965 resultados para B-CELL EPITOPES


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Regulatorische T-Zellen sind essentiell für die Aufrechterhaltung der peripheren Toleranz. Hierbei sorgen diese hocheffektiven Suppressorzellen für ein immunologisches Gleichgewicht, indem sie Immunantworten gegen Autoantigene sowie harmlose Nahrungs- und Umweltantigene verhindern. Andererseits können diese bei chronischen Infekten Immunantworten reduzieren sowie effektive Antitumor-Immunantworten hemmen. Aufgrund ethischer Erwägungen ist die Erforschung regulatorischer T-Zellen und deren Rolle bei der Tumorentwicklung weitestgehend auf Mausmodelle oder humane in vitro oder ex vivo Analysen beschränkt. Um diese Limitationen zu überwinden und translationale immunologische Experimente zu ermöglichen, wurde hier ein humanisiertes Mausmodell verwendet. T- und B-Zell-defiziente NOD-scid IL2Rgammanull (NSG) Mäuse wurden mit humanen CD34+ hämatopoetischen Stammzellen aus Nabelschnurblut rekonstituiert. Aus diesen Stammzellen entstanden in den Tieren vielfältige humane Immunzellen. Im murinen Thymus der NSG Tiere entwickelten sich CD4+ und CD8+ einzelpositive T-Zellen, welche als funktionelle Effektorpopulationen in die Peripherie auswanderten. Humane regulatorische T-Zellen (CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ CD127-) entwickelten sich ebenfalls im murinen Thymus der Tiere und machten ca. 10% der humanen peripheren CD4+ T-Zellen in den Mäusen aus. Diese humanen regulatorischen T-Zellen zeigten vorwiegend einen HLA-DR+ Phänotyp, welcher mit höchster Suppressivität assoziiert ist. Weiter verhielten sich die regualtorischen T-Zellen anergisch und bewiesen ihre Funktionalität unter anderem durch die Inhibition der Proliferation von Effektor-T-Zellen in vitro. rnSubkutan injizierte Tumorzellen eines humanen undifferenzierten pleomorphen Sarkoms wurden in den humanisierten Mäusen nicht abgestoßen und der Tumor konnte, trotz Infiltration humaner Immunzellen, ungehindert wachsen. Als mögliche Ursache hierfür zeigte sich die selektive Akkumulation regulatorischer T-Zellen im Tumor. Zusammen mit dem erhöhten Anteil humaner regulatorischer T-Zellen in der Peripherie, weisen diese Beobachtungen deutliche Parallelen mit Befunden aus humanen Patienten auf. Dies bietet somit erstmalig die Option in vivo die Rolle humaner regulatorischer T-Zellen im undifferenzierten pleomorphen Sarkom zu analysieren. Die hier gezeigten Daten machen deutlich, dass es das humanisierte Mausmodell ermöglicht, die Entstehung und Funktion humaner regulatorischer T-Zellen in vivo zu analysieren, deren Bedeutung in klinisch relevanten Modellen zu charakterisieren und somit innovative Therapien zu etablieren.


