998 resultados para Arte moderna Brasil - Séc. XXI
Jigoro Kano fundou o jud Kodokan em um momento de transio do Japo, onde a filosofia do Jud se adequava sociedade moderna da Era Meiji. Kano se baseou no antigo ju-jutsu, reorganizando as tcnicas mais didaticamente, reformulando os aspectos perigosos e tomando cuidado para no perder as tradies clssicas. Diante disso, o presente trabalho busca analisar, verificar e traar novos caminhos, relacionando as antigas tradies japonesas, a criao do jud e o perodo histrico em que isso se deu. Para a construo deste trabalho ser usado como metodologia a pesquisa bibliogrfica
The present work has shown the development of the comic book market in the United States and Brazil, according to Schumpeter's theory of technological innovation. Firstly was made an analysis of the Brazilian market during the years of rising inflation, after the end of dictatorship, in our country, following the trajectory of two publishers, D-arte e Circo that closed their doors due to the economic crisis. The analysis has followed until the current days, showing that the market has changed like the strategies used by publishers to keep launching comic books
This paper describes the history of Inclusive Education in Brazil, especially the inclusion of studentes with hearing disabilities im mathematics classes in regular schools. Shows the difficulties faced by these students in the teaching and learning based on inclusive education researchers, we propose some changes in behavior to meet the hearing impaired. The importance of the teaching profession, the teacher and the school culture, as well as the political-pedagogical project are also subjects of this work. With this work, we see the development of Inclusive Education in our country and how we can help you advance further
The main objective of this project step is the evolution of scenery matter on the occidental theater media, related to space and technical possibilities of the theatrical building and space on history of contemporary arts. The main point is that scenery must communicate with a specific matter. Something in touch with the plot speeches. Something that makes all the plot elements to communicate. Acting has an specific message to deliver, and that message is what really matter to the viewer of the show. Its never late to state that scenery is not a decoration, or just an interior composition. Scenery is not a painting or a sculpture: its an integrated art form. Its never too repetitive to say that scenery is a result from the composition with lights, shadows, shapes, lines and volumes, in balance and on harmony as a whole, that create movement and contrast (Dias, 2001) On the second step of the project, the objective is to analyze the building process and the scenery aspects of the Be-a-b Brasil show, using illustrations, pictures and analysis data of the context the show was inserted on
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa analisar projetos contemporneos de urbanismo futurista, estudar representantes anteriores desse pensamento e realizar uma comparao entre eles, buscando possveis semelhanas e diferenas. Esse trabalho pretende levantar questionamentos em relao ao projeto urbano, estudando o passado e o contemporneo
O termo Artemdia Sequente expressa um processo artstico-cientfico realizado na interface Arte-Comunicao-Cincia, apresentado como Trabalho de Concluso de Curso em Artes Visuais na modalidade Bacharelado. A primeira parte deste trabalho tem como objetivo identificar e evidenciar, na abordagem da pesquisa artstico-cientfica, algumas das consequncias da vinda da linguagem do mang para o Brasil na produo atual de histrias em quadrinhos, tanto as observadas no mercado editorial tradicional quanto na produo independente. A identificao feita a partir de levantamento bibliogrfico e iconogrfico do tema Mang no Brasil, de estudos de casos com anlises de obras de ambas as vertentes de publicao e de contextualizao da veiculao digital/virtual. Alm disso, tambm relacionarei os quadrinhos analisados com a Internet para assim estudar seu vnculo com o pblico atravs do meio digital. Na segunda parte tenho como objetivo mostrar e especificar a Artemdia Sequente ao relatar o processo completo da produo de uma histria em quadrinhos de minha autoria: Dragon Tales, uma consequencia do mang na publicao de quadrinhos no Brasil. O presente trabalho est inserido na linha de pesquisa Processos e procedimentos artsticos do Departamento de Artes Plsticas do Instituto de Artes da UNESP e descreve: partindo das ideias iniciais, roteiro, concept arts, desenhos das pginas, line art e chegando at a finalizao da revista com o fechamento dos arquivos para serem enviados a uma grfica. A monografia inclui tambm, como apndice, uma cpia impressa do primeiro captulo da histria que produzi em forma de revista. A metodologia utilizada foi a Ciberntica Pedaggica Freinetiana, desenvolvida no Grupo de Pesquisa Artemdia e Videoclip, do qual lder o orientador... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)
In the last years, the embryo in vitro production for every domestic species and mainly for bovine has attained a notorius status. This reproductive biotechnical procedure associate with ultrasound-guided ovum pick up (OPU) has been more and more incorporated and spread in our cattle herds, ranking up Brazil already at the top of the list in number of in vitro embryo produced. Some significant advantages provided, such as the possibility of using the premature or pregnant animals oocytes, without necessarily requiring the use of hormonal treatment, to make it possible to generate pregnancy at a shorter period of time, the rationalization in the use of semen and optimization in the use of sexed semen were determinant factors for OPU/IVP to reach this outstanding position. Nevertheless, right now the possibility of IVP embryo cryopreservation, just now is the biggest impediment for maximizing the use of this biotechnology, due to both lack of efficient methods and low laboratory produced embryo cryotolerance. Nowadays, the most used methods of IVP embryo cryopreservation are: slow freezing and vitrification. Traditionally, slow freezing is still the most used methods for in vivo and in vitro produced embryo cryopreservation. However, more recently vitrification - although still not commercially used in large scale - has been presenting satisfactory results in IVP embryo cryopreservation, according to searches
