat model relevant to the pediatric population in terms of type, dose and route of administration of the antibiotic and of changes in the patterns of microbial colonization. Oral tolerance to a novel luminal antigen (ovalbumin) was impaired when the antigen was introduced during antibiotic treatment. These results paralleled to alterations in the intestinal permeability to macromolecules and reduced intestinal expression of genes coding for the major histocomptatibility complex II molecules, which suggest a reduced capacity of antigen handling and presentation in the intestine of the antibiotic-treated animals. In addition, low luminal IgA levels and reduced intestinal expression of genes coding for antimicrobial proteins suggest that protection against pathogens was reduced under antibiotic treatment. In conclusion, we observed in suckling rats that treatment with abroad-spectrum antibiotic commonly used in pediatric practices reduced the capacity of the immune system to develop tolerance. The impact of the antibiotic treatment on the immune response to the antigen-was likely mediated by the alterations of the gut microbiota, through impairment in the mechanisms of antigen handling and presentation. This work reinforces the body of data supporting a key role of the intestinal microbiota modulating the risk of allergy development and leads us to propose that the introduction of new food antigens should be avoided during antibiotic treatment in infants. Résumé: L'augmentation du niveau d'hygiène caractérisant les sociétés occidentales semble être fortement corrélée avec l'augmentation des cas d'allergie dans ces pays. De cette observation est née l'hypothèse qu'une diminution des stimuli microbiens pendant l'enfance modifie le développement du système immunitaire augmentant ainsi le risque d'allergie. En ce sens, un nombre croissant de données indiquent que les interactions existant entre l'intestin et les bactéries résidantes sont cruciales pour l'équilibre du système. En effet, la présence de bactéries dans l'intestin affecte l'intégrité de sa fonction de barrière et stimule le développement du système immunitaire intestinal. Ces deux paramètres étant essentiels à la mise en place d'une réponse contrôlée vis à vis d'un antigène reçu oralement, toute modification du processus naturel de colonisation compromettant l'équilibre intestinal pourrait augmenter le risque d'allergie. Les traitements aux antibiotiques, fréquemment prescrits en pédiatrie, modifient de façon conséquente le processus de colonisation bactérienne. Cependant peu de données existent concernant l'impact d'une altération du processus de colonisation sur la maturation de la barrière intestinale et de la réponse immunitaire dirigée contre un antigène. L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer l'impact d'un antibiotique commercial et employé en pédiatrie sur l'état de la barrière intestinale au moment critique du sevrage et d'évaluer les conséquences physiologiques d'un tel traitement sur la réponse immune à un antigène alimentaire. Nous avons mis en place un modèle de rats allaités, traités à l'antibiotique, le plus proche possible des pratiques pédiatriques, en terme de nature, dose et voie d'administration de l'antibiotique. Nous avons constaté que l'établissement de la tolérance orale à un nouvel antigène (l'ovalbumine) est altéré quand celui-ci est donné pour la première fois au cours du traitement antibiotique. Ces résultats coïncident avec une diminution de la perméabilité intestinale aux macromolécules, ainsi qu'avec une diminution de l'expression des gènes codant pour les molécules du complexe majeur d'histocomptatibilité de classe II, suggérant une modification de l'apprêtement et de la présentation de l'antigène au niveau intestinal chez les rats traités à l'antibiotique. De plus, un faible taux d'IgA et une diminution de l'expression des gènes codant pour des protéines antimicrobiennes, observés après l'administration d'antibiotique, laissent à penser que la protection contre un pathogène est diminuée lors d'un traitement antibiotique. En conclusion, nous avons observé qu'un traitement antibiotique à large spectre d'activité, couramment utilisé en pédiatrie, réduit la capacité d'induction de la tolérance orale chez le rat allaité. L'impact du traitement antibiotique sur la réponse immune semble induite par l'altération de la flore intestinale via son effet sur les mécanismes d'apprêtement et de présentation de l'antigène. Ce travail renforce l'ensemble des données existantes qui accorde à la flore intestinale un rôle clef dans la modulation du risque de développement d'allergie et nous amène à recommander d'éviter l'introduction d'un nouvel aliment lorsqu'un enfant est traité aux antibiotiques.


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The draft Framework set out the proposed priorities for Northern Ireland's energy future over the next ten years or so and illustrates the key energy goals in term of competitiveness, security of energy supply, sustainablilty and infrastructure investment. It also proposes new and ambitious renewable electricity and renewable heat targets by 2020, which reflect the need for effected action against climate change and the need to address other policy goals in terms of security and sustainability of supply and costs.


