943 resultados para Bacterial Protein Secretion


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Helicobacter pylori colonizes the human stomach, where it causes gastritis that may develop into peptic ulcer disease or cancer when left untreated. Neisseria gonorrhoeae colonizes the urogenital tract and causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. In contrast, Lactobacillus species are part of the human microbiota, which is the resident microbial community, and are considered to be beneficial for health. The first host cell types that bacteria encounter when they enter the body are epithelial cells, which form the border between the inside and the outside, and macrophages, which are immune cells that engulf unwanted material.       The focus of this thesis has been the interaction between the host and bacteria, aiming to increase our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the host responses and their effects on bacterial pathogenicity. Understanding the interactions between bacteria and the host will hopefully enable the development of new strategies for the treatment of infectious disease. In paper I, we investigated the effect of N. gonorrhoeae on the growth factor amphiregulin in cervical epithelial cells and found that the processing and release of amphiregulin changes upon infection. In paper II, we examined the expression of the transcription factor early growth response-1 (EGR1) in epithelial cells during bacterial colonization. We demonstrated that EGR1 is rapidly upregulated by many different bacteria. This upregulation is independent of the pathogenicity, Gram-staining type and level of adherence of the bacteria, but generally requires viable bacteria and contact with the host cell. The induction of EGR1 is mediated primarily by signaling through EGFR, ERK1/2 and β1-integrins. In paper III, we described the interactions of the uncharacterized protein JHP0290, which is secreted by H. pylori, with host cells. JHP0290 is able to bind to several cell types and induces apoptosis and TNF release in macrophages. For both of these responses, signaling through Src family kinases and ERK is essential. Apoptosis is partially mediated by TNF release. Finally, in paper IV, we showed that certain Lactobacillus strains can reduce the colonization of H. pylori on gastric epithelial cells. Lactobacilli decrease the gene expression of SabA and thereby inhibit the binding mediated by this adhesin.


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Increasing evidence suggests that tissue transglutaminase (tTGase; type II) is externalized from cells, where it may play a key role in cell attachment and spreading and in the stabilization of the extracellular matrix (ECM) through protein cross-linking. However, the relationship between these different functions and the enzyme's mechanism of secretion is not fully understood. We have investigated the role of tTGase in cell migration using two stably transfected fibroblast cell lines in which expression of tTGase in its active and inactive (C277S mutant) states is inducible through the tetracycline-regulated system. Cells overexpressing both forms of tTGase showed increased cell attachment and decreased cell migration on fibronectin. Both forms of the enzyme could be detected on the cell surface, but only the clone overexpressing catalytically active tTGase deposited the enzyme into the ECM and cell growth medium. Cells overexpressing the inactive form of tTGase did not deposit the enzyme into the ECM or secrete it into the cell culture medium. Similar results were obtained when cells were transfected with tTGase mutated at Tyr(274) (Y274A), the proposed site for the cis,trans peptide bond, suggesting that tTGase activity and/or its tertiary conformation dependent on this bond may be essential for its externalization mechanism. These results indicate that tTGase regulates cell motility as a novel cell-surface adhesion protein rather than as a matrix-cross-linking enzyme. They also provide further important insights into the mechanism of externalization of the enzyme into the extracellular matrix.


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Orexins A and B (ORA and ORB) are neuropeptide hormones found throughout the central nervous system and periphery. They are required for a host of physiological processes including mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) regulation, steroidogenesis, appetite control and energy regulation. While some signalling mechanisms have been proposed for individual recombinant orexin receptors in generic mammalian cell types, it is clear that the peripheral effects of orexin are spatially and temporally complex. This study dissects the different G-protein signalling and MAPK pathways activated in a pluripotent human adrenal H295R cell line capable of all the physiological steps involved in steroidogenesis. Both extracellular receptor kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and p38 were phosphorylated rapidly with a subsequent decline, in a time- and dose-dependent manner, in response to both ORA and ORB. Conversely, there was little or no direct activation of the ERK5 or JNK pathway. Analysis using signalling and MAPK inhibitors as well as receptor-specific antagonists determined the precise mediators of the orexin response in these cells. Both ERK1/2 and p38 activation were predominantly Gq- and to a lesser extent Gs-mediated; p38 activation even had a small Gi-component. Effects were broadly comparable for both orexin sub-types ORA and ORB and although most of the effects were transmitted through the orexin receptor-1 subtype, we did observe a role for orexin receptor-2-mediated activation of both ERK1/2 and p38. Cortisol secretion also differed in response to ORA and ORB. These data suggest multiple roles for orexin-mediated MAPK activation in an adrenal cell-line, this complexity may help to explain the diverse biological actions of orexins with wide-ranging consequences for our understanding of the mechanisms initiated by these steroidogenic molecules.