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Die allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation ist bereits seit mehreren Jahrzehnten zur Therapie von Leukämien und anderen malignen Erkrankungen etabliert, aber ihre Effektivität wird durch Graft-versus-Host Reaktionen weiterhin deutlich eingeschränkt. Um die zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen besser zu verstehen und Möglichkeiten zur Modulation zu untersuchen, wurden in dieser Arbeit verschiedene Ansätze verfolgt.rnRegulatorische T-Zellen sind in der Lage allogene T-Zell-Antworten, wie sie auch bei einer GvH-Erkrankung auftreten zu supprimieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass dies unabhängig von Interleukin-10 geschieht, dafür jedoch ein kontaktabhängiger Mechanismus eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Dabei wird cAMP von Treg über Gap-Junctions in allogene Dendritische Zellen übertragen und deren Aktivierung dadurch verhindert. Versuche zur Modulation dieses Mechanismus mithilfe von Phosphodiesterase-Inhibitoren haben gezeigt, dass diese nicht nur die suppressiven Fähigkeiten von Treg verbessern, sondern ebenfalls direkt auf die T-Zellen einwirken, die schließlich die GvH-Erkrankung auslösen. Diese Ergebnisse konnten in vivo bestätigt werden und zeigen somit einen möglichen Ansatz hin zu einer kombinierten zellulären und pharmakologischen Therapie von GvH-Erkrankungen. Ein großer Vorteil dabei wäre, dass bereits eine Palette an PDE-Inhibitoren in der Klinik zur Verfügung steht.rnInterleukin-10 ist ein immunsuppressives und anti-inflammatorisches Zytokin, dem bei der Regulation des Immunsystems eine wichtige Rolle zukommt. Wie in dieser und anderen Arbeiten gezeigt, ist diese Funktion von IL-10 auch bei GvH-Erkrankungen essentiell. Ein Ziel war es daher, die Zellpopulationen, die für die Produktion des Zytokins verantwortlich sind, zu identifizieren. Mittels einer IL-10 Reporter-Maus konnten B-Zellen vom Spender, wie auch vom Empfänger als IL-10 Produzenten ausgemacht werden. Darüberhinaus zeigen die so gefundenen Zellen auch einen typischen Phänotyp für sog. immunregulatorische B-Zellen. Transplantationsexperimente mit Mäusen, die einen B-Zell-spezifischen Knock-out für IL-10 tragen, konnten die Relevanz der B Zellen als IL-10 Produzenten in vivo belegen.rnDendritische Zellen sind sehr potente Antigenpräsentierende Zellen und somit in der Lage GvH-Reaktionen zu induzieren. Überraschenderweise ist das Überleben von Versuchsmäusen, denen alle DC oder auch nur die BATF3-abhängige Subpopulation der CD8α+ DC fehlt, nicht besser als das des WT, sondern sogar deutlich schlechter. Dies geht einher mit entsprechenden Veränderungen im Zytokinmilieu der peripheren lymphatischen Organe. Bei Abwesenheit der CD8α+ DC sind die Zellen der mesenterialen Lymphknoten nach dem Konditionierungsprotokoll stärkere Stimulatoren für allogene T-Zell-Proliferation, was eine Erklärung für die stärkere GvH-Erkrankung ist. Eine Erklärung für diese Befunde liefert die verringerte Anzahl an Treg, die nach einer Transplantation in Abwesenheit der CD8α+ DC zu beobachten ist.rnDie aufgezeigten immunsupressiven Mechanismen stellen gute Ansatzpunkte dar, um GvH-Erkrankungen besser zu verstehen und damit die Effektivität der allogenen hämatopoetischen Stammzelltransplantation zu verbessern.rn


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Friend murine leukemia Virus (FV) infection of immunocompetent mice is a well- established model to acquire further knowledge about viral immune suppression mechanisms, with the aim to develop therapeutics against retrovirus-induced diseases. Interestingly, BALB/c mice are infected by low doses of FV and die from FV-induced erythroleukemia, while C57/BL6 mice are infected by FV only at high viral dose, and remain persistently infected for their whole life. Due to the central role of dendritic cells (DC) in the induction of anti-viral responses, we asked for their functional role in the genotype-dependent sensitivity towards FV infection. In my PhD study I showed that bone marrow (BM)-derived DC differentiated from FV-infected BM cells obtained from FV-inoculated BALB/c (FV susceptible) and C57BL/6 (FV resistant) mice showed an increased endocytotic activity and lowered expression of MHCII and of costimulatory receptors as compared with non-infected control BMDC. FV-infected BMDC from either mouse strain were partially resistant towards stimulation-induced upregulation of MHCII and costimulators, and accordingly were poor T cell stimulators in vitro and in vivo. In addition, FV-infected BMDC displayed an altered expression profile of proinflammator cytokines and favoured Th2 polarization. Ongoing work is focussed on elucidating the functional role of proteins identified as differentially expressed in FV-infected DC in a genotype-dependent manner, which therefore may contribute to the differential course of FV infection in vivo in BALB/c versus C57BL/6 mice. So far, more than 300 proteins have been identified which are differently regulated in FV-infected vs. uninfected DC from both mouse strains. One of these proteins, S100A9, was strongly upregulated specifically in BMDC derived from FV-infected C57BL/6 BM cells. S100A9-/- mice were more sensitive towards inoculation with FV than corresponding wild type (WT) mice (both C57BL/6 background), which suggests a decisive role of this factor for anti-viral defense. In addition, FV-infected S100A9-/- BMDC showed lower motility than WT DC. The future work is aimed to further elucidate the functional importance of S100A9 for DC functions. To exploit the potential of DC for immunotherapeutic applications, in another project of this PhD study the usability of different types of functionalized nanoparticles


