986 resultados para Assisted reproductive technologies


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La prise en charge des personnes en fin de vie s'est beaucoup développée en Suisse au cours des dernières décennies, et assure, grâce aux soins gériatriques et palliatifs, dans une grande majorité des cas, une fin de vie digne aux patients. Il arrive toutefois que des malades, motivés notamment par une grande lassitude, aient recours à une association telle qu'EXIT pour les accompagner dans leur désir de mettre fin à leurs jours, même s'ils ne sont pas atteints d'une maladie mettant leur vie en danger. Nous avons étudié ce phénomène chez les 21 personnes, qui ont mis fin à leurs jours avec l'aide de l'association EXIT, sur une période de cinq ans (2001-2005) ; les souffrances physiques de ces malades étaient représentées essentiellement par des douleurs importantes, une asthénie, des troubles respiratoires, neurologiques ou digestifs. A cela, s'ajoutaient les difficultés psychologiques liées à la perte d'autonomie, la solitude, l'angoisse et le sentiment de perte de dignité. Malgré l'absence de maladie mortelle en soi, nous avons pu observer que les critères exigés par l'association EXIT pour envisager un accompagnement étaient respectés dans tous les cas.


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BACKGROUND: Infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities may be related to chronic postpneumonectomy empyema or arise in rare situations of necrotizing pneumonia with complete lung destruction where pneumonectomy and pleural debridement are required. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of an intrathoracic vacuum-assisted closure device (VAC) for the treatment of infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities. METHOD: A retrospective single institution review of all patients with infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities treated by VAC between 2005 and 2013. Patients underwent surgical debridement of the thoracic cavity, muscle flap closure of the bronchial stump when a fistula was present, and repeated intrathoracic VAC dressings until granulation tissue covered the entire chest cavity. After this, the cavity was obliterated by a Clagett procedure and closed. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients (14 men and 7 women) underwent VAC treatment of their infected postpneumonectomy chest cavity. Twelve patients presented with a chronic postpneumonectomy empyema (10 of them with a bronchopleural fistula) and 9 patients with an empyema occurring in the context of necrotizing pneumonia treated by pneumonectomy. In-hospital mortality was 23%. The median duration of VAC therapy was 23 days (range, 4-61 days) and the median number of VAC changes per patient was 6 (range, 2-14 days). Infection control and successful chest cavity closure was achieved in all surviving patients. One adverse VAC treatment-related event was identified (5%). CONCLUSIONS: The intrathoracic VAC application is a safe and efficient treatment of infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities and allows the preservation of chest wall integrity.


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Unintended pregnancies reflect an unmet need for family planning, and are part of health disparities. Using the only database to inquire about pregnancy intention among women in Switzerland, this study examined the relationship between immigrant documentation and unintended pregnancy (UP). Among pregnant women presenting to a Swiss hospital, we compared pregnancy intention between documented and undocumented women. We used logistic regression to examine whether undocumented status was associated with UP after adjusting for other significant predictors. Undocumented women had more unintended pregnancies (75.2 vs. 20.6 %, p = 0.00). Undocumented status was associated with UP after adjustment (OR 6.23, 95 % CI 1.83-21.2), as was a history of psychological problems (OR 4.09, 95 % CI 1.32-12.7). Contraception non-use was notably associated with lower odds of UP (OR 0.01, 95 % CI 0.004-0.04). Undocumented status was significantly associated with UP, even after adjusting for well-recognized risk factors. This highlights the tremendous risk of undocumented status on UP among women in Switzerland.


