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Since the beginning of the Haitian theatrical tradition there has been an ineluctable dedication to the representation of Haitian history on stage. Given the rich theatrical archive about Haiti throughout the world, this study considers operas and plays written solely by Haitian playwrights. By delving into the works of Juste Chanlatte, Massillon Coicou, and Vendenesse Ducasse this study proposes a re-reading of Haitian theater that considers the stage as an innovative site for contesting negative and clichéd representations of the Haitian Revolution and its revolutionary leadership. A genre long mired in accusations of mimicking European literary forms, this study proposes a reevaluation of Haitian theater and its literary origins.
The nineteenth-century Romantic era saw the development and expansion of many vocal and instrumental forms that had originated in the Classical era. In particular, the German lied and French mélodie matured as art forms, and they found a kind of equilibrium between piano and vocal lines. Similarly, the nineteenth-century piano quartet came into its own as a form of true chamber music in which all instruments participated equally in the texture. Composers such as Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, and Gabriel Fauré offer particularly successful examples of both art song and piano quartets that represent these genres at their highest level of artistic complexity. Their works have become the cornerstones of the modern collaborative pianist’s repertoire. My dissertation explored both the art songs and the piano quartets of these three composers and studied the different skills needed by a pianist performing both types of works. This project included the following art song cycles: Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe, Gabriel Fauré’s Poème d’un Jour, and Johannes Brahms’ Zigeunerlieder. I also performed Schumann’s Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47, Fauré’s Piano Quartet in C minor, Op. 15, and Brahms’ Piano Quartet in G minor, Op. 25. My collaborators included: Zachariah Matteson, violin and viola; Kristin Bakkegard, violin; Molly Jones, cello; Geoffrey Manyin, cello; Karl Mitze, viola; Emily Riggs, soprano, and Matthew Hill, tenor. This repertoire was presented over the course of three recitals on February 13, 2015, December 11, 2015, March 25, 2016 at the University of Maryland’s Gildenhorn Recital Hall. These recitals can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).
Older adults frequently report that they can hear what they have been told but cannot understand the meaning. This is particularly true in noisy conditions, where the additional challenge of suppressing irrelevant noise (i.e. a competing talker) adds another layer of difficulty to their speech understanding. Hearing aids improve speech perception in quiet, but their success in noisy environments has been modest, suggesting that peripheral hearing loss may not be the only factor in the older adult’s perceptual difficulties. Recent animal studies have shown that auditory synapses and cells undergo significant age-related changes that could impact the integrity of temporal processing in the central auditory system. Psychoacoustic studies carried out in humans have also shown that hearing loss can explain the decline in older adults’ performance in quiet compared to younger adults, but these psychoacoustic measurements are not accurate in describing auditory deficits in noisy conditions. These results would suggest that temporal auditory processing deficits could play an important role in explaining the reduced ability of older adults to process speech in noisy environments. The goals of this dissertation were to understand how age affects neural auditory mechanisms and at which level in the auditory system these changes are particularly relevant for explaining speech-in-noise problems. Specifically, we used non-invasive neuroimaging techniques to tap into the midbrain and the cortex in order to analyze how auditory stimuli are processed in younger (our standard) and older adults. We will also attempt to investigate a possible interaction between processing carried out in the midbrain and cortex.
This quantitative research study utilized a binary logistic regression in a block design to investigate exogenous and endogenous factors influencing a teacher’s decision to make an intra-district move. The research focused on the following exogenous factors: classroom characteristics (size of class, percent minority, percent of students with an individualized education plan, and percent of students that are English language learners) and teacher characteristics (experience and gender). The following endogenous factors were examined: direct administrative influence (administrative support, rules enforced, school vision, teacher recognition, and job security) and indirect administrative influence (school climate, student misbehavior, parental support, materials, staff collaboration). The research was conducted by using information available from the National Center for Educational Statistics, the SASS from 2011-2012 and TFS from 2012-2013. The 2012-2013 Teacher Follow-up Survey identified 60 teachers who made a voluntary intra-district move. Results illustrate there is a statistically significant relationship between percentage of English Language Learners and overall job satisfaction and teachers choosing to make an intra-district move.