From the twentieth century is witnessing a gradual increase in the debates and issues related to the degradation of nature, making the twenty-first century begins under the aegis of speeches linked to this concept as one of the axes of the concerns of humanity. There are several movements that are related to the degrading way of contemporary society and how we are called upon daily to save and defend nature, from the consumption of sustainable products through environmentally friendly lifestyles. While this may appear to be explicit that the current form of metabolic interaction man / nature in the current historical period of capitalism converges in a bleak scenario, however, there is an ideological and peacemaker convergence between productively and the systematic appeal to the consumption. Given these assumptions could be palpable the question that in the course of human history would be ideological conceptions of nature? Being a true statement what is the conflict present in the ideological struggle over nature with regard to the genesis of modern geography? Would it be overt or covert? These questions lead us to the present study, whose goal is to bring some notes about the ideological conceptions of the nature in human history, culminating in the possible influences upon the institutionalization of Modern Geography
O Brasil caracteriza-se pela pluralidade cultural e religiosa. Muitas religies, como a Umbanda, o Candombl e o Espiritismo, utilizam plantas em rituais ou com o intuito de combater doenas. No combate das doenas, as plantas medicinais so utilizadas com base no conhecimento tradicional, muitas vezes distorcido pela sociedade moderna. Portanto, h um risco inerente nesta prtica, pois o efeito das plantas medicinais est relacionado presena de substncias qumicas, geralmente metablitos secundrios, as quais exercem ao farmacolgica de forma anloga aos frmacos sintticos, bem como podem produzir reaes adversas ou intoxicao. Alm disso, o uso adequado das plantas medicinais envolve conhecimento sobre seu cultivo, colheita/coleta, modo de preparo, posologia e indicao. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma reviso bibliogrfica sobre o uso de plantas medicinais por comunidades religiosas e avaliar o risco de sua utilizao com base em evidncias cientficas. Concluiu-se no trabalho que a maioria das plantas utilizadas est de acordo, totalmente, ou em parte com as indicaes de uso na medicina popular ou respaldadas por estudos cientficos. Porm, algumas das plantas medicinais utilizadas apresentam alta toxicidade e a indicao de uso de algumas outras, no condiz com estudos cientficos ou uso na medicina popular
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
The formation of intellectuals, in Gramscian terms (GRAMSCI, 2000), was addressed throughout our academic career, for example, Villela (2003; 2008; 2009; 2010-2012; 2011; 2012; 2014). This article aims to resume some relationships between education of intellectuals in Italy for years 1920, the organization of industrialization in So Paulo and the construction of bourgeois hegemony in Brazil. In this paper I review my dissertation, Villela (2003), whose aim was to understand the rationalization of work processes in architectural offices. This dissertation possible to trace, among other things, another story of the relationship between architecture and state in Brazil from industrialization in So Paulo. Based on the notion of intellectuals Gramsci, we discuss the extended state design and envision a particular kind of state, which in our case is the State industrialist. And relate interested in public policy of that State for industrialization industries office designed by Rino Levi Architects Associate SC Ltda. (ERLAA) that has developed over the decades its activities from 1920 to 1990, many projects in the city of So Paulo. The relationship proposed here is unprecedented. Grounded in this relationship, put in another scene about the formation of intellectuals and hegemony, a Gramscian point of view.
From the agri-food crisis of 2007/2008, we live an intensifying period in the global land rush. The land grabbing is analyzed as a process that occurs on a global scale, especially to countries in Africa and Latin America, the main targets of the current global competition for land, because beyond the earth have low prices and the legislation be flexible, low and ineffective supervision of the state (especially in the issue of environmental and labor laws), also have vast tracts of arable land, with fertile soils and high availability of water resources (the latter element has become relevant in that case analysis). In addressing the land foreignization in the XXI century it is necessary to speak about the issue of biofuels and bioenergy, since it is these that define the current phase of land foreignization in Brazil. In the 1970s occurred the first incentive to produce ethanol in the sugarcane cultivation, with the policy of the National Alcohol Program (PROALCOOL). From the 2000s this interest again sharpened up and foreign capital began to see in Brazil a great opportunity for a production facility and purchase of old agro-processing plants that were implanted in PROALCOOL period but who were disabled. This is the case of Umoe Bioenergy, Norwegian company that in 2006 started its production in the municipalities of Narandiba and Sandhurst, located in the Pontal do Paranapanema region that, in turn, is the region of So Paulo with larger agrarian conflicts, settlements land reform, land grabbing and high poverty rates...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Over the last decades, a growing number of scholars from humanities have explored ideas from the postmodern perspective. At the international level, few studies have been undertaken in the public administration field. In Brazil, few articles have been influenced by postmodern ideas. This article presents and discusses theoretical analysis influenced by postmodern ideas in the public administration field, concluding that this appropriation is difficult but worthwhile, especially regarding methodological and analytical issues which may strengthen public administration research.