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Data suggest that for TG2 to be secreted, an intact N-terminal FN binding site (for which TG2 has high affinity) is required, however interaction of TG2 with its high affinity binding partners presents both in the intracellular and extracellular space as well as with specific cell surface receptors may also be involved in this process. Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, the effects of specific mutations of TG2 on its translocation to the cell surface and secretion into the ECM have been investigated. Mutations include those affecting FN binding (FN1), HSPGs binding (HS1, HS2) GTP/GDP binding site (GTP1, 2) as well as N-terminal and C-terminal domains (TG2 deletion mutants N, and C). By performing transglutaminase activity assays, cell surface protein biotinylation and verifying distribution of TG2 mutants in the ECM we demonstrated that one of the potential heparan sulfate binding site mutants (HS2 mutant) is secreted at the cell surface in a much reduced manner and is less deposited into the ECM than the HS1 mutant. The HS2 mutant showed a low affinity for binding to a heparin sepharose column demonstrating this mutation site may be a potential heparan binding site of TG2. Analogous peptides to this site were shown to have some efficiency in the inhibition of the binding of the FN-TG2 complex to cell surface heparan sulfates in a cell adhesion assay indicating the peptide to be representative of the novel heparin binding site within TG2. The GTP binding site mutants GTP1 and GTP2 exhibited low specific activity however, GTP2 showed more secretion to the cell surface in comparison to GTP1. The FN1 binding mutant did not greatly affect TG2 activity nor did it alter TG2 secretion at the cell surface and deposition into the ECM indicating that fibronectin binding at this site on the enzyme is not an important factor. Interestingly an intact N-terminus (?1-15) appeared to be essential for enzyme externalisation. Removal of the first 15 amino acids (N-terminal mutant) abolished TG2 secretion to the cell surface as well as deposition into the ECM. In addition it reduced the enzymes affinity for binding to heparin. In contrast, deletion of the C-terminal TG2 domain (?594-687) increased enzyme secretion to the cell surface. Consistent with the data presented in this thesis we speculate that TG2 must fulfill two requirements to be successfully secreted from cells. The findings indicate that the closed conformation of the enzyme as well as intact N-terminal tail and a novel HS binding site within the TG2 molecule are key elements for the enzyme’s localisation at the cell surface and its deposition into the extracellular matrix. The importance of understanding the interactions between TG2, heparan sulfates and other TG2 binding partners at the cell surface could have an impact on the design of novel strategies for enzyme inhibition which could be important in the control of extracellular TG2 related diseases.


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Adiponectin is an abundantly circulating adipokine, orchestrating its effects through two 7-transmembrane receptors (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2). Steroidogenesis is regulated by a variety of neuropeptides and adipokines. Earlier studies have reported adipokine mediated steroid production. A key rate-limiting step in steroidogenesis is cholesterol transportation across the mitochondrial membrane by steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR). Several signalling pathways regulate StAR expression. The actions of adiponectin and its role in human adrenocortical steroid biosynthesis are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adiponectin on StAR protein expression, steroidogenic genes, and cortisol production and to dissect the signalling cascades involved in the activation of StAR expression. Using qRT-PCR, Western blot analysis and ELISA, we have demonstrated that stimulation of human adrenocortical H295R cells with adiponectin results in increased cortisol secretion. This effect is accompanied by increased expression of key steroidogenic pathway genes including StAR protein expression via ERK1/2 and AMPK-dependent pathways. This has implications for our understanding of adiponectin receptor activation and peripheral steroidogenesis. Finally, our study aims to emphasise the key role of adipokines in the integration of metabolic activity and energy balance partly via the regulation of adrenal steroid production.


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Immunoprecipitation (IP) is one of the most widely used and selective techniques for protein purification. Here, a miniaturised, polymer-supported immunoprecipitation (µIP) method for the on-chip purification of proteins from complex mixtures is described. A 4 µl PDMS column functionalised with covalently bound antibodies was created and all critical aspects of the µIP protocol (antibody immobilisation, blocking of potential non-specific adsorption sites, sample incubation and washing conditions) were assessed and optimised. The optimised µIP method was used to obtain purified fractions of affinity-tagged protein from a bacterial lysate.