Title of Dissertation: THE EFFECT OF SCHOOL CLIMATE (STUDENT AND TEACHER ENGAGEMENT) ON STUDENT PERFORMANCE Kenneth L. Marcus, Doctor of Education, 2016 Directed By: Dr. Thomas Davis, Assistant Professor, Education Policy and Leadership, Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership This quantitative research study was designed to compute correlations/relationships of student engagement and student achievement of fifth grade students. Secondary information was collected on the relationship of FARMS, type of school, hope, and well-being on student achievement. School leaders are charged with ensuring that students achieve academically and demonstrate their ability by meeting identified targets on state and district mandated assessments. Due to increased pressure to meet targets, principals implement academic interventions to improve student learning and overlook the benefits of a positive school climate. This study has provided information on the impact of school climate on student achievement. To conduct this study, the researcher collected two sets of public fifth grade data (Gallup Survey student engagement scores and DSA reading, mathematics, and science scores) to determine the relationship of student performance and school climate. Secondary data were also collected on teacher engagement and the percentage of students receiving FARMS to determine the effect on students. The findings from this study reinforced the belief that school climate can have a positive effect on student achievement. This study contributed quantitative data about the relationship between school climate and school achievement.
This research concerns the conceptual and empirical relationship between environmental justice and social-ecological resilience as it relates to climate change vulnerability and adaptation. Two primary questions guided this work. First, what is the level of resilience and adaptive capacity for social-ecological systems that are characterized by environmental injustice in the face of climate change? And second, what is the role of an environmental justice approach in developing adaptation policies that will promote social-ecological resilience? These questions were investigated in three African American communities that are particularly vulnerable to flooding from sea-level rise on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, I found that in all three communities, religious faith and the church, rootedness in the landscape, and race relations were highly salient to community experience. The degree to which these common aspects of the communities have imparted adaptive capacity has changed over time. Importantly, a given social-ecological factor does not have the same effect on vulnerability in all communities; however, in all communities political isolation decreases adaptive capacity and increases vulnerability. This political isolation is at least partly due to procedural injustice, which occurs for a number of interrelated reasons. This research further revealed that while all stakeholders (policymakers, environmentalists, and African American community members) generally agree that justice needs to be increased on the Eastern Shore, stakeholder groups disagree about what a justice approach to adaptation would look like. When brought together at a workshop, however, these stakeholders were able to identify numerous challenges and opportunities for increasing justice. Resilience was assessed by the presence of four resilience factors: living with uncertainty, nurturing diversity, combining different types of knowledge, and creating opportunities for self-organization. Overall, these communities seem to have low resilience; however, there is potential for resilience to increase. Finally, I argue that the use of resilience theory for environmental justice communities is limited by the great breadth and depth of knowledge required to evaluate the state of the social-ecological system, the complexities of simultaneously promoting resilience at both the regional and local scale, and the lack of attention to issues of justice.
The work outlined in this dissertation will allow biochemists and cellular biologists to characterize polyubiquitin chains involved in their cellular environment by following a facile mass spectrometric based workflow. The characterization of polyubiquitin chains has been of interest since their discovery in 1984. The profound effects of ubiquitination on the movement and processing of cellular proteins depend exclusively on the structures of mono and polyubiquitin modifications anchored or unanchored on the protein within the cellular environment. However, structure-function studies have been hindered by the difficulty in identifying complex chain structures due to limited instrument capabilities of the past. Genetic mutations or reiterative immunoprecipitations have been used previously to characterize the polyubiquitin chains, but their tedium makes it difficult to study a broad ubiquitinome. Top-down and middle-out mass spectral based proteomic studies have been reported for polyubiquitin and have had success in characterizing parts of the chain, but no method to date has been successful at differentiating all theoretical ubiquitin chain isomers (ubiquitin chain lengths from dimer to tetramer alone have 1340 possible isomers). The workflow presented here can identify chain length, topology and linkages present using a chromatographic-time-scale compatible, LC-MS/MS based workflow. To accomplish this feat, the strategy had to exploit the most recent advances in top-down mass spectrometry. This included the most advanced electron transfer dissociation (ETD) activation and sensitivity for large masses from the orbitrap Fusion Lumos. The spectral interpretation had to be done manually with the aid of a graphical interface to assign mass shifts because of a lack of software capable to interpret fragmentation across isopeptide linkages. However, the method outlined can be applied to any mass spectral based system granted it results in extensive fragmentation across the polyubiquitin chain; making this method adaptable to future advances in the field.