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OBJECTIVE: There are controversies regarding the pro-angiogenic activity of placental growth factor (PGF) in diabetic retinopathy (DR). For a better understanding of its role on the retina, we have evaluated the effect of a sustained PGF over-expression in rat ocular media, using ciliary muscle electrotransfer (ET) of a plasmid encoding rat PGF-1 (pVAX2-rPGF-1). MATERIALS AND METHODS: pVAX2-rPGF-1 ET in the ciliary muscle (200 V/cm) was achieved in non diabetic and diabetic rat eyes. Control eyes received saline or naked plasmid ET. Clinical follow up was carried out over three months using slit lamp examination and fluorescein angiography. After the control of rPGF-1 expression, PGF-induced effects on retinal vasculature and on the blood-external barrier were evaluated respectively by lectin and occludin staining on flat-mounts. Ocular structures were visualized through histological analysis. RESULTS: After fifteen days of rPGF-1 over-expression in normal eyes, tortuous and dilated capillaries were observed. At one month, microaneurysms and moderate vascular sprouts were detected in mid retinal periphery in vivo and on retinal flat-mounts. At later stages, retinal pigmented epithelial cells demonstrated morphological abnormalities and junction ruptures. In diabetic retinas, PGF expression rose between 2 and 5 months, and, one month after ET, rPGF-1 over-expression induced glial activation and proliferation. CONCLUSION: This is the first demonstration that sustained intraocular PGF production induces vascular and retinal changes similar to those observed in the early stages of diabetic retinopathy. PGF and its receptor Flt-1 may therefore be looked upon as a potential regulatory target at this stage of the disease.


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Toll-like receptor ( TLR) s ignals are key to maintaining hostmicrobial i nteractions. T he T oll-interacting-protein (Tollip) is a ubiquitously-expressed inhibitor of inflammasome a nd TLR signaling. W e hypothesized that T ollip might control g ut homeostasis. G enetic ablation of T ollip d id not lead to spontaneous colitis b ut h ad d ramatic c onsequences on t he intestinal expression of the α-defensin cryptidin 4 and the C-type lectin R EGIIIβ. These c hanges were associated with intestinal dysbiosis a nd e nhanced colonization b y segmented filamentous bacteria - a k ey p ro-inflammatory component of the microbiota. Tollip deficiency increased susceptibility to dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis and aggravated chronic Th17-driven colitis in IL-10-/- mice. Flora d epletion w ith a ntibiotics in T ollip-/- mice w as not sufficient to restore DSS colitis susceptibility and deletion of Tollip in n on-hematopoietic c ells using bone-marrow chimeras w as sufficient to increase s usceptibility t o DSS colitis. After D SS administration, we o bserved several e pithelial defects i n Tollip-/- mice including early tight junctions disruption, increased epithelial apoptosis, and increased intestinal permeability. Overall, our data show that T ollip significantly impacts intestinal h omeostasis by controlling b acterial ecology and intestinal r esponse to chemical and immunological stresses.


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Using the extended Thomas-Fermi version of density-functional theory (DFT), calculations are presented for the barrier for the reaction Na20++Na20+¿Na402+. The deviation from the simple Coulomb barrier is shown to be proportional to the electron density at the bond midpoint of the supermolecule (Na20+)2. An extension of conventional quantum-chemical studies of homonuclear diatomic molecular ions is then effected to apply to the supermolecular ions of the alkali metals. This then allows the Na results to be utilized to make semiquantitative predictions of position and height of the maximum of the fusion barrier for other alkali clusters. These predictions are confirmed by means of similar DFT calculations for the K clusters.


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[cat] Aquest treball té com a objectiu mostrar el grau en què el sector de la producció de vi a la Denominació d'Origen Penedès ha respost als reptes que s’han plantejat tant en termes de l'oferta (de consolidació i sorgiment dels països productors fora de l'esfera europea tradicional) i de la demanda (caiguda de la el consum de vi i els nous hàbits de consum) durant la segona meitat del segle XX. El document analitza l'evolució del sector a la regió des del començament de la dècada de 1940 fins a la fi del segle. Amb la fi de la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939 el sector va haver d'afrontar una caiguda de la producció, la qual va continuar concentrant-se en la comercialització de vins tradicionals. Aquesta situació va canviar quan, a finals de la dècada de 1960, la demanda es va girar cada vegada més als vins de major qualitat embotellats. Des del punt de vista legislatiu, la resposta es va centrar en la innovació tecnològica i la reestructuració de l'empresa. Aquest període va ser testimoni de la introducció de nous equips i processos, com ara l’acer inoxidable i tancs de fermentació a temperatura controlada, amb els vins embotellats expulsant el vi a granel i la transformació dels grans magatzemistes en cellers i caves. A més, una de les principals característiques del període 1970-1985 va ser la formació dels grans conglomerats empresarials dels vins i del cava. L’entrada d'Espanya a la Unió Europea el 1986 va impulsar una acceleració d'aquest procés de transformació, deixant el sector format principalment per empreses que produeixen vins i caves, que han introduït els vins negres i varietals en la seva oferta de productes, que posseeixen moltes hectàrees de vinyes i en molts casos, que han mostrat una clara intenció de penetrar en el mercat internacional.