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L'évolution de l'environnement économique, des chaînes de valeur et des modèles d'affaires des organisations augmentent l'importance de la coordination, qui peut être définie comme la gestion des interdépendances entre des tâches réalisées par des acteurs différents et concourants à un objectif commun. De nombreux moyens sont mis en oeuvre au sein des organisations pour gérer ces interdépendances. A cet égard, les activités de coordination bénéficient massivement de l'appui des technologies de l'information et de communication (TIC) qui sont désormais disséminées, intégrées et connectées sous de multiples formes tant dans l'environnement privé que professionnel. Dans ce travail, nous avons investigué la question de recherche suivante : comment l'ubiquité et l'interconnec- tivité des TIC modifient-elles les modes de coordination ? A travers quatre études en systèmes d'information conduites selon une méthodologie design science, nous avons traité cette question à deux niveaux : celui de l'alignement stratégique entre les affaires et les systèmes d'information, où la coordination porte sur les interdépendances entre les activités ; et celui de la réalisation des activités, où la coordination porte sur les interdépendances des interactions individuelles. Au niveau stratégique, nous observons que l'ubiquité et l'interconnectivité permettent de transposer des mécanismes de coordination d'un domaine à un autre. En facilitant différentes formes de coprésence et de visibilité, elles augmentent aussi la proximité dans les situations de coordination asynchrone ou distante. Au niveau des activités, les TIC présentent un très fort potentiel de participation et de proximité pour les acteurs. De telles technologies leur donnent la possibilité d'établir les responsabilités, d'améliorer leur compréhension commune et de prévoir le déroulement et l'intégration des tâches. La contribution principale qui émerge de ces quatre études est que les praticiens peuvent utiliser l'ubiquité et l'interconnectivité des TIC pour permettre aux individus de communi-quer et d'ajuster leurs actions pour définir, atteindre et redéfinir les objectifs du travail commun. -- The evolution of the economic environment and of the value chains and business models of organizations increases the importance of coordination, which can be defined as the management of interdependences between tasks carried out by different actors and con-tributing to a common goal. In organizations, a considerable number of means are put into action in order to manage such interdependencies. In this regard, information and communication technologies (ICT), whose various forms are nowadays disseminated, integrated and connected in both private and professional environments, offer important support to coordination activities. In this work, we have investigated the following research question: how do the ubiquity and the interconnectivity of ICT modify coordination mechanisms? Throughout four information systems studies conducted according to a design science methodology, we have looked into this question at two different levels: the one of strategic alignment between business and information systems strategy, where coordination is about interdependencies between activities; and the one of tasks, where coordination is about interdependencies between individual interactions. At the strategic level, we observe that ubiquity and interconnectivity allow for transposing coordination mechanisms from one field to another. By facilitating various forms of copresence and visibility, they also increase proximity in asynchronous or distant coordination situations. At the tasks level, ICTs offer the actors a very high potential for participation and proximity. Such technologies make it possible to establish accountability, improve common understanding and anticipate the unfolding and integration of tasks. The main contribution emerging from these four studies is that practitioners can use the ubiquity and interconnectivity of ICT in order to allow individuals to communicate and adjust their actions to define, reach and redefine the goals of common work.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella tekijöitä, joista ydinosaaminen muodostuu, sekä sitä kuinka yritykset voisivat parhaiten hyödyntää omia resurssejaan ja osaamistaan tunnistetun ydinosaamisen avulla. Teoria osuudessa käydään läpi kuinka ydinosaaminen on kirjallisuudessa määritelty ja miten yritykset voivat sen määritellä sisäisesti itselleen. Empiirisessä osiossa käydään läpi Telecom Business Research Centerissä tehdyn kvantitatiivisen selvityksen pohjalta valitut kolme sisällöntuottaja case - yritystä sekä kuvataan näiden osaamista. Tiedot yrityksistä perustuvat niiden edustajille tehtyihin haastatteluihin ja heidän käsitykseensä omasta yrityksestään. Tämä näkemys on tutkimuksen kannalta äärimmäisen relevanttia, koska ydinosaamisen määrittely tehdään yrityksessä sisäisesti juuri haastatellun kaltaisten yrityksen ydintoimijoiden toimesta. Varsinaisten case -yritysten lisäksi käydään läpi käytännön tapaus action-oriented -tutkimusosuudessa. Tutkimusta ja siinä käsiteltyjä esimerkkejä tulisi hyödyntää yrityksen oman ydinosaamisselvityksen apuna prosessin varrella.