This dissertation comprises three chapters. The first chapter motivates the use of a novel data set combining survey and administrative sources for the study of internal labor migration. By following a sample of individuals from the American Community Survey (ACS) across their employment outcomes over time according to the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) database, I construct a measure of geographic labor mobility that allows me to exploit information about individuals prior to their move. This enables me to explore aspects of the migration decision, such as homeownership and employment status, in ways that have not previously been possible. In the second chapter, I use this data set to test the theory that falling home prices affect a worker’s propensity to take a job in a different metropolitan area from where he is currently located. Employing a within-CBSA and time estimation that compares homeowners to renters in their propensities to relocate for jobs, I find that homeowners who have experienced declines in the nominal value of their homes are approximately 12% less likely than average to take a new job in a location outside of the metropolitan area where they currently reside. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that housing lock-in has contributed to the decline in labor mobility of homeowners during the recent housing bust. The third chapter focuses on a sample of unemployed workers in the same data set, in order to compare the unemployment durations of those who find subsequent employment by relocating to a new metropolitan area, versus those who find employment in their original location. Using an instrumental variables strategy to address the endogeneity of the migration decision, I find that out-migrating for a new job significantly reduces the time to re-employment. These results stand in contrast to OLS estimates, which suggest that those who move have longer unemployment durations. This implies that those who migrate for jobs in the data may be particularly disadvantaged in their ability to find employment, and thus have strong short-term incentives to relocate.
Picornaviruses are a group of human and animal pathogens capable of inflicting serious public health diseases and economic burdens. Treatments options through vaccines for prevention or antivirals to cure infection are not available for the vast majority of these viruses. These shortcomings, in the development of vaccines or antivirals therapeutic, are linked to the genetic diversity and to an incomplete understanding of the biology of these viruses. Despite the diverse host range, this group of positive-strand RNA viruses shares the same replication mechanisms, including the development of membranous structures (replication organelles) in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The development of these membranous structures, which serve as sites for the replication of the viral RNA genome, has been linked to the hijacking of elements of the cellular membrane metabolism pathways. Here we show that upon picornavirus infection, there is a specific activation of acyl-CoA synthetase enzymes resulting in strong import and accumulation of long chain fatty acids in the cytoplasm of infected cells. We show that the newly imported fatty acids serve as a substrate for the upregulation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis required for the structural development of replication organelles. In this work, we identified that acyl-CoA synthetase long chain 3 (ACSL3) is required for the upregulation of lipids syntheses and the replication of poliovirus. We have shown that the poliovirus protein 2A was required but not sufficient for the activation of import of long chain fatty acids in infected cells. We demonstrated that the fatty acid import is upregulated upon infection by diverse picornaviruses and that such upregulation is not dependent on activation of ER stress response or the autophagy pathways. In this work, we have demonstrated that phosphatidylcholine was required for the structural development of replication organelles. Phosphatidylcholine synthesis was dispensable for the production of infectious particles at high MOI but required at a low MOI for the protection of the replication complexes from the cellular innate immunity mechanisms.
This dissertation examines the role that music has played in the expression of identity and revitalization of culture of the Alevis in Turkey, since the start of their sociocultural revival movement in the late 1980s. Music is central to Alevi claims of ethnic and religious difference—singing and playing the bağlama (Turkish folk lute) constitutes an expressive practice in worship and everyday life. Based on research conducted from 2012 to 2014, I investigate and present Alevi music through the lens of discourses on the construction of identity as a social and musical process. Alevi musicians perform a revived repertoire of the ritual music and folk songs of Anatolian bards and dervish-lodge poets that developed over several centuries. Contemporary media and performance contexts have blurred former distinctions between sacred and secular, yet have provided new avenues to build community in an urban setting. I compare music performances in the worship services of urban and small-town areas, and other community events such as devotional meetings, concerts, clubs, and broadcast and social media to illustrate the ways that participation—both performing and listening—reinforces identity and solidarity. I also examine the influence of these different contexts on performers’ musical choices, and the power of music to evoke a range of responses and emotional feelings in the participants. Through my investigation I argue that the Alevi music repertoire is not only a cultural practice but also a symbol of power and collective action in their struggle for human rights and self-determination. As Alevis have faced a redefined Turkish nationalism that incorporates Sunni Muslim piety, this music has gained even greater potency in their resistance to misrecognition as a folkloric, rather than a living, tradition.
As the number of fungal pathogen outbreaks become more frequent worldwide across taxa, so have the number of species extirpations and communities persisting with the pathogen. This phenomenon raises questions, such as: “what leads to host extinction during an outbreak?” and “how are hosts persisting once the pathogen establishes?.” But the data on host populations and communities across life stages before and after pathogen arrival rarely exist to answer these questions. Over the past three to four decades, the amphibian-killing fungus Batrachochytrim dendrobatidis (Bd) spread in a wave-like manner across Central America, leading to rapid species extirpations and population declines. I collected data on tadpole and adult amphibians in El Copé, Panama before, during, and after the Bd outbreak to answer these questions. I used Bayesian statistical approaches to account for imperfect host and pathogen detection of marked and unmarked individuals. In the tadpole community, within 11 months of Bds arrival, density and occupancy rapidly declined. Species losses were phylogenetically correlated, with glass frogs disappearing first, and tree frogs and poison-dart frogs remaining. I found that tadpole communities resembled one another more strongly after the outbreak than they did before Bd invasion. I found no tadpoles within 22 months of the outbreak and limited signs of recovery within 10 years. In contrast, at the same site, for a population of male glass frogs, Espadarana prosopleon, I found that 10 years post-outbreak, the population was consistently half its historic abundance, and that the lack of recruits to the population explained why the population had not rebounded, rather than high pathogen-induced mortality. And finally, examining the entire amphibian community, I found high pathogen prevalence, low infection intensities, and high survival rates of uninfected and infected hosts. Bd transmission risk, i.e., the probability a susceptible host becomes infected, did not relate to host density, pathogen prevalence, or infection intensity– Bd transmission risk was uniform across the study area. My results are especially relevant to conservation biologists aiming to predict the future impacts of Bd outbreaks, those trying to manage persisting populations, and those interested in reintroducing species back into wild amphibian communities.