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[cat] Aquest treball té com a objectiu mostrar el grau en què el sector de la producció de vi a la Denominació d'Origen Penedès ha respost als reptes que s’han plantejat tant en termes de l'oferta (de consolidació i sorgiment dels països productors fora de l'esfera europea tradicional) i de la demanda (caiguda de la el consum de vi i els nous hàbits de consum) durant la segona meitat del segle XX. El document analitza l'evolució del sector a la regió des del començament de la dècada de 1940 fins a la fi del segle. Amb la fi de la Guerra Civil de 1936-1939 el sector va haver d'afrontar una caiguda de la producció, la qual va continuar concentrant-se en la comercialització de vins tradicionals. Aquesta situació va canviar quan, a finals de la dècada de 1960, la demanda es va girar cada vegada més als vins de major qualitat embotellats. Des del punt de vista legislatiu, la resposta es va centrar en la innovació tecnològica i la reestructuració de l'empresa. Aquest període va ser testimoni de la introducció de nous equips i processos, com ara l’acer inoxidable i tancs de fermentació a temperatura controlada, amb els vins embotellats expulsant el vi a granel i la transformació dels grans magatzemistes en cellers i caves. A més, una de les principals característiques del període 1970-1985 va ser la formació dels grans conglomerats empresarials dels vins i del cava. L’entrada d'Espanya a la Unió Europea el 1986 va impulsar una acceleració d'aquest procés de transformació, deixant el sector format principalment per empreses que produeixen vins i caves, que han introduït els vins negres i varietals en la seva oferta de productes, que posseeixen moltes hectàrees de vinyes i en molts casos, que han mostrat una clara intenció de penetrar en el mercat internacional.


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The main objective of the present study was to analyze the best approach on how to coat paperboard trays at the pressing stage. The coating gives the paperboard enhanced barrier and mechanical properties. The whole process chain of the barrier coating development was studied in the research. The methodology applied includes obtaining the optimum temperature at which good adhesion and bonding is formed between paperboard and skin film. Evaluation of mechanical properties after the coatings; such as cracking, curling and barrier properties was performed.


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Multiple episodes of blood-brain barrier disruption were induced by sequential intraspinal injections of ethidium bromide. In addition to the barrier disruption, there was toxic demyelination and exposure of myelin components to the immune system. Twenty-seven 3-month-old Wistar rats received 2, 3 or 4 injections of 1 µl of either 0.1% ethidium bromide in normal saline (19 rats) or 0.9% saline (8 rats) at different levels of the spinal cord. The time intervals between the injections ranged from 28 to 42 days. Ten days after the last injection, all rats were perfused with 2.5% glutaraldehyde. The spinal sections were evaluated macroscopically and by light and transmission electron microscopy. All the lesions demonstrated a mononuclear phagocytic infiltrate apparently removing myelin. Lymphocytes were not conspicuous and were found in only 34% of the lesions. No perivascular cuffings were detected. In older lesions (38 days and older) they were found only within Virchow-Robin spaces. This result suggests that multiple blood-brain barrier disruptions with demyelination and exposure of myelin components to the immune system were not sufficient to induce an immune-mediated reaction in the central nervous system.


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Nothing today affects the lives of people in countries throughout the industrialized and developing world as much as international trade. Nowhere is this more true than in Canada. Canada's involvement in international trade has a long history dating back to 1854 when it was a British colony. As a major trading country, Canada has always adopted a proactive industrial policy which has been largely responsible for its relative economic prosperi ty. But, wi th businesses now free to invest and divest under the terms of the CUFTA and the NAFTA, the most fundamental concerns for Canadians, in a borderless world, are what powers will the Canadian government have to shape industrial policy, and to what extent can Canada continue as a viable nationstate if it can no longer control its national economy? These are important concerns because, in world without borders, the adjustment process becomes more volatile and more difficult to manage. The CUFTA and the NAFTA not only create the rules for conducting trade, but they also establish a set of new rules for the Canadian government that will diminish its power. As a member of a new North American trading bloc, Canada will find itself subject to a set of forces requiring analysis beyond participation in a conventional free trade area. Because many of the traditional levers of government will now be subject to external control imposed by these agreements, Canada will not be able to mount certain policies in the future that it has relied on in the past. This reality limits the pro-active role of the Canadian state to use policies and programmes for the country's immediate national development. What this thesis attempts is an examination of the evolution of Canadian industrial policy, in effect, the transi tion from Fordism to Neoconservatism, and an assessment of Canada's future as a nation-state as it tries to find security and improved access in a free trade arrangement. Unless Canada takes steps to neutralize the asymmetry of power between itself and the United States through adjustment programmes, it is the contention of this thesis that its economic future is anything but stable.