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This paper presents a detailed description of the reproductive characters of Mediterranean Seirospora giraudyi based on fresh material collected in the northwestern coast of Spain. Vegetative cells are uninucleate. The plant is monoecious. Spermantangial parent’s cells are clustered on modified dwarf determinate filaments, usually situated on adaxial surfaces of branches. One to four spermatia are formed by elongation and proximal divisions of the spermatangial parent cells. Spermatium with a nucleus situated ina mec. The thallus is procarpic. The four-celled carpogonial branch is initially L-shaped, and it is situated on a periaxial supporting fertile axial cell. The mature carpogonial branch is U-shaped and the supporting cell and second periaxial cell enlarge and divide transversely to reproduce a pair uninicleate auxiliary cell. The nucleus in the ferlilized carpogonium divides twice and the carpogonium cleaves vertically into two cells that, turn, cut off a pair of uninucleate connecting cells that fuse with the auxiliary cells on opposite sides; the diploid nuclei in the connecting cells divide at the site of fusion and one of the nuclei enters the auxiliary cell white the other is extruded. Each auxiliary cell gives to a terminal primary gonimolobe initials. Gonimolobes form lax chains of carposporangia. As the gonimoblasts mature, both lobes of the foot cell which is situated on the supporting cell elongate the upper one secondary connecting with the supporting cell, and the lower one with the fertile axial cell. The gonimoblasts are subtended at maturity by one to several clusters of involucral flaments. Seirospora is currently placed in the tribe Euptiloteae; however the reproductive character of S.giraudyi is dentical to those described for the Cañllithamnieae. Molecular studies are needed to confirm the taxonomic position of S.giraudyi as well as that of the other species placed Seirospora


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Tämä tutkimus oli osa sähköistä liiketoimintaa ja langattomia sovelluksia tutkivaa projektia ja tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ennustamisen rooli päätöksenteko- ja suunnitteluprosessissa ja määrittää parhaiten soveltuvat ja useimmin käytetyt teknologian ennustusmenetelmät. Ennustusmenetelmiä tarkasteltiin erityisesti uuden teknologian ja pitkän aikavälin ennustamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus perustui teknologista ennustamista, pitkän aikavälin suunnittelua ja innovaatioprosesseja käsittelevän kirjallisuuden analysointiin. Materiaalin perusteella kuvataan teknologian ennustamista informaation hankkimisvälineenä organisaatioiden suunnitteluprosessin apuna. Työssä arvioidaan myös seuraavat teknologisen ennustamisen menetelmät: trendianalyysi-, Delfoi-, cross-impact analyysi-, morfologinen analyysi- ja skenaario analyysimenetelmä. Työ tuo esille jokaisen ennustusmenetelmä ominaispiirteet, rajoitukset ja sovellusmahdollisuudet. Käyttäen esiteltyjä menetelmiä, saadaan kerättyä hyödyllistä informaatiota tulevaisuuden näkymistä, joita sitten voidaan käyttää hyväksi organisaatioiden suunnitteluprosesseissa.


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The fact that most of new Personal Data Assistant (PDA) devices and smartphones have the ability to communicate via different wireless technologies has made several new applications possible. While traditional network model is based on the idea of static hosts, mobile devices can create decentralized, self-organizing ad-hoc networks and act as peers in the network. This kind of adapting network is suitable for mobile devices which can freely join and leave the networks. Because several different wireless communication technologies are involved, flexible changing of the networking technology must be handled in order to enable seamless communication between these networks. This thesis presents a transparent network interface to mobile Peer-to-Peer environment which is named as Virtual PeerHood. Different wireless technologies and aspects of providing a seamless connectivity between these technologies are explored. The result is a middleware platform for mobile Peer-to-Peer environment, capable of handling several networking technologies.


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We studied the reproductive cycle of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula in a subtidal population from northeast Spain over four years using a gonadosomatic index (GSI) and gonad histology. Our results show that the GSI of A. lixula follows a seasonal cycle which peaks in May-July and attains its lowest values in October-November every year. The time course of the GSI matched closely the photoperiod cycle. We also found a remarkable inter-annual variability in the maximum value of GSI, which correlated with mean water temperature during the gonad growth period (winter and spring). Gonad histology was also in agreement with a single gametogenic cycle per year in this species. We explored the application of circular statistics to present and analyse gonadal development data, which allowed us to adequately handle the high intra-individual variability detected, with several developmental stages commonly found within the same gonad. The picture that emerged is one of a gametogenic timing driven by photoperiod, while the amount of reproductive output is determined by temperature. This is coherent with the tropical origin of the species and lends support to recent warnings about an increase in the abundance of this species in the Mediterranean as a result of global warming, with associated increased impact potential in sublittoral communities.