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Eine Pollenallergie geht häufig mit einer sekundären Nahrungsmittelallergie einher, die durch die Kreuzreaktivität zwischen dem Pollen- und dem Nahrungsmittelallergen verursacht wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Kohorte von 20 Allergikern mit einer Typ I-Allergie gegen Birkenpollen und einer assoziierten Nahrungsmittelallergie gegen Haselnüsse und/oder Karotten in Bezug auf eine allergenspezifische IgE-Antwort, T-Zellantwort und vor allen Dingen hinsichtlich der T-Zellkreuzreaktivität zwischen den rekombinanten Allergenen Bet v 1, Cor a 1 und Dau c 1 charakterisiert. Verwendet wurde hierzu ein Zellkultursystem mit primären CD4+ T-Zellen ohne die Zugabe von exogenem IL-2 oder wiederholten Stimulationen. Zur Analyse der T-Zellkreuzreaktivität kamen zwei unterschiedliche Analyseverfahren zum Einsatz: zum einen der bewährte 3H-Thymidinassay und zum anderen eine neue durchflusszytometrische Methode, die auf der Verwendung von zwei unterschiedlichen Proliferationsfarbstoffen basiert.rnBei der Charakterisierung der T-Zellantwort konnte festgestellt werden, dass eine robuste Th2-Antwort vorliegt, die stark von dem Zytokin IL-5 dominiert wird, begleitet von einer signifikanten Produktion von IL-9 und IL-13, allerdings ohne die Beteiligung von IL-4.rnDes Weiteren konnte zum ersten Mal mit Hilfe eines dosisabhängigen Inhibitions-ELISA eine B-Zellkreuzreaktivität zwischen Bet v 1 und Cor a 1 gezeigt werden, wobei das Cor a 1-reaktive IgE prädominant ist und eine Subpopulation des Bet v 1-reaktiven IgE darstellt.rnMittels 3H-Thymidinassay konnte eine T-Zellkreuzreaktivität zwischen Bet v 1, Cor a 1 und in einem geringeren Maße zu Dau c 1 bei primären T-Zellen von Allergikern gezeigt werden. Ebenso konnte die Kreuzreaktivität zwischen Bet v 1 und Cor a 1 durch die neue durchflusszytometrische Methode bewiesen werden. Zusätzlich ist es mit Hilfe dieser neuen Methode nun möglich, zwischen den einzelnen T-Zellsubpopulationen zu unterscheiden, die sowohl nach primärer und sekundärer oder ausschließlich nach sekundärer Stimulation proliferieren. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass die kreuzreaktiven T-Zellen aus der T-Zellsubpopulation hervorgehen, die bereits nach der primären Stimulations stark proliferiert haben. Somit kann also innerhalb des T-Zellrepertoires der allergischen Spender eine Prädominanz der kreuzreaktiven T-Zellsubpopulationen festgestellt werden. Eine monospezifische T-Zellsubpopulation konnte unter Verwendung der neuen Methode nicht detektiert werden.rnDas Ausmaß von Qualität und Quantität einer Kreuzreaktivität kann nun visualisiert werden, was dazu beitragen kann, das Protokoll einer SIT zu verbessern und optimal an den individuellen Patienten anzupassen, um möglicherweise eine größere Chance auf eine erfolgreiche Therapie in Aussicht zu stellen.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in ventilator-associated pneumonia is a serious and often life-threatening complication in intensive care unit patients, and new treatment options are needed. We used B-cell-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes from a volunteer immunized with a P. aeruginosa O-polysaccharide-toxin A conjugate vaccine to generate human hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies specific for individual P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide serotypes. The fully human monoclonal antibody secreted by one of these lines, KBPA101, is an IgM/kappa antibody that binds P. aeruginosa of International Antigenic Typing System (IATS) serotype O11 with high avidity (5.81 x 10(7) M(-1) +/- 2.8 x 10(7) M(-1)) without cross-reacting with other serotypes. KBPA101 specifically opsonized the P. aeruginosa of IATS O11 serotype and mediated complement-dependent phagocytosis in vitro by the human monocyte-like cell line HL-60 at a very low concentration (half-maximal phagocytosis at 0.16 ng/ml). In vivo evaluation of KBPA101 demonstrated a dose-response relationship for protection against systemic infections in a murine burn wound sepsis model, where 70 to 100% of animals were protected against lethal challenges with P. aeruginosa at doses as low as 5 microg/animal. Furthermore, a high efficacy of KBPA101 in protection from local respiratory infections in an acute lung infection model in mice was demonstrated. Preclinical toxicology evaluation on human tissue, in rabbits, and in mice did not indicate any toxicity of KBPA101. Based on these preclinical findings, the first human clinical trials have been initiated.