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Sepsis continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality as it can readily lead tosevere sepsis, septic shock, multiple organ failure and death. The onset can be rapid and difficult to define clinically. Despite the numerous candidate markers proposed in the literature, to date a serum marker for sepsis has not been found. The aim of this study was to assay the serum of clinically diagnosed patients with eithera Gram-negative or Gram- positive bacterial sepsis for elevated levels of nine potentialmarkers of sepsis, using commercially produced enzyme linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA). The purpose was to find a test marker for sepsis that would be helpful toclinicians in cases of uncertain sepsis and consequently expose false positive BC'scaused by skin or environmental contaminants. Nine test markers were assayed including IL-6, IL-I 0, ILI2, TNF-α, lipopolysaccharide binding protein, procalcitonin, sE-selectin, sICAM -1 and a potential differential marker for Gram-positive sepsis- anti-lipid S antibody. A total of 445 patients were enrolled into this study from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Selly Oak Hospital (Birmingham). The results showed that all the markers were elevated in patients with sepsis and that patients with a Gram-negative sepsis consistently produced higher median/range serum levels than those with a Gram-positive sepsis. No single marker was able to identify all the septic patients. Combining two markers caused the sensitivities and specificities for a diagnosis of sepsis to increase to within a 90% to 100% range. By a process of elimination the markers that survived into the last phase were IL-6 with sICAM -1, and anti-lipid S IgG assays Defining cut-off levels for a diagnosis of sepsis became problematic and a semi-blind trial was devised to test the markers in the absence of both clinical details and positive blood cultures. Patients with pyrexia of unknown origin and negative BC were included in this phase (4). The results showed that IL-6 with sICAM-l are authentic markers of sepsis. There was 82% agreement between the test marker diagnosis and the clinical diagnosis for sepsis in patients with a Gram-positive BC and 78% agreement in cases of Gram-negative Be. In the PUO group the test markers identified 12 cases of sepsis and the clinical diagnosis 15. The markers were shown to differentiate between early sepsis and sepsis, inflammatory responses and infection. Anti-lipid S with IL-6 proved be a sensitive marker for Gram-positive infections/sepsis.


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Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a cytokine that is active on a wide variety of cells. Multiple LIF transcripts have been described. The transcripts LIF-D and LIF-M encode different signal peptides, which in mouse have been associated with differential localisation of the mature protein. LIF-D is associated with a freely diffusible protein, whereas the LIF-M is associated with the extracellular matrix. The polarity of LIF secretion has yet to be described and could illuminate the mechanisms of LIF localisation. Here the polarised endogenous secretion of human LIF and IL-6 in Caco-2 cells was characterised under normal culture conditions and following induction with IL-1b. Whether the apical or basolateral membrane was stimulated influenced the pattern of secretion (LIF: Unstimulated, 59% basolateral. Dual stimulation, 68% basolateral. Basolateral stimulation, 79% basolateral. Apical stimulation, 53% basolateral). IL-6 displayed a similar dependence on the site of stimulation but was predominantly secreted at the membrane that was stimulated. To determine the effect of the alternate signal peptides on the polarity of LIF secretion, LIF was epitope tagged with FLAG. Epitope-tagging with FLAG was used to separate endogenous from exogenous protein expression. However, despite the normal biological activity of LIF-FLAG and detection of the FLAG in a western blot, detection of the LIF-FLAG under non-reducing conditions was not observed, and therefore it was unsuitable for secretion studies. Untagged LIF was expressed exogenously in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells under the control of a tetracycline response promoter that allowed a variety of LIF expression levels to be tested. Exogenous murine LIF was secreted predominantly from the apical (60%) membrane of MDCK cells irrespective of the signal peptide expressed.


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The major cause of death in CF is a continuous inflammation of the lungs colonised with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and occasionally also with Burkholderia cepacia. A combination of serum IgG to LPS and serum PCT levels were found to be good markers for detection of early colonisation with P. aeruginosa. Colomycin sulphomethate (colistin E) is one of the antibiotics used to treat P. aeruginosa infections in CF. Electrophoretic methods were developed to monitor the rate of conversion of colomycin sulphomethate to the active form of the drug. Antimicrobial activity towards P. aeruginosa was generated as the sulphomethate substituents were released. Clinical resistance of P. aeruginosa to colomycin is rare, but a number of isolates have been isolated. Twelve colomycin-resistant clinical isolates were investigated to determine the mechanism of resistance. It was found that the low level of resistance was due to over expression of outer membrane protein H (OprH) in 5 isolates. A novel mechanism of resistance involving modification of the phosphate groups in LPS was identified in one of the isolates. Drugs which reduce inflammation in infected CF lungs would be of great advantage for therapy. Reducing inflammation would preserve the lung function and increase the quality of life for CF patients. Antibiotics like tetracyclines, macrolides and polymyxins were tested for their potential anti-inflammatory effects using cultured human monocytic (U937) cells which secrete the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL1- and TNF- in response to LPS from P. aeruginosa and B. cepacia. It was found that tetracyclines, and especially doxycycline, are good inhibitors of cytokine release by U937 cells and therefore could reduce the inflammatory cascade.