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Uusien mobiilien laitteiden ja palveluiden kehitys ovat herättäneet yritysten mielenkiinnon soveltaa langattomia sovelluksia omassa liiketoiminnassaan. Erilaisten tekniikoiden myötä myös mahdollisuuksien kirjo on laajentumassa, mikä johtaa erilaisten verkkojen ja laitteiden yhtenäiselle hallinnalle asetettavien vaatimusten kasvuun. Yritysten siirtyessä soveltamaan uusia langattomia palveluita ja sovelluksia on myös huomioon otettavaa sovellusten sekä palveluiden vaatima tietoturva ja sen hallittavuus. Tutkimuksessa esitetään langattoman sähköisen liiketoiminnan määritelmä sekä kyseisien teknologioiden käyttöä edistävät tekijät. Tutkimus luo viitekehyksen yrityksen langattomien teknologioiden käytölle ja siihen olennaisesti vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Viitekehystä on käytetty todelliseen esimerkkiin, liikkuva myyntihenkilö, kyseisten teknologioiden, palveluiden, tietoturvan ja hallittavuuden näkökulmasta. Johtopäätöksinä on arvioitu mobiilien ja langattomien teknologioiden sekä palveluiden, tietoturvan ja hallittavuuden tilaa ja analysoimalla niitä tulevaa ajatellen.


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Viimeaikainen langattomien teknologioiden kehitys ja evoluutio johtaa uusiin mahdollisuuksiin business-to-business-teollisuussovellusten laatimisessa. Tämän työn tavoite on tutkia teknisten puitteiden ja perustan sekä teknologisen ennustamisen prosessia innovatiivisten langattomien sovellusten kehitysprosessissa. Työ keskittyy langattomiin teknologioihin - verkkoihin ja päätelaitteisiin. Työssä selvitetään saatavilla olevia ja tulevia langattomia verkkoteknologioita ja mobiilipäätelaitteita, arvioidaan niiden päätyypit, ominaisuudet, rajoitteet ja kehitystrendit, sekä määritellään pääasialliset tekniset ominaisuudet, jotka on huomioitava luotaessa langatonta ratkaisua. Tämä tieto vedetään yhteen jatkokäyttöä varten langattomien sovellusten päätelaitetietokantaan rakentamisen aikana. Työ tarjoaa kuvauksen päätelaitetietokannan suunnittelusta ja rakentamisesta sekä tutkii tietokantaa innovatiivisen esimerkkisovelluksen - Reaaliaikaisen On-Line Asiakaspalvelun - avulla.


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During evolution, the immune system has diversified to protect the host from the extremely wide array of possible pathogens. Until recently, immune responses were dissected by use of global approaches and bulk tools, averaging responses across samples and potentially missing particular contributions of individual cells. This is a strongly limiting factor, considering that initial immune responses are likely to be triggered by a restricted number of cells at the vanguard of host defenses. The development of novel, single-cell technologies is a major innovation offering great promise for basic and translational immunology with the potential to overcome some of the limitations of traditional research tools, such as polychromatic flow cytometry or microscopy-based methods. At the transcriptional level, much progress has been made in the fields of microfluidics and single-cell RNA sequencing. At the protein level, mass cytometry already allows the analysis of twice as many parameters as flow cytometry. In this review, we explore the basis and outcome of immune-cell diversity, how genetically identical cells become functionally different, and the consequences for the exploration of host-immune defense responses. We will highlight the advantages, trade-offs, and potential pitfalls of emerging, single-cell-based technologies and how they provide unprecedented detail of immune responses.


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Three different pixels based on single-photon avalanche diodes for triggered applications, such as fluorescence lifetime measurements and high energy physics experiments, are presented. Each pixel consists of a 20µm x 100µm (width x length) single photon avalanche diode and a monolithically integrated readout circuit. The sensors are operated in the gated mode of acquisition to reduce the probability to detect noise counts interferring with real radiation events. Each pixel includes a different readout circuit that allows to use low reverse bias overvoltages. Experimental results demonstrate that the three pixels present a similar behaviour. The pixels get rid of afterpulses and present a reduced dark count probability by applying the gated operation. Noise figures are further improved by using low reverse bias overvoltages. The detectors exhibit an input dynamic range of 13.35 bits with short gated"on" periods of 10ns and a reverse bias overvoltage of 0.5V. The three pixels have been fabricated in a standard HV-CMOS process.