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Although it is well established that stromal intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), ICAM-2, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mediate lymphocyte recruitment into peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs), their precise contributions to the individual steps of the lymphocyte homing cascade are not known. Here, we provide in vivo evidence for a selective function for ICAM-1 > ICAM-2 > VCAM-1 in lymphocyte arrest within noninflamed PLN microvessels. Blocking all 3 CAMs completely inhibited lymphocyte adhesion within PLN high endothelial venules (HEVs). Post-arrest extravasation of T cells was a 3-step process, with optional ICAM-1-dependent intraluminal crawling followed by rapid ICAM-1- or ICAM-2-independent diapedesis and perivascular trapping. Parenchymal motility of lymphocytes was modestly reduced in the absence of ICAM-1, while ICAM-2 and alpha4-integrin ligands were not required for B-cell motility within follicles. Our findings highlight nonredundant functions for stromal Ig family CAMs in shear-resistant lymphocyte adhesion in steady-state HEVs, a unique role for ICAM-1 in intraluminal lymphocyte crawling but redundant roles for ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 in lymphocyte diapedesis and interstitial motility.


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Most of the lymphomas arising in the oral cavity are of B-cell origin. Among these, diffuse large B-cell lymphomas are the most common. Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas may exhibit more than one chromosomal rearrangement and are then referred to as 'double-hit' or 'triple-hit' lymphomas.


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After decades of confusion in lymphoma classification clearness was achieved with the publication of the REAL classification 1994 and of the WHO classification 2001. The revised 4th edition 2008 features some additional new categories. The WHO classification comprises B- and T-lymphoblastic neoplasms, mature B-cell lymphomas, mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas and Hodgkin lymphomas. A modern diagnostic work-up of lymphomas is based on morphology, immunohistochemistry and increasingly on molecular studies. Last but not least the evaluation of all these findings by an expert haematopathologist, who collaborates closely with the treating clinicians, is essential. The aim is to give an overview of the most frequent mature B-cell lymphomas and the most important classical Hodgkin lymphomas with focus on morphology and immunohistochemistry.