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The influence of iron metabolism, both on the invading bacterial pathogen and in the host is widespread and often appears to be crucial in determining the outcome of an infection. This study involved the investigation of leukaemia, a clinical disease where abnormal availability of iron may play a part in predisposing patients to bacterial infection. The iron status throughout a Gram-negative septicaemia and in 20 random, newly diagnosed leukaemic patients was assessed. The results revealed that the majority of the patients exhibited high serum iron levels and serum transferrin saturation often at 100%, with an inability to reduce the latter to within normal values during an infection episode. The antibody response to P.aeruginosa, E.coli and K.pneumoniae outer membrane protein (OMP) antigens were investigated by immunoblotting with sequential serum samples during infection in the leukaemic host. Antibodies to all the major OMPs, were observed, although recognition of iron-regulated membrane proteins (IRMPs) was in many cases weak. Results from the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated that in all patients antibody titre in response to infection was poor. Sub-MICs of mitomycin C significantly altered the surface characteristics of P.aeruginosa. The silver-stained SDS-PAGE gels of proteinase K digested whole cell lysates of strains PAO1, 6750, M7 and PAJ indicated that core LPS was affected in the presence of mitomycin C. In contrast, the rough strain AK1012 showed no observable differences. Results obtained using quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis showed the amount of LPS fatty acids to be unaffected, however, the KDO and carbohydrate content in strains PAO1, 6750 and M7 under Fe+ and Fe- growth conditions were decreased by up to 4-fold in the presence of mitomycin C, indicating perturbed expression of LPS. The cell surface became significantly more hydrophobic in the P.aeruginosa strains, except AK1012 which was comparatively unaffected. The induction of protein G (OprG) in P.aeruginosa was found to be a sensitive indicator of media iron. The data indicated that expression of OprG can be modulated by growth rate/phase, availability of iron and by the presence of ciprofloxacin in the growth medium.


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     This study was undertaken to further understanding of the mechanisms which regulate mucus secretion by rat stomach cells. Particular objectives were: (i) to develop and use a radiochemical assay to estimate the secretion of mucin by a suspension of gastric mucosal cells in vitro, (ii) to develop and use a solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (EIA) to study the regulation of the release of bulk gastric mucin from the isolated cells and (iii) to compare the results obtained with the two procedures.      Cells were isolated by exposure of gastric mucosa to pronase and EDTA. Cell suspensions were preincubated with D-[6-3H]glucosamine. [3H]-labelled material of high molecular mass released into the incubation medium, was purified by Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography, and appeared to be gastric mucin. Some unidentified [3H]-labelled material of lower molecular mass was also found in the medium. Release of [3H]-labelled high molecular mass material was essentially linearly related to time. Secretin, isoprenaline and carbachol stimulated release of [3H]-labelled high molecular mass material. The half-maximally effective concentrations of secretin and isoprenaline were 2.3nM and 34nM respectively. Histamine, gastrin and epidermal growth factor were without effect.      A rabbit polyclonal antibody was raised by using purified 'native' rat gastric mucin as immunogen. The antibody preparation appeared specific for rat gastric mucin and was used to establish a quantitative solid-phase EIA. Release of bulk mucin was essentially linearly related to time. Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), forskolin and A23187 dose-dependently stimulated bulk mucin release. Synergistic interactions were observed between PMA and forskolin, and PMA and A23187. Secretin and isoprenaline were confirmed as mucin secretogogues.      In conclusion gastric mucin release was investigated for the first time by using a suspension of gastric mucosal cells. Two different assay procedures were developed. Some pathways and agents responsible for controlling mucin secretion were identified.