Over the course of his career, Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) admired and befriended many violin virtuosos. In addition to being renowned performers, many of these virtuosos were prolific composers in their own right. Through their own compositions, interpretive style and new technical contributions, they inspired some of Beethoven’s most beloved violin works. This dissertation places a selection of Beethoven’s violin compositions in historical and stylistic context through an examination of related compositions by Giovanni Battista Viotti (1755–1824), Pierre Rode (1774–1830) and Franz Clement (1780–1842). The works of these violin virtuosos have been presented along with those of Beethoven in a three-part recital series designed to reveal the compositional, technical and artistic influences of each virtuoso. Viotti’s Violin Concerto No. 2 in E major and Rode’s Violin Concerto No. 10 in B minor serve as examples from the French violin concerto genre, and demonstrate compositional and stylistic idioms that affected Beethoven’s own compositions. Through their official dedications, Beethoven’s last two violin sonatas, the Op. 47, or Kreutzer, in A major, dedicated to Rodolphe Kreutzer, and Op. 96 in G major, dedicated to Pierre Rode, show the composer’s reverence for these great artistic personalities. Beethoven originally dedicated his Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61, to Franz Clement. This work displays striking similarities to Clement’s own Violin Concerto in D major, which suggests that the two men had a close working relationship and great respect for one another. The first recital was performed in Ulrich Recital Hall; the second and third recitals were performed in Gildenhorn Recital Hall at the University of Maryland. All three performances were collaborations with pianist, Hsiang-Ling Hsiao. A Recording of the first program can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM). Recordings of the second and third recitals can be accessed at the University of Maryland Hornbake Library.
This qualitative case study explored three teacher candidates’ learning and enactment of discourse-focused mathematics teaching practices. Using audio and video recordings of their teaching practice this study aimed to identify the shifts in the way in which the teacher candidates enacted the following discourse practices: elicited and used evidence of student thinking, posed purposeful questions, and facilitated meaningful mathematical discourse. The teacher candidates’ written reflections from their practice-based coursework as well as interviews were examined to see how two mathematics methods courses influenced their learning and enactment of the three discourse focused mathematics teaching practices. These data sources were also used to identify tensions the teacher candidates encountered. All three candidates in the study were able to successfully enact and reflect on these discourse-focused mathematics teaching practices at various time points in their preparation programs. Consistency of use and areas of improvement differed, however, depending on various tensions experienced by each candidate. Access to quality curriculum materials as well as time to formulate and enact thoughtful lesson plans that supported classroom discourse were tensions for these teacher candidates. This study shows that teacher candidates are capable of enacting discourse-focused teaching practices early in their field placements and with the support of practice-based coursework they can analyze and reflect on their practice for improvement. This study also reveals the importance of assisting teacher candidates in accessing rich mathematical tasks and collaborating during lesson planning. More research needs to be explored to identify how specific aspects of the learning cycle impact individual teachers and how this can be used to improve practice-based teacher education courses.
Grounded in the intersection between gender politics and electoral studies, this dissertation examines the demobilizing effects of violations of personal space (in the form of domestic violence, control over mobility, emotional abuse, and sexual harassment) on the propensity to vote. Using quantitative methods across four survey datasets concerning Lebanon, the United States, Morocco, and Yemen, this research concludes that cross-regionally, familial control over mobility reduces the propensity to vote among women. Conversely, mechanisms of empowerment such as education and employment increase the propensity to vote.
This thesis explores the relationship of the actress Hedwig Raabe’s 1866 performance in Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer’s play Die Grille to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s 1872 book The Birth of Tragedy. This exploration is structured by theatre scholar Marvin Carlson’s concept of haunting. I conclude that the haunting of Nietzsche’s text by Raabe’s performance destabilizes the former and points towards new ways of understanding The Birth of Tragedy in the fields of theatre and performance studies.