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Neolymphangiogenesis has recently been demonstrated in transplanted kidneys as well as in chronic interstitial nephritis and IgA nephropathy. However, its significance in kidney disease remains to be defined and a systematic study of renal lymphangiogenesis is warranted. We investigated patients with multiple myeloma (MM) presenting in the great majority with acute renal insufficiency. Controls were allograft kidney donors and patients with renal insufficiency due to acute renal failure (ARF). Lymph vessel length density (LVD) was quantified immunohistochemically by means of antipodoplanin staining followed by computer-assisted stereology. The mean LVD in kidneys of patients with MM (23.19 mm(-2)) was higher when compared with allograft donors (7.42 mm(-2), P = 0.0003) and patients with ARF (6.78 mm(-2), P = 0.0002). The higher LVD was significantly associated with interstitial inflammation, and the newly formed lymph vessels were accompanied by diffuse and nodular interstitial infiltrates composed mainly of CD20(+) B cells and CD27(+) plasma cells. The infiltrates in patients with MM also displayed a higher expression of the B-cell chemoattractant CXCL13. These results demonstrate for the first time that lymphangiogenesis is a prominent feature in MM kidneys and that it is associated with a significant accumulation of macrophages, CD20(+) and CD27(+) B lymphocytes. Further studies should clarify whether these changes represent a beneficial or detrimental factor in the progression of the myeloma-related kidney damage.


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Fas/CD95 is a critical mediator of cell death in many chronic and acute liver diseases and induces apoptosis in primary hepatocytes in vitro. In contrast, the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) fails to provoke cell death in isolated hepatocytes but has been implicated in hepatocyte apoptosis during liver diseases associated with chronic inflammation. Here we report that TNFα sensitizes primary murine hepatocytes cultured on collagen to Fas ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis. This synergism is time-dependent and is specifically mediated by TNFα. Fas itself is essential for the sensitization, but neither Fas up-regulation nor endogenous FasL is responsible for this effect. Although FasL is shown to induce Bid-independent apoptosis in hepatocytes cultured on collagen, the sensitizing effect of TNFα is clearly dependent on Bid. Moreover, both c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation and Bim, another B cell lymphoma 2 homology domain 3 (BH3)-only protein, are crucial mediators of TNFα-induced apoptosis sensitization. Bim and Bid activate the mitochondrial amplification loop and induce cytochrome c release, a hallmark of type II apoptosis. The mechanism of TNFα-induced sensitization is supported by a mathematical model that correctly reproduces the biological findings. Finally, our results are physiologically relevant because TNFα also induces sensitivity to agonistic anti-Fas-induced liver damage. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that TNFα can cooperate with FasL to induce hepatocyte apoptosis by activating the BH3-only proteins Bim and Bid.


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Marginal zone B-cell lymphomas (MZLs) have been divided into 3 distinct subtypes (extranodal MZLs of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT] type, nodal MZLs, and splenic MZLs). Nevertheless, the relationship between the subtypes is still unclear. We performed a comprehensive analysis of genomic DNA copy number changes in a very large series of MZL cases with the aim of addressing this question. Samples from 218 MZL patients (25 nodal, 57 MALT, 134 splenic, and 2 not better specified MZLs) were analyzed with the Affymetrix Human Mapping 250K SNP arrays, and the data combined with matched gene expression in 33 of 218 cases. MALT lymphoma presented significantly more frequently gains at 3p, 6p, 18p, and del(6q23) (TNFAIP3/A20), whereas splenic MZLs was associated with del(7q31), del(8p). Nodal MZLs did not show statistically significant differences compared with MALT lymphoma while lacking the splenic MZLs-related 7q losses. Gains of 3q and 18q were common to all 3 subtypes. del(8p) was often present together with del(17p) (TP53). Although del(17p) did not determine a worse outcome and del(8p) was only of borderline significance, the presence of both deletions had a highly significant negative impact on the outcome of splenic MZLs.


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Lymphomas comprise a variety of entities with remarkable clinical heterogeneity. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the pathogenesis of major mature B-cell lymphoma subtypes for clinicians working outside the field of hemato-oncology. The understanding of the pathogenesis of lymphomas is linked to the knowledge on normal B-cell differentiation. The clinical diversity is manifested in the different mechanisms involved in lymphomagenesis that include characteristic chromosomal translocations deregulating proto-oncogenes, and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes through deletions and mutations. Gene-expression profiling has dissected certain lymphomas into morphologically indistinguishable, but clinically important subgroups and uncovered pathways suitable for specific therapeutic interventions.


