984 resultados para Aspecto verbal
En relación a la arquitectura mediada, el autor realiza una breve reflexón sobre la problemática que enfrenta al lenguaje fotográfico y a la arquitectura, y por extensión se relaciona las deudas de este con al lenguaje infográfico
Inter-individual differences in cognitive performance are based on an efficient use of task-related brain resources. However, little is known yet on how these differences might be reflected on resting-state brain networks. Here we used Magnetoencephalography resting-state recordings to assess the relationship between a behavioral measurement of verbal working memory and functional connectivity as measured through Mutual Information. We studied theta (4?8 Hz), low alpha (8?10 Hz), high alpha (10?13 Hz), low beta (13?18 Hz) and high beta (18?30 Hz) frequency bands. A higher verbal working memory capacity was associated with a lower mutual information in the low alpha band, prominently among right-anterior and left-lateral sensors. The results suggest that an efficient brain organization in the domain of verbal working memory might be related to a lower resting-state functional connectivity across large-scale brain networks possibly involving right prefrontal and left perisylvian areas.
In this paper we investigate whether conventional text categorization methods may suffice to infer different verbal intelligence levels. This research goal relies on the hypothesis that the vocabulary that speakers make use of reflects their verbal intelligence levels. Automatic verbal intelligence estimation of users in a spoken language dialog system may be useful when defining an optimal dialog strategy by improving its adaptation capabilities. The work is based on a corpus containing descriptions (i.e. monologs) of a short film by test persons yielding different educational backgrounds and the verbal intelligence scores of the speakers. First, a one-way analysis of variance was performed to compare the monologs with the film transcription and to demonstrate that there are differences in the vocabulary used by the test persons yielding different verbal intelligence levels. Then, for the classification task, the monologs were represented as feature vectors using the classical TF–IDF weighting scheme. The Naive Bayes, k-nearest neighbors and Rocchio classifiers were tested. In this paper we describe and compare these classification approaches, define the optimal classification parameters and discuss the classification results obtained.
Tradicionalmente, un aspecto muy poco analizado en la mecanización agraria ha venido siendo el del consumo energético que representa. Diversos factores, como el del ahorro de esfuerzo humano que aporta, el precio bajo de los combustibles hasta 1973 y la escasa consideración que merecían hasta ese momento la posible escasez futura de los carburantes empleados han hecho que este tema haya sido generalmente poco considerado por los investigadores. La crisis energética desatada en la última década ha conseguido traer este tema a un primer plano de interés, realizándose diversos estudios con el fin de disminuir este consumo en la agricultura. Sin embargo, se sigue careciendo de una información clara y fiable de cuál es el consumo de energía que requiere cada una de las operaciones agrícolas mecanizadas. Los diferentes enfoques escogidos para su cálculo, la diversidad de condiciones en que se han realizado y, en algunos casos, incluso la confusión en que vienen expresados hacen que no se pueda por menos que desconfiar de la información que se puede obtener.
This work investigates to what degree speakers with different verbal intelligence may adapt to each other. The work is based on a corpus consisting of 100 descriptions of a short film (monologues), 56 discussions about the same topic (dialogues), and verbal intelligence scores of the test participants. Adaptation between two dialogue partners was measured using cross-referencing, proportion of "I", "You" and "We" words, between-subject correlation and similarity of texts. It was shown that lower verbal intelligence speakers repeated more nouns and adjectives from the other and used the same linguistic categories more often than higher verbal intelligence speakers. In dialogues between strangers, participants with higher verbal intelligence showed a greater level of adaptation.
In this paper we investigated differences in language use of speakers yielding different verbal intelligence when they describe the same event. The work is based on a corpus containing descriptions of a short film and verbal intelligence scores of the speakers. For analyzing the monologues and the film transcript, the number of reused words, lemmas, n-grams, cosine similarity and other features were calculated and compared to each other for different verbal intelligence groups. The results showed that the similarity of monologues of higher verbal intelligence speakers was greater than of lower and average verbal intelligence participants. A possible explanation of this phenomenon is that candidates yielding higher verbal intelligence have a better short-term memory. In this paper we also checked a hypothesis that differences in vocabulary of speakers yielding different verbal intelligence are sufficient enough for good classification results. For proving this hypothesis, the Nearest Neighbor classifier was trained using TF-IDF vocabulary measures. The maximum achieved accuracy was 92.86%.