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Background: The direction of cytokine secretion from polarized cells determines the cytokine's cellular targets. Leukemia inhibitory factor LIF) belongs to the interleukin-6 IL-6) family of cytokines and signals through LIFR/gp130. Three factors which may regulate the direction of LIF secretion were studied: the site of stimulation, signal peptides, and expression levels. Stimulation with IL-1 beta is known to promote IL-6 secretion from the stimulated membrane apical or basolateral) in the human intestinal epithelial cell line Caco-2. Since LIF is related to IL-6, LIF secretion was also tested in Caco-2 following IL-1 beta stimulation. Signal peptides may influence the trafficking of LIF. Two isoforms of murine LIF, LIF-M and LIF-D, encode different signal peptides which have been associated with different locations of the mature protein in fibroblasts. To determine the effect of the signal peptides on LIF secretion, secretion levels were compared in Madin-Darby canine kidney MDCK) clones which expressed murine LIF-M or LIF-D or human LIF under the control of an inducible promoter. Low and high levels of LIF expression were also compared since saturation of the apical or basolateral route would reveal specific transporters for LIF. Results: When Caco-2 was grown on permeable supports, LIF was secreted constitutively with around 40% secreted into the apical chamber. Stimulation with IL-1 beta increased LIF production. After treating the apical surface with IL-1 beta, the percentage secreted apically remained similar to the untreated, whereas, when the cells were stimulated at the basolateral surface only 20% was secreted apically. In MDCK cells, an endogenous LIF-like protein was detected entirely in the apical compartment. The two mLIF isoforms showed no difference in their secretion patterns in MDCK. Interestingly, about 70% of murine and human LIF was secreted apically from MDCK over a 400-fold range of expression levels within clones and a 200,000-fold range across clones. Conclusion: The site of stimulation affected the polarity of LIF secretion, while, signal peptides and expression levels did not. Exogenous LIF is transported in MDCK without readily saturated steps.


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In the last 15 years, 80% of all recombinant proteins reported in the literature were produced in the bacterium, Escherichia coli, or the yeast, Pichia pastoris. Nonetheless, developing effective general strategies for producing recombinant eukaryotic membrane proteins in these organisms remains a particular challenge. Using a validated screening procedure together with accurate yield quantitation, we therefore wished to establish the critical steps contributing to high yields of recombinant eukaryotic membrane protein in P. pastoris. Whilst the use of fusion partners to generate chimeric constructs and directed mutagenesis have previously been shown to be effective in bacterial hosts, we conclude that this approach is not transferable to yeast. Rather, codon optimization and the preparation and selection of high-yielding P. pastoris clones are effective strategies for maximizing yields of human aquaporins.


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The generation of reactive oxygen species is a central feature of inflammation that results in the oxidation of host phospholipids. Oxidized phospholipids, such as 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine (OxPAPC), have been shown to inhibit signaling induced by bacterial lipopeptide or lipopolysac-charide (LPS), yet the mechanisms responsible for the inhibition of Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling by OxPAPC remain incompletely understood. Here, we examined the mechanisms by which OxPAPC inhibits TLR signaling induced by diverse ligands in macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and epithelial cells. OxPAPC inhibited tumor necrosis factor- production, IB degradation, p38 MAPK phosphorylation, and NF-B-dependent reporter activation induced by stimulants of TLR2 and TLR4 (Pam3CSK4 and LPS) but not by stimulants of other TLRs (poly(I·C), flagellin, loxoribine, single-stranded RNA, or CpG DNA) in macrophages and HEK-293 cells transfected with respective TLRs and significantly reduced inflammatory responses in mice injected subcutaneously or intraperitoneally with Pam3CSK4. Serum proteins, including CD14 and LPS-binding protein, were identified as key targets for the specificity of TLR inhibition as supplementation with excess serum or recombinant CD14 or LBP reversed TLR2 inhibition by OxPAPC, whereas serum accessory proteins or expression of membrane CD14 potentiated signaling via TLR2 and TLR4 but not other TLRs. Binding experiments and functional assays identified MD2 as a novel additional target of OxPAPC inhibition of LPS signaling. Synthetic phospholipid oxidation products 1-palmitoyl-2-(5-oxovaleryl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and 1-palmitoyl-2-glutaryl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine inhibited TLR2 signaling from 30 µM. Taken together, these results suggest that oxidized phospholipid-mediated inhibition of TLR signaling occurs mainly by competitive interaction with accessory proteins that interact directly with bacterial lipids to promote signaling via TLR2 or TLR4.


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We have shown previously that a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein based on the Lac repressor protein can isolate pre-purified DNA efficiently from simple buffer solution but our attempts to purify plasmids directly from crude starting materials were disappointing with unpractically low DNA yields. We have optimized tbe procedure and present a simple affinity methodology whereby plasmid DNA is purified directly by mixing two crude cell lysates, one cell lysate containing the plasmid and the other the protein affinity ligand, without the need for treatment by RNaseA. After IMAC chromatography, high purity supercoiled DNA is recovered in good yields of 100-150 μg plasmid per 200 mL shake flask culture. Moreover, the resulting DNA is free from linear or open-circular plasmid DNA, genomic DNA, RNA, and protein, to the limits of our detection. Furthermore, we show that lyophilized affinity ligand can be stored at room temperature and re-hydrated for use when required. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.