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Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) is a member of the family of ANCA-associated vasculitides. Its characteristic histology shows a necrotizing small vessel vasculitis with little or absent immune deposits (pauci-immune vasculitis). In Western countries MPA shows a lower prevalence than Wegener's disease, it affects more men than women and commences at the age of > or = 50 years. The two organs most typically involved and often defining prognosis are the kidneys and the lungs. MPA may concomitantly or sequentially involve other organs such as the nervous system, the skin, the musculoskeletal system, but also the heart, the eye and the intestines. Treatment decisions should be based on severity and pattern of organ involvement and respect the five factor score (FFS). Life- or organ- threatening disease is treated with glucocorticoids and (pulse) cyclophosphamide. Plasmapheresis and i.v.immunoglobulins have been shown to be beneficial as additional measure in severe cases. If renal function is preserved, Methotrexate may be considered to induce remission, and if the FFS equals 0, remission may be induced with glucocorticoid monotherapy. Maintenance therapy is recommended with Azathioprin, mycophenolate mofetil may be used as a second line drug. Biologic agents such as monoclonal antibodies to tumor necrosis factor a and B cell depleting rituximab have been shown to bear remission-inducing quality.


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The in vitro production of recombinant protein molecules has fostered a tremendous interest in their clinical application for treatment and support of cancer patients. Therapeutic proteins include monoclonal antibodies, interferons, and haematopoietic growth factors. Clinically established monoclonal antibodies include rituximab (targeting CD20-positive B-cell lymphomas), trastuzumab (active in HER-2 breast and gastric cancer), and bevacizumab (blocking tumor-induced angiogenesis through blockade of vascular-endothelial growth factor and its receptor). Interferons have lost much of their initial appeal, since equally or more effective treatments with more pleasant side effects have become available, for example in chronic myelogenous leukaemia or hairy cell leukaemia. The value of recombinant growth factors, notably granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and erythropoietin is rather in the field of supportive care than in targeted anti-cancer therapy. Adequately powered clinical phase III trials are essential to estimate the true therapeutic impact of these expensive compounds, with appropriate selection of clinically relevant endpoints and sufficient follow-up. Monoclonal antibodies, interferons, and growth factors must also, and increasingly so, be subjected to close scrutiny by appropriate cost-effectiveness analyses to ensure that their use results in good value for money. With these caveats and under the condition of their judicious clinical use, recombinant proteins have greatly enriched the therapeutic armamentarium in clinical oncology, and their importance is likely to grow even further.


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Immune responses have the important function of host defense and protection against pathogens. However, the immune response also causes inflammation and host tissue injury, termed immunopathology. For example, hepatitis B and C virus infection in humans cause immunopathological sequel with destruction of liver cells by the host's own immune response. Similarly, after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice, the adaptive immune response causes liver cell damage, choriomeningitis and destruction of lymphoid organ architecture. The immunopathological sequel during LCMV infection has been attributed to cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells. However, we now show that during LCMV infection CD4(+) T cells selectively induced the destruction of splenic marginal zone and caused liver cell damage with elevated serum alanin-transferase (ALT) levels. The destruction of the splenic marginal zone by CD4(+) T cells included the reduction of marginal zone B cells, marginal zone macrophages and marginal zone metallophilic macrophages. Functionally, this resulted in an impaired production of neutralizing antibodies against LCMV. Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells reduced B cells with an IgM(high)IgD(low) phenotype (transitional stage 1 and 2, marginal zone B cells), whereas other B cell subtypes such as follicular type 1 and 2 and germinal center/memory B cells were not affected. Adoptive transfer of CD4(+) T cells lacking different important effector cytokines and cytolytic pathways such as IFNγ, TNFα, perforin and Fas-FasL interaction did reveal that these cytolytic pathways are redundant in the induction of immunopathological sequel in spleen. In conclusion, our results define an important role of CD4(+) T cells in the induction of immunopathology in liver and spleen. This includes the CD4(+) T cell mediated destruction of the splenic marginal zone with consecutively impaired protective neutralizing antibody responses.