In this work we investigated whether there is a relationship between dominant behaviour of dialogue participants and their verbal intelligence. The analysis is based on a corpus containing 56 dialogues and verbal intelligence scores of the test persons. All the dialogues were divided into three groups: H-H is a group of dialogues between higher verbal intelligence participants, L-L is a group of dialogues between lower verbal intelligence participant and L-H is a group of all the other dialogues. The dominance scores of the dialogue partners from each group were analysed. The analysis showed that differences between dominance scores and verbal intelligence coefficients for L-L were positively correlated. Verbal intelligence scores of the test persons were compared to other features that may reflect dominant behaviour. The analysis showed that number of interruptions, long utterances, times grabbed the floor, influence diffusion model, number of agreements and several acoustic features may be related to verbal intelligence. These features were used for the automatic classification of the dialogue partners into two groups (lower and higher verbal intelligence participants); the achieved accuracy was 89.36%.
En el ámbito de la competición deportiva profesional, el entrenador es una figura clave dentro del equipo y afecta de manera significativa al rendimiento del mismo. El comportamiento del entrenador, las decisiones que tome durante el partido, sus formas, tiempos, etc. afectan a las actuaciones de los jugadores dentro de la pista y suponen un aspecto muy importante a tener en cuenta a la hora de analizar el rendimiento de los equipos en una competición. Los condicionantes de la competición, la urgencia en las decisiones, la incertidumbre de su cumplimiento, etc., afectan a su conducta verbal. Por tanto, debemos conocer algunos de los comportamientos que resultan más eficaces por parte del entrenador para conseguir el mayor rendimiento de su equipo durante el partido y a partir de ahí tratar de construir un modelo teórico sobre que requisitos debería cumplir esta conducta verbal, ya que creemos que es a través del análisis de la observación de una conducta en una situación real como se pueden establecer estos parámetros teóricos sobre la comunicación. Para ello realizamos un estudio de 6 casos de entrenadores expertos en los que observamos su comportamiento verbal durante 4 partidos para extraer una información que comparada con los estudios previos, determine si es posible o no, establecer un modelo mínimo común de comportamiento eficaz en competición. En cuanto al objeto de la observación en el estudio de los casos nos hemos centrado en el contenido de la información, el que, su significado y sólo de tipo verbal, ya que consideramos la comunicación no verbal como algo más sujeto a posibles interpretaciones, aspecto que no estudiamos. ABSTRACT In the area of the sports professional competition, the coach is a key figure inside the team and concerns in a significant way the performance of the same one. The behavior of the coach, the decisions that it takes during the game, his forms, times, etc. They concern the actions of the players inside the track and suppose a very important aspect to bear in mind at the moment of analyzing the performance of the teams in a competition. The determining ones of the competition, the urgency in the decisions, the uncertainty of his fulfillment, etc., they concern his verbal behavior. Therefore, we must know some of the behaviors that turn out to be more effective on the part of the coach to obtain the best performance of his team during the game and from there tries to construct a theoretical model on whom requirements it should fulfill this verbal behavior, since we believe that it is across the analysis of the observation of a conduct in a true situation since these theoretical parameters can be established on the communication. For it we realize a study of 6 cases of expert coaches in that we observe his verbal behavior during 4 games to extract information that compared with the previous studies, it determines if it is possible or not, establishes a minimal common model of effective behavior in competition. As for the object of the observation in the study of the cases we have centered on the content of the information, the fact that, his meaning and only of verbal type, since we consider the not verbal communication as slightly more subject to possible interpretations, aspect that we do not study.