951 resultados para Augmented-Reality


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Increased fracture risk has been reported for the adjacent vertebral bodies after vertebroplasty. This increase has been partly attributed to the high Young's modulus of commonly used polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Therefore, a compliant bone cement of PMMA with a bulk modulus closer to the apparent modulus of cancellous bone has been produced. This compliant bone cement was achieved by introducing pores in the cement. Due to the reduced failure strength of that porous PMMA cement, cancellous bone augmented with such cement could deteriorate under dynamic loading. The aim of the present study was to assess the potential of acute failure, particle generation and mechanical properties of cancellous bone augmented with this compliant cement in comparison to regular cement. For this purpose, vertebral biopsies were augmented with porous- and regular PMMA bone cement, submitted to dynamic tests and compression to failure. Changes in Young's modulus and height due to dynamic loading were determined. Afterwards, yield strength and Young's modulus were determined by compressive tests to failure and compared to the individual composite materials. No failure occurred and no particle generation could be observed during dynamical testing for both groups. Height loss was significantly higher for the porous cement composite (0.53+/-0.21%) in comparison to the biopsies augmented with regular cement (0.16+/-0.1%). Young's modulus of biopsies augmented with porous PMMA was comparable to cancellous bone or porous cement alone (200-700 MPa). The yield strength of those biopsies (21.1+/-4.1 MPa) was around two times higher than for porous cement alone (11.6+/-3.3 MPa).


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Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound volume acquisition, analysis and display of fetal structures have enhanced their visualization and greatly improved the general understanding of their anatomy and pathology. The dynamic display of volume data generally depends on proprietary software, usually supplied with the ultrasound system, and on the operator's ability to maneuver the dataset digitally. We have used relatively simple tools and an established storage, display and manipulation format to generate non-linear virtual reality object movies of prenatal images (including moving sequences and 3D-rendered views) that can be navigated easily and interactively on any current computer. This approach permits a viewing or learning experience that is superior to watching a linear movie passively.


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Spontaneous confabulation is a rare memory disorder resulting from orbitofrontal damage or disconnection. Patients act on the basis of memories that do not pertain to the current situation, and are disoriented. No medical treatment is known. Recent studies suggest that subcortical dopaminergic structures are involved in the selection of currently relevant memories. We present a patient who regained the ability to adapt thought and behavior to ongoing reality when treated with risperidone, a dopamine antagonist.


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This study investigated the effect that the video game Portal 2 had on students understanding of Newton’s Laws and their attitudes towards learning science during a two-week afterschool program at a science museum. Using a pre/posttest and survey design, along with instructor observations, the results showed a statistically relevant increase in understanding of Newton’s Laws (p=.02<.05) but did not measure a relevant change in attitude scores. The data and observations suggest that future research should pay attention to non-educational aspects of video games, be careful about the amount of time students spend in the game, and encourage positive relationships with game developers.


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Vertebral cement augmentation can restore the stiffness and strength of a fractured vertebra and relieve chronic pain. Previous finite element analysis, biomechanical tests and clinical studies have indirectly associated new adjacent vertebral fractures following augmentation to altered loading. The aim of this repeated measures in situ biomechanical study was to determine the changes in the adjacent and augmented endplate deformation following cement augmentation of human cadaveric functional spine units (FSU) using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). The surrounding soft tissue and posterior elements of 22 cadaveric human FSU were removed. FSU were assigned to two groups, control (n = 8) (loaded on day 1 and day 2) and augmented (n = 14) (loaded on day 1, augmented 20% cement fill, and loaded on day 2). The augmented group was further subdivided into a prophylactic augmentation group (n = 9), and vertebrae which spontaneously fractured during loading on day 1 (n = 5). The FSU were axially loaded (200, 1,000, 1,500-2,000 N) within a custom made radiolucent, saline filled loading device. At each loading step, FSUs were scanned using the micro-CT. Endplate heights were determined using custom software. No significant increase in endplate deformation following cement augmentation was noted for the adjacent endplate (P > 0.05). The deformation of the augmented endplate was significantly reduced following cement augmentation for both the prophylactic and fracture group (P < 0.05, P < 0.01, respectively). Endplate deformation of the controls showed no statistically significant differences between loading on day 1 and day 2. A linear relationship was noted between the applied compressive load and endplate deflection (R (2) = 0.58). Evidence of significant endplate deformation differences between unaugmented and augmented FSU, while evident for the augmented endplate, was not present for the adjacent endplate. This non-invasive micro-CT method may also be useful to investigate endplate failure, and parameters that predict vertebral failure.


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OBJECTIVES: In fetal ultrasound imaging, teaching and experience are of paramount importance to improve prenatal detection rates of fetal abnormalities. Yet both aspects depend on exposure to normal and, in particular, abnormal 'specimens'. We aimed to generate a number of simple virtual reality (VR) objects of the fetal central nervous system for use as educational tools. METHODS: We applied a recently proposed algorithm for the generation of fetal VR object movies to the normal and abnormal fetal brain and spine. Interactive VR object movies were generated from ultrasound volume data from normal fetuses and fetuses with typical brain or spine anomalies. Pathognomonic still images from all object movies were selected and annotated to enable recognition of these features in the object movies. RESULTS: Forty-six virtual reality object movies from 22 fetuses (two with normal and 20 with abnormal brains) were generated in an interactive display format (QuickTime) and key images were annotated. The resulting .mov files are available for download from the website of this journal. CONCLUSIONS: VR object movies can be generated from educational ultrasound volume datasets, and may prove useful for teaching and learning normal and abnormal fetal anatomy.


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Augmented dice allow players of tabletop games to have the result of a roll be automatically recorded by a computer, e.g., for supporting strategy games. We have built a set of three augmented-dice-prototypes based on radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, which allows us to build robust, cheap, and small augmented dice. Using a corresponding readout infrastructure and a sample application, we have evaluated our approach and show its advantages over other dice augmentation methods discussed in the literature.


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Electronic apppliances are increasingly a part of our everyday lives. In particular, mobile devices, with their reduced dimensions with power rivaling desktop computers, have substantially augmented our communication abilities offering instant availability, anywhere, to everyone. These devices have become essential for human communication but also include a more comprehensive tool set to support productivity and leisure applications. However, the many applications commonly available are not adapted to people with special needs. Rather, most popular devices are targeted at teenagers or young adults with excellent eyesight and coordination. What is worse, most of the commonly used assistive control interfaces are not available in a mobile environment where user's position, accommodation and capacities can vary even widely. To try and address people with special needs new approaches and techniques are sorely needed. This paper presents a control interface to allow tetraplegic users to interact with electronic devices. Our method uses myographic information (Electromyography or EMG) collected from residually controlled body areas. User evaluations validate electromyography as a daily wearable interface. In particular our results show that EMG can be used even in mobility contexts.


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Tracking user’s visual attention is a fundamental aspect in novel human-computer interaction paradigms found in Virtual Reality. For example, multimodal interfaces or dialogue-based communications with virtual and real agents greatly benefit from the analysis of the user’s visual attention as a vital source for deictic references or turn-taking signals. Current approaches to determine visual attention rely primarily on monocular eye trackers. Hence they are restricted to the interpretation of two-dimensional fixations relative to a defined area of projection. The study presented in this article compares precision, accuracy and application performance of two binocular eye tracking devices. Two algorithms are compared which derive depth information as required for visual attention-based 3D interfaces. This information is further applied to an improved VR selection task in which a binocular eye tracker and an adaptive neural network algorithm is used during the disambiguation of partly occluded objects.


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The use of virtual reality as tool in the area of spatial cognition raises the question of the quality of learning transfer from a virtual to a real environment. It is first necessary to determine with healthy subjects, the cognitive aids that improve the quality of transfer and the conditions required, especially since virtual reality can be used as effective tool in cognitive rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the exploration mode of virtual environment (Passive vs. Active) according to Route complexity (Simple vs. Complex) on the quality of spatial knowledge transfer in three spatial tasks. Ninety subjects (45 men and 45 women) participated. Spatial learning was evaluated by Wayfinding, sketch-mapping and picture classification tasks in the context of the Bordeaux district. In the Wayfinding task, results indicated that active learning in a Virtual Environment (VE) increased the performances compared to the passive learning condition, irrespective of the route complexity factor. In the Sketch-mapping task, active learning in a VE helped the subjects to transfer their spatial knowledge from the VE to reality, but only when the route was complex. In the Picture classification task, active learning in a VE when the route was complex did not help the subjects to transfer their spatial knowledge. These results are explained in terms of knowledge levels and frame/strategy of reference [SW75, PL81, TH82].


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This article discusses democratic elements in early Islamic sources and in the programs of the Algerian FIS (Front Islamique du Salut) and ANNAHDA in Tunesia. According to historic writings, Islam includes the principles of democratic consensus, consultation, and freedom of opinion, and an understanding that the sources of Islamic jurisdiction are subject to interpretation, that the sharia can be changed, and that religious authorities’ power to issue instructions on worldly matters is limited. These are the type of expectations that fundamentalist parties arouse when they speak of an Islamic caliphate as a state system. Against this background, an examination of the political system proposed until 1992 by the Algerian FIS shows that this system would have resulted in a very restrictive form of Islam. An investigation of the political system of the Tunisian fundamentalist leader Rached al-Ghannouchi reveals that the system he proposes may be designated as an Islamic democracy, since it takes into account separation of powers and pluralism of political parties. The head of state would be subject to the law in the same manner as the people. However, it is no liberal democracy, as he categorically rejects secularism, intends to punish apostates, and is only willing to allow political parties that are based on the religion of Islam. His state would only be a state of those citizens who follow Islam, completely neglecting secularist groups. Social conflicts and unrest are thus predetermined.